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  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415



    A View from the Bridge - starring Mark Strong, Phoebe Fox and Nicola Walker (right) - comes to the big

    screen at Theatr Mwldan with two chances to see it (21789825)

    Circus skills meet

    the mind of


    Violinist Katy Sm

    Rhosygilwen thi

    AUDIENCES will have twoc hanc es t o wat ch M arkStronglead thecast inIvoVanHove’s five-star Young Vicproductionof Arthur Miller’sA View from the Bridge atTheatr Mwldan, Cardigan, onApril8 andApril 27 at6.45pm.

    The broadcasts are “as live”from the Wyndham’s Theatre

    in London’s West End, cap-tured on March 26 as part of NationalTheatreLive season.

    Strong, who leads the castas Eddie Carbone is joinedby Emun Elliott, Phoebe Fox,Michael Gould, Richard Han-sell, Luke Norris and NicolaWalker as Beatrice.

    Arthur Miller confronts the

    American dream in this darkand passionate tale. In Brook-lyn, longshoreman Eddie Car-bone welcomes his Siciliancousins to the land of free-dom. But when one of themfalls for his beautiful niece,they discover that freedomcomes at a price.

    Tickets are £12.50 (£11.50).

    HITCH, a unique circus andcabaret show based on the lifeand works of Alfred Hitch-cock, visits The Torch Thea-tre on Thursday, April 9, at7.30pm.

    Created and is performedby Mary Bijou Cabaret andSocial Club, it is inspired byHitchcock’s movies, takingaudiences on a journey intothe film-maker’s mind – adarkly funny world of sus-pense and intrigue.

    Dressing up as your favour-ite Hitchcock character is en-couraged.

    Mary Bijou Cabaret and So-cial Club is made up of vet-erans of NoFit State Circusand the underground live artscene in London.

    ‘As live’ theatre broadcast

    Hitch aride totheatreshow

    NEWPORT Music Socie-ty will be hosting a veryspecial recital at TheOak Hall in Rhosygil-wen on Sunday, April 12starting at 4pm.

    Molly Rowan Sharples,an exceptionally giftedyoung musician (violinand harp) will share theplatform with Katy Smithand Kate Ro bey.

    A recent recital in Bathdrew praise for Molly’s ex-pressive interpretation of the second movement of Mendelssohn’s violin con-certo in E minor notingher ‘beautiful tone, superbfocus and vibrancy’.

    Katy is an accomplishedLondon-based soloist(violin), with her playingdescribed as ‘a fluentlycontrolled line of melodyin a tone of taut velvet’.

    Kate (piano), with herextensive musical experi-ence and sensitivity, willaccompany and also playfrom her solo repertoire.

    The programme will bewide ranging to includeworks by Bach, Brahms,Beethoven, Mendelssohn,Debussy, Chopin, Mass-

    enet, Wienawsand John Thom

    Admission wdoor, with ticking £8 (membestudents and achildren £3.

    To book in adtact Rhosygilw841387.

    Newport Mugratefully acknthe support ofAllan/Night Oconcert.

    Rhosygilwenfound near Cilnorth Pembro

     WHAT’S ON



    Contact Ceri Coleman-Ph

    your local entertainm

    Email cco@westerntelegr

    or call her on 0143

    ●To list your event for free visit Only those events ta

    during the week following publication will be included in the newspaper, space perm

    ●For enhanced listings from only £10, ring 01437 761787 or email lesley.pritchard@ by 2.30pm on Friday for inclusion in the next issue

    ●View more listings online at

    ● Your guide to entertainment and leisure time in Pembrokeshire

    ART EXHIBITION: StDavids and Solva ArtGroup Easter Exhibi-tion. All welcome. Lastday April 10 when theexhibition will close at4pm. Solva Memorial

    Hall, 39 High Street.ART EXHIBITION:Fishguard Arts SocietyEaster show featuringlocal portrait painters.Fishguard Library,Town Hall, Fishguardto April 30.EASTER EXHIBITION:Works by ThomasHaskett, of Llanycefn,Richard Evans, of StDogmaels and MartynVaughan Jones at ArtMatters at the WhiteLion Street Gallery,

