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Jon Wiggins Top-sport trainer WBV


National trainers Syllabus & vocational qualification

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National-trainers syllabus and vocational qualification

Pre-course modules

Physiology Strength training

Coach platform

Pre course Log Book - theory

Core Course

Application of Physiology

Technical knowledge skills

Technical knowledge training methods

PlanningMonitoring and


CommunicationGrowth and


Safe working practices

Practical coaching track

athlete protection

Post Course


Physiology Strength training

Coach Platform

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Syllabus -

“You are what you train and correct training is governed by the knowledge

and structure of professional coaching” Jon Wiggins 2008”

Pre-course • Physiology

Strength training

Coaching Platform

Core Course Application of Physiology

Technical knowledge skills

Technical knowledge training methods


Monitoring and evaluation


Growth and development

Safe working practice

Practical coaching track

Athlete protection

Post Course Physiology

Strength training

Coach platform

Pre-requisite qualification/attitude Be at least 18 years of age at the commencement of the course

Be holder of the A trainer diploma or following a sports science degree course at the University of Leuven.

Able to train/coach groups between 8-20 athletes at high levels of competitive ability

Working on an individual base with athletes.

Commitment and interest in furthering a professional coaching/trainers career

To organize and manage a number of assistants

1. Aims and Assessment Objectives

1.1To equip the candidates with technical knowledge

To apply the mechanical principles and techniques in the performance of the different disciplines of track


To demonstrate an understanding of the correct procedures and conduct at high level competition events

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To analyse cycling skills in a competitive environment and to produce long term and short term action plans

to optimise performances

To demonstrate an applied knowledge of anatomy and physiology and its application when training


To understand and apply principles of training at all levels of athletes from club level to world class program.

To understand the value and limitations of strength conditioning

To understand and manage stress

To demonstrate an in depth knowledge of performance times related to all levels of competition


Mechanical principles in the context of:

Male V female

Age and development



Accurate assessment monitoring and comparison to known standards of all competitive track disciplines

Systematic observation and analysis of technique:

Visual analysis of all technique, including use of video and laser technology

Accurate and repeatable methods of recording data

Planning and implementation of action plans to improve technique

Physiology and Anatomy

Physiology – application of physiological principles in cycling training and strength condition in various

environments relating to;

Cardio vascular system

Energy systems

Different training requirements for children and adults



Types of muscle and relating muscle groups to specific cycling skills

Joint Structures, types and movements

Influence of gender and age over a full lifespan

Effect of puberty

Growth stages and related skill capacities

Emotional and social developments


The training of cyclists from club level to high performance related to recognised principles

Strength conditioning

Mobility, flexibility, endurance, power, strength and speed training Safe and appropriate use of all types of resistance work according to gender and stage of maturation application of recognized training principles to develop a strength program for athletes from club level to a world class program. values and limitations of strength conditioning as a supplement to cycling specific training.

Stress Identification of physiological and psychological stress Management of physiological and psychological stress Performance times and standards relating to national and international competition.

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1.2 To equip candidates with the knowledge and skill to conduct safe working practices

To ensure assistants and helpers are aware of the safety requirements and able to implement them

To respond to the causes, signs of and the rehabilitation of common cycling and strength training injuries

To demonstrate an ability to develop strength and cycling training sessions which reduce the risk of

sustaining injury

To understand common medical conditions and their implications for training and competition, reacting to

them accordingly

To understand and apply the safety aspects of strength conditioning

To be aware of protocol related to any type of testing

To understand and appreciate the lifestyle necessary for competitive performances


Collation of all relevant safety information

Knowledge of sources of information

Providing clear and concise guidelines to assistants

Causes and symptoms of common injuries and medical conditions

Safe practices related to basic training principles

Appropriate equipment for land conditioning related to developmental age of the individual

Short and long term actions to be taken in response to injuries and medical conditions

How and where to obtain professional treatment for these injuries, eg; hospital, doctors, physiotherapists


Safe use of equipment

Awareness of categories of banned substances

Knowledge of procedures with regard to prescribed substances and testing

Guidelines to testing procedures

Communication procedure with regard to prohibited substances and procedures

Lifestyle issues relating to competitive cyclists including, smoking, alcohol, drugs abuse, nutrition, sleep

patterns, exams, work pattern, travel and attendance at competiton.

1.3 To equip candidates with the knowledge and skills to plan, conduct, monitor and evaluate a session

and series of sessions

To establish aims and objectives

To plan performance objectives

To periodic all elements of a cyclists programme

To plan and implement a total programme for a club, group or individual

To plan and implement an individual strength training session appropriate to the level of performer

To organise groups appropriate to the situation

To monitor and evaluate training and competition performances in a variety of different areas, using a

variety of methods

To identify appropriate methods for the collection, storage and retrieval of information

To understand the principles of time management in relation to self and others


Identification of resources related to planning

Aims and objectives for club, groups and individuals in short term and long term

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Periodic – competition ( calendar planning) cycling based , strength based, testing and monitoring


Planning of a total programme, foundation and excellence

Planning of a complete programme including individual, varying levels and across the age range

Principles of monitoring and evaluation of, self and others, training sessions, competitive performance

Collection, storage and retrieval methods including information confidentiality and the data protection act.

