FOSTERING INDEPENDENT LEARNING Pearson Learning Summit Jon Mladic Rasmussen College

Fostering Independent Learning

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Many colleges aim to develop students into lifelong learners. This presentation focuses on techniques which foster learning independence. Objectives covered include: learning objectives conducive to independent learning, verbal and non-verbal strategies for building rapport (using rapport to raise student expectations), communication strategies for raising learning independence, building learning confidence, and tutoring strategies for developing learning independence.This presentation also covers assessments for tracking progression towards learning independence. Rubrics provided include specific behaviors that correlate to varying levels of learning independence, including behaviors that indicate high levels of learning independence – signs a student is prepared to become a lifelong learner.

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Pearson Learning Summit Jon Mladic

Rasmussen College

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The concept of independent learning Why does independent learning matter? Observable differences Levels of learning independence Measuring learning independence Strategies for increasing learning

independence Independent learning in the classroom Q & A References

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Developmental Education

General Education

Programmatic Knowledge

Dependent Learner

Honing Learning Strategies

Independent, Lifelong Learner

Page 4: Fostering Independent Learning

Sample Student Pattern 1

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tutoring Appointment

s5 5 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 1

Sample Student Pattern 2

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tutoring Appointment

s5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 6

Similar Pattern (reliant learner)

Successful Student

Unsuccessful Student

Why does independent learning matter?

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Dependent Student Anxious Intimidated Hesitant Indecisive May waver Self-doubting Feeling “lost” Timid

Independent Learner


Intellectually curious

Problem- solver


Observable Differences

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Level FiveStudents select the best of a multitude of problem-solving


Level Four

Students utilize a small number of problem-solving strategies effectively

Level ThreeStudents function well independently on material they understand

Level Two

Students have a basic understanding of independent learning habits

Level One

Students observe and mimic problem-solving techniquesS












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Strategies for Fostering Independent Learning

Stage One Independent Learners Role Modeling Problem-Solving Strategies

1. After seeing the completion of a similar sample problem, the student completes part of a problem (supervised).

2. Faculty / tutor starts a problem and students attempts to finish it.

3. This process ends with students completing at least one sample problem by themselvesBeginning

Student• Is almost completely

reliant on the instructor or tutoring to complete assignments

• Requires confirmation on each step before advancing

• May appear to lack self-motivation

• Does not complete or continue assignments past a point of confusion or uncertainty

Ending Student• Can complete at least part

of every assignment independently

• Understands the role of faculty appropriately as “guidance” and has fair expectations

• Has some understanding of whether s/he is “on the right track” with an assignment or problem

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Strategies for Fostering Independent Learning

Stage Two Independent LearnersUnderstanding Learning Independence

Beginning Student

• Can complete at least part of every assignment independently

• Understands the role of faculty appropriately as “guidance” and has fair expectations

• Has some understanding of whether s/he is “on the right track” with an assignment or problem

Ending Student

• Can complete most of an assignment independently (more than a problem or two) before seeking assistance

• Can check some work and identify weaknesses in skills (understands which problems are right, which to ask about)

1. After confirming the student understands the assignment correctly, the student begins working independently

2. Faculty / Tutor (repeatedly) checks in at regular intervals (ie. after ten minutes or five problems) to answer questions about specific problems or skills

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Strategies for Fostering Independent Learning

Stage Three Independent LearnersIndependent Learning in Skill Strengths

• Can complete most of an assignment independently • Can check some work and identify weaknesses

(understands which problems are correct, which to ask about)

Beginning Student

• Is starting to develop problem-solving skills• Seeks confirmation and positive reinforcement more

than academic assistance • Starting to display signs of independence (ie. initiative)



1. Student attempts to complete the full assignment independently, using problem-solving techniques to solve problems that arise.

2. Once the assignment is completed, Faculty / Tutor addresses problem portions of the completed assignment

3. Student independently makes necessary (suggested) corrections

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Strategies for Fostering Independent Learning Stage Four Independent Learners Increasing Problem-Solving Strategies

• Understands expectations of assignments and coursework• Problem-solves (primarily relying on one or two problem-

solving techniques) when encountering difficulties• Appropriately communicates with resources

Beginning Student

• Is starting to develop problem-solving skills• Seeks confirmation and positive reinforcement more than

assistance• Starting to display signs of independence – initiative, etc.



1. Student completes assignment independently2. Assignment is reviewed (in student-requested areas) by

Faculty / Tutor3. Faculty / Tutor asks for alternative ways to approach specific

problems (already solved correctly)

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Strategies for Fostering Independent Learning Stage Five Independent Learners Challenging Independent Learners

• Is starting to develop problem-solving skills• Seeks confirmation and positive reinforcement more

than assistance• Starting to display signs of independence (ie. initiative)

Beginning Student

• Understands how he or she learns well• Has experience using a multitude of problem-solving

techniques• Able to effectively select the appropriate approach



1. Student completes an assignment independently, using a variety of problem-solving techniques when applicable

2. Student identifies areas of weakness (issues they had in completing the assignment) and attempts different problem-solving strategies in order to determine if another technique would help

3. Student shares strategies, techniques, and experience with others

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Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5• Student completes two or fewer problems before seeking assistance•Student seeks assistance on all or most (100%-75%) assignments in a course• Student immediately seeks assistance when encountering a difficulty• Student struggles with most concepts and assignments in subject area• Student works on most or all assignments in the presence of a tutor or faculty member• Student has few successful learning habits and struggles to understand connection between current habits and academic performance