    1, White Lion StreetTenby to April 28.FRIDAYFARM AND CRAFTOPEN DAY: Weatherpermitting. Meet theanimals, shear the

    sheep, try archery,pottery, willow workor just join the familyfun games or treasurehunt. Glan-y-Mor Farmat Pembroke (Bush)School, South Westcorner of the schoolsite. 11am.FIRST AID FORBABIES: Learn aboutfirst aid for babiesand toddlers at TenbyLibrary on Friday, at11am. After a short sto-rytime, stay for an hour

    to learn basic first aidskills to keep childrensafe.SATURDAY/SUNDAYCELTIC LO NGBOATOPEN DAY: Free tasterevent, 12-2pm, Lower

    Town Quay, Fishguard.Over 12s. See the clubFacebook page: Fish-guard and GoodwickJemima Rowing Club.Please be aware that inthe event of high windsor heavy rain, the eventwill be postponed.SATURDAYMUSIC: Bryn FonAcoustic Set plus sup-port, Canolfan HermonCommunity Centre,doors 6.30pm. Tickets£12 in advance, £15 on

    the door.BRASS BANCERT: GoodBand and Bare holdinging concertShalom Hou

    vids St PeteChurch Roaat 7.30pm onTickets £10MONDAYTALK: Dyfeily History Haverfordwmeeting. SpMargaret Sfrom the GuOne-name Swelcome PrChurch Halgast Haverf7.30pm.

    Wednesday, April 8, 201558   westerntelegr

    Add your events at



  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


    A life behind the curtain

    Caimh McDonnell will be the

    compere for the night

    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time stars Swansea-born actor Joshua Jenkins.

    Creatia perfportra

    Laughs aplenty atcomedy gig night

    NOT every role in theatreis in the glare of the spot-light, there are hundreds

    of talented people work-ing tirelessly behind thescenes.

    Pembrokeshire-born Rob-bie Cullen is living proof of that. Having grown upin the coastal communitiesof Pendine and Saunders-foot, he is now a success-ful stage and companymanager, working on RoyalShakespeare Company andNational Theatre produc-tions.

    As a young boy Robbieloved doing music anddrama and was involved inlocal amateur dramatics,performing with TenbyPlayers amongst others.

    His first experience of working with a professionalstage company was at the

    Torch Theatre in MilfordHaven, and it was thenhe realised he was moreinterested in running thebackstage area than per-forming.

    Robbie took a gap year af-ter his studies at GreenhillSchool, volunteering at theTorch as often as he could.He then went on to trainRoyal Welsh College of Mu-sic and Drama in Cardiff.

    Since then Robbie’s work

    has been mostly London-based. His career high-lights include working on

    ambitious stage adaptationsof Hilary Mantel's prize-winning novels Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodieswith the Royal ShakespeareCompany.

    Robbie's latest projectis the National Theatre’stouring stage adaptation of Mark Haddon’s bestsellingand award-winning bookThe Curious Incident of the Dog inthe Night Time,which will be at Cardiff’s

    Wales Millennium Centrefrom April 14-19.

    It tells the story of 15 year-

    old Christopher Boone whois suspected of spearingMrs Shears’ dog Welling-ton with a garden fork.Christopher records eachfact in a book he is writingto solve the mystery of whomurdered Wellington.

    The teenager has anextraordinary brain, and isexceptional at maths whileill-equipped to interpreteveryday life.

    He has never ventured

    alone beyond the end of hisroad, detests being touchedand distrusts strangers.

    But his detective work,forbidden by his father,takes him on a frightening journey that upturns hisworld.

    Robbie said: “It is afantastic show based on ahuge bestseller, which ison the school curriculum.Christopher has a verymathematical brain andthe technicality of theshow reflects this with thelighting and sound.

    Six pages with puzzles, theatre, eating out, exhibitions, art, comedy ...

    THE ever popular ComedyClub returns to the QueensHall, Narberth on Thursday,April 9.

    Headlining is Duncan Oak-

    ley, who has the confidenceand the gift of the gab thatwill help him engage withthe liveliest of audiences.Duncan is an accomplishedguitarist, drummer andharmonica player, but hisbiggest talent is makingpeople laugh.