Principles of time management : self, cyclists, assistants, helpers and parents

1.4 To equip the candidate with a knowledge of relevant aspects of sports psychology and their application

To demonstrate an understanding of the application of the principles of sports psychology

To demonstrate an ability to make use of motivational techniques on an individual and group basis, with all ages of



Principles of sport psychology

Positive self image

Group dynamics

Arousal and anxiety management

Mental preparation for training and competition

Visualisation techniques

Principles of motivation and de-motivation

Goal setting – long and short term

Use of incentives

Presentation of feedback in a way unlikely to undermine performance

1.5To equip candidates with the necessary managerial skills

Organise and manage a cycling development programme

Organise and manage a team prior to and at competition events

Organise and manage a group of cyclists and coaches at a training camp or multi-day competition

Demonstrate effective management to ensure the efficient day to day operation of a cycling development



Organisation of a cycling development programme in a variety of different circumstances

Club programme

School and college programme

Organisation and management of teams

Organisation and management of cyclists and coaches in a variety of different circumstances

Within a club

Training camp

Multi-day competition

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2. Methods of assessment

2.1 Practical

Assessment of practical coaching

2.2 Theory

Oral exam

2.3 practical results

Weekly evaluation

Pre-course “Bridging the gap between science and coaching”

PART 1a Physiology

All athletic movements require energy provided by a complex breakdown of foodstuffs within the body. (See krebs cycle) There

are a number of related processes which take place before this movement takes place and can be explained at a microscopic

and sub-cellular level. These processes make up the metabolism (chemical changes) within the human body. The processes

which initiate movement and allow the continuation of movement can be broken down into four discrete areas;

1. Neuromuscular control of movement

2. Muscular contraction

3. The re-synthesis of energy through the three energy systems

4. The activity of the cardio-respiratory system (heart, lungs and circulation) during exercise as a support of the energy

production process.

1. Neuromuscular control of movement.

The human body is able to move by a complex system of muscles and levers. The levers are the bones of the skeleton and form a

rigid frame with which to make definite movements. The muscles are the tissues which can change their lengths, thereby

creating a force to move the levers and allow movement to take place. Despite this ability, the muscles themselves need signals

to determine when to contract and relax, at what force to contact and also which muscles to contract allowing movement in a

certain direction.

This control of skeletal muscles from the central nervous system (c.n.s brain, and spinal column) is described as voluntary. The

human body is consciously aware of the movements being made. Once the brain has decided and initiated the movement, nerve

impulses travel through the spinal cord and through the motor neurons (nerve fibres) to deliver the information for contraction

to the specific muscles. A motor unit contains the motor neuron and the muscle fibres it stimulates. A motor neuron may control

several muscle fibres or several hundred depending on the size of the muscle group and its necessity for sensitivity. When the

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stimulus from the neuron is transmitted, the muscle fibres associated in that motor unit will all contract. This is known as the ‘all

or none principle’.

Fig.1a CNS Fig.1b. PNS

Fig.2. Cross section of the lower leg – (fibula)

1. Brain

2. Central nervous system and


3. Spinal cord

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Fig.3. Diagram of motor-neurons and muscle fibre s Fig.4. Deep fibular nerve

Ref. Grm wnr

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Fig.5. Decomposition – muscular response to individual motor unit action.

Nerve fibres

Nerve tissues are described as excitable as they react to changes in their electrical potential. Throughout the length of the nerve,

the membrane surrounding it acts as a control point to ensure changes in electrical potential can be made by altering the

content of sodium and potassium ions. When the nerve is stimulated, the action potential is created with a knock on effect,

transmitting the information down the nerve fibre to the connected muscle fibres. Within a muscle, the force of contractions is

regulated by the number of motor units recruited and the rate at which they are stimulated. The combination of these two

factors allows the body to increase the intensity of effort during cycling movements from light to maximal. The selection of the

correct motor units in the correct muscle groups, as well as their stimulation rate, is part of the complex system of the C.N.S

which results in establishing movement patterns within the system. If repeated sufficiently, exact movements can be replicated

time and again under all manners of stresses through an ingraining process in the C.N.S. This is one of the important reasons for

repetitive training on specific disciplines with correct bike positioning optimal for correct functioning of the muscle type.

Motor Units

The ability of a motor unit to be recruited depends on its characteristics of contraction speed. The motor unit acquires its

characteristics from the type of muscle fibres the motor neuron serves. These fibres types and characteristics are represented in

Table 1.

