I have chosen to use the more of an essay styled approach to present my information for my double page spread final piece in my music magazine. I feel as though this approach is considered to be more professional and realistic. I believe in certain instances the Q&A style format can be rather deceiving as they tend to be pre- written and does not reflect the interviewee realistically. Although I am not using the Q&A format I will incorporate a few answers of my chosen artist into my written style format

Double page spread planning questions

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Page 1: Double page spread planning questions

I have chosen to use the more of an essay styled approach to present my information for my double page spread final piece in my music magazine. I feel as though this approach is considered to be more professional and realistic. I believe in certain instances the Q&A style format can be rather deceiving as they tend to be pre-written and does not reflect the interviewee realistically. Although I am not using the Q&A format I will incorporate a few answers of my chosen artist into my written style format

Page 2: Double page spread planning questions

I have decided to focus my double page spread on the ‘new artist’ who features on my front cover as the main focus point. I will talk about who her aspirations were, what made her decide to get into music, any hard situations/set backs she has had on her journey and I will of course include some information on her new album and any news of a tour.

Page 3: Double page spread planning questions

I would like to demonstrate an informal/chilled tone throughout my double page spread as my genre of music is R&B and after reading examples of spreads of published R&B magazines I felt they used the same informal/chilled yet still informative style, therefore this is why I have chosen to incorporate this into my magazine.

Page 4: Double page spread planning questions

When did you first realize you wanted to peruse music as a career? Do you have any advice for any new upcoming artists?Was it a struggle? Did you have any major set backs?Did you have support from family and friends?When did you get your first record deal? Who with?Do you feel as though you have established your own style as an artist?Who were your aspirations growing up?Do you think R&B will always be your genre? Or do you feel like you will drift to Pop?What was it like finding out your song hit UK number one?