Film Poster Analysis

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Film Poster Analysis

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Film Poster Analysis

What are the key themes of the film?The key themes of our short film include greed, betrayal, appearance versus reality and comedy. We want to highlight in our poster a few of our key themes that will hopefully also interest our audience.What are the key messages of your film?We decided that our main theme is greed, in the film we showed this through our two main characters Mr Cross and Ed. At the end of the film we wanted to convey a sense of greed overtaking the two due to stealing many pens.What emotions/feelings are you trying to evoke through the poster?We want to evoke a sense of mystery and interest through our poster that will result in our target audience feeling anticipation for the film.

Page 3: Film poster analysis a2.pptx

Film poster analysis- Johnny English

Character- We want to show either

both or one of our two main characters,

Mr Cross or Ed, on our poster. I

decided to analysis the Johnny English

poster because I felt that Ed was

similar to the character of Johnny

English in certain aspects, the main

similarity was the fact that both

characters are desperately trying to be

their desired profession with Ed trying

to be a professional thief and Johnny

English trying to be a MI5 spy.

We feel like our characters are one of

our films most important elements and

should be displayed on our poster as it

will help with showing that the film is a

parody, like this Johnny English poster

which shows an unlikely spy character.

Layout/Composition/Tagline- We want

our poster to have our characters with

the logo and a tagline. This poster is

similar to what we have in mind in terms

of its layout and the use of a tagline.

Colour- This poster in particular does

not have many bright and vibrant

colours which is unusual as it can be

viewed that these colours reflects on

the comedy tone of the film and its

themes. However, the lack of bright

colours could be in reflection that the

film is a parody of a James Bond

style film that is associated with

darker colours.

Settings- Johnny English is a parody of

spy films particularly James Bond films

and so takes place in England, however,

for our film we decided to combine the

setting of a school in juxtaposition with

the parody of a thief or heist like film.

Fonts- We will use a clean and

understated font such as Arial that

is similar to the fonts that is used in

our opening sequence and credits.

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Film poster analysis- Alex Rider Stormbreaker

Character- Alex Rider is a

character that has similarities to

our main character Ed. Both are

young teenagers at school who

are forced into doing something

that they are good at. Ed is

made to steal despite the fact

that he gets greedy, on the other

hand, Alex Rider is also forced

but is a character of good. We

want to show our characters on

our poster to highlight the

emphasize of them.

Settings- Both Alex Rider and our

film have very similar settings, they

both have school settings and are

set in England. However, Alex Rider

has more settings than our film,

which takes place mostly in the

school setting.

Layout/Composition- In terms of layout, this is

different to what we have in mind as it portrays

Alex in an action pose which is not what we want

our short film to be portrayed as. We also don't

want to focus on only one character as Ed and

Mr Cross are equally important.

I feel that the composition of this poster is

oversaturated, there is too much on the poster

which reflects on the action genre which is not

what we want to achieve.

Colour- This film poster has various

bright colours, this is not what we want

to have on our poster. I feel that we

should have less colours and a more

classy poster similar to a James Bond

film that is ironic as the film is a parody.

The colours on this film poster again

suggests the action themes of the film.

Tagline- I feel that our poster should have

a tagline as it feels generic and the viewer

does not get an idea of the plot of this film.

A tagline would help to certify the films