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Table1: Classification and characteristics of motor units in human skeletal muscle.

Type of motor unit Metabolic characteristics

Rate of contraction Force created Fatigue rate

TYPE I Oxidative Slow Twitch Small Low

TYPE IIa Oxidative/Glycolytic Fast Twitch Medium Low

TYPE IIb Glycolytic Fast Twitch Large High


Oxidative = Oxygen is used to metabolise foodstuffs for energy production.

Glycolytic = Glycogen is the sole fuel for metabolism, therefore anaerobic (without oxygen).

Table 1: Characteristics of the Three Muscle Fibre Types

Fiber Type Slow Twitch (ST) Fast Twitch A (FT-A) Fast Twitch B (FT-B)

Contraction time Slow Fast Very fast

Size of motor neuron Small Large Very large

Resistance to fatigue High Intermediate Low

Activity used for Aerobic Long term anaerobic Short term anaerobic

Force production Low High Very high

Mitochondrial density High High Low

Capillary density High Intermediate Low

Oxidative capacity High High Low

Glycolytic capacity Low High High

Major storage fuel Triglycerides CP, Glycogen CP, Glycogen

This information is critical for understanding cyclist’s performances; namely that sprinters should possess a greater proportion

of TYPEIIb muscle fibres in order to facilitate work at high speeds in the shorter distances but can equally be crucial in winning

high speed sprints at end of long races (The all round track rider potential). However time-trialists and climbers should possess a

greater proportion of TYPEI fibres in order to facilitate success in the longer demanding distance events or long climbs with

challenging percentages through their better resistance of fatigue.

This is something that we will cover later extensively to discover the right athlete abilities through a sound talent scout program.

Fibre recruitment

One of the most important factors regarding the recruitment of the three tupes of muscle fibres involves the intensity of the

exercise. If the cycling intensity is light and predominantly aerobic, TYPEI fibres will be recruited. As the intensity increases above

the anaerobic threshold (transition from predominantly light to predominantly heavy exercises), TYPE IIa fibres are recruited. If

the cycling speed increases further and intensity approaches high sprinting levels. TYPE IIb fibres will be recruited. This

additional recruitment will lead to a faster fatigue rate which is associated with the contraction of TYPE IIb fibres

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Determining fibre type

Since the only way to directly determine the fibre-type composition in an athlete is to perform an invasive muscle biopsy test

(in which a needle is stuck into the muscle and a few fibers are plucked out to be examined under a microscope), some studies have tried to indirectly estimate the fiber-type composition within muscle groups of an individual by testing for a relationship between the different properties of fiber type and muscle fiber composition. This type of research has yielded promising results, with significant relationships being found between the proportion of FT fibers and muscular strength or power (Coyle, et al., 1979; Froese & Houston, 1985; Gerdle, et al., 1988; Gregor, et al., 1979; Suter, et al., 1993). An indirect method that can be used in the weight room to determine the fiber composition of a muscle Group is to initially establish the 1RM (the greatest weight that they can lift just once) of your athletes. Then have them perform as many repetitions at 80% of 1RM as they can. If they do fewer than seven repetitions, then the muscle group is likely composed of more than 50% FT fibers. If they can perform 12 or more repetitions, then the muscle group has more than 50% ST fibers. If the athlete can do between 7 and 12 repetitions, then the muscle group probably has an equal proportion of fibers (Pipes, 1994). Because lifting weights requires the use of many muscles at once, this method does not work for individual muscles, just muscle groups. In order to determine the fiber-type composition of an individual muscle, a needle biopsy of the muscle of interest must be performed. Another indirect method that the coach can use, especially when the athletes are young or new to the sport, is to have the athletes try a number of different events. Their dominant fiber type will soon become evident based on their success in certain events, and this discovery can lead to more directed future training for each athlete. Implications for training

Your athletes' fiber type proportion will play a major role in the amount of weight that they can lift, the number of repetitions

