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Celebrating 500 years of Reformation

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Page 2: Celebrating 500 years of Reformation


31 October 2017 marks 500th anniversary of the Reformation. This earth shaking revolution changed world history and the Church. We are heirs of The Reformation.

Our worship, study of the scriptures, preaching, praying , church governance owe much to the Reformation of 16th century.

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Martin Luther nailing 95 theses on the church door at Wittenberg. Time travel to 16th century Germany.

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Vignettes of German & European life. Politically, all were citizens of the Holy Roman Empire. The Roman Catholic Church with its Pope and bishops were custodians of the faith. The Pope appointed the Emperor.

Home visit. “Do you have a Bible? Can you read it? How do you get to know God?


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MILESTONE No. 3Luther the Reformer(1483-1546) Trained as lawyer. Vow in storm! Became a monk in 1505. Made professor in

Wittenberg University, teaching theology. Turning point: expounding the Psalms and

Romans in 1515-17.

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MILESTONE No. 4 Selling indulgences - exposed corruption in the Church.

Luther’s 95 theses challenged the authority of the Pope.

These theses were widely disseminated and read, aided by the invention of the printing press.

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MILESTONE No. 5 Luther excommunicated by the Pope Leo X in 1520 after repeated calls and threats to re-cant.

Diet of Worms 1521 – Luther outlawed by Emperor Charles V..

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MILESTONE No. 6 The Reformation Spread!

Luther in “captivity” Prolific output of books. New Testament translated and published in German 1522.

1529 The German princes revolted against the Emperor. Reformation spread to Scandinavia, Netherlands, Geneva (under John Calvin, Zwingli) and Scotland (John Knox) For personal and political motivations, Henry VIII established Church of England, independent of Rome. PROTESTANTS!

Luther and fellow reformers had strong teams to back them theologically and politically.

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MILESTONE No. 7: Legacy of Reformation

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EXPLORING SOLA SCRIPTURAThe Bible – supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

Cp. R.C. Church : Bible + Tradition + Magisterium

Holy Spirit inspired and guided prophets and apostles to record God’s Word for His people.

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The Authority of Scripture The Purpose of ScriptureThe Impact of Scripture