With the name of ALLAH who is the most Beneficent and Merciful

Computer Scientific Applications

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With the name of ALLAH who is the most Beneficent and Merciful

Group No. 1

Sadia Naureen (59)

Roha Chaudhary (81)

Tanazza Jaffir (87)

Muhammad Jahangir (90)

Salman Qureshi (97)


What is an APPLICATION ?? The act of putting to a special use or purpose.

The special use or purpose to which

something is put.

An act of putting to use.

“An app is a type of software that allows

you to perform specific tasks. Applications for

desktop or laptop computers are sometimes

called desktop applications, and those for

mobile devices are called mobile apps.”

Computer Scientific Application An application that simulates real-world

activities using mathematics. Real-world

objects are turned into mathematical models

and their actions are simulated by executing

the formulas.

HistoryThe abacus was first used by the Babylonians as

an aid to simple arithmetic at sometime around this

date. The abacus in the form we are most familiar with

was first used in China in around 1300 A.D.

In 1935, International Business Machines

introduces the "IBM 601", a punch card machine with

an arithmetic unit based on relays and capable of

doing a multiplication in 1 second. The machine

becomes important both in scientific and commercial

computation, and about 1500 of them are eventually


Types of application

Computer algebra system (CAS)

• Software program that allows symbolic mathematics, the manipulation of equations and expressions in symbolic format

• Typical CASs store expressions as directed acyclic graphs, DAGs are also used in the parse trees for compilers

• Popular examples include Maple, MATLAB, and Mathematica

Types …Maple

• General purpose CAS

• Developed in 1981 by a group at the University of Waterloo

• Sold commercially since 1988

• Interpreted, dynamically typed language

• Allows static scoping, where a variable always refers to its nearest binding


• Numerical computing environment and programming language

• Has a toolbox to interface with Maple engine which turns it into a CAS

• Invented in late 1970s by Cleve Moler, chairman of computer science at the University of New Mexico

• Used mainly for linear algebra and numerical analysis

Types …

Types …Mathematica

• CAS and powerful programming language

• Written by Stephen Wolfram

• First version released in 1988

• Uses a kernel which does all calculations and feeds results to multiple front ends

• Based on term rewriting

• Supports functional and procedural programming

Conclusion• Computer science and mathematics have both

influenced each other for many years

• A number of advancements in each field can be directly linked to the other

• Computational mathematics has successfully combined the two fields into one which is being used to produce quality software for many important fields

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