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Influences of Confucianism, Daoism & Buddhism in Chinese Architecture

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2. CHINESEARCHITECTURE INFLUENCESOF CONFUCIANISM TAOISM BUDDHISM 2 3. Chinese architecture refers to a style of architecture that has takenshape in East Asia over the years. Over the centuries, the structuralprinciples of Chinese architecture have remained largely unchanged,the main changes being on the decorative details. An ancient civilized nation and a great country on the East Asiancontinent, China possesses a vast territory covering 9.6 million sq.km. and a population accounting for over one-fifth of the worldstotal, 56nationalities and a recorded history of 3,OOO years, duringwhich it has created a unique, outstanding traditional ChineseCulture. Traditional Chinese buildings are always found in pairs or groups,whether they are residences, temples or palaces. Most structures in Chinese architecture are simple rectangles, and itis the architectural complex composed by single structures rather 3than the single structures themselves that expresses the broadness 4. Traditional Chinese architecturecan still be seen throughoutChina, offering a tangibleexpression of traditional Chineseculture. Traditional Chinese architectureencompasses palaces, temples,tombs, parks, and residences. Traditional Chinesearchitecture represents thesynthesis of political,economic, cultural, andtechnical influences over theages. In the past, these structuresprovided the ancient Chinesepeople with functional space 4to live and work in. Today, 5. CONFUCIA NISM 5 6. ARCHITECTURE & CONFUCIANISM Confucius(551-479 BC) FUNDAMENTALestablished the Confucian school PRINCIPLES :of thought around 500 BC, duringAmong the fundamentalChinas Spring and Autumn principles of ConfucianPeriod (770-476BC). philosophy are: Confucianism became one of the Loyaltypillars of Chinese culture, and was Filial pietynamed Chinas official state moral integrityideology around 100 BC, during Righteousnessthe Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) benevolenceby Emperor Han Wudi, who wisdomreigned from 140-87 BC. Faith It continued to be revered Adherence tothethroughout subsequent dynasties.Confucian code Confucian philosophy attaches The absolute authority ofgreat importance to ethics andthe ruler over subject, 6human relationships, and is one offather over child, and 7. COURTYARD RESIDENCES: CONFUCIAN IDEOLOGY Confucian ideology DESIGN Rites in Confucianism was aIN RESIDENTIAL was thecoreof feudalChinasmeans of regulating order inhierarchical social system. human relationship.Its Traditionalcourtyardultimate purpose was to ensure aresidences drew strictsocial order.distinctions between interior The quadrangle building wasand exterior, superior andone the reflected rites ininferior, and male andtraditional chinese residentialfemale; internal affairs andbuilding.externalaffairs,the In traditionalChinesehonorable (master) andarchitecture,humble (maid) ranking.o The center was considered to The compounds were enclosed be superior and the sides asand isolated from the outside inferior;world, and serving as materialo the north was superior and theexpressions of Confuciansouth inferior;7ideology. o The left was superior and the 8. In courtyard residences, Woman cannot enter externalregion. Guests cannot enterWING ROOMSinternal region. NORT Receives most All the windows in quadrangles H sunlight; Center are faced towards the inside of Room - Living Room the house. There are no /Ancestral hallwindows inside the rooms, East rooms-which look isolated. But inside grandparents roomthe house, it formed a natural West rooms-Head of system. the family It emphasized the relationship SOUT guest rooms, studies, betweenelderliesand H kitchens, andyoungster, eldest son and The southern and back rooms storerooms younger son, male and female EAST Eldest Son &to form awill have short walls his status.division family internal andbetween It reflected a parochial feudalclass system of "Higher-lower WEST family. sons andexternal younger At the back are also rooms of their familiesranking class 8 system", 9. COURTYARD RESIDENCES: CONFUCIAN IDEOLOGYIN RESIDENTIAL DESIGNPrincipal RoomEast wing-Eldest sonCourtyard West wing- Gate of younger sons ResidentialcomplexPlan of Typical Courtyard Residence - SIHEYUA9 10. Aerial view of courtyard