Welcome to Ethic Dyah Pramanik , MM LABOR RELATIONS Ethic Dyah Pramanik , MM [ ] Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

Topic8.2a ethics basicsof_ethics-rev

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Welcome  toEthicDyah Pramanik,  MM

LABOR  RELATIONSEthicDyah Pramanik,  MM[ ]

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

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PPT 8_2_a


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LEARNING OUTCOMES1. Explain what is meant by ethical

behavior at work.1. Explain what is meant by ethical

behavior at work.

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Ethics and Fair Treatment

at Work

The Meaning of Ethics• The principles of conduct governing an individual or a group.• The standards you use to decide what your conduct should be.• Ethical behavior depends on a person’s frame of reference.

Ethical Decisions• Normative judgments• Morality

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FIGURE 14–1Online Ethics Quiz

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TABLE 14–1 Specific Observed Unethical Behaviors

• Abusive or intimidating behavior toward employees 21%• Lying to employees, customers, vendors, or to the public 19%• A situation that places employee interests over organizational interests 18%• Violations of safety regulations 16%• Misreporting of actual time worked 16%• E-mail and Internet abuse 13%• Discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, age, or similar categories 12%• Stealing or theft 11%• Sexual harassment 9%• Provision of goods or services that fail to meet specifications 8%• Misuse of confidential information 7%• Alteration of documents 6%• Falsification or misrepresentation of financial records or reports 5%• Improper use of competitors’ inside information 4%• Price fixing 3%• Giving or accepting bribes, kickbacks, or inappropriate gifts 3%

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Ethics and the Law

A behavior may be legal but unethical.

A behavior may be illegal but ethical.

A behavior may be both legal and ethical.

A behavior may be both illegal and unethical.

Ethics and Behaviors

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Ethics, Fair Treatment, and Justice

Distributive justice

Components of Organizational Justice

Procedural justice

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FIGURE 14–2 Perceptions of Fair Interpersonal Treatment Scale

1. Employees are praised for good work Yes ? No 2. Supervisors yell at employees (R) Yes ? No 3. Supervisors play favorites (R) Yes ? No 4. Employees are trusted Yes ? No 5. Employees’ complaints are dealt with effectively Yes ? No 6. Employees are treated like children (R) Yes ? No 7. Employees are treated with respect Yes ? No 8. Employees’ questions and problems are responded to quickly Yes ? No 9. Employees are lied to (R) Yes ? No 10. Employees’ suggestions are ignored (R) Yes ? No 11. Supervisors swear at employees (R) Yes ? No 12. Employees’ hard work is appreciated Yes ? No 13. Supervisors threaten to fire or lay off employees (R) Yes ? No 14. Employees are treated fairly Yes ? No 15. Coworkers help each other out Yes ? No 16. Coworkers argue with each other (R) Yes ? No 17. Coworkers put each other down (R) Yes ? No 18. Coworkers treat each other with respect Yes ? No

What is your organization like most of the time? Circle Yes if the item describes your organization, No if it does not describe your organization, and ? if you cannot decide.


Note: R = the item is reverse scored.

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FIGURE 14–3 Some Areas Under Which Workers Have Legal Rights

• Leave of absence and vacation rights

• Injuries and illnesses rights

• Noncompete agreement rights

• Employees’ rights on employer policies

• Discipline rights

• Rights on personnel files

• Employee pension rights

• Employee benefits rights

• References rights

• Rights on criminal records

• Employee distress rights

• Defamation rights

• Employees’ rights on fraud

• Rights on assault and battery

• Employee negligence rights

• Right on political activity

• Union/group activity rights

• Whistleblower rights

• Workers’ compensation rights

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K E Y T E R M S§ ethics§ distributive justice§ procedural justice§ organizational culture§ ethics code§ nonpunitive discipline§ Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)§ dismissal§ termination at will§ wrongful discharge§ insubordination§ termination interview§ outplacement counseling§ exit interviews§ bumping/layoff procedures§ downsizing


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