Evaluation Presentation By Katrina Morton

Evaluation Presentation

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Page 1: Evaluation Presentation

Evaluation PresentationBy Katrina Morton

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Front Cover

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Content Page

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Double Page Spread

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1)In what ways does your media product

use, develop or challenge forms and

conventions of real media products?The Title of the Magazine

For my title I choose to go with the letter ‘K’ as it is simple and catchy but also doesn’t target a specific age range or group but instead can suit

many types of individuals. I decided to use ‘Photoshop’ with the effect of the red being the main, bold colour and a black as the outline of

the lettering. This idea being the colour scheme is reflected throughout keeping it consistent and effective, also determines the reader to get

an understanding with the idea that if that is what it is like on the outside then might interest the reader to wanting to see more.

I decided to go with a one lettered theme title as I remembered ‘Q’ the magazine was hugely a success and thought if I follow a similar

structure it might go well and appeal to more readers. Most of ‘Q’ magazines have large mastheads and I thought if I get a title that would

work well with an interesting masthead then it will be an effective way of reeling in the target audience. The bright, bold colours help the title

to stand out and being centralised in the top left hand corner it is obvious to the readers what magazine it is straight away and makes them

want to read on.

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Mis-en-scene of images

With the use of my images, by capturing each image they have a consistent theme throughout with a set colour scheme

in which was red, black and white. The images display the theme that is related to the magazine which is ‘music’ in

which represents individualism in each image. The model in the front cover looks directly into the camera lens so the

reader can identify who the double page spread story should be about. The conventions used throughout highlight

what kind of magazine it is and work in a way that will get the audience’s attention. The colour chosen represent a

typical colour theme for a music magazine as the colours are bold and are often associated with many musical themed

events or instruments. In this there is also some adjustments to the images to cancel out any imperfections or

problems with the images which downgrade it, so instead with this edit and adjust to make them look more


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Costumes and Props

Focusing on costumes and props we can see each model has a different look to them. On the front cover, the

main model on this page is wearing a leather jacket which is very stereotypical of any type of music genres with a

‘punk’ look about them. She has an old school, retro top on with what appears to be a girl who looks very into the

music industry. The top right hand corner, we see another model with the props such as a piano and headphones

placed on top of her head into her ears, this gives the reader more of an effect which links into music, also having

a graffiti wall in the background promotes quite an artistic but insightful life often lived by people in the music

industry. The content page contains one model once again wearing a leather jacket being very stereotypical but

this time is holding a microphone which isn’t an average one but is specialised for studios worked in by artists who

are trying to make something, this type of propping really highlights the key elements within the music magazine.

Last the double page spread, we can see both models working hard in the studio with their backs facing the

camera and are working on all the high technology gadgets provided for the shoot. Props include speakers,

microphone, and piano, Apple Mac which makes it obvious it’s a music booth in which they are working towards

something musical or creative.

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With the layout being quite conventional, we can see an overview as to what the magazine is aiming for, also that

it is very typical to look like any other types of music magazines. The title being the masthead sectioned at the

centre of the top left hand corner is placed here so that it is automatically recognised being bold and bright. The

images are arranged in a way that the front cover can identify who will feature in the main story, reflected in the

double page spread with the main image on one side and the text on the other. The positioning of the barcode

also being quite conventional due to the fact it is in its average position being the bottom right hand corner which

is easily visible and easy to scan when being paid for, also to make it look professional. There are quotes and

expressions of written language dotted around the page which is average for any type of magazine trying to

promote themselves to the public.

Written Content

With the written content it follows a pattern which appears in all types of music magazines with the idea to grab the

audience’s attention. Having descriptive notes and quotes like ‘don’t miss out’ which makes you want to purchase

the magazine. All the topics involved can relate to any person who is interested in music and wants to find out the

latest or what is new in. There are sections in which explain what's in the magazine but also why the magazine

should be read, with the date explaining the time the magazine was released. The double page spread contains

the most descriptive writing giving an interview is structured out and explained in full detail spoken between the two

singers and the interviewer themselves, it gets all the needed information to reel in a reader and also cuts straight

to point without parts that aren’t necessarily what it aimed to be found out from the interview. The content page

also gives brief headings and what each page throughout the magazine is to consist of, still following the same

colour scheme throughout.

Style of writing reels the audience in, going about this in

a way that appeals to them individual and they can do

more to get involved such as going to the website of the

magazine for more stories and the latest news or hits.

