Kayla’s unusual life at Dry Tortugas National Park:

Drto for Dreau and Zoe

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Kayla’s unusual life at Dry Tortugas National Park:

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• Dry Tortugas National Park is located 70 miles west of Key West, FL • It contains Fort Jefferson, the largest brick building in the Western Hemisphere!

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• In the 1800’s, all trade using the Mississippi Riverpassed by the park’s waters• An enemy country could easily shut-down trade tothe colonies if they took control of these waters• Therefore, the US constructed the fort to keep enemies out of the colonies and protect trade

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•The park consists of 100 square miles of water and seven small islands• I live in the fort on Garden Key

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There are two ways to get to the park… By sea, or…

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…by air

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Though most tourists visit on one of two ferries.

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A moat wall protects the fort from big waves

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And no moat is complete without a crocodile!

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Several football fields can fit inside the huge fort

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As rain water drips through the bricks, stalactites and stalagmitesform just like in caves

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With no city lights for 70 miles, the stars are spectacular. Shoothing stars are seen nightly

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The ocean is on the other side of my bedroom window…

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• I have a cool job• I SCUBA dive to studyfish, corals, seagrass, sea urchins, andeven shipwrecks.• I also study seaturtles, birds, and plants

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I even rescued an adult sea turtle named Wham.She was attacked by a shark and needed our help.

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We caught Wham, put her in a big box, …

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Loaded her on the back of one of the ferries…

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And took her for a boat ride to Key West…


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Where the Turtle Hospital ambulance picked her up

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Wham underwent surgery at the hospital and three months later…

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She was brought back out to the fort and released!

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• Prior to the shark attack,scientists put a tag on Whamthat lets everyone knowwhere she is. To see whereshe is now, click here• To see a video of her release, click here

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• In addition to savingWham, I also monitorsea turtle nesting.• Sea turtles crawl up the beach to lay nests• Daily, I walk along beaches looking for “turtle crawls”

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I follow the tracks looking for piles of sandthat form the turtle nests.

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I always take newpeople along and do a wacky “turtledance” to show themhow the turtles make their nests…

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• After the nests hatch,My friends and Idig up the nest torescue any babies that got stuck.• We move HUGEamounts of sand…

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Usually we only find one or two babies, but sometimes,we find dozens!

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We release the babies, and they quickly scurry to the ocean

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Meet Pedro…

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• I also catch older turtles to study them.• We paint them like dice so we can tell them apart.

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Dreau! Here’s a pair of BOOBIES for you! Masked Boobies to be precise…

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We also have about 30,000 birds that nest at the park. These birds have no predators and therefore, no fears.You can catch them easily with bare hands…

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Frigatebirds have a wingspan wider than Craig is tall…Yet they weigh less than two pounds!

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We have MILLIONS and MILLIONS of hermit crabs….

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The dark areas in the water above are corals. The parkhas the best coral reefs in the Western Hemisphere!

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We have fish that weigh as much as four people combined!

Highschoolers in Denver study these fish via a livewebcam under our dock. Visit teens4oceans.org

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Our moat has THOUSANDS of upside down jellyfish

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Here’s one especially for you Nissanne…

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I catch, pet, and tag nurse sharks!

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I participate in underwater photo-shoots…

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And my boyfriend and I dive on shipwrecks to study them

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Spectacular sunsets are seen from the fort

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Loggerhead Key has a lighthouse built in the early 1800’s

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And finally, my boyfriend, Chris, and my kitten, Calie!Aren’t they cute?