Managing Relevant Scenarios of Liabilities Throughout Every Stage of Liability Life Cycle FESA Payable Website: http://www.fesa-s.com Email: [email protected] Last update: 24-Dec-2013

FESA Payable

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Managing Relevant Scenarios of Liabilities Changing in Every Stage of Liability Life Cycle

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Managing Relevant Scenarios of Liabilities Throughout Every Stage of Liability Life Cycle

FESA Payable

Website: http://www.fesa-s.com Email: [email protected] Last update: 24-Dec-2013

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Your Key Concerns

Duplication of payments mainly resulting from staff turnover No offset asset-liability information available for settlement No clear picture of all relevant liabilities (i.e. IFRS and NoIFRS)

to support strategic planning

Extended time of financial close as resulting from long cut-off-date of account payable sub-ledger (i.e. waiting invoices)

Cannot avoid adverse variance of incurred liabilities against

budgeted liabilities (i.e. must proceed payment despite adverse variance exist)

Cannot provide relevant cash outflow forecast supporting

effective treasury management

No comprehensive information and evidence of settled liabilities to protect again duplicated claims from contracting parties

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Your Key Concerns

IFRS compliance, e.g. • Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost (IFRS 7)

• Maturity analysis of financial liabilities (IFRS 7)

• Currency risk (IFRS 7)

• Segment liabilities (IFRS 8)

• Elimination of intragroup assets and liabilities (IFRS 10)

• Fair value measurement of liabilities (IFRS 13)

• Assets and liabilities may not be offset (IAS 1)

• Unrecognized contractual commitments (IAS 1)

• Events after the reporting period (IAS 10)

• Share of any liabilities incurred jointly of joint operations (IAS 11)

• Deferred tax liabilities (ISA 12)

• Finance lease (IAS 17)

• Provision for relevant employee benefits (IAS 19)

• Monetary liabilities shall measure at closing exchange rate (IAS 21)

• Payable to related parties (IAS 24)

• Contingent liabilities (IAS 37)

• Customer loyalty programmes (IFRIC 13)

• Extinguishing financial liabilities with equity instruments (IFRIC 19)

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Are you concerning that n software is most relevant to extend your works of liability management despite it have

been triggering AVESTA computing issues?

Your Key Concerns

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FESA Payable

FESA Payable is not only to support your effective management of accounts payable, but also provide a new platform to manage relevant scenarios of liabilities throughout every stage of liability life cycle. However, FESA Payable is not a system specialize in the following automation: FESA Lease FESA Payroll FESA Procurement FESA Reimbursement FESA Treasury

FESA Payable can interface with other systems and operations by adopting any combination of the following implementation models:

Active or passive integration with your systems Flexible data import and transformation capabilities On-line customized data entry forms Impressive output and reporting capabilities

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bility S


Recorded Liabilities

Plan Obligation Approved Budget

Approved PR & Signed PO


Possible Obligation

Contingent Liabilities

Uncertain Settlement

Present Obligation

Received Goods / Rendered Services

Determining on D/N, GRN, PO, Invoice and/or

Creditor Statement

Trade Payables

Other Payables

Estimation Accrued Expenses



Bank Overdrafts

Bills Payables

Interest Payables

Unrecorded Liabilities

Discrepancy Against Creditors

Negative Liabilities

Duplicated Settlement

Over Settlement

Settle Without Elim Receivables

Relevant Liability Scenarios



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Outflow of Resources to Contracting



Fellow Subsidiaries



JVs & Associates

Key Management




Service Providers


Regulatory Bodies

Multi-face of Contracting Parties

Any of your creditor may be changing their face from time to time

These creditors can have different contractual relationships with your group at the same time

They may have requested you to settle liabilities with different scenarios over time

They may deal with your group across different business units and companies

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Managing Seven Stages of Liability Life Cycle

Budgeted Liabilities

• Approved Budget

Utilizing Budgeted Liabilities

• Approved Purchase Requisitions

Committed Liabilities

• Signed Purchase Orders

Incurred Liabilities

• Received Goods or Rendered Services

Invoiced Liabilities

• Received Invoices

Confirmed Liabilities

• Confirmed Contracting Parties

Settled Liabilities

• Registered Evidences

Minimizing Financial Risks: • Overdue Settlement • Unrecorded Liabilities • Duplicated/Over Settlement • Late Closing of Total Liabilities • Over Utilization of Budgeted Liabilities

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Relevant Liability Dimensions for Every Stages of Liability Life Cycle

Budgeted Liabilities

Utilizing Budgeted Liabilities

Committed Liabilities

Incurred Liabilities

Invoiced Liabilities

Confirmed Liabilities

Settled Liabilities

Analyzed by consolidation group, legal entity & business unit

Analyzed by date, expense and liability nature, department & project

Analyzed by contracting party & relationship

Analyzed by contracting currency

Analyzed by aging (incur & due date)

Analyzed by movement type

Analyzed by settlement type


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Budgeted Liabilities & Utilization