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Genre And How Your Magazine Suggest It

As you can see throughout, the genre is a music magazine and this is reflected throughout. With this allocated

convention I ensured all models where in a music censored environment with their appropriate clothing on to

easily display who they were. The colour theme suggest the boldness throughout suggested a powerful, bright and

meaningful aspect easily identifying what genre of magazine it was, the models were portrayed at hard working

and determined to be successful but also that the way it was structured allowed the reader to easily pick up every


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2)How does your media product represent

particular social groups?

Looking at ways in which my media product represents particular social groups, by this decided to get models that fit the genre

type I am looking for; this is a reflected in a serious musical way. The individuals are identified as being the singers that are

new in the charts making more people want to read on throughout the magazine. I aimed for an age range of about 15 up

until their 20’s, being both genders as they are very likely to listen to similar types of music but could of also widen my age

range as the younger generation want to fit in with the older so start to listen to music they enjoy, also those over their 20’s

like to listen to all kinds of music that makes them feel young and enjoy their youth again. Also I worked in a way that didn’t

just target out one social group but could fit in with many different groups all valuing and enjoying the same things.

The models are seen to make eye contact with the camera as if it targets the individuals who view the magazine as if they part

of the magazine themselves just by reading it. Each model may be represented in the similar way and framing when images

are taken, but we can see they are both two individuals having different ideas and the way they are conveyed suggests that

within a social group you may all be close but all have different values about one another making it easy for the reader to

connect with the magazine. Overall you can see that it is a typical social group of two models who both want success

through their music and that they are close but have individualism presented within them, and those presented in my

magazine are within normal social acceptance nothing being extreme or abnormal about their appearances.

When going ahead with designing the magazine, I believe that the dominant grouping will be those who enjoy house music as

all the latest releases and information about current artists will highly focus on those artists who produce house music

tracks. After doing my research found that these particular social groups want to find out more about house music as there

isn’t enough about it on a day to day basic so by going forth with this magazine will represent particular social groupings

identifying them out and persuading them to purchase more.

We can see the eye contact made in the published

magazine and my front cover.

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3)What kind of media institution might

distribute your media product and why?

When it comes down to the distribution of my magazine, it doesn’t just come down to handing it out to a few editors and then gets sent off to shops, it needs to be distributed in the right way. By researching distribution companies, I found

that the popular magazines usually have the most successful distributors. If I were to rely on Bauer, one of the biggest distribution companies in Europe, it operates for ‘Q’ magazine Publisher, it is a multinational media company

headquartered in Germany, which operates in 16 countries worldwide. It is so widely known and the worldwide circulation of Bauer Media Group's magazine titles amounts to 38 million magazines a week, in this sense believe that this distribution company would be the best to promote and distribute my magazine as they know how to go

about it in the right way, also will get demands up for the magazine as it will be promoted in all the big stores as other companies will be willing to take in their magazines as they know they sell well.

IPC Media Ltd (formerly International Publishing Corporation) is a consumer magazine and digital publisher in the United

Kingdom, with a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year, it widely features in weekly UK pop/rock music

and this is down to the reasoning why I choose not to use this company as my distributors as their genre of music isn’t

what my focus is within my music magazine, also as they are wide distributors in the UK, for my magazine to be

distributed in the right way, I wanted it to be worldwide as known with Bauer and this is why I choose to go with that

company instead.

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4)Who would be the audience for your media


When deciding who my audience would be, by referring back to my final decision I choose to go with those of about 15

up until their 20’s, being both genders as it can be songs that both genders like and House is enjoyed by everyone.

With the magazine, it won’t be targeted at the younger generation but a mixture of both being quite a mature

magazine. Also that 15 year olds like to get into the popular demands which is currently house, and that 17+ all

listen to similar music so pulls in a wide amount of both genders getting demands high.

With my research I discovered that the magazine doesn't have to just apply to this specific age range as a lot more of

the younger generation want to get up to date with all the music those of an older age are listening to. So by trying

to fit in with them start to listen and act upon the same way the older generation would, same applies to those over

the age of 20 who want to feel young and still enjoy themselves by listening to music all the younger generation are

deciding to listen too. The magazine therefore does cross many different boundaries as to having to range the

magazine for a range of ages but also not to include anything to mature for those younger who enjoy reading the

magazine. I got this right by ensuring that some elements where designed for both older and younger and that when

it came down to reading the magazine some elements may in actual fact apply to them. In looking at this my

magazine targeted an audience that when it came down to social grading could apply to anyone whether they were

of an upper class or a low class citizen as the pricing if decided wasn't expensive. With social class any type could

fit the criteria, the magazine could apply to any gender or race as a range of people listen to House music through

my research and through personal experience.

