Chapter 19: cities 1870- 1900, immigration, unions, etc.

APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

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Page 1: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Chapter 19: cities 1870-1900, immigration, unions,


Chapter 19: cities 1870-1900, immigration, unions,


Page 2: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Economic and Social Forces that Changed the


Economic and Social Forces that Changed the

CitiesIndustrializationRailroadsImmigrationRural to urban migration

IndustrializationRailroadsImmigrationRural to urban migration

Page 3: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Industrialization changes the cities…

Industrialization changes the cities…

By attracting large numbers of immigrants of migrants from rural regions

By attracting large numbers of immigrants of migrants from rural regions

Page 4: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Population ShiftsPopulation Shifts

1860 1 in 6 Americans lived in cities of 8,000 or more OR nearly 20 percent lived in cities

1890 3 in 10 lived in cities OR 33.3 percent lived in cities

1900 40 percent lived in cities 1920 50 percent lived in cities

Urban population increased 700 percent between 1865 and 1905

1860 1 in 6 Americans lived in cities of 8,000 or more OR nearly 20 percent lived in cities

1890 3 in 10 lived in cities OR 33.3 percent lived in cities

1900 40 percent lived in cities 1920 50 percent lived in cities

Urban population increased 700 percent between 1865 and 1905

Page 5: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

1870-1900 New Immigration1870-1900 New Immigration

80% immigrants Eastern / Southern European

75% single men, $1.00 room Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Literacy tests Cities and social geography

80% immigrants Eastern / Southern European

75% single men, $1.00 room Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Literacy tests Cities and social geography

Page 6: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions


Eastern European

Southern European

Western European


Latin America

1900 Immigration

What is the push pull relationship In 1870-1900 to immigrate to America? How many stay in USA?

Page 7: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Literacy Test HistoryLiteracy Test History

Why have literacy tests? IQ tests 1904 by Alfred Binet Wealthiest 1% own 50% of property Who to be educated and what

immigrants can come into USA.

SAT by James B. Conant Select by merit not connections

Why have literacy tests? IQ tests 1904 by Alfred Binet Wealthiest 1% own 50% of property Who to be educated and what

immigrants can come into USA.

SAT by James B. Conant Select by merit not connections

Page 8: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Diagram of a dumbbell tenement, c. 1879

Illegal by 1901

Diagram of a dumbbell tenement, c. 1879

Illegal by 1901

Page 9: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

New York tenements at the turn of the century

New York tenements at the turn of the century

500,000 people per square mile in the Lower East Side. One person per square foot.

Page 10: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jacob Riis (1849-1914)Photographer and author of

How the Other Half Lives (1890)

Jacob Riis (1849-1914)Photographer and author of

How the Other Half Lives (1890)

Children sleepingin Mulberry Street (1890)

Page 11: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

NY 1889 and an8 Hour apartmentrental

Page 12: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

1892 NY

Page 13: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

1892 NY

Page 14: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Showing Their Tricks: Hell’s Kitchen Boys, 1888-1889

Showing Their Tricks: Hell’s Kitchen Boys, 1888-1889

Jacob Riis

Page 15: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Pedlar in NY 1892

Page 16: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Mulberry Bend, NY 1888

Page 17: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Jacob Riis photos, How the Other Half Lives

Mullen’s Alley 1888

Page 18: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Chicago Slums c. 1900Children playing near a dead horse

Chicago Slums c. 1900Children playing near a dead horse

Page 19: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Room in a Tenement Flat, 1910

Room in a Tenement Flat, 1910

Jessie Tarbox BealsMuseum of the City of New York

Page 20: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Child Labor’s continual increase…

Child Labor’s continual increase… Why would the

federal government wait until 1916 (and then the Supreme Court over turns in in 1923!) to pass child labor legislation?

Why would the federal government wait until 1916 (and then the Supreme Court over turns in in 1923!) to pass child labor legislation?

Page 21: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Rural to Urban MigrationRural to Urban Migration

Why are farmers moving from the country to the cities in the late 1800’s?

Why is there an increase in African-American migration from the South to the North?

Why are farmers moving from the country to the cities in the late 1800’s?

Why is there an increase in African-American migration from the South to the North?

Page 22: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Urban Reformers by 1900…

Urban Reformers by 1900…

Wanted the federal government to ensure safety and education

Until federal government became involved, middle and upper class women took on reform Settlement houses

Wanted the federal government to ensure safety and education

Until federal government became involved, middle and upper class women took on reform Settlement houses

Page 23: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Jane Addams, founder of Hull House


Jane Addams, founder of Hull House


In 1931, Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace


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Hull House, Chicago1889

Hull House, Chicago1889

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Lillian Wald (1867-1940), nurse, social worker

Lillian Wald (1867-1940), nurse, social worker

Wald introducedthe pioneering

concept ofpublic health


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Lillian Wald founded Henry Street Settlement

in New York in 1895

Lillian Wald founded Henry Street Settlement

in New York in 1895

Lillian Wald in her office

Page 27: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Cities and Social GeographyCities and Social Geography Slums - area by the factory, back

of the yards Ghetto - dense immigrants split

by ethnicity Suburban Sprawl and the wealthy

Trolley cars, street cars

Slums - area by the factory, back of the yards

Ghetto - dense immigrants split by ethnicity

Suburban Sprawl and the wealthy Trolley cars, street cars

Page 28: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Horses were replaced by electric or gas trolley’s later replaced by


Horses were replaced by electric or gas trolley’s later replaced by


Page 29: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Transportation RevolutionTransportation Revolution,,

Horse railways,1880s

Subways, elevated trains and electric trolleys,1890s

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Hester Street, New York Cityc. 1902

Hester Street, New York Cityc. 1902

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Fifth Avenue in New York City on Easter Sunday in


Fifth Avenue in New York City on Easter Sunday in


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Chicago and Ethnicity Chicago and Ethnicity


Public Transportation made it possible for middle/upper class families to move away from industrial core/city centers, away from immigrants-Cities become divided by class, ethnicity, and race

-ie: Chicago!

