Evaluati on Q.3.- What have you learne d from your audience feedback? (Music Vid eo)

Evaluation Q.3 - Audience Feedback

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Evaluation Q.3.-

What have you learned from your audience feedback? (Music Video)

Music Video Feedbacks:Justine’s Feedbacks:

What I have learned:

After analysing her personal feedbacks on the music video, she overall like the camera works and effects I have applied throughout the scenes.

The ‘flames’ effects are significant when it comes to the studio scenes, which is why it is applied to almost all the artist’s scenes. This effect is to represent the

lyric ‘burning’, which connects to fire. Therefore, instead of having real fire, I have applied a flame colour themes to show that she is ‘burning’ her connection with her friend emotionally in her mind to show her struggle by her awkward dance

moves. I am pleased to see that this effects make sense to the viewer.

Other than that, I am also glad to see the way I portray the friendship through memories works. I have experiment with various different angles using tripod and

handheld for most of the memory scenes just to show the intimacy between 2 friends.

Limitations from personal view:

Although I have successfully portrayed their friendship through memories but

unfortunately it is all a bit dull and it has limited me from wanting to express the depth

of their friendship. Like I said before, even though the flame coloured themes did work but the dancing parts is all a a bit confusing

still. _________________________________________

I do get where she is coming from about my music video being really busy especially the

chorus part. I think it is because at the beginning of the song, it doesn’t have a beat to start off with, therefore not much scenes are included but then it all started to go fast

pace in the chorus. ____________________________________________

My music video do ends a bit rapidly but that is to show the decisions on ending the

friendship was not hesitated, it was a doomed friendship that she will never looked back instead of lingering on the

memories. It is a shame that this was not be able to express the way I wanted.

Music Video Feedbacks:Amy’s

feedback:There has been confusion in terms of the narrative in the music video. The next feedback from Kristen will also shows confusion in what I am

trying to portray through the memories.

I think the reason that Amy stated the narrative is hard to follow is because she is confused by the dancing scenes. The memory

scenes doesn’t tell much about the fact that they have been best friend. Just like Justine stated, ‘all they do

is hanging out together’. I think I should have included scenes like helping each other out during their difficult times to further illustrating

their relationship.

In terms of clothing and make up, she likes them as they are simple and fits the theme of the song.

Music video Feedbacks:Shannon’s feedback

Unfortunately, Shannon is another viewer that doesn’t get what I am trying to portray at the end of the

music video.

But overall, my camera work and editing technique still fully captured what I initially wanted to present. The way I have mixed the memory and studio scenes throughout the

music video appears to be engaging.



Due to the fact that she is into indie music genre, therefore she is more

familiar with this area of music video. I am also glad that she think I have fully captured the energy that this song should have, no

matter if it’s the happy memories or the dancing.

Music Video Feedbacks:Kristen’s feedback:

Kristen’s feedback is very detailed as she actually looked into every scene and feedback to me what she can she extract from it.

I am also glad that she commented on the lip-syncing since I do put lots of effort into making sure the lip-syncing matches the song.

That effects are applied to all the studio scenes to give this music video a theme but I have also added into one of the memory scene at the end of the music video to show the intimacy between 2 person and the importance of this friendship but as she said, it is really not necessary.

Even though, the ending was not understandable by most of the people, but I am glad that Kristen managed to

linked them together but it is all because of her detailed analysis.

One of my classmate did suggest to take the ‘Mario Cart’

scene out but I personally do like it in there to bring out the

jolly atmosphere in the memories.

She also gave me advices on what I should focus on instead,

which I find very useful.

In my opinion, that finding can be both good and bad. It is good because I want to show her contradictive emotions and the uneasy feelings but at the same time it can be bad because as Kristen stated, she doesn’t get the messaged that I am trying to present

through the dances.

I have learned that apart from having scenes of friends

having fun together, as Kristen suggested, I should

also included some personal interaction and that should be the focus of the music video rather than them

spending times together. I think that might be one of the reason why the narrative is a

bit dull and repetitive.

-Social Interactions played a great part-