that they can complete in a set or interval workout, and the desired outcome (increased muscular strength/power or endurance). For example, an athlete with a greater proportion of fast- twitch fibers will not be able to complete as many repetitions at a given relative amount of weight as will an athlete with a greater proportion of slow-twitch fibers and therefore will never attain as high a level of muscular endurance as will the ST -fibered athlete. Similarly, an athlete with a greater proportion of ST fibers will not be able to lift as heavy a weight or run intervals as fast as will an athlete with a greater proportion of FT fibers and therefore will never be as strong or powerful as will the FT - fibered athlete. It is important to remember that, even within the group of sprinters or distance athletes on your team, there will still be a disparity in the fiber types. Not all the sprinters will have the same percentage of FT fibers, nor will all the distance runners have the same percentage of ST fibers. Therefore, some sprinters may be able to complete 10x2000 meters in a workout while others are fatigued after 6 repetitions. Likewise, some distance athletes may be able to complete 8x5000 meters, while others may fatigue after 5 repetitions. Depending on each particular athlete, the coach should decide whether those who fatigue sooner (because of more FT fibers) should be given longer rest periods between intervals in order to complete the workout, or should run fewer repetitions at a faster speed. Training a FT -fibered muscle for endurance will not increase the number of ST fibers, nor will training a ST-fibered muscle for strength and power increase the number of FT fibers. With the proper training, FT -B fibers can take on some of the endurance characteristics of FT -A fibers and FT -A fibers can take on some of the strength and power qualities of FT-B fibers. However, there is no inter-conversion of fibers. FT fibers cannot become ST fibers, or vice versa. What an athlete is born with is what he or she must live with. Although the type of fiber cannot be changed from one to another, training can change the amount of area taken up by the fiber type in the muscle. In other words, there can be a selective hypertrophy of fibers based on the type of training. For example, an athlete may have a 50/50 mix of FT/ST fibers in a muscle, but since FT fibers normally Have a larger cross-sectional area than ST fibers, 65% of that muscle's area may be FT and 35% may be ST. Following a strength training program for improvement in muscular strength, the number of FT and ST fibers will remain the same (still 50/50), however the cross-sectional area will change. This happens because the ST fibers will atrophy (get smaller) while the FT fibers will hypertrophy (get larger). Depending on the specific intensity used in training, the muscle may change to a 75% FT area and a 25% ST area. The change in area will lead to greater strength but decreased en- durance capabilities. In addition, since the mass of FT fibers are greater than that of ST fibers, the athlete will gain mass, as measured by the circumference of the muscle.

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Conversely, if the athlete trains for muscular endurance, the FT fibers will atrophy while the ST fibers hypertrophy, causing a greater area of ST fibers. The area of the muscle, which began at 65% FT and 35% ST before training, may change to 50% FT and 50% ST following training, The endurance capabilities of the muscle will increase while its strength will decrease, and the athlete will lose some muscle mass, again be- cause ST fibers are lower in mass than FT fibers. The decrease in mass may be observed by a smaller circumference of the muscle. Many coaches know that, for gains in muscular strength, one should train with heavy weights and few repetitions. This training regimen works because using heavy weights recruits the FT -B fibers, which are capable of producing a greater force than the ST or FT -A fibers. Hypertrophy will only occur in those muscle fibers that are overloaded, so the FT - B fibers must be recruited during training in order to be hypertrophied (Morehouse & Miller, 1976). Training with a low or moderate intensity will not necessitate the recruitment of the FT -B muscle fibers. Therefore, the training intensity must, be high. But how heavy a weight and how many repetitions should you use? Muscular strength is primarily developed when an 8-12repetition maximum (8RM, the maximum amount of weight that can be lifted eight times) or less is used in a set. When the aim of training is to increase the neuro- muscular component of maximum strength, at least 95% of the athlete's 1RM and 1 to 3 repetitions should be used. When the aim is to increase maximum strength by stimulating muscle hypertrophy, at least 80% of 1RM should be lifted 5 to 8 times or until failure (Zatsiorsky, 1995). This latter recommendation assumes that the focus of training is hypertrophy for strength, rather than hypertrophy simply for muscle size. If the aim of training is to increase muscle size (hypertrophy) with moderate gains in strength, then 6 to 12 repetitions should be used (Fleck & Kraemer, 1996). Remember, in order to improve muscular strength, FT -B fibers must be recruited. For maximum results, train your athletes according to their genetic predisposition. For example, an athlete with a greater proportion of slow- twitch fibers would adapt better to cycling more weekly km’s and a muscular endurance program, using more repetitions of a lighter weight. Likewise, an athlete with a greater proportion of fast-twitch fibers would benefit more from sprint training and a muscular strength program, using fewer repetitions of a heavier weight. Ie; track riders

2. Muscular Contraction.

In each muscle of the body there are thousands of individual muscle fibers. The muscles and its fibres are contained in a

protective casing called connective tissue. Within each muscle fibre are many myofibrils. These contain the protein filaments

(actin and myosin) which are responsible for the shortening of the muscle and therefore these result in movement.

When a motor unit has been recruited the excitation caused by the neuron is transferred deep within the muscle fibres and in

the presence of energy, causes cross-bridges to develop between the protein filaments. These filaments then slide across each

other thus shortening the width of each section. This minute change in the ultra-structure of the muscle is insignificant at the

individual myofibril level, but as one of many tens of thousands, contributes to the overall muscle contraction and therefore


Although muscle fibres have been stimulated electrically, they need energy in order to create the movement of the protein

filaments. This is provided in the human body by the breakdown of a high energy compound called adenosine tri-phosphate

(ATP). It is the splitting of the phosphate bonds within this compound that provides the energy for muscular contraction.