• Student is able to complete two or more problems (or part of an assignment) on his/her own before seeking assistance• Student seeks assistance on most (50-75%) assignments in a course• When encountering difficulties, the student attempts at least one problem-solving technique before seeking assistance• Student has a basic understanding of the main concepts in the subject area• Student sometimes struggles to understand him/herself as a learner and reasons for earning a specific grade on an assignment

• Student is able to complete most (70%) of an assignment independently before seeking assistance• Student seeks assistance on half or fewer (50%-25%) of the assignments in a course• When encountering difficulties, the student attempts at least two problem-solving techniques before requiring assistance• Student has an average understanding of the course content material• Student has some understanding of him/herself as a learner and caused for previously earned grades on assignments

•Student is comfortable completing an entire assignment independently, as long as assistance is available as needed• Student completes most assignments independently, seeking assistance for only 1%-25% of coursework• Student may struggle to select the appropriate problem-solving technique, but has multiple to select from when struggling• Student has a good understanding of him/herself as a learner and the habits which have led to earned grades on assignments

•Student is comfortable and confident in completing all coursework independently• Student completes all assignments independently, at times working with others to lead efforts to build collaborative learning experiences• When struggling with a problem or assignment, student effectively selects one or more problem-solving techniques. These lead to problem resolution• Student has an excellent understanding of how s/he learns and improves as a student over time


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Concept-Based (addresses a long-term need)

Skill-Specific (addresses a course need)

Assignment-Specific (addresses an immediate [homework]


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October Tutoring Appointments – 3.47 average score

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

8.3% 13.8% 53.13% 30.55% 23.61%

November Tutoring Appointments – 3.89 average score

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

2.08% 8.3% 20.83% 35.42% 33.33%

December Tutoring Appointments – 3.93 average score

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

7.10% 7.10% 14.29% 28.57% 42.86%


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Avoid (Assignment-


The student was unclear about a few problems on their Algebra homework …

The student did not understand how to do her accounting assignment …

The student was confused about a few problems in their assignment …

The student wanted me to review their paper …

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On The Right Track (Skill-


• To have a better understanding of how to form a thesis and outline.

• To get a better grasp on solving algebraic equations and expressions.

• Apply the Pythagorean theorem to a problem the student was solving

Best Practice (Long-Term

Benefit)• Solve polynomial expressions • Create a business card using

a template • Student wanted to learn

what Digital Design programs would be best for each step of a project they are working on.

• To solve algebraic equations with fractions using the distributive method successfully solve inequalities.

• Be able to solve fractions efficiently in a mathematical expression.


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At first, she needed assistance understanding …

But after the first assignment, she was able to

do it on her own

After a brief introduction and a few tips along the way, the student was able to use the

Equation Editor in Word with minimal assistance

After my examples, student was able to do her

assignment and journalize adjusting entries as well as explain the difference

between an adjustment and a correction

Went over the accounting equation and gave

mnemonic devices to remember certain entries.

Student was then able to explain the devices

back to me

Page 18: Fostering Independent Learning

Student was able to correctly apply both

methods to examples given to her

We located examples in their book… She even explained how they

came to the solution to me…

The student was able to explain to me the process

The student was able to explain in her own words

about the court case …

After I showed him once, he was able to find the

same area to select it to use it later in the



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Understand the basic parts of a


Write an effective

topic sentence

Compose supporting details for the main


Conclude with a final

point or transition to

another main idea

Write (a) unified,

coherent, and well-

developed paragraph(s)

Observe or identify areas of strength in

a piece of writing

Through support, be

able to independently

compose coherent


Work with support to brainstorm supporting

details. Independently

compose supporting

sentences for paragraph

Independently compose a complete

paragraph (of five


Through support

(review first draft),

Effectively edit and

revise own and peer writing

Skill – Focused Learning Objectives

Process – Focused Learning Objectives

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Q & A

Jon [email protected]

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Lewis, J. (2004). The Independent Learning Contract System: Motivating Students Enrolled in College Reading Courses. Reading Improvement, 41(3), 188-194.

Margolis, H. (2005). Increasing struggling learners’ self‐efficacy: what tutors can do and say. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership In Learning, 13(2), 221-238. doi:10.1080/13611260500105675

Nelson, J., & Johnson, A. (1996). Effects of direct instruction, cooperative learning, and independent learning practices on the.. Journal Of Emotional & Behavioral Disorders, 4(1), 53.

Nortcliffe, A. (2005). Student-driven module: promoting independent learning. International Journal Of Electrical Engineering Education, 42(3), 247-512.

Pokorny, M., & Pokorny, H. (2005). Widening participation in higher education: student quantitative skills and independent learning as impediments to progression. International Journal Of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology, 36(5), 445-467. doi:10.1080/00207390500062621

Shyh Chiuan Chia, C. (2005). Promoting independent learning through language learning and the use of IT. Educational Media International, 42(4), 317-332. doi:10.1080/09523980500237732

Strickland, D. S., Morrow, L., Girling-Butcher, W., Phillips, G., & Clay, M. (1991). Fostering independent learning. Reading Teacher, 44(9), 694.

Wagener, D. (2006). Promoting independent learning skills using video on digital language laboratories. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 19(4/5), 279-286. doi:10.1080/09588220601043180