BUGS; Good, Bad, Ugly KCB Environmental Education Series December 7, 2013 Amanda Vanhoozier

Bugs 12.7.13

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  1. 1. KCB Environmental Education Series December 7, 2013 Amanda Vanhoozier
  2. 2. Healthysoil grows healthy plants. Healthy plants are healthier. Less stressLess problems. Less pests. A gardeners shadow is the best deterrent. Observation and action. Good organic gardening practices prevent problems. Plant selection for local environment. Dont be scared of bugs, most are beneficial.
  3. 3. GroceryStore perfection Accept that your plants may have pest/blemishes Get use to eating from garden Get over fear of bugs Understand the bigger picture. Aphids and ants relationships Never take it personal
  4. 4. HealthySoil Healthy Gardens Planting Watering Planting Beneficial Insects and Pollinators Lets Get Physical Solutions Specific Insects
  5. 5. Compostand organic mulches. High microbial activity- increase with good compost and soil amendments. Keep soil covered with mulch. Soil should have air, dont walk in beds. Clear away debris. Make sure soil can be well drained. Soil testing by http://www.texasplantandsoillab.com/
  6. 6. Gardenis part of an ecosystem Good housekeeping- remove debris, weed, and stagnant water Prevention vs Problems Compost Tea for health and protection Protect yourself Be a friend to Pollinators
  7. 7. Plantsselection- more resistant varieties Timing within growing season Organically grown and hardened off Diversity of plants for a healthy ecosystem and grow for beneficial insects Proper airflow around plants Companion and trap plants http://www.texasheirloomseeds.com/#Recc omended
  8. 8. Consistentand sufficient watering Mulch soil to minimize evaporation Drip or soaker vs sprinkling Well drained beds Rain vs city water Foliar spray compost tea, molasses, and seaweed extract/fish emolusion
  9. 9. Mostliving organisms are beneficial to soil and plant health Balance in nature Plant to attract beneficials Beneficial insects: parasites (Trichogamma wasps) and predators (ladybugs, green lacewings, nematodes) Birds, bats, lizards, snakes, earthworms
  10. 10. MicroscopicOrganisms Parasitic to soil larval and /or pupal Application water, dissolve, apply, water When? Early Dawn or Dusk Spring, Summer, Fall 45-105 degrees http://www.arbicoorganics.com/product/beneficial-nematodechart/1366
  11. 11. http://www.arbico-organics.com/category/beneficial-insectsorganisms/48
  12. 12. Encouragebeneficial bugs to do the work Hand pick pests and drop in soapy water Remove eggs Blast off with water Remove plants past season- pest are indicators Row cover and traps (yellow sticky) Plant collars (top of cup) Soil solarization
  13. 13. Blastof Water Least toxic garlic and soapy water Add pepper to make stronger Bt Bacillus thuringiensis spray or powder for caterpillars Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) Citrus Oil Neem
  14. 14. http://www.arbico-organics.com/category/problem-solverguide/17 http://www.dirtdoctor.com/organic/garden/faq/
  15. 15. Healthyand active soil deters fire ants Farm aphids for the nectar okra Clean up- attracted to sweet Beneficial nematodes Organic drench: compost tea, hort. molasses, seaweed extract, orange oil Boiling water quick but kills everything Bait controls reproduction
  16. 16. Useto increase microbial activity in soil to prevent fire ants and increase plant health! Coppell Community Garden - resources http://coppellcommunitygarden.org/files/Agitated%20Compost%20Tea.pdf
  17. 17. Leavesare a resource not a waste! Mulching mower Use as mulch under shrubs Use in compost piles Yard Trimmings Recycling
  18. 18. Amanda Vanhoozier [email protected]