Muscular contraction and training

Physiological changes within the muscle after training can be seen in both the tissue and itself and also the nervous control of

the muscles. Training studies have discovered significant increases in protein within the myofibrils (particularly myosin), as well

as overall increases in size and number of myofibrils within each muscle fibre. This muscle fibre size increases in termed

hypertrophy, and is usually associated with strength training. In order to accommodate this increase in muscle fibre size

increases in the quality and strength of the connective tissues have also been observed. Training adaptations in the neural

system include more efficient muscle fibre recruitment, allowing more economical movement through better co-ordination and

also better contraction rates reducing any excess contractile force.

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Correct cycling movements therefore should be repeated regularly and emphasizes the importance of training tools such as SRM

and Power-cranks. The training speeds are also crucial in determining correct adaptations. Fitness or gym work has an upmost

importance to mimic the same movements and speeds as those on the bike in a race situation. So we are indicating a trend

towards adaptation in speed and accuracy.

3. Re-synthesis of energy through the three energy systems

Adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) breakdown provides the human body with the energy required for muscular contraction.

However, there is only enough of this compound stored in the body to allow exercise to last for only two or three seconds. The

ATP which has been broken down to adenosine di-phosphate (ADP) or adenosine mono-phosphate under extreme exercise

stress, needs to be replaced or built up to its original form so that energy expenditure can continue. The body has three

mechanisms for regenerating the ATP compound.

a) Phosphocreatine (PC) which is stored in the muscular cells broken down providing the missing phosphate band to

reconvert ADP to ATP.

b) Glycogen or glucose (simple carbohydrates) is broken down incompletely without oxygen (anaerobically) through

twelve enzyme linked reactions, with the subsequent formation of lactic acid.

c) Carbohydrates, fat or protein in the presence of oxygen (aerobically) is broken down completely through a series of

complex biochemical, enzyme-aided pathways to carbon dioxide and water.

Figure6. Schematic representation of the three energy systems and their characteristics.


(without O2)

ATP - PC Lactacid Aerobic


(without lactate

build up)


(breakdown of








O2 and


FAT + protein


(with O2)

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There are several important points to be considered for the athlete regarding both training and competition .With respect to

those energy replacement systems. The athlete time continuum and the intensity of the cycling effort will be effected by the

speed of energy replacement requirement, the type of energy store available and the quantity of that store .Table 2. Describes

the characteristics of each store:

Table2.Characteristics of the three energy systems.

System Fuel used Chemical reactions


Speed of


Quantity of store

ATP -PC Phosphocreatine One simple

reaction, within

muscle cells



Lactacid Glycogen Twelve enzyme

reactions, within

muscle cells

FAST Medium (approx


Aerobic Glycogen


Complex set of

enzyme aided

reactions. Transfer

of oxygen from air-





Medium (approx


LARGE (weeks)

From a cyclists point of view, the intensities and duration of the effort are vital be it on the track or the road. If the energy is

required immediately and at a fast rate as in the 200m sprint, the ATP-CP system will provide the majority of the energy

required, backed up towards the end by the lactacid system (or anaerobic glycolysis) If the energy is required at a slower rate

over a longer period of time as in endurance training sets, the desired energy source would be through aerobic metabolism

which is non-fatiguing. If a high percentage of fat was burnt as fuel, a sparing effect of glycogen could be achieved. In both

instances, the body would still be able to produce a sprint or a series of sprints after the set not having depleted its fast rate

energy stores.


4. The activity of the cardio-respiratory system. Heart, lungs and circulation during exercises as a support for the energy

production process.

The cardio (heart and vascular) –respiratory (gas exchange) system is the oxygen transfer mechanism which supports aerobic

metabolism. The system transports oxygen-rich blood from the lungs for use by the working muscles and delivers carbon dioxide

– rich blood from the working muscles for exhalation at the lungs. During exercise many metabolic changes take place within

this system to satisfy the increase in energy demand. At the onset of exercise, receptors in the muscles joints, tendons, arteries,

lungs and brain detect chemical, sensory, metabolic and mechanical changes within the body. As a result, ventilation rate and

depth as well as heart rate and heart rate contraction force increase. Blood vessels to the working muscles and skin dilate to

Aerobic system Lactacid system



PC syste


Speed REST

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allow greater oxygen transport, and aid the thermo-regulation of the body respectively. The great extent to which changes in

the system accommodate the increased demand for energy can be seen in Table 3.

Table3. Example values of selected cardio-respiratory functions at rest and during exercise for top-sport athletes.

Cardio – Respiratory function At rest During exercise

Heart Rate (BPM) 30-55 120-200

Stroke volume (amount of blood

pumped by the heart per/ beat

60-80 millilitres 120-180 millilitres

Cardiac output (amount of blood

pumped by the heart per/minute

4-5 litres 20-30 litres

Ventilation (amount of air

breathed per/minute

8-12 litres 120-180 litres

The body makes these acute changes under exercise conditions, but also makes longer term adaptations to these stresses. It is

these adaptations that we hope to enhance through endurance training.

