Bilingual Education Program Welcome to the academic year 2016-2017 “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see” Mark Twain

Bilingual Committee Presentation Sep 7th 2016

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Bilingual Education ProgramWelcome to the academic year2016-2017Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see Mark Twain

Literature ReviewCRITERIOS PARA EL DESARROLLO DEL PROGRAMA DE EDUCACIN BILINGE PEB- ACODESI. 2014. Se entiende la educacin bilinge como la adopcin de un programa escolar en el cual el espaol y el ingls son usados como medios de instruccin en el proceso de formacin. As, el sujeto habiendo adquirido su estructuracin inicial en el idioma materno, aprende otro al interior de un contexto educativo en el cual se utiliza dicho segundo idioma como vehculo de instruccin, para la construccin del conocimiento y la comunicacin. (Acta No. 19, Comisin Nacional de Ingls, Medelln, 2008)

Stephen Krashen

(born 1941) is professor emeritus at the University of Southern California, who moved from the linguistics department to the faculty of the School of Education in 1994. He is a linguist, educational researcher, and political activist.

Krashen has more than 486 publications, contributing to the fields of second-language acquisition, bilingual education, and reading. Most recently, Krashen promotes the use of free voluntary reading during second-language acquisition, which he says "is the most powerful tool we have in language education, first and second."

The Natural ApproachThe natural approach is a method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It aims to foster naturalistic language acquisition in a classroom setting, and to this end it emphasizes communication, and places decreased importance on conscious grammar study and explicit correction of student errors.

The Natural ApproachEfforts are also made to make the learning environment as stress-free as possible. In the natural approach, language output is not forced, but allowed to emerge spontaneously after students have attended to large amounts of comprehensible language input.

The Natural ApproachThe acquisition-learning hypothesis. This states that there is a strict separation between conscious learning of language and subconscious acquisition of language, and that only acquisition can lead to fluent language use.

The Natural ApproachThe monitor hypothesis. This states that language knowledge that is consciously learned can only be used to monitor output, not to generate new language. Monitoring output requires learners to be focused on the rule and to have time to apply it.

The Natural ApproachThe input hypothesis. This states that language is acquired by exposure to comprehensible input at a level a little higher than that the learner can already understand. Krashen names this kind of input "i+1".

The Natural ApproachThe natural order hypothesis. This states that learners acquire the grammatical features of a language in a fixed order, and that this is not affected by instruction.

The Natural ApproachThe affective filter hypothesis. This states that learners must be relaxed and open to learning in order for language to be acquired. Learners who are nervous or distressed may not learn features in the input that more relaxed learners would pick up with little effort.

Comprehensible Input

Comprehensible InputStudents may think they are acquiring vocabulary or learning subject matter, but unknown to them, they are acquiring because they are getting comprehensible input at the same time. I now think it is very important to make a strong effort to inform students about the process of language acquisition, so they can continue to improve on their own. (Krashen 1982)

Comprehensible InputThe solution to our problems in language teaching lies not in expensive equipment, exotic methods, sophisticated linguistic analyses, or new laboratories, but in full utilization of what we already have, speakers of the languages using them for real communication. I will also conclude that the best methods might also be the most pleasant, and that, strange as it seems, language acquisition occurs when language is used for what it was designed for, communication.. (Krashen 1982)

David Marsh

David Marsh, UNICOM, Continuing Education Centre, University of Jyvskyl, Finlanddavid.marsh (at) jyu.fi + 358 400 843 653

David Marsh has worked on multilingualism & bilingual education since the 1980s. He was part of the team which conducted groundwork leading to the launch of the term CLIL in 1994.

David Marsh

Born in Australia, educated in the UK and now based in Finland, he has extensive experience of teacher development. From 2005-2007 he has managed various international research and development assignments on education and curricular developments. During 2008-2009, he coordinated an international research team (on behalf of the European Commission) which examined the evidence of links between multilingualism and creativity.

CLIL"Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE) hace referencia a las situaciones en las que las materias o parte de las materias se ensean a travs de una lengua extranjera con un objetivo doble, el aprendizaje de contenidos y el aprendizaje simultaneo de una lengua extranjera. " (Marsh, 1994).

CLILLa lengua se usa: aprender contenidos y para comunicarse.La materia determina el tipo de lenguaje. La fluidez es + importante que la exactitud.Una unidad CLIL integra 4Cs: Contenido, Comunicacin, Cognicin, Cultura (Coyle, 1999)

CLILContenido:Progresar en el conocimiento, las destrezas y la comprensin de los temas especficos.

Comunicacin:Usar la lengua para aprender mientras se aprende a usar la lengua misma.Cognicin:Desarrollar las destrezas cognitivas que enlazan la formacin de conceptos y los conocimientos.

Cultura:Exposicin a perspectivas variadas que nos hagan ms conscientes de el otro y de uno mismo.

CLILEnseanza centrada en el alumno.Flexibilidad y variedad: atencin a la diversidad de estilos de aprendizaje.Aprendizaje basado en gran medida en procesos y tareas. Aprendizaje ms interactivo y autnomo.Proceso de enseanza-aprendizaje cooperativo.Coordinacin y apoyo: reduccin del filtro afectivo.Uso de mltiples recursos y materiales, especialmente las TICs: contexto ms rico y variado.



CLILUna tarea es una actividad que requiere que los alumnos usen la lengua, poniendo el nfasis en el significado, para obtener un objetivo (Bygate, Skehan, and Swain, 2001:11).

BIBLIOGRAPHY-Stephen D Krashen. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. University of Southern California. 209p.-Wikipedia. (n.d.) Natural Approach. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_approach -Wikipedia. (n.d.) Stephen Krashen. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Krashen -CLIL-CD. David Marsh. Retrieved from http://clil-cd.ecml.at/Team/Teammember4/tabid/941/language/en-GB/Default.aspx