Upcoming Page 1 From Ms. Sue Hill - Head of Campus Contact information 43-45 Tu Xuong Street, Ward 7, District 3, HCMC Tel: (84 8) 39320210 Fax: (84 8) 39320770 Email: [email protected] 23rd - 25th March Fobissea Music Carnival 23rd March Term 2 finishes 9th April Term 3 begins 11th April EYFS Easter Bonnet Parade 20th April Swim gala (Yr 2 - Yr 6) 23.03.12 Volume 2 |Issue 10 Dear Parents, The MP3 performance of ‘Jungle Book’, on Wednesday evening, provided a wonderful end to Term 2! I must once again thank all those involved, especially the MP3 teachers and teaching assistants, for producing such a very professional, lively and colourful production. The super costumes and make up along with the jungle setting were amazing however it was our talented children who deserve the biggest applause. Year 5 and 6 you are all super stars - Well Done! Other exciting events this week included many exit points from IPC topics. The teddy bear’s picnic for the Foundation Stage children and the trip to the rock climbing wall for Year 4 were two such events. Year 3 also created a dinosaur museum here at TX today. I learned lots of information as I was escorted around the museum and was impressed by the children’s knowledge. I wish you all an enjoyable holiday whether you are relaxing in Ho Chi Minh City or venturing further a field. Term 3 starts on Monday 9th April and I look forward to welcoming you all back at the normal time, 7:55am.

BIS HCM Newsletter 25

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From Ms. Sue Hill - Head of Campus

Contact information 43-45 Tu Xuong Street, Ward 7, District 3, HCMC Tel: (84 8) 39320210 Fax: (84 8) 39320770 Email: [email protected]

23rd - 25th March

Fobissea Music Carnival

23rd March Term 2 finishes

9th April Term 3 begins

11th April EYFS Easter

Bonnet Parade

20th April Swim gala

(Yr 2 - Yr 6)

23.03.12 Volume 2 |Issue 10

Dear Parents,

The MP3 performance of ‘Jungle Book’, on Wednesday evening, provided a wonderful end to Term 2! I must once again thank all those involved, especially the MP3 teachers and teaching assistants, for producing such a very professional, lively and colourful production. The super costumes and make up along with the jungle setting were amazing however it was our talented children who deserve the biggest applause. Year 5 and 6 you are all super stars - Well Done! Other exciting events this week included many exit points from IPC topics. The teddy bear’s picnic for the Foundation Stage children and the trip to the rock climbing wall for Year 4 were two such events. Year 3 also created a dinosaur museum here at TX today. I learned lots of information as I was escorted around the museum and was impressed by the children’s knowledge. I wish you all an enjoyable holiday whether you are relaxing in Ho Chi Minh City or venturing further a field. Term 3 starts on Monday 9th April and I look forward to welcoming you all back at the normal time, 7:55am.

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Parents’ corner

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Term 3 starts

Term 3 will start on Monday 9th April. Happy holiday to all of you.

DVDs for sale: The Jungle Book DVD has arrived and copies are selling very quickly. Please see Ms. Emma with 100,000VND if you would like to purchase one.

Easter Bonnet Parade

We are reviving an old tradition from the UK on 11th April. All EYFS children will be asked to decorate a hat with springtime motifs and flowers. Then, they will all take part in an Easter Bonnet Parade wearing their special creations. Spring Time is traditionally a time when people bought new clothes and made a new start. I can’t wait to see your imaginative design.

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Climbing Wall

School Event

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Today, 4X became real life adventurers for their IPC exit point. We had a phenomenal time at the X-Rock climbing wall where we pretended to be mountaineers climbing Mount Everest! Some of us persevered and made it all the way to the peak. We all had a fun time and wish we could do it again tomorrow!

By 4X

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“The Jungle Book” Performance

School Event

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On Wednesday all the children and parents at TX watched the Mile Post 3 production of ‘The Jungle Book’ based on the story by Rudyard Kipling. Year 5 and 6 produced an amazing extravaganza to finish term 2. The show was complete with singing elephants, wolves and cheeky monkeys. Well done Mile Post 3! DVD’s of the show are available early Friday morning in the foyer for 100,000 VD.