Cardio-respiratory changes induced by training

Cardiac output can be improved significantly through endurance training. This measure is a function stroke volume and heart

rate. Heart rate at maximum work rates will not change significantly, although it decreases at given sub-maximal intensities. The

increase in cardiac output after a training programme is due to the improvement in stroke volume. There are two reasons for


1. The heart is a muscle, increases in size and develops a more powerful contraction enabling it to force out more blood

per beat

2. The heart improves its ability to re-fill its chambers more fully after each contraction. If it can contract with a greater

quality of blood to start with, the blood pumped out of the heart will also be greater. This situation relies on improved

venous return. After training, the body is able to improve venous return as the working muscles which surround the

blood vessels are stronger and better prepared to squeeze the blood vessels on contraction. Thereby helping to pump

the blood back to the heart.

Training over a period of time will also enhance the respiratory functions. Ventilation per/minute will be improved

through an increase in lung volume and also through an increase in breathing frequency. The diffusion capacity will

also be improved, as will the working muscles ability to extract the oxygen from the blood vessels.

The magnitudes of changes in maximal oxygen uptake (vo2max – maximal amount of oxygen that can be consumed by

the body) have been measured at between 5 and 20% over 8 to 12 weeks of endurance based training. These values

were obtained from active individuals and not competitive athletes. Although current athlete studies from world class

potential junior athletes are proving these studies to be accurate. During this course there will be several studies to

determine more accurate results.

Peripheral changes

It was stated earlier that if the intensity of exercise is too high, glycogen will be broken down anaerobically to lactic acid. If

oxygen is available pyruvate (the penultimate step in anaerobic glycolysis) will enter the Krebs cycle and electron transport

system and be broken down through hundreds of reactions to O2 and CO2. The structures responsible for this process are called

mitochondria and are contained within the muscle fibres. Endurance training has found to increase the size and number of

mitochondria enabling a greater oxidation of glycogen. The quantity of glycogen and aerobic enzymes stored in the muscles

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increases and there is a greater muscle capillarisation after training. In addition, the body is able to use proportionally more fat

as a fuel, there by conserving valuable muscle glycogen stores. This is particularly important when considering weight loss and

nutritional needs for competitive cyclists.

Measurement of the cardio-respiratory system.

The adaptations discussed will all contribute to the bodies improved ability to transfer oxygen from air to the working muscles.

This can be measured by calculating oxygen uptake through gas samples. The maximal amount of oxygen a cyclist can transfer to

his working muscles per minute (vo2max) will be an accurate measure of his cardio-respiratory ability. As a strong linear

relationship exists between oxygen uptake and heart rate, measurements of pulse beats during training has proved a popular

method for the assessment of intensity during cycling sets.

Traditionally, maximal oxygen uptake has been used as the best measure for the assessment of aerobic capacity and the

prediction of success in endurance races. Although it is still a valuable indicator, more recent studies and studies that will be

covered extensively in this course have found stronger relationships between endurance ability and abilities to cycle speeds at a

high percentage of their maximum oxygen uptake. As gas analysis measurements are awkward and cumbersome other methods

of the assessment of this intensity have been sought. The relationship between various blood lactate indices, watts/cadence and

cycling speeds is now one of the most commonly used, in conjunction with appropriately designed field tests. These tests are a

large proportion of the course and will be seen both theoretically as practically.

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CORE COURSE PART 2 Applied physiology to cycling

Planning for improvement in physical and physiological aspects of human performance is based on three main considerations:

1. Identifying the physiological aspects which contribute to performance in cycling disciplines

2. Deciding how important each component is to particular cycling events

3. Application of the stress-adaptation model of physical development in training for improvement in physiological


Physiological aspects

The main aspects which contribute to road cycling and track cycling performances are considered in table 1(p.12). It is important

however to be aware that as a contribution to cycling performance, the technique and technical aspects are of equal importance

to the physiological aspects and that there is a close relationship between them. For instance, should we consider a hard

endurance set with poor technique good? Development of the physiological capacities should always be done in conjunction

with good cycling technique. So the process is started with bike positioning –bike fitting and further developed to realising both

physiological adaptations as technical. The correct technique and positioning will ensure that the physical development that

takes place will be truly specific.

Race specific cycling endurance

The ability of the muscles to withstand fatigue under race conditions i.e.: using a particular cadence and technique over the

chosen distance at race intensity. This will be specific to the individual and variable across disciplines.

Basic cycling endurance

The ability of the muscles to withstand fatigue in cycling endurance exercises; e.g. maintaining the fastest possible pace during

an interval or continuous effort set of approximately 30minutes.

Cycling speed endurance

The ability of the muscles to withstand fatigue at high intensities. It is linked to the tolerance of lactic acid.