    The second act of the even-ing is Kate Smurthwaite, acomedian and political activ-ist. She performs all over theUK and around the world atmajor clubs including TheComedy Store, Comedy Cafe,

    The Stand, Covent GardenComedy Club, Soho ComedyClub and Crack ComedyClub. Kate is a writer for theBBC Three political comedy

    show The RevolutionWill  Be Televised and the UK'sleading political satire show Have I Got News For You.

    Compere for the night isCaimh McDonnell. In hisdecade on the British stand-up circuit, Caimh has firmlyestablished himself as thewhite-haired Irishmanwhose name nobody canpronounce.

    Tickets are available fromthe Span Arts box office on01834 869323 or online

    Wednesday, April 8,

    THE art of portrabeing celebrated exhibition by FishSociety this mont

    Portrait paintintraced back moreyears, some evenRoman era.

    Styles and medichanged over timessence of portracapture both the lthe character of th

    The society’s Eation in Fishguardwill showcase thelocal artists who sportraiture. The ainvited to submitexamples of theirinclusion and viswould like to comportrait of thems

    another person, wevery opportunityan artist at the ex

    For two days duexhibition, local aIbbitson will be leworkshop at Tregsion on April 19 a

    Advance bookinsary, go to for det ai

    The exhibition rApril 2 until Apri

    Duncan Oakley will be head-

    lining Comedy Club

    Pembrokeshire-born stage

    manager Robbie Cullen.

    “I’m very excited to becoming back to Cardiff. Ileft college in 1997 and have

    never been back to Wales.It’s brilliant to be catch-ing up with all my collegefriends as we’re all turning40 this year.”

    Robbie added that it wasgreat to be on home soilas all of his family fromTenby can come up andwatch the show.

    For more information andfor tickets visit contact the ticket officeon 02920 636464.

  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


    Harp is Alun’s world

    The Landsker singers are celebrating their 25th

    anniversary this year.

    IN 1990 Pembrokeshiremusicians Shirley Williamsand Edmund Walters formed aladies choir, calling it LandskerSingers as most of the choir’smembers lived close to theLandsker line.

    A few years later tenors andbasses were invited to join, re-sulting in the mixed voice choirwhich is now a major player inthe choral life of Pembrokeshire.

    The choir’s main

    performance this year takesplace at St David’s Cathedralat 7.30pm on Satu rday, April 11when the choir and the West-ward Chamber Ensemble willperform The Fulfilment: theCrucifixion, Resurrection andAscension of Jesus.

    The soloists are soprano Geor-gina Stalbow (who started hersinging life as a member of theLittle Landskers) and AnthonyStuart- Lloyd, bass-baritone.This is the second of three spe-

    cially commissioned works forchorus, soloists and orchestracomposed by the renownedWelsh composer, Eric Jones,with words by Rev DrDavid Owen. The first part of the Tri logy, The Nativity, wasgiven its first performance in2012. Tickets for the concert,priced at £15 and £12, areavailable from Musicians’World, High Street, Haverford-west, St Davids Bookshop, or bycalling 01437 760664 or 710370.

    INTERVIEW: Alun Thomas –Harp Maker

    By Tom Sparkes

    THE room smells of saw-dust and sweet polishingwax. As I walk crisp woodshavings crunch under myshoes. Metal tools line thewalls and lie on work-benches. Some of them arecovered in a thin veneerof dust, but others shinefrom frequent use. I’ve juststepped into the workshopof Alun Thomas and al-ready I’m enthralled.

    Alun has been makingharps in the Pembrokeshirecountryside for years, butit was his father, John, whofirst founded the businessin 1965.

    John served in the mer-chant navy during World

    War II, and then taughtwoodwork and worked atthe National Museum of Wales. At some point hewas commissioned to makeminiature wooden objects.One of these commissionswas a miniature harp. Therest, a s they say, is history.John W Thomas became thefirst harp maker in Walesfor 50 years and one of onlythree in the UK.