Ms Liz – Mile Post Three Leader

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Teddy Bears’ Picnic

School Event

On Thursday the EYFS children went to BVIS in District 7 and we invited our favourite teddy bears to attend our teddy bears’ picnic. At the BVIS school field, Mr Euan greeted the children and their bears and we all sang the ‘Hello’ song. Then the children played in a variety of activities including building in construction, play dough, ball games, parachute games and Mr Euan taught us how to make origami bear faces. We stopped to have snack with our bears; after all the activities we were very hungry. After snack time we were able to use the soft play room at BVIS and also play outside again. During the morning, groups of children from EYFS at BVIS came to join us. It was fantastic for all the TX children to mix and play together and also to play with children from BVIS school. Finally Mr Euan helped us to sing the ‘Good Bye’ song to finish the morning. All the teachers, children and teddy bears had a fun filled morning at our teddy bears’ picnic. Ms. Helen

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CHQ Congratulations! Our first use of CHQ has been a great success!

Thank you once again for the way you have used CHQ over the last few weeks. Without doubt it has been a great success and Ms Emma is now busy organizing the children into clubs. To find out which clubs your child will be participating in, please log in to CHQ during the first week back. Click on the ‘My Schedule’ page then click the ‘Following Week’ button (on the right hand side of the page) until the week beginning Monday 23rd April. There you will see all the clubs your child has been approved for. If you do not see a club you requested, it means that that club is full or your child is already in an-other club that day. Please note, if the club is full, your child is automatically placed on a waiting list. Once again, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Mr Ian & Ms Emma CHQ Timeline Saturday 24th March – Sunday 8th April: Ms Emma to allocate pupils to clubs, print club lists etc. w/b Monday 9th April: Log in to CHQ to find out club allocation. Paid clubs-letter to go to successful applicants with deadline to return completed letter & pay for club before Friday 13th April. w/b Monday 16th April: Unpaid places in clubs to be reallocated on a first come first served basis. Monday 23rd April: Term 3 clubs start

Lịch hướng dẫn sử dụng CHQ Thứ bảy ngày 24 tháng 3 – Chủ nhật ngày 8 tháng 4: Cô Emma sắp xếp các câu lạc bộ và in ra danh sách v.v… Tuần lễ thứ hai ngày 9 tháng 4: Những học sinh có tên trong danh sách của các câu lạc bộ có phí được yêu cầu phải điền đầy đủ thông tin vào phiếu đăng ký và thanh tóan chi phí cho các câu lạc bộ này trước thứ sáu ngày 13 tháng 4. Tuần lễ thứ hai ngày 16 tháng 4: Những học sinh chưa đóng tiền sẽ được thay thế bằng những học sinh khác (Ưu tiên cho những bé đang kí trước) Thứ hai ngày 23 tháng 4: Bắt đầu các câu lạc bộ của Học kì 3

Chân thành cảm ơn quý vị phụ huynh đã sử dụng hệ thống CHQ trong vài tuần qua. Đó là một thành công rất lớn và hiện tại cô Emma đang rất bận rộn để lên danh sách các câu lạc bộ cho các bé. Trong tuần đấu tiên sau kỳ nghỉ, vui lòng đăng nhập vào hệ thống CHQ, nhấp chuột vào mục “My Schedule”, chọn “Following Week” (phía bên phải của trang) và chọn tuần Thứ hai ngày 23 tháng 4, những câu lạc bộ nào các bé được tham gia sẽ được hiện rõ. Nếu quý phụ huynh không thấy được câu lạc bộ mà quý vị đã đăng ký, điều đó có nghĩa câu lạc bộ đó đã hết chỗ hoặc con bạn đã có câu lạc bộ khác vào ngày hôm đó. Xin chú ý con bạn sẽ được đưa vào danh sách chờ trong trường hợp câu lạc bộ đó đã hết chỗ. Nếu có bất kỳ thắc mắc, quý vị phụ huynh đừng ngần ngại liên hệ với chúng tôi để có câu giải đáp. Trân Trọng, Cô Emma & Thầy Ian

