Achievements •Language •Law System •Technology •Military organization QuickTime™ an decompressor are needed to see


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•Language•Law System•Technology

•Military organization

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• The Latin language was the number one spoken language in Rome

• All Roman literature was written in Latin• Many languages today are based on the Latin


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Law System

• Original Roman law system were ancient customs that were not written done

• In 450BC the Romans wrote their first written law code known as the Twelve Tables.

• The law codes were based on a Code of Justice

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• The Development of Aqueducts brought water from springs, wells, and lakes to people in cities.

• The Development of the Dome was based on Etruscan architecture and is vital to the differentiation of many buildings today.

• The Network of Concrete Roads helped improve transportation in Rome and also unified distant parts of the empire.

• Most ancient Roman technology is the basis of today’s technology

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Military Organization

• The Government required all Roman citizens to serve in the army.

• Their military as split into maniples with 100 soldiers each.

• This military flexibility could let the have an Romans advantage.

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•Roman Mythology

•Etruscan Mysticism



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Roman Mythology

• Most of Roman Mythology is based on Etruscan and Greek mythology.

• During the Roman Empire people started to view emperors as Gods

• Most Roman Gods were adopted from Greek and Etruscan religions or were spirits from their home and countryside.

• The Romans built many temples as houses for their Gods.

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Etruscan Mysticism

• Etruscans believed in polytheism and that their Gods gave them signs in nature.

• They tried to interpret lightning and bird migration before battle and harvest.

• Etruscan diviners used stars to plan city layouts and read animal organs for doing burials

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• Christianity was started around 1-100AD

• Christianity had only one God with three parts, or the Holy Trinity.

• People were attracted to Christianity because of it’s acceptance of everyone.

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• Judaism was the first monotheistic religion.• Jewish people believe in ethical behavior based on

the Torah, or Jewish bible.• 63BC-Rome took over Jerusalem• The Jewish people believed in a messiah to drive the

Christians out.

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• Types of Government

• Kings

• Republic of Rome

• Empire of Rome

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Types of Government

• The Monarchy in Rome started with the Etruscans who ruled from 600-509BC

• The Oligarchy was formed in 509BC and the Romans had two consuls with an aristocratic senate.

• The Oligarchy later formed into a Republic government when the plebeians,or poorer part of government, grew into power.

• The Empire started in 59BC and ended in 476AD as Rome grew.

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• The Etruscan kings started a Monarchy in 600BC

• The Etruscans were a group of people that lived north of Latium.

• The Etruscans influenced the Romans in art, building, trading, and their writing system.

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Republic of Rome• In 509BC the Romans set up a Republic

government which gave a sense of equality in government.

• The Republic form of government is also the basis of the United States system of balancing , the legislative, judicial, and executive parts of government.

• The Republic government was the equal power of the monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy.

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The Empire of Rome• The Fall of the Republic/Start of

Empire was started after 14 years of war when Augustus took over.

• Augustus kept peace-or Pax Romana- in Rome for 15 years.

• The empire thrived while Augustus improved the building of Rome, improved the Senate, and improved the army.

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Social Structures

•Class System




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Class System• The Plebeians were the poor and had

little part of government. • The Patricians were the aristocrats and

were a big part of government.• Marriage between Patricians and

Plebeians was forbidden.• Women were slightly important

because they took care of the children and the house.

• Men were most important part of the family and could decide the outcome of their child’s life.

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• All Roman people could go to games in the coliseum.• The wealthy Romans could go to plays, the fitness

gym, or the public bathes.• The poor Romans usually could only go to the

coliseum, and maybe go to the public bathes.

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• Rich would usually live in beautiful stone villas with many rooms and gardens.

• The Poor would usually live in cramped apartment buildings that could easily catch fire.

• For food may poor Romans went to the Thermopolis for food, while the rich ate fancy food in dining rooms at their homes.

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• Slave labors consisted of house working and farm working.

• Most slaves became gladiators at coliseum games.

• By 73 there were over 5 million slaves in the Italian area.

• This large amount of slaves resulted in cruelty within the empire and unemployment in cities.

• Finally, the increase in slavery resulted in numerous slave revolts.

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• Inflation

• Trade

• Unemployment

• Excessive Military Spending

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• Inflation started after the rule Marcus Aurelius• After Rome stopped conquering lands, the flow of

gold decreased.• Most Romans spent gold on luxury items• To make up for the coin devalue, merchants raised

prices on objects.

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• Roman roads allowed great numbers of traders, tourists, soldiers and religious pilgrims to come.

• They could also trade by boats and wagons.• The currency was manly gold and silver coins• Many Trade routes went as far as China, Egypt,

Britain, Gaul, And Spain

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Excessive Military Spending

• Constant defending of the borders of the Empire from attacks was a excessive drain ont the government.

• The military spending left few resources for other activities in the empire.

• Later in the Empire, the government had to rely on hired soldiers.

• These hired soldiers were hard to upkeep and were very expensive, and the government was forced to raise taxes, which hurt the economy.

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• In the latter years of the Empire, farming was done by slaves owned by wealthy men.

• Farmers had to pay workmen, and therefore couldn’t produce goods as cheaply.

• Because of this, farmers couldn’t compete with the slaveowners and lost their jobs.

• Thousands of workers came to the city, where there were not enough jobs for them.

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• Landscape


• Location

• City

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• Many mountains• Natural harbors• Mediterranean climate- mild winters and warm dry

summers• The suitable farming land was one of the reasons

why Rome grew quickly.• Italian Peninsula with large plains gave the Romans

water and transportation.

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• 44BC-107AD = Gaul and Africa were conquered by the Romans

• 107-180AD= Britain was conquered• Trade increased as cities and the empire grew• Roman citizenship expanded when almost everyone

in the empire became citizens.

•Spain, Greece and Carthage are conquered in the time of 264 -44BC

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• Italy was in the center of the Mediterranean sea• Rome was next to the Tiber River• The Mediterranean surrounding improved trade

throughout the ancient European area.

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• The city of Rome was the basis for the empire/ republic of Rome.

• Buildings, such as the Coliseum and temples, are found mostly in the city.

• Rome’s structure was based on roads going throughout the city.

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What are the most important ideas you learned about Rome?

I believe the most important ideas I learned about Rome were the achievements.I believe the Roman achievements were important because they influenced many achievements that we hold today. The language was Latin, which became the basis for many languages today.Also, the Law System helped produce many of the law codes today. Third, the Roman Technology produced the basis of many of today’s developments. Finally, the military organization can be seen in the army.