    As Alun shows me thevarious stages of creatinga harp I am amazed by howphysical the process is.From the carved woodenneck to the soundboard,the sharping levers to thetuning pins, every compo-nent is carefully created byhand. There are no laser

    cutters here. No mechanisedprocesses or production linemanufacturing. There is

     just beautiful craftsmanshipin its purest form.

    Alun creates two differenttypes of harp – the Celticharp and the Triple harp.Depending upon the designit takes between 20 hoursand three months to com-plete one instrument. Ona bench at the back of theroom Alun shows me an oldharp that his father builtwhich has been brought inby its owner for a service.The surface of the woodgleams like a well-tended

    antique, and that’s whatAlun creates here, not justinstruments but heirloomstoo.

    The world of harp makingis not without trouble. Alunhas to compete with cheapimported instruments fromChina and Pakistan that aremass produced and low inquality and tone. Alun tellsme how even the BSE crisisin Britain took its toll bycausing the cost of tradi-tional gut harp-strings to

     jump by 80 per cent.Alun has made harps for

    internationally renownedmusicians like Robin HuwBowen and Elinor Bennett.

    He tells me how he camehome once to find an answermachine message from Mat-

    thew Gravelle, who playsJoe Miller in the ITV dramaBroadchurch, who needed arepair. Thomas Harps havefound their way to the fourcorners of the globe – theUSA, Finland, Japan, Aus-tralia, Canada and Europe.I’m curious about how yougo about posting a 6ft tallharp to Japan.

    “They’re built in sec-tions,” Alun explains. “SoI can send them in threeparts that you bolt togetheronce they’ve arrived. A harpwill fit i nto a box tha t way.They leave here looking likecoffins!.

    Alun’s harps have evenmade it onto the silverscreen. He supplied twoinstruments for the film-ing of Under Milk Woodin Solva last year. One of these instruments was thefirst harp that his fatherever built.

    I ask Alun whether heplays, hopeful that I willget an impromptu perfor-mance. “My father wasalways asked that ques-tion,” he says. “And I’ll say

    the same thing as he did. Idon’t have time to learn toplay the harp, I’m too busybuilding them.”

    As I leave the small work-shop in north Pembrokesh-ire two things sadden me.The first is that I don’t pos-sess a craft which resultsin such beautiful objects.The second is that I left mywallet at home – I reallywould like one of Alun’sharps.


    BB Skone'sGig Guide

    SMALL World Thwelcome back theZiegler Quartet oApril 10, for an autango experiencefying concert.

    The Alejandro ZQuartet was set uAires in 2007 andstopping in Cardtheir sixth Europ

    The ensemble hstyle of tango muing both innovattradition. They ptic arrangementsGolden Age of Taand 50s) recreatinof the great orchSarli, Pugliese, T

    Gobbi among othThey also play Aamazing composcome alive throuing arrangementintimate interplalive, the musiciantheir personal styand their commuexpressive, playfuThey flirt with a musical expressiremaining spontenjoying the imption found in conmusic.

    With their uniqtango, improvisaromantique, Alejthe group have mfriends around th

    Small World Thalso how popular

    has become in thenoucrage dancethe dance floor armeans that the raudience get a grthe stage.

    Doors and bar o7.30pm. Tickets care available via

    Follow us on Twitter @WTFacebook a

    TODAY, WEDNESDAY:Open Mic, Th e Tiddly,Freystrop; Open mic, Friars

    Vaults, Haverfordwest.

    THURSDAY:Comedy Club,The Queens Hall, Narberth.

    FRIDAY: Blue Rose Codeand Lowri Evans, LlysMeddig, Newport; AcousticSession, The Welshman’s,Pembroke Dock; Just Iceand Jill Jam Night, CellarBar, Cardigan; Morse Code,Britiah Legion, MilfordHaven; Alejandro ZieglerQuartet, Small World Thea-tre, Cardigan; Live Music,The Tiddly, Freystrop.

    SATURDAY: Henry Mar-ten’s Ghost, Café Lorenzo,Carmarthen; The MeanMistreaters, The Cellar Bar,Cardigan; Jack Sound andthe Bitches, The StationInn, Pembroke Dock; LiveMusic, The Dolphin Hotel,Pembroke Dock; AcousticJam, The Brewe ry, TheGwaun Valley; Live Music,The Tiddly, Freystrop.