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5)How did you attract/address your


By attracting my audience, I directly addressed them throughout, as an example the front cover stated 'don't miss out' as

if it targets that person and reels them into buying the magazine. With the use of 'don't' as a commanding word allows

the audience to believe that the magazine is talking to them as an individual and makes them what to find out more

with the use of persuasive writing and the command instructed not to miss out making them feel like if they do miss

out, they will never retrieve the information again.

Not only by the use of language but the use of pictures addresses the audience, the images make them relate to

themselves or what they would like to be like. With the models, it addresses those who want to become part of the

music industry and from the double page spread find out more about the lifestyle lived if anyone does become part of

the music industry. The models also attract the readers as many teenage girls want to follow what's latest in, whether

its clothing or real life events. With the fashion aspect of it, the reader can see exactly what the model is wearing and

may want to purchase something similar to try see if they fit in with society making each individual feel personally good

about themselves, allowing the magazine to get positive feedback and give out positive vibes. The content page

address individuals who are interested in different sections of the magazine, separated into different categories, the

audience can select the section they want to read and proceed throughout. This is effective as not only does it target

one stereotypical group but people may purchase the magazine for different reasons and the content page allows them

to elaborate on which sections they would like to read.

The choice of the colour scheme, being red, black and white allowed different readers to adapt to it. I choose these

colours as it is a very typical colouring for a music magazine and tried to get that across. The bold, bright colours also

would attract the readers into reader more and that in this the colouring doesn't rule anyone out being very multi gender

colours and allows the reader to not be pin pointed out for having a specific coloured magazine.

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6)What have you learnt about technologies

from the process of constructing this

product?Throughout the process of the making of my magazine, I used a variety of different technical engineering, I produce majority of

my work through developing ongoing skills and testing myself to see if I was capable of proceeding and therefore creating a

high quality front cover, content page and double page spread

Adobe Photoshop was the key element used to create my front cover, content page and double page

spread and in this expanded on my skills learnt from the preliminary task and the constant work

developed on Photoshop over the past years. With this I developed skills and techniques in which

made my work look professional and high quality so that when it came to my finals of each piece I

was able to adjust, edit and crop everything that tiny bit more to ensure I could achieve work that

looked up to standard. If I were to struggle, I would attempt experimenting around on the programme

and ensuring if it didn't look right I went back and tried something different. The different tools

allowed us to experiment and try out different conventions until we found ones that looked most

magazine like and created to our own inventions so that when it came down to the final piece we had

outstanding work.

Also by using blogger, I was able to expand on my workings in detail recording each piece of work

achieved and inputting a blog entry onto blogger of each updated piece of work I completed so that

others could view my work online. With this, I recorded each lesson writing what I had learnt, done

and what I could possibly improve on, it is a way for our teachers to record our each lesson and

how we found it, also how well our individual work is coming along. YouTube links into this as we

upload videos onto the Blogger which come through as a YouTube link.

Slideshare is a way for each individual to upload PowerPoint's onto their blogs without going through

any type of technical issues. It is a way for each person to make their own account and for them to

submit their work which transforms it into a website link. After this they choose the 'HTML' option

when choosing to upload a blog and by putting the website link in, when submitted comes up as a set

slideshare (similar to PowerPoint) of all their work in one, looking like a presentation.

All these technological conventions allow us to improve on our skills and explore different media sites expanding on it since the

preliminary task, also constructing our magazines to the most professional, high quality, structured piece of work within the

Media course.

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7) Looking back at your preliminary task,

what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to the full product?Look back upon the preliminary task, there was a lot of elements I did completely different the second

time round in terms of structure and the general look within both magazines. With the school

magazine, Photoshop wasn't a skill I was to keen on, not experimenting enough I just elaborated on

the conventions I already knew. Whereas with my final piece by trying out different skills and just

editing the images to look different made a vast improvement to the level of detail put into my work at

one time. The school magazine front cover had a number of different magazine conventions dotted all

over it, but in this learnt when it came to my final piece, by having one or two structured conventions it

can boost the appearance up, not having an overcrowded, unstructured cover. By doing it over again, I

learnt that this time it isn't about fitting as much as you know down onto one page but to spread you

work out, testing different elements onto different pages to give it a more profound impact.

With the colour scheme, a lot the preliminary task one fitted my criteria as it fit in with the colours of the

school being focused on. In my final piece, the colour scheme had a more strong and effective look

about it as the colours could be identified as a music magazine and also with that colour scheme, a lot

more could be done to expand on the design of my piece. The models and images taken were a lot

more serious and could tell that the music magazine photos were planned out more effectively as the

impact of a studio booth and a graffiti wall inflicts upon the type of look I was originally looking for. The

skills both on Photoshop and Blogger have vastly improved as I'm more aware of where different

conventions are plotted and found that I was more likely to use them if I was sure what look it would

make work be seen as by the reader.