residenceInterior view of10 11. THE CONFUCIAN CODE AND CITY PLANN City planning was based primarily on the Confucian code thatheld up the feudal system. Urban planning has played an integral role in the life of Beijingthroughout its history. The city was laid out on a square grid, and covered an area ofapprox 50 square kms. A high wall surrounded the entire city, with three gates on the east,west, and south walls, and two gates on the north wall. The main thoroughfares, which formed a north-south and east-westaxis through the city, were 28M wide. The secondary streets were 14 M wide, and the alleyways were 7M11wide. 12. The 13th century capital city of Dadu was built using thearchitectural principles of the Confucian classic Zhou Li:Kaogong Ji (Rites of the Zhou: Engineering References), whichstates: "When designing a capital city, it should be laid out in asquare grid measuring nine by nine li (about 4.5 kilometers) perside, with three gates on each of the city walls. There should be nine streets and nine avenues, each wide enoughfor nine horse carts to pass abreast. The palace should be in the center of the city, with the ancestraltemple on the left, temples to the deities on the right, officebuildings in front, and a marketplace behind. The layout of the city was extremely orderly, with clearlydemarcated streets and districts.12 13. CITY PLAN OFDADU 13 14. HIERARCHICAL DISTINCTIONS IN ARCHITEC Chinas hierarchical social system gave rise to a highly restrictivesystem of architectural regulations. All construction was controlled by a building code that clearlydifferentiated rank and status. This code controlled every aspectof design and construction, and was enforced as law. A comprehensive building code was established which specifiedpermissible construction for each level of society, from theimperial family to the nobility, officials, & the common people. Its regulations encompassed every aspect of building design andconstruction, including scale, floor plan, roof shape, anddecoration. Stone lions: Only officials of the fifth rank and above wereallowed to place the magnificent stone lions outside the gates oftheir homes. Officials in ancient China were classified according to rank. Thefifth rank was regional administrators,. 14 15. The numberof rows in alions manefurtherindicatedthe rank ofthe homesresident. Theemperorslions hadthirteenrows, thoseofdukesand princeshad twelveA Qing-era guardian lion pair within theForbidden City - The lions are always created inrows, and pairs, with the male resting his paw upon the 15thoseof world and the female restraining a playful cub 16. BEIJINGS FORBIDDEN CITY PALACE - BESTREPRESENTATION OF CONFUCIAN RITE The Forbidden City BeijingsForbidden City,representsthe ultimate designed by Ming Dynastyarchitectural expression of(1368-1644) architect KuaiConfucian ideology.Xiang, who lived from 1397 to Beijings Forbidden City was 1481.the most classical example This massive imperial courtyardand representationof complex clearly embodies theConfucian Rite system. Confucian emphasis on strict In Confucianism, there was a divisions of rank, and thestrong emphasis on the position of the individualrelationship of an individualwithin a hierarchical system-in a collective society. Emphasis on divisions between Forbidden city forms a super-ruler and subjects, husband andlarge quadrangle architecturewife, Nobles and commonersthat was the most complexetc.,representation of this rite The Forbidden City served as16 17. Thecomplexincludes The residential portion of theceremonial halls,emperor was at the rear. At thegovernmental offices, andcenter line from south to northhousing for servants and staff, as are the living halls of thewell as the palaces andemperor and queen.courtyards, in which the They were also formed by amembers of the royal familygroup of 3 large halls to reflectlived, studied, worshipped, andthe meaning of Past dynastyentertained. at the back . The Emperors working office In ancient times, Chinesewas at the front of the city nobles has the system of onecomplex and was used by thehusband, one wife and manyEmperor to hold large ceremony.concubines. Important ceremonial functions The living hall of the queenand audiences with civil and was in the centerline of themilitary officials were carried This living arrangementother backwhiletheout in three large halls.was used to reflect12 palace concubines lived in the These halls were constructed onranking systemeast and west courtyards on between 17 18. 