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Silber-Partner: Veranstalter:

Working with a Supermodel for SharePoint Add-ins

Sonja Madsen

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Sonja Madsen

SharePoint MVPSONJASAPPS ConsultingSpeaker

@sonjamadsen [email protected]

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Building views and pages with SharePoint hosted add-ins

Using SharePoint lists, libraries, and controls REST and JSOM API Using JavaScript Frameworks: TypeScript, Angular,

and Knockout Branding your work with Office UI Fabric Debugging and Deployment


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SharePoint add-in Single Page Add-in App Part – web part SharePoint List View Multiple languages Design Modules

Building views and pages

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SharePoint add-in system view.aspx page.js .css

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JavaScript CSS


SharePoint data, users and components

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.aspxLanding (start) page

App Part page

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Landing (start) page

HTML similar to a page layout- Placeholders: PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead,

PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea, PlaceHolderMain- SharePoint namespaces- Inherits from

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPage- Allows web part zones- Allows web parts- Parameters – properties in the URL: SPHostUrl, SPLanguage,

SPClientTag, SPProductNumber, SPAppWebUrl

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App Part page

HTMLInherits from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartPageNo placeholdersNo web part zonesNo web partsParameters – properties in the URL: SPHostUrl, SPLanguage, SPClientTag, SPProductNumber, SPAppWebUrlAdvanced IframeExperimental List View

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App Part page

Advanced IFRAMEEdit web part: Title, layout, custom category and custom propertiesResize No data from the pageNo data from parent page URL

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List View

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Controls such as List View, SharePoint:ScriptLink, SharePoint:EncodedLiteral, WebPartPages:XsltListViewWebPart

Lists and libraries that are part of the add-in or part of a SharePoint site

Lists and libraries that are part of the add-in do not have all the features like the ones created on SharePoint

Using SharePoint lists, libraries, and controls

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No Site Contents No List Settings

Using SharePoint lists, libraries, and controls

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What is better? Can we mix?


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Knockout Angular MVVM

JavaScript Frameworks

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Model-View-View Model (MVVM) is a design pattern for building user interfaces

Model - stored data View model - representation of the data and

operations (add, remove) View - visible, interactive UI

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Data Binding JavaScript siteLi.innerHTML = "<a href='" + results[i].Url +

"'>" + results[i].Title + "</a>"; Knockout <ul data-bind="foreach: News"> <li data-bind="text: NewsTitle"></li> </ul>

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Knockout News model News view model News view Display news link

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Difference in HTML

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Difference in JS

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Angular Framework

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function NewsItem(newsTitle, newsDescription) { var self = this; self.NewsTitle = newsTitle; self.NewsDescription = newsDescription; }

HTML <div> <div data-bind="template: { name: 'news-template' }"></div> </div>

<script type="text/html" id="news-template"> <ul data-bind="foreach: News"> <li data-bind="text: NewsTitle"></li> </ul> </script>


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<div ng-app="app"><div ng-controller="AppController"><ul> <li ng-repeat="newsItem in News">{{newsItem.Title}}</li> </ul></div></div>

module App.Model { export class newsItem { public Title: string; public Description: string;



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<div> <div data-bind="template: { name: 'news-template' }"></div></div> <script type="text/html" id="news-template"> <ul data-bind="foreach: News"> <li data-bind="text: NewsTitle"></li> </ul> </script>

Knockout Templating

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<div ng-include="news-template.html"></div>

Angular Templating

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Angular Modules Services, $http, $log

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TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript

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export class Welcome { public static getMessage() { return 'Hello, World!'; }}

TypeScript Hello World

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var helloWorld = { Greeting: function () { document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML = resources.Hello();}};

JavaScript Hello World

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<body> <my-app></my-app> </body>

Angular 2 Beta and TypeScript

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Page 33: Workshop supermodel munich Fonts, colors, message colors Grid Icons Controls

Office UI Fabric

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<i class="ms-Icon ms-Icon--mail" aria-hidden="true"></i>

<a id="addLists" href="#"><i class="ms-Icon ms-Icon--circlePlus" style="font-size: xx-large" aria-hidden="true"></i>Add lists</a>

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<div> Add a Site <div> <input id="sitename" class="ms-TextField-field" type="text"> <span class="ms-TextField-description">This should be the name of the site</span> </div> </div>

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<div class="ms-Grid"> <div class="ms-Grid-row"> <div class="ms-Grid-col ms-u-md12"> <h1>Super DEMO</h1> </div> </div></div><div class="ms-Grid-row"> <div class="ms-Grid-col ms-u-md2"> <a id="addLists" href="#"><i class="ms-Icon ms-Icon--circlePlus" style="font-size: xx-large" aria-hidden="true"></i>Add lists</a> </div>

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Web Essentials - Minify Azure web application Browser

Debugging and Deployment

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Ich freue mich auf Ihr Feedback!

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Silber-Partner: Veranstalter:

Vielen Dank![Speaker]