Page 33: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Labor Movement and Labor Unions Great RR Strike of 1877 Knights of Labor 1869 American Federation of Labor 1886 Haymarket Riot 1886

Labor Movement and Labor Unions Great RR Strike of 1877 Knights of Labor 1869 American Federation of Labor 1886 Haymarket Riot 1886

Page 34: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

The Great RR Strike of 1877The Great RR Strike of 1877

This July 25th marks the 132th anniversary of the Shamokin Uprising, when desperation and starvation drove railroad workers and miners to join the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, America’s first nationwide strike.

Page 35: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Knights of Labor 1869Knights of Labor 1869

Uriah Stephens

What makes the Knighs of LaborSo democratic?

What is the downfall of the Knights of Labor, why will ithave trouble being the lead union?

Terence Powderly

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American federation of Labor 1886American federation of Labor 1886

Samuel Gompers

Who joined theAFL comparedTo the KnightsOf Labor?

Page 37: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

August Spies and Albert ParsonsAugust Spies and Albert Parsons

Unions and Anarchy, a socialist movementGrows in America.

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Haymarket Square Riot 1886Haymarket Square Riot 1886

What was the goal of the May 1st rally in Chicago?

What role did Police Chief John “BlackJack” Bonfield play in the riot?

How are Spies and Parsons like John Brown?

What was the goal of the May 1st rally in Chicago?

What role did Police Chief John “BlackJack” Bonfield play in the riot?

How are Spies and Parsons like John Brown?

Page 39: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

On November 11, 1887 four men, Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolph Fischer, and George Engel were hanged. Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison awaiting the death sentence. Oscar Neebe, Mike Schwab, and Samuel Fielden pardoned.

On November 11, 1887 four men, Albert Parsons, August Spies, Adolph Fischer, and George Engel were hanged. Louis Lingg committed suicide in prison awaiting the death sentence. Oscar Neebe, Mike Schwab, and Samuel Fielden pardoned.

Page 40: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Unit 6: Chapter 19, lecture 8Unit 6: Chapter 19, lecture 8

Big City Bosses, Tammany Hall Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives Lincoln Steffens The Shame of The Cities

Thomas Nast Culture and leisure time develops in the

cities Luis Sullivan John and Washington Roebling Elisha Otis Frederick Olmstead Rudolph Hering

Big City Bosses, Tammany Hall Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives Lincoln Steffens The Shame of The Cities

Thomas Nast Culture and leisure time develops in the

cities Luis Sullivan John and Washington Roebling Elisha Otis Frederick Olmstead Rudolph Hering

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Tammany Hall and Machine Politics

Tammany Hall and Machine Politics







City HallMayor

Bd. of Aldermen



Page 42: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Political MachinePolitical Machine Organized group  that controlled the activities of a

political party in a city. Offered services to voters and businesses in

exchange for political and financial support. Pyramid with local precinct workers at bottom and

political boss at top. Immigrants fueled the machine as voters.

They Received: Naturalization Housing Jobs

Organized group  that controlled the activities of a political party in a city.

Offered services to voters and businesses in exchange for political and financial support.

Pyramid with local precinct workers at bottom and political boss at top.

Immigrants fueled the machine as voters. They Received: Naturalization Housing Jobs

Page 43: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Big City BossesBig City Bosses

“Hinky Dink” Kenna & “Bathhouse” John Coughlin


William M. TweedNew York

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Thomas Nast, political cartoonistThomas Nast, political cartoonist

Why were the political cartoons so effective?

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Lincoln Steffens , The Shame of the Cities

Lincoln Steffens , The Shame of the Cities Exposed corruption

within muncipial government

Connects/favorable contracts for big business


Exposed corruption within muncipial government

Connects/favorable contracts for big business


Page 46: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

Chicago School of Architecture

Chicago School of Architecture

William Le Baron Jenney Home Insurance Building,

1884 Louis Sullivan: “Form

follows function” Chicago Board of Trade,


William Le Baron Jenney Home Insurance Building,

1884 Louis Sullivan: “Form

follows function” Chicago Board of Trade,


Page 47: APUSH 1870-1900: cities, immigration, and labor unions

John Roebling and the Brooklyn Bridge

Opened May 24, 1883

John Roebling and the Brooklyn Bridge

Opened May 24, 1883



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Elisha Otis and ElevatorElisha Otis and Elevator

Elisha Graves Otis

It was not until 1857 that the first passenger elevator began operation, in the New York City Haugwout department store. At that time, the steam-powered elevator traveled at a leisurely

40 feet per minute (4.8 miles per hour) Between 1880 and 1900, all major 10-or 12-story buildings in New York City used hydraulic elevators

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Frederick Olmstead and NY Central Park

Frederick Olmstead and NY Central Park

Situated between 59th street and 110 streets in the heart of New York City

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Rudolph Hering, the dean of sanitary

Rudolph Hering, the dean of sanitary

Reversed the Chicago River. It carried waste water away from the lake, through the Des Plaines and Illinois rivers, to the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.

Reversed the Chicago River. It carried waste water away from the lake, through the Des Plaines and Illinois rivers, to the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.

Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, finished in 1900