18Forbidden city Architecture of Quadrangles 19. A. Meridian GateB. Gate of Divine MightC. West Glorious GateD. East Glorious GateE. Corner towersF. Gate of Supreme HarmonyG. Hall of Supreme HarmonyH. Hall ofMilitary EminenceI. Hall of Literary GloryJ. SouthernThree PlacesK. Palace of Heavenly PurityL. Imperial gardenM. Hallof Mental 19 Cultivation 20. The design of theForbidden City, from itsoverall layout to thesmallest detail, wasmeticulously planned toreflect philosophical andreligious principles, andabove all to symbolise themajesty of Imperial power.Some noted examples ofsymbolic designs include:20 21. SYMBOLISM Yellow is the color of the The sloping ridges of buildingEmperor. Thus almost all roofs roofs are decorated with a line ofin the Forbidden City bear statuettes led by a man riding ayellow glazed tiles. There are phoenix and followed by anonly two exceptions. The imperial dragon. The number oflibrary at the Pavilion of statuettes represents the status ofLiterary Profundity had blackthe building a minor buildingtiles because black wasmight have 3 or 5.associated with water, and thus The Hall of Supreme Harmonyfire-prevention. Similarly, thehas 10, the only building in theCrown Princes residences have country to be permitted this ingreen tiles because green wasImperial times. As a result, itsassociated with wood, and thus 10thstatuette, called agrowth. "Hangshi", or "ranked tenth, is Thus, ancestral temples The main halls of the Outer andalsoinunique of the palace. are front in the ForbiddenInner courts are all arranged in City. areas are placed in Storagegroups of three the shape of Thefront part of the palace the layout of buildings follows21 22. Taoism is a religion native to China. Laozi,a famous thinker living in 6th Century BC, established this philosophy and came to be regarded as the father of Taoism.DAOISM /TAOISM It formed mainly during Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). Many Taoist ideas and thoughts are 22 greatly reflected in Taoist 23. DAOISMMAJOR DAOIST PRINCIPLES THE DAO (TAO)1. Dao [Tao] is the first-causeTo escape the social,ofthepolitical, & cultural trapsuniverse. It is a force that of life, one must escape by:flows through all life.1. Rejecting formal2.A believers goal is to knowledgeandbecome one with Dao ; one learning.with nature. 2. Relying on the senses3.Wu wei - Let nature take itsand instincts. course. 3. Discovering the nature - The art of doingandnothing. rhythmof the - Go with the flow!universe.4.Man is unhappy because he4. Ignoring political and Nature-worshiping and ghost-worshiping, popular in ancientlives according to man- social laws. Chinese laws, customs, &a social and cultural basis to themade society, contributed 23 formation of Taoism. 24. THE UNIVERSE OF OPPOSITES YIN & YANG YANGYIN Masculine Feminine Active Passive Light Darkness Warmth Cold Strong Weak Heaven Earth Sun Moon24 25. BELIE SFDaoism focused on meditation, Daoism has influencedbreathing and recitation of verses. Chinese culture for overThis was the dominant practice of 2,000 years.Daoism until about 1,100 AD. Its practices have given In the 5th Century AD, thebirth to martial arts suchLingbao school emerged whichas Tai Chi and Qigong.borrowed much from Buddhist Healthy living such asteachings such as reincarnation practicingand cosmology. The use of vegetarianismandtalismans and the practice of exercise.alchemy were also associated with And its texts havethe Lingbao school. codified Chinese views In the 6th Century, Zhengyi onmorality andDaoists,who believed in behavior, regardless ofprotective talismans and rituals, religious affiliation.emerged.ZhengyiDaoists The basic ideas of 25performed offering rituals forTaoism are Changsheng 26. MAIN The Dao:T E N E T S The ultimate truth is The De: Another keythe Dao or The Way. component of Daoism is the The Dao has several meanings. De, whichis theIt is the basis of all living manifestation of the Dao inthings, it governs nature, and it all things.is a method to live by. De is defined as having Daoists do not believe in virtue, morality and integrity.extremes, instead focusing onthe interdependence of things. There is no total good or evil or Immortality: Historically, thenegative and positive. The Yin- highest achievement of aYang symbol exemplifies