    SUNDAY: Henry Marten’sGhost, Lifeboat Tavern,Tenby; Live Music (3pm),Brown’s Hotel, Laugharne;Sophia Radische, BB SkoneShow, Radio Pembrokesh-ire.

    MONDAY: Musician’s Club,Middlegate, Pembroke.

    TUESDAY: Ed Owen, The

    Lifeboat Tavern, Tenby;Folk Session, The CoachHouse, Fishguard; Acous-tic Session, The Dingle,Narberth.

     Please check with venuesbefore travelling as pro-

     grammes can change.

    l   BB Skone presents thelocal music show everySunday at 7pm on RadioPembrokeshire and hismusic documentaries arestreamed on www.videoma-


     YOUR M


    ●To list your gFREE or view mevents, visit everntelegraph.c

    add your eventgigs taking plathe week followlication will bein the newspappermitting.

    ●For enhancedand advertisinonly £10, ring 0761787 or emailpritchard@westerntelegraby 2.30pm on Finclusion in thissue.

    Silver anniversary for choir

    Quartto delthe ta

    of tan

    Wednesday, April 8, 201560   westerntelegr

    Harp maker Alun Thomas in his workshop

  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


    Wednesday, April 8, 201562   westerntelegr

  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


    This Staffordshire pottery soup plate dating from around 1830

    shows Plas Gogerddan in Cardiganshire

    Strong links to WalesBring arecord toevening of 

    great jazz

    RARE antiques witha great Welsh sto ryto tell will be amongthe items being sold in

    Carmarthen next week.Fr om a n i ma ge o f a

    Carmarthenshire gentle-man and his dog to Staf-fordshire pottery with aCardiganshire connection,there will be many inter-esting items to be foundat the next CarmarthenAntiques and Flea Marketwhich takes place on Sun-day, April 12.

    A silhouette of JamesStepney Gulston made in1844 shows the one-timeowner of the Derwydd Es-tate in Carmarthenshirewith his dog.

    According to legend, thefamily mansion has offered

    SPANJAZZ brings you a spe-cial Jazz Island Discs night atThe Dingle Club, Narberth onWednesday, April 15.

    Bring two of your favourite jazz tunes to play, and discoverother artists you may havenever heard before from other jazz enthusiasts.

    SpanJazz is at a special pricethis month, with entry for just£3.

    Tickets are available fromthe Span Arts box office on01834 869323, or online There arediscounts available for groupbookings of 10 or more.

    shelter to the monarchyon at least two occasions,(King John, of Robin Hoodfame, reportedly spendinga night there in 1210 and

    Henry Tudor on his way tovictory atthe Battleof Bos-worth Field). Despite beingfrom more than 170 yearsago, unusually the dog’s

    name is kn own, Sky.Also expected to attract a

    great deal of interest is aStaffordshire pottery soup

    plate dating from around1830.

    The dish shows Plas Gog-erddan in Cardiganshire.

    Gogerddanwas oneof thefour great Cardiganshireestates fromthe 16thcentu-ry, the seat of the powerfuland influential Pryse fam-ily of Gogerddan.

    Today the National PlantPhenomics Centre at Gog-erddan houses one of themost advanced researchgreenhouses in the UK.

    Fair organisers RobertandCarol Pughand dealerswill be at the CarmarthenShowground from 10am to4pm on April 12.

    Wednesday, April 8,

    Mitch BennBelieve a W“I’M a sceptic. Bumy word for it. Orbody’s. For anythis the basic premBenn’s new crclaimed show whiTheatr Mwldan, CThursday April 9,

    It’s a show that wlaugh a lot and thwell as Mitch debuexposes nonsenseples with the verknowledge itself evirtues of an eviapproach to life, wconsequences andfew songs a long th

    Tickets are £1check availabilitytreMwldan’sbox othis is sure to be ato Benn’s populari

    He recently BBC Radio 2’s ‘AnGuitar’ and can bheard on Radio 4.

    Six pages with puzzles, theatre, eating out, exhibitions, art, comedy ...

