Adverbs: Functions, Types, Placement, and Meaning Part VII: Adverbs

11 Grade Adverbs Functions, Types, Placement, And Meaning

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11 Grade Adverbs Presentation

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Adverbs: Functions, Types, Placement, and Meaning

Part VII: Adverbs

Page 2: 11 Grade   Adverbs   Functions, Types, Placement, And Meaning

Unit Overview

In this unit, particular emphasis is given to: Sentence or viewpoint adverbs (actually,

clearly, hopefully) Focus adverbs: Changing the position of

a focus adverb often changes the meaning of a sentence (Only teenagers can attend. Teenagers can only attend.).

Negative and other adverbs requiring inversion (Rarely do people make a career of the military.)

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Background Notes

Call-in radio and TV programs are very popular in the United States and often give listeners or viewers the chance to express opinions on controversial issues. In the reading, the theme of discussing divisive topics focuses on military service; in particular, the reading explores questions concerning the draft (the system in which people must join the military) and women in the military and in combat.

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Controversial: causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being discussed.

Voluntary: done willingly, without being forced or without being paid.

Combat: organized fighting, especially in a war. Stereotype: an idea of what a particular group

of people is like that many people have, especially one that is wrong or unfair.

Spirited: having energy and determination or showing his quality.

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Adopt: to formally approve a proposal, especially by voting.

Vaccine: a substance which contains a weak form of the bacteria or virus that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that disease.

Gambling: the practice of risking money or possessions because you might win a lot more if a card game, race, etc. has the result you want.

Lottery: a game used to make money for a state or a charity in which people buy numbered tickets, so that if their number is picked by chance, they win money or a prize.

Dam: a special wall built across a river, stream, etc. to stop the water from flowing.

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Military recruiter: someone who finds new people to join the military.

Cloning: making an exact copy of a plant or animal by taking a cell from it and developing it artificially.

Stomp: to walk with heavy steps or to put your foot down very hard, especially because you are angry.

Roam around: to go around with no clear purpose or direction.

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Comprehension Questions

What is Mike Burns’s opinion of the military in general? Service should be voluntary. A lot of evil

things have been done by military forces. Maybe we shouldn’t even have them.

Does Burns think that women are too weak to serve? No, he doesn’t think fighting is feminine.

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Comprehension Questions

What does Sarah Lopez think about voluntary military service? She thinks military service should be

required. What is Lopez’s reason for

supporting required military service? It’s the only way to ensure fair treatment

for all. Does Sarah Lopez believe that

combat is feminine? Yes.