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Chapter 1:

Competitive cycling performance

Fig.5. Characteristics of competitive cycling performance.

Explanation of fig.5.

Cycling strength endurance

The ability of a cyclist to withstand fatigue when contracting the muscles with a greater force than normally

expected in racing. Examples of such circumstances would be increasing the gearing during high intensity cycling

sets, or climbing efforts for example using power-cranks. (developing neuro-muscular and correction in technique


Competitive cycling performance

Ability to perform good

technique, starts, pursuit Race specific cycling


Basic cycling endurance

Cycling speed endurance

Cycling strength endurance

Cycling maximum strength

Cycling general endurance

Basic Cycling speed




Cycling pure speed

Feeling Movement


Flexibility Coordination

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General endurance

The ability of the muscles to withstand fatigue in any exercise mode. This may be linked very closely to genetic

endowment and % muscle fibre type.

Speed strength

The combination of speed and strength, often described as power. This is the ability of the muscle to contract with a

high force over a short period of time.

Maximum strength

The maximal force created in one voluntary muscular contraction. This will depend on the % fast twitch fibres in the

muscles and also the total muscle mass. And of course importantly the neuro-muscular stimulation developed to

realise the contraction process of the muscle mass in its correct function.

Pure speed

The maximal speed that can be achieved by limb movement. This will be influenced by % fast twitch fibres in the

muscles and also the ability of the body to recruit these fibres in the correct order: co-ordination.

Figure 6. The relationship between force and velocity in muscular contraction.



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The force – velocity of muscular contraction shows that when the resistance is to be overcome (therefore muscular force created) is high, the speed of movement is low. Conversely, if the resistance is low, muscular contraction can take place at near maximum velocity. In all cycling movement, the force needed to over come the wind and surface resistance and the speed of the movement are around the mid-range of this curve. This is where the importance of testing for the athlete’s individual optimal cadence and gearing plays a massive role in both time -trial and track cycling. Consequently, training for performance improvement must involve aspects of both strength and speed development and also the combination of the two, POWER. The object of any training programme relating to strength or power development should be to s hift the curve upwards and to the right in the middle of the range of the curve concerned with competitive cyclist’s performance. This can be seen by the direction of the arrow in Fig.6

Chapter 2:

The importance of physiological factors.

The size of the boxes gives a general guide as to the importance of each component. This will vary between

individuals and events. It is also important to remember the other components of physical fitness, namely body

composition and flexibility. The contribution of these elements are more difficult to quantify, but should be

considered as pre-requisites for the ability to train the other physiological capacities of the body.

Table 4.

Percentage of Energy system suggestions : Track Competiton

The percentage of each energy system used in competitive events is shown above. It is important to remember that

the best guide in exercise prescription is not the distance, but the fraction of the exercise performed. For example,

an Olympic cyclist may cycle twice the distance of a young cyclist in the same time. The other main determinant of

the energy contribution is intensity. This will be discussed in more detail later.

One of the confusing factors in planning the training programme for success in the above events involves the

difference between the energy contribution in the race and the relevant amount of time spent on developing the

systems. For instance, despite only contributing 10 and 50% in 200m and 500m events respectively, the relative time

spent on developing the aerobic system will be disproportionately high. The reasons for this include:

Endurance training involves high volumes of high duration work to train the system.

Event Duration ATP-PC Lactacid Aerobic CHO Aerobic FATS

200m :9secs-12secs 90% 8% 2% <1%

500m :30secs-


75% 20% 5% <1%

1km :59secs-


25% 65% 10% <1%

3000m 3:18-


5% 37% 55% 3%

4000m 3:55-4:30mins 4% 25% 65% 6%

50km points


52-55mins 2% 15% 75% 8%

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Better endurance enhances recovery:

a) This allows more quality anaerobic training to be performed (i.e. a greater number of repetitions,

shorter recovery time, more frequently in the weekly cycle, and should allow a longer taper period if

required for adequate adaptation).

b) In competition – an enhanced speed of recovery can be crucial if the cyclist has several events in a

session, or even heats and finals.

The trainability of the aerobic system is greater on the bike? This is not necessarily to say that the anaerobic

system cannot be trained to a high degree when combined with weight training.

The importance of cycling high volume km for technical reasons is also relevant. It is important once a cyclist

has learnt a particular skill it is of up mount importance to practice and develop the skill, but also to

condition it. This is best done initially at low intensities over extended periods of work (i.e. using the

endurance energy system). These movements then need to be practiced at progressively higher intensities

(and speeds) and then transferred to the race conditions. The endurance mode is often the best to cover the

majority of this conditioning process due to the reduction in stress which allows more movements to be

made without the detrimental effects of fatigue.

Fig.7. The effect of cycling at higher intensities over extended periods of technique.

