I Picked My Topic, Now What? Avoiding Plagiarism by effectively Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Citing Quotes From Your Sources Mrs. Ilko

Avoiding plagiarism by taking effective notes

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A week long lesson on taking effective notes

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Page 1: Avoiding plagiarism by taking effective notes

I Picked My Topic, Now What?Avoiding Plagiarism by effectively

Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Citing Quotes From Your Sources

Mrs. Ilko

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4 Corners Warm-Up Think about the term plagiarism. What does it mean? Before we read an article and discuss this term, think

about your level of understanding. Be ready to move to the appropriate corner.

D1 I know very little, but I want to know more. D2 I something about it ,but I am confused and

sometimes frustrated about how to avoid plagiarism in my work.

D3 I am familiar with the term, and I know some strategies on how to avoid plagiarism in my work

D4 Step out the way Mrs. Ilko, I could teach this lesson!

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Definition of Plagiarism

“Plagiarizing is the act of passing off someone else’s ideas or opinions as your own. Commonly, students who commit plagiarism will copy another’s work word for word. Other forms of plagiarism include not citing the original author of the work or idea, changing the word order of the original work, or changing key words to make a sentence appear different.”


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Not just a bad idea…

The act of plagiarism is actually against the law. Original ideas are protected under the law as intellectual property. That means that you can copyright your work, and make sure that others can’t use your words or ideas without your express permission.

You will be using the internet to find information about your research question. How do you cite those sources, take notes and use that information to create your own product to share?

That is what we will be working on this week.

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What is Plagiarism? Today we will be reading an article about

plagiarism. As you listen to the audio, highlight

important information you hear and be ready to justify your notes with your table group.


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After the Highlighting, Now

What?Summarizing Paraphrasing QuotingMuch reference the original sourceUsually shorter for example, the article we just read can be summarized in a few paragraphs

You must use your own words, very little use of direct quotes

In third person

Must reference the original source

Could be shorter or longer than the original text

Must be in your own words

Third person

Must reference the original source

The text produced is the exact length of the original text quoted (because you are copying word for word)Put quotations around the original author’s exact wordsInclude page number of the source.


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Finding Important Quotes

We are going to re-read the article and select 3 important quotes that we may want to use in writing our summary. ( We will only use one in our final piece)

Select a quote and copy it into your journal. Think about why this quote is a critical main idea of this article.

When people quote from an article, they often forget to introduce the quote and then explain what the quote means. Remember, the reader of your paper hasn’t read the article.

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Templates for Introducing Quotations

X states “_______________.” As the world famous scholar X explains it, “ ___________.” As claimed by X, “ ______________________.” In her article ___________, X suggests that “ ___________.” In X’s perspective, “ _______________.” X concurs when she notes, “________________.” These templates are derived from Gerald Graff and Cathy

Birkenstein’s “They Say/I Say”; The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. Second edition

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Templates for Explaining Quotations In other words, X asserts _______________.

In arguing this claim, X argues that ___________.

X is insisting that ______________________. What X really means is that ___________. The basis of X’s argument is that

_______________. These templates are derived from Gerald

Graff and Cathy Birkenstein’s “They Say/I Say”; The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. Second edition

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Writing Your Own Quote Citations

Using the suggested templates, write 3 different quotes from the article in your journal. Make sure to include both an introduction to the quote, and then a sentence that explains the meaning and why it is relevant or important.

Read your sentences to a partner. Together choose the best one and write that on an index card. They will be your exit slip today.

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Warm Up Cheating Survey Number 1 Read this article and write a Quick Write

response to the question: What are your attitudes about cheating and plagiarism? What do you know about plagiarism?


Be prepared to share your thoughts.

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Group Share Take your journal and pencil. Form a group of three people who are not at

your table. (1 minute) Share your thoughts on the article and read

your response. (3 minutes) When you come back to your seat, write a

gist summary sentence about what you learned from the others in your group.

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Reviewing the Quotes

Today we will quickly review the quote citations we created yesterday.

I will post on the docucam a few samples from yesterday’s partner work.

Please note the following: 1. Is the quote cited from the text correctly? 2. Do they have an introduction to the quote? 3. Do they explain the meaning/relevance of the


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A Paraphrase is…“Your own rendition of essential information and

ideas expressed by someone else presented in a new form. It is a more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea.”

Paraphrasing is a valuable skill because in order to paraphrase successfully, you really need a strong understanding of the material. You have to re-read it several times and re-work your notes to make a strong statement.


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The Shrinking Notes Re-read the text from article posted on the Docucam. You have an index card and two post its on your desk. Re-read the article and take important notes on the 3

X5 index card. Now cover the article. Next, review the index card, and transfer only the

most important notes from that card to the 3X3 post it. Finally, using only the 3X3 post- it, select just the key

words from there, and write them on the 1X2 post it.

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Write Your Paraphrase

Using the card and post-its, write your paraphrase from only that information on a separate piece of paper. Make sure to use complete sentences and your own words when writing your paraphrase.

Remember, the purpose of the paraphrase is to add your perspective and your point of view to the writing. What ends up in the writing is your own understanding of the passage and it is in your own words.

Turn in your paraphrase at the end of the period.

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Writing Warm-Up We have been reading about and discussing plagiarism

this week. With that background information in mind, read the following article and respond in your journal to one of the following prompts posted below.


Tell us what you think about plagiarism. Do you ever cut and paste without citing your source? Do you consider such copying to be plagiarism and a "serious misdeed," or not? Are students today confused over how to avoid plagiarism? How do you think teachers can and should address this issue? Discuss key ideas at your table.

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Anonymous Paraphrasing

Today we will be reviewing the paraphrase. Please take out your article and note cards/post-its from yesterday.

As we look at a few samples from yesterday’s lesson checking to see that the writer uses their own words, but captures the main idea from the text and their words are not too similar to the original work.


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Writing a Summary Now we are ready to summarize! Take a look at your article, your quote

pages, and your paraphrase. A summary is taking the best of both

worlds, using one or two quotes as needed and then highlighting the big ideas of the article in your own words.

You will be using your notes and cards to write the summary.

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Summary Remember, a summary highlights the main

ideas. It should be shorter than the original article.

Remember our work with GIST summary writing. Include only the important facts:

The who, what, where, when, why this is relevant and how can it apply to my research?

Try to keep it to about a paragraph or two.

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This Week’s Blog Post!

What have you learned about plagiarism? What have you learned about taking notes,

summarizing, quoting and paraphrasing? Share with your readers what you have

learned this week. What are some things that may help other students as they learn to research?

Have your post done by Friday!

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Works Cited Avoiding Plagiarism Activities Purdue Online Writing Labhttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/930/01/Students That Use Plagiarism by Si Kingstonhttp://www.ehow.com/info_7993538_students-use-plagiarism.htmlWhat is Plagiarism? Article Reviewed by Dr. Steven Dowshenhttp://kidshealth.org/kid/feeling/school/plagiarism.html#Articles from The Learning Network of The New York Timeshttp://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/03/are-you-part-of-generation-plagiarism

