NORTHEAST SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE Third fourt-month Practice English III Engineer: Oscar García Future Tense Of “have to” Group practice: 4 Student: Ochoa Hernández Pedro Luis Llano de la fragua, Zacapa 27/08/2014

Future Tense Of "Have To"

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The future perfect tense normally is used to refer to an event or action that hasn't happened yet but is expected or predicted to before another occurrence. In a sentence such as "By this time tomorrow I will have left," "will have left" is in the future perfect tense. In English, the future perfect tense is expressed, as in the example above, by using "will have" (or "shall have") followed by the past participle.

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Third fourt-month

Practice English III

Engineer: Oscar García

Future Tense Of “have to”

Group practice: 4

Student: Ochoa Hernández Pedro Luis

Llano de la fragua, Zacapa


Page 2: Future Tense Of "Have To"


•Future Perfect has two different forms: "will have done" and "be going to have done." Unlike Simple Future forms, Future Perfect forms are usually interchangeable.

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• You will have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

• Will you have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.?

• You will not have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

Page 4: Future Tense Of "Have To"


• [am/is/are + going to have + past participle]

• Examples:

• You are going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

• Are you going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.?

• You are not going to have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

• NOTE: It is possible to use either "will" or "be going to" to create the Future Perfect with little or no difference in meaning

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Forms of the future tense. Endings. The endings for all verbs are: -é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án Note that every one except the nosotros form requires a written accent. Stem. Normally, the infinitive is used as the stem (exceptions will be given below). Samples:

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• The future perfect tense normally is used to refer to an event or action that hasn't happened yet but is expected or predicted to before another occurrence. In a sentence such as "By this time tomorrow I will have left," "will have left" is in the future perfect tense. In English, the future perfect tense is expressed, as in the example above, by using "will have" (or "shall have") followed by the past participle.

• The Spanish future perfect tense is formed in much the same way as English's: the future indicative form of haber followed by the past participle.

• It is important to note that while the future perfect tense often has the same use in Spanish as in English, in Spanish it can be used for other purposes as well.

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• http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/futureperfect.html

• https://www.google.com.gt/#q=future%20tense%20have%20to

• https://www.google.com.gt/search?q=future+tense+of+to+have+in+spanish&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=g39U7_XJovlsASfkIG4DQ&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=899#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=cs71yTvegvY_LM%253A%3BnI6ArqSo8fFIeM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.guilderlandschools.org%252FTeachers%252Fhighschool%252Fsclegg%252Fmyimages%252Ffutureconditional.GIF%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.guilderlandschools.org%252FTeachers%252Fhighschool%252Fsclegg%252Fsc_sp23_grammar.cfm%3B721%3B541