  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


    Geoff’s Bullsare political they

    will get your cowsinto labour:

    Let them enjoythe party

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    Andy Richardson says additional milk processing in south-wes

    could provide a secure market for Welsh milk. PICTURE: Debb

    Action plan for dairindustry is drawn uby Debbie James

    CREATING a new processingfacility in south-west Wales isa priority under new plans toboost the country's dairy sector.

    Increasing processing capacityin this major milk-producing re-gion isa keyrecommendationina Welsh Government action planfor the industry, which followsan independent review by AndyRichardson, Volac’s head of cor-porate affairs.

    Mr Richardson, who inter-viewed more than 100 farm-

    ers and industry stakeholdersacross Wales, made 26 recom-mendations in his report.

    A weakness identified in thereview was insufficient milk-processing capacity in parts of Wales.

    The Welsh Government saidit would support a feasibilitystudy examining the potentialfor a dairy-processing facility insouth west Wales.

    Mr Richardson believes thiscould provide a secure, added-value market for the extra 400mlitres of milk Wales is likely tobe producing by 2020.

    The study will be undertakenunder a Welsh Dairy LeadershipBoard, which is to be establishedfollowing one of Mr Richard-son’s recommendations.

    Wales’ deputy farmer ministerfor farming and food, RebeccaEvans, said current capacitymeant farmers had to rely onprocessing outside of Wales,a situation she described as a“significant risk’’ to the sector’s

    long-ter m viabili ty. “Adding val-ue to the product and retainingthat value in Wales is criticaland we must look at innovativeways to achieve this.

    “Securing a market-driven andsuccessful processing facilityin Wales is something that weshould urgently consider.”

    Plaid Cymru shadow agricul-

    ture minister Llyr Gruffydd AMsaid it was a “step in the rightdirection’’.

    Mrs Evans said she would re-view the milk industry’s volun-tarycode of practice annuallyto

    ensure it was “fit forShealsoaccepted a neWales’s sustainable agement scheme, Glattractive to dairy far

    NFU Cymru’s Mchairman,Aled Jonesthe report as a “valuatunity’’ for the Welsment and farming i

    tackle problems in th“We are pleased th

    uty minister has acrecommendations Cymru look forwardinvolved,’’ he said.

    Email your farming news to [email protected], call 01437 761759 or log on to the websi

    Wednesday, April 8, 201566   westerntelegr

    Apply for top NFU awTIME is running outto enterthe NFU Cymru’s Welsh Ru-ral Community ChampionAward, which recognisesthe vital role farmers play intheir local co mmunity.

    The Welsh Rural Commu-nity Champion Award, nowin its sixthyear, is sponsoredby the Principality BuildingSociety.

    Applications are invited

    from throughout Wales,from those farmers who usewhat little spare time theyhave away from the farm inhelping their local commu-

    nity thrive, withreceiving £500 aners-up getting £

    Anyone interetering the AwardNFU Cymru for and an applicEmail sarah.jonuk or call 01982 5to NFU Cymru, munity ChampAgriculture Ho

    Welsh ShowgroWells, Powys, Lternatively the form is

    Organic milk sales on the upTHEnew chairman of Pem-brokeshire-based Welsh co-operative Calon Wen sayshe believes organic milkhas a bright future. DaveEdge who this month takesover the role of herding 20family run farms under thebranded Welsh milk, evenpoints out that for mediumsizedconventionalfarms inWales, it could be the timeto make the switch to or-ganic.

    Mr Edge says the consist-ent prices Calon Wen cansecure for their milk pointsto a solid, and growing, de-mand among consumerswho consider organic milkas a staple not a luxury.

    “One in four shoppers optfor organic milk now and

    that’s coming off the back

    of the deepest recession inliving memory.

    “Calon Wen has secureda deal to supply Asda withmilk and that means wenow hold a ‘full house’,stocked by the big fivesupermarkets. At a timewhen multiples are cuttingthe number of labels foreach product, that’s a hugeapproval of our brand,”said Mr Edge.

    “Conventional milk pric-es have taken a batteringrecently. Organic priceshave remained prettysteady over the past threeyears,” he added.

