SOU „Orde Chopela“ – Prilep, Macedonia Cultural Heritage Preparad: Milena Nikoloska Sara Kostoska Viktor Aceski Mentor: Mirjana Stojceska Gorgiosk

СОУ „Орде Чопела„ - Прилеп

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Traditions,customs in Prilep

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SOU „Orde Chopela“ – Prilep, Macedonia

Cultural Heritage

Preparad: Milena Nikoloska Sara Kostoska Viktor Aceski

Mentor: Mirjana Stojceska Gorgioska

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•Christian’s holiday Prochka• Spasovden•Bear Fest

•11th Of October•St.Nicholas

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Christian’s holiday ProchkaIn Prilep , for the christian’s holiday Prochka traditional takes place the mask carnevail . Prochka is very old tradition to relase from bad spirits , and to pull down the masks that we wear everyday. Like every year , Prochka is interesting mix of pagan masks and music , pipes and drums and very creative individual masks. Prochka is the last day of grate easter’s post . To people this kind of word is use for the day that we are forgive from our closest . Crhristian’s skarma of those traditions is result od church practice from the time of establishing the crhristianity .

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The tradinional prilep’s mask Mechkari or the bear old 300 years ago will be safe like spiritual heritage. There is a belief that forgiveness is Reservoir holiday. Traditional mask trademark Prilep is mechkarskata. Mechkarite are demons of ancestors and are considered to be responsible for fertility and the living and the dead. MECHKARSKI masks are made od fresh skins which are tying in earlier morning in cold areas. Then we sing and fine drink to bring st ritual trance. Faces of black broadcloth, vimpire teeth, and used stuffed animals. All carry sticks, and bells. With drums and Prilep's pipes and the bear Sunday visit all families Reservoir. This day does not have good character. Lose social functions. Prilep paying 'mechkarite' just to buy their own lives. Butchers again the next day to gather Reservoir Lenten beans for you to wash,sins that made the forgiveness. Masks who can be seen, can be zoomorphic, anthropomorphic and combine. Individual of group, Traditioanl or new, , scary, comical or funny. Clothing must be in connection with the mask and used skins, various furs, straw, old rags, belts.

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Spasovden is celebrated 40 days after Easter and always on Thursday. Forty days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples and preparing them for their future activity. During this period, people are still welcome to 'Christ is Risen' and greet you with 'Truly He is Risen '. Spasovden will be recognized after the traditional festival costumes and instruments. The festival is dedicated to the folk artist, piper Pece Atanasovski.

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Bear Fest

Beer Festival is held during the summer in the town of Prilep municipality organized Prilep.The festival is open type held in the city center. Like quests take known producers of beer and local ugostitels.Visiters come from all parts of Macedonia and neighboring countries.The festival is known for good entertainment, barbecue and cold beer and of course the massive visiting. Performers are stars from the region and beyond boundaries.

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11th Of OctoberPrilep every night across the traditional feast is held impromptu attack on the city as a reminder of the historical events of the eve of October 11-1941.

In Prilep there , Memorial Museum October 11 'which exposed hundreds of photographs and important documents from people - Liberation Orchestra organize fight.Prilep’s city route from downtown to the grave of the undefeated.Where despite moving orchestra arranged and spectacular fireworks.

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St. Nicholas is the patron of the city of Prilep. On this occasion built praklis in the central place in the city in order for it to come out the biggest holiday of all citizens. The location is not random, according to legend Marco Cepenkov, in the 15th century in this place were Anna whose door was made portrait of St. Nicholas. Because the chapel is built of stone and marble right there. Preparations for the holiday / glory days before starting Dec. 19 day of glory , do lean meal (post Christmas), lean rolls . Prilep locals specialize in small rolls ... lean - doing most of lean rolls in one day, boiled wheat which has a special flavor in the days of St. Nicholas. Wheat symbolizes resurrection in Scripture is speaking, the grain must die to be born again. Bread and wine symbolizing the body and blood of Christ, and the candle illuminates the road to God. For each year that determines host next year organizes preparation of rolls.

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•Vasilica• Amkanje

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Vasilica custom pudding is presented with a coin. According to the old custom of pie everyone gets a piece, and the one who gets the coin will have luck and prosperity throughout the year. It is mostly associated with customs and beliefs associated with the New Year. First group of children are around a common fire, and then going from house to house through the village or town, singing songs appropriate for receiving gifts. Young crazy fun until the early morning hours, similar to the night of 31 December, and even the older it suitable not forgotten ancient customs and rituals.


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Amkanje Amkanje is custom which was held the evening of Pokladi, when close family gathers at home. The custom is practiced so unpeeled boiled egg tied the rope and thread hanging wand or a rolling pin. Then, the children sit at the table or humbleness mortal knees, and an adult in the rocking egg, bringing it closer to the mouth of the child, which was called 'am, am' and tried mouth to catch the egg. Finally, all children forgive each other, then looked for forgiveness from their parents.

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CRAFSTIn addition to collecting activity Department of Ethnology and perform research. The last ten years more attention has been paid to the study of material culture, with an emphasis on craftsmanship and the environment in Prilep. In XIX century craftsmanship Prilep becomes important trade center in the region. Prilep fair that they are selling handicraft products made from Prilep masters, was widely known. Craftsmen had their own workshops - its core businesses in the Old Town and were organized into guilds. Unfortunately, primarily because of rapid industrial development, the craft is dying. As an example, Kazandzhiski craft which in the past counted to 38 stores with about 360 employees, today has been reduced to only one store. Details were searched in : Gaјdaџiskiot, Bochvarskiot, Samarџiskiot, Kazanџiskiot, Kantarџiskiot, Sekirџiskiot, Kovachkiot, Ortomџiskiot, Nozharskiot, Nalanџiskiot and a part of Grncharskiot craft . For all of them was made the necessary audio, photo and descriptive documentation. Some of these trades survey is done at the last minute, because in the meantime disappeared from Prilep Bazaarwhile the others are represented by one or two active craftsmen.

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HANDICRAFSTFrom collecting - from all collectors of Macedonian folklore, Marko Cepenkov has the longest Allowing practice - more than 40 years gathering folklore. Moreover, unlike other most prominent collectors of Macedonian folklore - Miladinov brothers, Cosmas Shapkarev Stefan Verkovikj, who fund their folklore materials collected are those that received by other writers, Marko Cepenkov himself personally wrote their folklore and ethnology materials. And by the total number of collected folklore, as well as a variety of genre folklore materials collected, Marko Cepenkov is the most important collector of Macedonian folklore. Total number of published and unpublished works of his may be listed more than 5500 proverbs and sayings, , 800 stories, 150 poems, riddles 100, 400 beliefs and curses, blessings 300, 350 incantations, 2900 Dreams and Interpretations, 70 kids games, linguistic and ethnological material (vocabulary, secret languages, descriptions of crafts, customs, rituals, paraphernalia of domestic material life and folk agronomy. Author of the dramatic work 'Crne Vojvoda' and his autobiography is a rich source for the study of the entire life in Prilep.

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