thisDaoististoachieveview. immortalitythrough The black represents the Yinbreathing,meditation,the white represents the Yang.helping others and the useYin is also associated with of elixirs.26weakness and passivity and Daoistsbelievethat 27. ARCHITECTURE & Taoist architectureincludes Taoism reached its peakvarious structures D A O I S M toaccording during the Tang Dynasty anddifferent functions, categorized as the Song Dynasty, whenpalace for oblation and sacrifice,Chinesetimberframedaltar for praying and offering, architecture, characterized bycubby for religious service,high base, broad roof andresidence for Taoist abbes andperfectintegration ofgarden for visitors.decoration and function, During the last period of the Eastmatured in all aspects wereHan Dynasty when Taoism was built.introduced, Taoist ascetics mostly There were strict regulationslived in huts and even caves in on size, structure, decorationremote mountains under guidance and use of colour.of their philosophy of nature. For the 660 years, Taoism, During the Jin dynasty and the Buddhism result, thereAs aand ConfucianismNorthern and Southern dynasty,influenced similarities in thatremained each other, so27Taoism experienced reforms andcertaindesigning and grouping instructures 28. ARCHITECTURE &DAOISM Taoismpursuesthe In every single yard, there areharmonious unity ofneatlylocated attachedhumans and nature. architectural structures. TheTaoists skillfully built whole layout reflects Taoiststemples that conformed toemphasis on order andthe contours of the land.equability. Starting with inherited Most Taoist architecturesChinese traditional ideasresort to nature topography toof construction, they addedbuildtowers,pavilions,their own concepts.lobbies and other garden Splendorous symmetricstructural units, decoratedarchitecturalcomplexes with murals, sculptures andare composed of many steles to entertain people, fullyordinary yards spreading interpreting Taoist philosophyorderly along a centralof nature.axis.28 29. Taoist architecture applies two The second is the Baguaarchitectural styles - style in which all structurestraditional style and Ba-gua surround the Danlu (stove tostyle. make pills of immortality) in In the traditionalstyle, the center according totraditionalarchitectural Baguas position request.layout, which is symmetric, The center axis from thewas applied. south to the north is very long Main halls were on the central and structures flank the axis.axis, while other religious The style reflects Taoiststructures on the two sides. philosophy that the human Usually, on the northwestcosmos follows the naturalcorner of the complex, Lucky cosmos to integrate energy, qiLand to Meet God was and spirit.located. Annexes like dining hall andaccommodation were located at29 30. In Taoist principles, GOLD, WOOD, WATER, FIRE ANDEARTH are considered five elementary substances to formeverything in the world. Timber was chosen by Chinese architects because it is derivedfrom wood, one of the five. Taoism respects anything which ismore of nature or closer to nature as first choice when they makechoices among many alternatives. It is believed that when people live in a timber house rather thancements or stone structures, they are supposed to keep a constantexchange with nature and reach the integration of nature andhuman beings. Thats why Taoist architecture resort to nature topography to buildtowers, pavilions, lobbies and other garden structural units,decorated with murals, sculptures and steles to entertain people, 30fully interpreting Taoist philosophy of nature. 31. DAOIST Taoist temple buildings, EMPLESTTaoist temple buildings also basically consist of the divineclearly reflectTaoists hall, the alter, the room forstrong will in the pursuit of readingsculptures andhappiness, longevity andpracticing asceticism, the livingimmortality.room, the reception room for Most Taoist temples are pilgrims, and the park.wooden-framed and have The main hall for a single deity,garden structures. Some but other deities statues couldgarden features are man-come on the sides or behind themade pavilions, towers, main statue.walkways and terraces. The general layout adopts the Quiet andbeautifulform of Chinese traditionalmountains provide ancourtyard, with the divine hallunblemished environment on the mean axis and thein which Taoists canreception room and Taoistscultivate their inner selves. living room, etc., on