
Year 5 Home Learning Grid Term 4 Week 2 Monday 11th October – Friday 15th October

- Complete your work and post it on Seesaw. - Be sure to create a safe, quiet learning space, free of distraction. - Remember to have regular breaks, drink water and eat some healthy food


1. Go to Reading Eggs. Complete an activity in Fast Phonics.

2. Predict: what will happen in this book? Use the poster at the end of the grid to help you. Write 1-2 sentences about your prediction.

Spelling Copy your spelling words. - songs - teacher - day - like - class - with - together - learning Mathematics

1. Go to Mathletics. Complete an activity.

2. Complete the Maths sheet: Addition Mental Strategies - Look for a Ten

Health Mental health is the way children think or feel about themselves and the world around them. It's related to how children cope with life's challenges and stresses.

❑ Watch: ❑ Write down 5 things you learnt during this lesson.

Visual Arts – Artist Appreciation Who was Walt Disney? Watch the video on Walt Disney’s biography. In one sentence, tell us who he is and what he is famous for. Look at Walt Disney’s comic in the link below: What did you like/dislike about the comic?


1. Go to Reading Eggs. Complete an activity in Fast Phonics.

2. Type in the link. It will read the book to you.

3. Practise reading the book by yourself.

Spelling Copy your spelling words using coloured pencils, textas or crayons. Writing Write a sentence for each of your spelling words. Remember to make your sentences interesting by adding an adjective (describing word) to each sentence. For example: My kind teacher helped me complete my work for Maths. Kind is the adjective (describing word) in this sentence. Use the Adjectives Poster at the end of the grid to help you. Mathematics

1. Go to Mathletics. Complete an activity.

2. Complete the Maths sheet: Addition Mental Strategies - Doubles and Near Doubles


This week you will be given links to learn fundamental skills.

Throwing and Catching:

Science Chocolate Experiment Steps:

1. Place a piece of chocolate in your hand. 2. Count to 100 (keep your hand closed). 3. When you have finished counting to 100 open your hand.

Results: What has happened to the chocolate?


1. Go to Reading Eggs. Complete an activity in Fast Phonics.

2. Type in the link. It will read the book to you.

3. Practise reading the book by yourself. 4. What is the meaning of the word amazing in the story? Write down what it means

(definition). Write an interesting sentence using the word.

Mathematics 1. Go to Mathletics. Complete an activity.

2. Complete the Maths sheet – Addition Mental Strategies-Jump Strategy


Make your spelling words using the letters from a magazine, newspaper or advertising brochure.

Fair Rule

1. Watch the FAIR Video that is assigned to you on SeeSaw. 2. Write about your week of learning. How do you feel? What challenges did you face?

Wellbeing Wednesdays

Look at the flyer attached at the end of the Learning Grid to find some fun wellbeing activities you can complete at home.

Don’t forget to share your photos with your teacher on SeeSaw ����


1. Go to Reading Eggs. Complete an activity in Fast Phonics.

2. Type in the link. It will read the book to you.

3. Read the book to yourself. 4. Read the book to a parent or older brother/sister. 5. Write about your favourite part of the story. Use this sentence starter-My favourite part of

the story is ____________because___________________________.

Spelling Have someone test you on your spelling words for this week. Mathematics

1. Go to Mathletics. Complete an activity.

2. Complete the Maths sheet – Lines and Angles

PDHPE This week you will be given links to learn fundamental skills. Juggling:


1. Go to Reading Eggs. Complete an activity on Fast Phonics.

2. Type in the link. It will read the book to you.

3. Read the book to yourself. 4. Record yourself reading the book on Seesaw.

Spelling Rule: When adding ‘less’ to a word, the spelling stays the same. The suffix ‘less’ means without.

For example: care = careless help = helpless pain = home = harm = taste =

Watch the video on SeeSaw to learn more about the suffix ‘less’.

Mathematics 1. Go to Mathletics. Complete an activity.

2. Complete the Maths sheet-Lines and Angles-Angles

History The First Fleet Use the links to read how Australia and the states were named. Write down 3 interesting facts that your read. Link 1: Link 2: STEM Make a jump rope out of TWO grocery bags and tape. Share it with your teacher on SeeSaw.

Monday - Maths

Tuesday – Reading and Writing

Tuesday - Maths

Wednesday - Maths

Wellbeing Wednesdays

Thursday - Maths

Friday - Maths