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BIS Sports

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Year 3 + 4 football match against AP1. TX 5 (WIN) - AP1 2. Well done to all those who took part in the football match on Monday. A special mention to Thomas for his great goal keeping skills, Andre for his good midfield skills and Anthony for a stunning striker performance. Anthony scored 4 of the goals! Clubs - First week back - starting 9th April (Fobissea swim training only)

Second week back - starting 16th April (All early morning, lunchtime PE clubs plus FAN DANCING on a Thursday PM) Star of the week. Anthony/Andre/Thomas for their football skills during this weeks’ game! Basketball holiday programme at TX and football at AP1. Enjoy your holiday sport programme. Well done for keeping active and healthy. Ms. Alison

THE NEW BIS WEBSITE - www.bisvietnam.com We are very pleased and excited to announce that on Tuesday 20th March 2012, the new BIS website will go live. Extensive work has gone into designing a modern, relevant and user friendly version to represent our school. Whilst maintaining the integrity of information that is on our current site, we have added in several more pages to complement the existing information. Aside from the range of new professional photos that are showcased, we have added in some interesting features including a ‘Virtual Tour’ of all three campuses and an infographic ‘BIS At A Glance’, which provides a visual overview of both the history of the school and an insight into what BIS is today. All Login’s can now be accessed from the Home Page. We encourage you the parents and our students to take the time to visit and explore the new BIS website.

BIS Website

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The importance of the ‘mother tongue’

"Your children will learn English much more effectively if they continue to develop their first language at the same time."

Dear Parents, So far this year we have been having great success in EAL with helping children improve their language. We have seen every one of our students make good progress and achieve at least some of their targets. Another thing we have found throughout this year is that children who have a stronger

foundation in their home language often show greater and more consistent improvement than others. This is something we have researched and we are pleased to announce that there will be a special coffee morning for parents on this subject sometime soon in the next term. This is an important issue not just for students being supported by EAL but for all bilingual children. There are many reasons why children need to have a strong understanding in their home language, whether they are Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, or from any other culture. Please remember to talk as much as possible with your child in their home language, asking lots of ‘why’ and ‘how’ comprehension questions whenever you can. We look forward to seeing you next term. Enjoy your holidays (and don’t forget to check out the EAL Studywiz page in the meantime)! The EAL Department.

EAL Department

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Tầm quan trọng của ‘tiếng mẹ đẻ’

"Con của bạn sẽ học tiếng Anh hiệu quả hơn rất nhiều nếu trẻ vẫn tiếp tục phát triển ngôn ngữ đầu tiên của mình cùng lúc.”

Quý Phụ Huynh thân mến, Cho đến nay chúng tôi đã đạt được nhiều thành công trong việc hỗ trợ trẻ EAL cải thiện vốn tiếng Anh của mình. Chúng tôi nhận thấy mỗi em đều gặt hái nhiều tiến bộ và đạt được một số mục tiêu đề ra. Một điều nữa mà chúng tôi thấy được trong năm học này chính là những trẻ có nền tảng ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ tốt hơn thường thể hiện sự tiến bộ rõ rệt và vững chắc hơn các trẻ khác. Đây là điều chúng tôi đã nghiên cứu và rất hân hạnh được thông báo rằng sẽ có một buổi trình bày đặc biệt cho quý Phụ Huynh về chủ đề này vào học kỳ tới. Đây là một vấn đề quan trọng không chỉ dành cho trẻ được hỗ trợ tiếng Anh trong bộ phận EAL mà còn cho tất cả các trẻ em sử dụng song ngữ. Có nhiều lý do vì sao trẻ phải cần sự hiểu biết vững chắc ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ cho dù là trẻ em Việt Nam, Hàn Quốc, Nhật Bản, hay đến từ bất cứ nền văn hoá nào. Hãy nhớ dành thời trò chuyện càng nhiều càng tốt với con của bạn bằng tiếng mẹ đẻ, hỏi thật nhiều các câu hỏi kiểm tra sự hiểu như ‘tại sao’ và ‘như thế nào’ bất cứ khi nào bạn có thể. Chúng tôi rất mong được gặp quý Phụ Huynh ở học kỳ sau. Chúc quý Phụ Huynh một kỳ nghỉ nhiều niềm vui (và đừng quên vào kiểm tra trang EAL Studywiz)! Bộ phận EAL