both sides.31 Together with a park Also, an interesting feature of 32. CHINESE TAOISTTEMPLESof Dragon and A StatueLion guards the gatesof a Taoist temple; In the main hall, thefourHeavenlyEmperors in Taoismreplace the Buddha The highest three celestial realms of Jade Purity,trinityandfour Highest Purity, and Great Purity. They areHeavenly Kings in emanations of Tao, omnipresent and supreme.Buddhism; The stories illustratedin Taoist murals depicta more earthly world ofcommon people ratherthan holy or sacredThe Three Star-gods ofHappiness, clay figuresworld and Rankand 32Affluence, and Longevity.set in the hall are more 33. O R N A M E N TAT I O N &D Taoist R AT I O N ECO Taoist architecturalarchitecturalmotifs weredecoration meaningful -reflects TaoistCelestialbodiespursuit of luckmean brightnessand fulfillment, shining everywherelong lifespanwhilelandscapeetc.,and rocks Common immortality.decorative The stove for offerings Folding fan, fish,figures of a narcissus, bat andDaoist templedeer are used toincludea imply beneficence,tortoise wealth,celestialintertwinedbeing, fortune andwith a snake,official position. 33elephants, motifFish 34. Roof with upturned eaves & richornamentation Taoist Temple in a picturesque setting Taoist Temple set up along with the topography of the place34 35. DEITIES &I M M O R TA L S The Door Spirits are the The Kitchen Spirit spirits who guard the doors of houses. 35 36. BUDDHI SM 36 37. Buddhism was Chinese Buddhism refersintroduced to China collectively to the variousfrom India around the schools of Buddhism that havefirst century AD, since flourished in China sincethe fourth century AD, it ancient times. Buddhism haswas widely spread and played an enormous role ingradually became theshaping the mindset of themost influential religion Chinese people, affecting theirin China. aesthetics, politics, literature, Becauseofvaried philosophy and medicine.introduction time andchannel as well as The coming of Buddhism toregional, historic andChina from India was a greatsocialbackgrounds,event in the development ofBuddhism in China isChineseculture andofdivided intothree Buddhism itself.37branches, namely 38. After a long period of It is said that in the year 2BC, Yiassimilation, it establishedCun, an emissary of Dayuezhiitself as a major system of Kingdom (an ancient mid-Asianthought as well as acountry established by a strongreligious practice, Chineseminority originallycontributing greatly to the living in northern China and laterenrichment of Chinese moved to the west), went tophilosophy and exercising Changan (todays Xian City) toand enduring influence on impact Buddist sutras to atheChinese popularChineses Doctor Jing Lu. Andreligion and on the mindthis is the first record about theand character of theintroduction of Buddhism intoChinese people. China. Indeed, it became one of There is another saying thatthe Three Pillars of theduring the reign of the Indiantraditional culture ofKing Asoka (272-226 BC), 18China.Indians visited Chinas Xianyang38 Buddhism wasfirstly City during the reign of Emperor 39. The feature of Chinese During the Southern and NorthernBuddhism lies in theDynasties(420-589) the rulingcoexistence of Mahayana classes further helped the spreadBuddhism and Hinayana of Buddhism by buildingBuddhism. templesand monasteries, Buddhism was initiated in translating Buddhist sutras andIndia, developed in China constructing grottoes, and manyand further expanded to famous monks, scholars andJapan and Korea.teachers emerged. Indian Buddhists were By the Suiand Tangthreatened by the values andDynasties(581-907), Buddhismsocio-political structures of reached its apex of popularity andthe Indian society dominatedsplendors, and different sects ofby Hinduism and Islam and Buddhism had been formed invanishedbetween 9th China .century and 10th century in Over a long period, BuddhismIndia while Buddhism were gradually took root in the feudal 39developed rapidly in Chinasociety of China , intermingling 40. The development of Differingfrom otherChinese Buddhist religions temples, Chinesearchitecture can be traced Buddhist temples have manyback to the introduction ofcharacteristics of their own.Buddhism. For example, similar to Themain Buddhist Chinese palacesandarchitectural icons includedwelling houses, they areTEMPLES, PAGODAS,comprised of a number ofAND GROTTOES.small yards. Buddhist architecture is The oldest