Dimensions Of Change

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Housekeeping One thing you need to write down—


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Learner-centered, lifelong learning has been the cry of knowledge society visionaries for the last decade. Yet learning continues to be delivered with teacher-centric tools in a 8-10 week graded format.

Society is changing. Learners needs are changing.

Schools as we know them, as a model for learning, are being challenged by communities and networks, which are better able to attend to the varied characteristics of the learning process by using multiple approaches, orchestrated within a learning ecology.

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Are you Ready for Leading in the 21st Century

It isn’t just “coming”… it has arrived! And schools who aren’t redefining themselves, risk becoming irrelevant in preparing students for the future.

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Source: enGauge 21st Century Skills

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Some statistics-

- 1 billion people on the Internet - 57 million blogs, 1.7 million posts a day.-50 new blog sites created every minute

“None of the top 10 jobs that will exist in 2010 exist today." -- Richard Riley, (Former US Sec. of Ed.)

A Changing World

"Jobs in the new economy--the ones that won't get outsourced or automated--"put an enormous premium on creative and innovative skills, seeing patterns where other people see only chaos." --

Marc Tucker, (an author of the skills-commission report and president of the National Center on Education and the Economy*

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It is estimated that 1.5 exabytes of unique new information

will be generated worldwide this year.

That’s estimated to be more than in the previous 5,000 years.

Knowledge Creation

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For students starting a four-year technical or higher education degree, this means that . . .

half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.

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Two Perspectives

Tom Carroll, NCTAF Peter Vaill Antioch University



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Creativity is now as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.

If you're not prepared to be wrong then you will never come up with anything original.

We don't grow into creativity we grow out of it, or rather, we get educated out of it.

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"Technological change is not additive, its ecological. A new technology does not change

something, it changes everything"

[Neil Postman]

Source: Mark Treadwell - http://www.i-learnt.com

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Time Travel

Lewis Perelman, author of School's Out (1992). Perelman argues that schools are out of sync with technological change:

...the technological gap between the school environment and the "real world" is growing so wide, so fast that the classroom experience is on the way to becoming not merely unproductive but increasingly irrelevant to normal human existence (p.215).

Seymour Papert (1993) In the wake of the startling growth of science and technology in our recent past, some areas of human activity have undergone megachange. Telecommunications, entertainment and transportation, as well as medicine, are among them. School is a notable example of an area that has not(p.2).

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Teacher 2.0The Emergent 21st Century Teacher

Teacher 2.0Source: Mark Treadwell - http://www.i-learnt.com

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Active Content Creators

On Andrew Churches’ Blog

He takes a stab at a 21st Century tools match-up with the new Bloom’s.http://www.bloglines.com/blog/andrewch?id=4

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Rethinking Teaching and Learning

1. Multiliterate

2. Change in pedagogy

3.Change in the way classrooms are managed

4.A move from deficit based instruction to strength based learning

5.Collaboration and communication Inside and Outside the classroom


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Digital Divide

Have Nots


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Digital Divide

Those who don’t

Those who know how to band together online

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The truth is that parents of children with technology access at home will ensure that their children have this information advantage.

Who will ensure that the children of poverty are given an equal opportunity?