There are no known records of the exact date or place of Euclid's birth, and little is known about his personal life. During the reign of Ptolemy I he taught mathematics in Alexandria, Egypt, at the Alexandria library , and that he wrote the most enduring mathematical work of all time, the Stoicheia or Elements, a thirteen volume work. This comprehensive compilation of geometrical knowledge, based on the works of Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Eudoxus, Aristotle, Menaechmus and others, was in common usage for over 2,000 years. An Arabian author, al-Qifti (d. 1248), recorded that Euclid's father was Naucrates and his grandfather was Zenarchus, that he was a Greek, Euclid "The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God."


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Page 1: Euclid

There are no known records of the exact date or place of Euclid's birth, and little is known about his personal life. During the reign of Ptolemy I he taught mathematics in Alexandria, Egypt, at the Alexandria library , and that he wrote the most enduring mathematical work of all time, the Stoicheia or Elements, a thirteen volume work. This comprehensive compilation of geometrical knowledge, based on the works of Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Eudoxus, Aristotle, Menaechmus and others, was in common usage for over 2,000 years. An Arabian author, al-Qifti (d. 1248),recorded that Euclid's father was Naucrates and his grandfather was Zenarchus, that he was a Greek, born in Tyre and lived in Damascus. But there is no real proof that this is the same Euclid. In fact, another man, Euclid of Megara, a philosopher who lived at the time of Plato, is often confused with Euclid of Alexandria.

Euclid "The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts

of God."

Page 2: Euclid

Euclid is often referred to as the "Father of Geometry." It is probable that he attended Plato's Academy in Athens, received his mathematical training from students of Plato, and then came to Alexandria. Alexandria was then the largest city in the western world, and the center of both the papyrus industry and the book trade. Ptolemy had created the great library at Alexandria, which was known as the Museum, because it was considered a house of the muses for the arts and sciences. Many scholars worked and taught there, and that is where Euclid wrote The Elements. There is some evidence that Euclid also founded a school and taught pupils while he was in Alexandria.

Page 3: Euclid

The Elements is divided into thirteen books which cover plane geometry, arithmetic and number theory, irrational numbers, and solid geometry. Euclid organized the known geometrical ideas, starting with simple definitions, axioms, formed statements called theorems, and set forth methods for logical proofs. He began with accepted mathematical truths, axioms and postulates, and demonstrated logically 467 propositions in plane and solid geometry. One of the proofs was for the theorem of Pythagoras, proving that the equation is always true for every right triangle. The Elements was the most widely used textbook of all time, has appeared in more than 1,000 editions since printing was invented, was still found in classrooms until the twentieth century, and is thought to have sold more copies than any book other than the Bible. Euclid used an approach called the "synthetic approach" to present his theorems. Using this method, one progresses in a series of logical steps from the known to the unknown.

Page 4: Euclid

Euclid proved that it is impossible to find the "largest prime number," because if you take the largest known prime number, add 1 to the product of all the primes up to and including it, you will get another prime number. Euclid's proof for this theorem is generally accepted as one of the "classic" proofs because of its conciseness and clarity. Millions of prime numbers are known to exist, and more are being added by mathematicians and computer scientists. Mathematicians since Euclid have attempted without success to find a pattern to the sequence of prime numbers. The Greek philosopher Proclus records that when Ptolemy I asked if there was an easier way to study geometry than The Elements, Euclid replied, "Sire, there is no royal road to geometry."

Page 5: Euclid

Axioms are statements that are accepted as true. Euclid believed that we can't be sure of any axioms without proof, so he devised logical steps to prove them. Euclid divided his ten axioms, which he called "postulates," into two groups of five.1. Things which are equal to the same thing are also

equal to one another.2. If equals are added to equals, the sums are equal.3. If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders

are equal.4. Things which coincide with one another are equal to

one another.5. The whole is greater than the part.The remaining five postulates were related specifically to geometry6. You can draw a straight line between any two points.7. You can extend the line indefinitely.8. You can draw a circle using any line segment as the

radius and one end point as the center.9. All right angles are equal.10.Given a line and a point, you can draw only one line

through the point that is parallel to the first line.

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