temple in China -regarded as a great artWhite Horse Temple is atreasure where sculpture,typical example of this.calligraphy and painting Temple roofs were curvedcombine. becausethe Buddhist Beingthe spiritual believed that it helped wardsymbols of Buddhism, off evil spirits which werethey are not only monastic believed to be straight lines.40 41. BUDDHIST SYMBOLS The umbrella The Golden Fish The Treasure Vase The Lotus The Conch Shell The Endless Knot The Victory Banner The Dharma Wheel41 42. LOTUS:The Lotus ENDLESS KNOT: Theflower is one of the most endless knot is a geometricimportant religious diagram which symbolizessymbols in Buddhism. Thethateverythingislotus symbolizes purity interrelated. All livingand enlightenment. Lotusthings exist only as part of aflower symbol has beenweb of karma and its effect.depicted in some form orAs the endless knot has noother in Buddhist art.beginning and no end, it alsoEspecially, Buddha is often represents theinfiniteportrayed as sitting on a wisdom of Buddha.lotus while praying forenlightenment. DHARMACHAKRA: CONCH SHELL: TheDharmachakra is one of theconch shell is used inbest known symbols ofBuddhist ritualsfor Buddhism which is agathering devoteesturning wheel which42 43. INFLUENCE OF BUDDHISM IN H I influence of Buddhism onCThe N A The introduction ofChinese culture is profound, Buddhism also exertednot only in terms of religion, subtle influence on Chinasbut also literature, art,traditional customs andtraditional customs, etc., social mores. Ancient Chinese architecture, It helped improve peoplesbeing exquisite andview on life and themagnificent,especially further spreading of filialBuddhist temples, had itspiety.configuration originated and The principle of "Badimitated from primitivedeeds, as well as good,Buddhism of India. may rebound upon the The development of sculpture,doer." is deeply rooted inpainting and murals acceleratedthe society, causing peopledue to the prosperity of to do good deeds in orderBuddhism in China. to pursue a better afterlife. 43 Yungang Grottoes located in The advocacy of filial 44. BUDDHISM & ARCHITECTURE The main Buddhist architecture Buddhist temples tend toinclude temples, pagodas, andbe decorated in red orgrottos. black, and there is a main The architectural styles ofhall for a statue of aBuddhist temples in China were Bodhisattva, followed by amainly formed in three periods:smaller hall with statues of HANDYNASTY otherBuddhas and (206BC-220) - retention ofdeities. Indian styles. The Chinese Buddhist NORTHERNANDmonastery or temple is SOUTHERNfashionedafter the DYNASTIES (386-589)-imperial palaces and bears wooden framework wasvery little resemblance to added to the original styles. the temples in India or TANG DYNASTY (618- other Buddhist countries. 907) - the styles of Generally there are three44 Buddhist temples were groupsofbuildings 45. Grotto, another type ofBuddhist architecture,is often chiseled intocliffs. In the 3rdcentury, ChineseBuddhists began tobuild grottoes andXinjiang is the firstarea where grottoeswere hewn. Grottoes are decoratedwith paintedsculptures, carvingsThe Long-men Grottoes in Henan Provinceand frescos. Craftsmen revealed reallife pictures and theirunderstandingof 45society in these art 46. Mogao GrottoesGrottoes of Zhongshan Mountain46 47. PAGODA Pagoda, symbol of Buddhism isoften erected in temples. Pagodas were made of stone,wood, colored glaze or metal. Pagodas have an odd number oflayers. Seven-layer and Nine-layer pagodas are commonlybuilt. The shape of cross-section isrectangular, eight-sided or evencircular. Initially, the pagoda served as thecentral axis alongside which rowsof halls and monks rooms spreadout.Later, pagodas were built nearthe main palace hall.47 Chinese pagodas, in short, are aNorth Temple Pagoda 48. STUPA Stupas appeared in China with theimport of Buddhism and, during a longhistory of well over a thousand years,have become a valued part of thenational Buddhist art. Stupa, a word from ancient Sanskritmeaning a square or round tomb or asoul shrine. The perfect proportions of the Buddhasbody corresponds to the design ofreligious monuments - STUPAS Its architecture developed from the pre-Buddhist Indian grave-mound. Under these mounds the saintlyascetic were buried; their bodies wereseated on the ground and covered withBeihei Park , Beijing 48earth. 49. Stupa & Pagoda Analogy with the 5 elements of nature 49 50. 50