    The CalonWenbrand cov-ers milk, cheese and butterand there are plans for fur-ther products too.

    However, Dave Edge says

    their marketing effortsmust now turn to the SouthEast of England.

    “If we want to ride spend-ing growth then the mostdensely populated part of 

    the UK is the place to be.”

    Dave Edge

  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


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    Wednesday, April 8,

    Farmers’ union tries toprevent payment delayEUROPEAN Commissionproposals to extend the dead-line for applications to the

    Basic Payment Scheme bya month is potentially goodnews for Wales, according toNFU Cymru.

    The EU Agriculture Com-missioner proposed to ex-tend the deadline for directpayment applications toJune 15, an extension to theoriginal May 15 deadline,to recognise the difficultiesthat administrations acrossEurope are facing with the

    challenge of introducing thenew Common AgriculturalPolicy (CAP).

    Farmers and their advis-ers, including NFU Cymrustaff who provide assistanceduring this crucial applica-tion period, are reportingthat the application form istaking far longer to completethis year for the additionalmapping of trees and otherfeatures, as well as farmersimpacted by the new green-ing requirements, having toregister ecological focus ar-

    eas for the first time.NFU Cymru deputy presi-

    dent John Davies said: “We

    need to know the detailedplans for how the commis-sion proposes for this towork, but given the complex-ity and additional work asso-ciated with this year’s SingleApplication form we need toseriously consider makinguse of the extension that theCommissioner is offering.

    “Most importantly we needto get an understanding of whether an extension to the

    application period would im-pact on the ability of WelshGovernment to make pay-

    ments from December 2015.”Mr Davies added: “NFU

    Cymruwill now look toworkthrough the details of thisproposal with Welsh Govern-ment, seeking to ensure thatfarmers are given the maxi-mum possible time to com-plete the form to reduce thepotential of error, but ourpriority must be to ensurethat ourmembersdo notfacedelays to payments.”


    JJ MORRIS report another good entry of 351 in the cull section

    which saw prices top at £119 for ewes (averaging £71), while the

    rams peaked at £129. Plenty of buyers guaranteed competition

    which resulted in:Top ewes and rams per head: £119 Evans, Esgair Newydd -

    £129 Davies, Penlanwynt. £119 Davies, Babiog - £105 Morgan,

    Cwrt Farm. £117 Eynon, Brynawel - £101 Eynon, Brynawel. £115

    Jenkins, Llwyncrwn - £94 Lewis, Windy Hill. £110 Harries, Garreg-

    wen - £88 Yates, Penyrallt Farm. £106 Morgan, Cwrt Farm - £85

    Thomas, Penygarn.

    Ewe and lamb couples (22): The best ewe and lamb couples

    peaked at £220 from Thomas, Syke Farm; Morgan, 12 Precelly

    Crescent sold at £185, £170, £150, £140 and £135; £135 from

    Evans Bros, Parke.

    Store lambs (851): In comparison to the

    national fat trade the store lamb trade

    remained buoyant, with a few less store

    lambs about prices topped at £88.50

    whilst averaging £58/head. Top prices:

    £88.50 Evans, Nantyrhelygen Fawr; £86

    Morse, Caerenfys; £85.50 Bowen, Marsh

    Farm; £85 Morse, Caerenfys.

  • 8/9/2019 WTM Classified 080415


    Dry Dry Seasoned Firewood

    Stored undercover 1/2 load of 

    hardwood £120 Full Load of Hardwood

    £220 Full load of Larch £150 All loads

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    FoR SALE Moblty Scooter, GoGO Elte Traveller,Sx Months Old, £425 o.n.o.Tel: 01646 6211449.

