ECO PALS 137 Secondary school ‘Angel Kanchev’, Sofia, Bulgaria COMENIUS PROJECT BULGARIAN TRADITIONS

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ECO PALS137 Secondary school ‘Angel Kanchev’, Sofia, Bulgaria



SurvakariSurvakane is an oldBulgarian custom.Survakane starts in themorning after meeting thenew year, even beforedawn. Survakari visit thehomes and survakatrelatives and neighbors forhealth and fertility, startingfrom their home. Eachmanuscript made itssurvaknitsa. It ismade from raw wood, themost common dogwood.The bar is decorated withwool, beans, popcorn, buns,dried fruit, peppers,classes, ribbons.




Around New year and before Lent, the

kukeri walk and dance through the

village to scare evil spirits away with

the costumes and the sound of the

bells, as well as to provide a good

harvest, health, and happiness to the

village during the year.

KUKERI FROM BANSKO – 2014, you tube


• http://youtu.be/z5Vbw3lfdPo


Martenitsa is a symbol of peace and love,health and happiness.

Baba Marta is one of the most reveredBulgarian customs, preserved tonowadays. Everybody gives his family aspecial amulet called martenitsa.

More difficult to accomplish for urbanresidents, is the custom matenitsa to beremoved when they see a stork for thefirst time in spring.



This is only one of the many legends, and perhaps not even thebest known one, attempting to offer an explanation of how thetradition of creating and wearing martenitsa arose.Khan Kubrat's five sons went hunting accompanied by theirsister Huba. When they reached the River Danube they saw asilver stag. Mesmerized, the men did not dare to shoot at it.The stag crossed over to the opposite bank of the river showingthem that there was a ford.A bird flew to them bringing bad tidings. Their father, thefounder of Old Great Bulgaria was on his deathbed. In his lasthours Kubrat wanted to tell his offspring—Bayan, Kotrag,Asparukh, Kuber and Altsek—not to break the link between thedifferent Bulgarian tribes. His sons vowed to defend Bulgaria.


Soon after their father’s death, the Khazars invaded their lands. The Khazar'sKhan Ashina succeeded in conquering the capital Phanagoria. Huba, Kubrat'sdaughter, was taken prisoner by Ashina.Her brothers kept their vows in different ways. Bayan stayed with his sister andrecognized the supremacy of the Khazars. Kotrag went north to the River Volga,while Asparukh, Kuber and Altsek went south to search for a land withoutoppressors.The brothers who left secretly arranged with Huba and Bayan to send word by agolden thread tied to the leg of a bird if they were able to find a free land. Oneday a falcon sent by Asparukh flew into Huba's room and she and Bayan quicklymade plans to escape. Just as they were looking for a place to cross the DanubeRiver, Khazar pursuers spotted them and rushed toward them. Trying to find aford, Huba let the falcon free. She tied a white thread to its leg and handed it toher brother.Just as the bird was about to take off, an enemy arrow pierced Bayan and hisblood stained the white thread.While both Bayan and Huba managed to reach the land Asparukh had found thatthey were mortally wounded. Asparukh rushed to meet his dying brother and sisterbut could not do anything to save them. After their death he tore the pieces ofwhite-and-red stained thread and adorned his soldiers with them.


LAZARUVANEOf Lazarus are harvested willowbranches, which decorate theentrance doors of the houses thenext day. Then the young girls inthe village and pick flowers,which will fouling of Palm gums.In Sabbath girls gather at thehome of one of them and preparethemselves in festive clothes,decorated with flowers andtwigs. Then they go around thevillage, from house to housesinging songs and blessings ofgood health and harvest. Thehosts gladly welcome them andgive them little gifts, eggs andfruit. In the past, namely It is alsoconsidered that if a girl did notdo Lazaruvane would never getmarried, so this ritual wasmandatory for all young women.



Dancing occurs onlyin some villagesbetween Strandjaand the Black Sea,Bourgas. Playing theholiday Constantineand Helen. A keyelement in thecustom game is inthe fire (coals). In thecelebration involvethe whole village, butonly in the ritualdancers.



The horo or chain dance holds a

central place in the sociocultural

activities of rural Bulgaria. The horo

can be danced in a closed or open

circle formation, or in a straight or

"crooked" line. The best dancers are

usually located at each end of the

line. Both of them guide the group

through exciting patterns while

waving a handkerchief in their free





• http://youtu.be/jlNmxV9J2xs



• http://youtu.be/GC-0CHpOL1I



Presentation prepared : Rositsa DimovaIrena Zazdrova - installation INTERNET