    LARGE   Square Haylage Bales.Trpple Wrapped. Also smallHay Bales. Tel: 01239 891655

    DINING RooM CHAIRS   6 hghback orgnally from Heals,London £85 01834 843554

    HpW1907V   Computer screen,54cms, excellent condton,hardly used £50 ono. 01239891300

    MAGIMIX   Cusne System4000, excellent condton,complete wth storage drawer ofa ll a tt ac hm en ts £ 99 .01437 731247

    WATER JUG   & Water Fountann honey bege, for ndoor oroutdoor rooms, VGC, contanspebbles & can hold plants £25.01437 731247

    CoLLECToRS   B o ok ' Gr lAnnual' Frst edton, VGC £1001437 731247

    GLAS S T ABLE T op   24"square, marked out as a tastefulchess board, to put on smallcoffee table £10.01437 731247

    FAX MACHINE   Samsung. wthtelephone, sutable for a smalloffce, VGC £15. 01437 731247

    SINGLE   Dvan Bed, excellentcondton £50. 01348 872378

    DoUBLE   B ed £ 50 .01348 872378

    3 + 2   Seater Brown leathersettees, good condton £90.

    01348 872387pARKER KNoLL  Cottage style2 s eat er se tt ee £ 30 .01348 872378

    WooDEN STooLS   2 sturdydark wood wth padded greenv elv et s eats , 19" h g h £5.01437 890254

    HIFI CABINET  sold pne, glassfronted, 2 shelves 33"Hgh x 17"square £10. 01437 890254

    SINGLE DUVET , as new stll nwrapper £3. 01437 890254

    3 LILLIpUT LANE  Cottages, ngo od co nd to n £ 5.01437 890254

    2  whte plastc garden chars,go od c on dt on £ 4.01437 890254

    pHILIpS   Sound machne,portable CD, Rado & Tapemachne, twn speakers, goodcondton £8. 01437 890254

    D I GI TA L C LoCK RA DI oRoberts Gemn 9 FM & DABWavebands, boxed, unused£15. 01437 890254

    TINY TEARS   Doll, old but ng oo d c ond to n £5 .01437 890254

    CAR   b oo t b ox o f te ms ,ex cel len t co nd t on £8.01437 890254

    E SS L IV ER A ND W HI TEpUppIES   From workng famly.Tals docked. Mcrochpped.K.C. Reg. & frst vaccnatons.Ready now Tel: 07900696523

    ELECTRICAL  convector heaterduel Temperature control, asnew, cost £24 sell for £12.07980816239

    SLIMLINE   el ectr c p anelheaters, tmer, economcal torun, as new condton, cost £90n ew , b ar ga n a t £ 25 .07980816239

    GAS CooKER   mans/LPG -Cannon Chesterfeld. Whte.Very good condton. Clean,£50. 01437 765490

    2 BRAND NEW   Hater Motf 41Easy Start. £300 each Brandn ew A tco R de-on £1,200Tel: 07974 801893

    TASTY TRoTTER Pg Roaster &2 co mm erc al B B Q' s + A l lequpment to set up a busness.£ 3 , 0 0 001437 768131

    pRoFESSIoNAL KARAoKESystem complete wth CDs &Speakers. £350, 01437 768131

    GAS CooKER   mans/LPG -Cannon Chesterfeld. Whte.Very good condton. Clean,

    £50. 01437 765490

    TpA   Automatc ChangeoverGas Regulator Kt POLPG Foruse wth two LPG Cylnders.£20. 01437 765490

    SELF-pRopELLED LAWNMoWER   46cm cut, easy start148cc Brggs and Strattonengne, very lttle used £85.01239 613171

    TREADMILL   B y Naut lu s .Electrc powered wth nclne.20 stone capacty. Lttle usedand n VGC. Buyer collects.£300. 01646 601279

    SoUNDLAB   GO56C TurntableUSB Belt Drve Turntable 33/45RPM, ptch control, headshell,stylus, cartrdge. 145x350x450(mm) £50. 07773089667


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    DWI K    Bedroom emiDetached House, GCH, OwnGard en, £450 p cm. Newl yr efu r bi s hed 2 B edr oo mBungalow, OCH, Parking, QuietA re a, £ 49 5 p cm . B on d &R ef er en ce s r eq ui re d.01348 874920 or07824486925

    HOME TO LET.   Whitland £300p.month 1 BedroomTel: 07816 292546 /07864 837920

    BRYNBERIAN   1 BedroomS emi -detach ed C o ttage.Furnished to suit working singleperson or couple.Tel: 01239-891655

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