The relationship between the curves shows that when the intensity of cycling rises above threshold value (usually between 3 and 5mml lactate) for an extended period of time, the individuals optimal cadence will slightly decrease and the gearing will be relevant to the optimal power-output possible in relation to the energy system. This is an indication that the level of muscle fatigue is affecting the body’s ability to perform the correct technical mechanics.







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This is why it is stressed that the majority of technical development and conditioning work is performed at or below this threshold value. However technique is also stressed under high intensities fractions under alactic efforts. The reasons described above give us reason to construct a programme with an endurance bias, but the principle of specificity is still extremely valid. The application of this principle in cycling i nvolves setting strict aims and objectives in the development of a particular energy system. When constructing appropriate schedules, we must apply the guidelines which apply specificity to developing that particular system. The balance of training will change for different cyclists for a number of reasons including event specific demands. The guidelines for set construction in training will be covered in more detail. With some of the points previously stated, we can recommend an approximate balance of training for each energy system.

Chapter 3. Stress and Adaptation Stress or loading is best described in competitive sport as the training process. This is the fundamental process which underpins the other training principles, namely overload, progression, specificity and reversibility. The fact that we can stress or overload the body’s physiological systems and allowing subsequent recovery observe improvement in their capacity give us the mechanisms for improvement in performance through physical training. A schematic representation of this process is shown below in Fig8.


0 0

1 2 3

0 = present status of physical condition (homeostasis)

1 = Fatigue through stress, e.g. from a training

2 = Recovery after training: rest, eating, sleep

3 =Period of adaptation and super compensation

4 =Point of optimal adaptation and super compensation

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Fig.8. Supercompensation

(0) Is the baseline point for physical function at a given time (homeostasis). If we stress or overload the system through

training (1), we cause fatigue from a build up of waist products, a reduction in energy stores or a combination of the

two. Once the training session is complete, we recover back to our baseline level after a period of rest and

replenishment of energy stores (2). The body will then adjust its function to cope with a similar amount of stress more

effectively in future, resulting in an improvement of the baseline homeostasis. This adaptation or super compensation

is the improvement sought after a period or periods of training (3). The ideal outcome of every programme would be to

achieve the max height or improvement in point (4) after each training session or training cycle. This is the most

important aspect of construction of the physical training programme. It is unlikely that anyone will achieve the perfect

adaptation for all athletes all of the time. However with the knowledge of sound scientific principles and experience in

this decision making process, coaches can get close to achieving an optimal improvement in physical condition for most

athletes, most of the time. To get the best results, the coach must decide how to balance types of training, volume and

intensity, rest and recovery and possibly most critically, the timing of all these aspects.

The time scale involved in the stress-adaptation process can be considered in terms of a single session, a week, a training cycle

or the whole season. For example, it may be that over the course of a week, adequate recovery may not be achieved between

sessions. This may be acceptable as long as the coach is aware that this is the effect the training is having. It maybe that by

resting between Saturday lunchtime and Monday evening at the end of the week and the start of the next, the cyclists body can

recover fully in order to start the new week.

The stress and adaptation process is closely related and follow certain rules which are bound by the principles of training:

overload, progression, specificity and reversibility. The details of these rules are illustrated in the following points:

(1) Intensity and duration of training need to be appropriate to the type of physiological development targeted and the

current performance capacity of the cyclist. This is best described as overloading the system. Too little volume or

intensity will not stress the system sufficiently and fail to provide improvement.

(2) The closer to an ideal training volume and intensity for a particular cyclist, the closer the improvements will be to an

optimal level, and vice versa.

(3) If training volume and intensity are continuously too high without adequate recover, the cyclist may fail adaptation and

continue to fatigue with a decrement in performance. This may result in some degree of overtraining syndrome.

(4) Recovery and regeneration are as important as the loading process itself, and should be considered as a unit. The

recovery process can be enhanced by strategic placing of low intensity cycling (to decrease the amount of waste

products). Correct nutritional practices to replace energy stores and enough sleep to enhance both processes.

(5) The experienced cyclist with a strong training background will take longer to adapt and improve than the young,

inexperienced cyclist. Quite often realised with young athletes are rapid fitness improvements resulting in large

increases in performance, whereas a mature athlete may take a year to produce small physical changes which result in

a life time performance. Improvements will decline as the body approaches a genetically pre-determined maximum. It

is very important to consider age and maturity when considering the length and number of training cycles in a yearly

programme but also in the multi-year planning.

(6) Training (or applying stress) must be progressive. The body will adapt to stress by being able to cope with it more

effectively. To achieve the same amount of stress in subsequent sessions, loading must increase accordingly. Increasing

the load may involve training distance, number of repetitions, reduction in rest, increasing resistance, but most

frequently should be seen in an increase in cycling speed.

(7) Timing of successive training sessions is critical to the adaptation process. Too early and the swimmer will not have

recovered sufficiently; too late and the effects of the previous training session will have been lost. The decline in

training benefit after an extended break is often referred to as de-training, where any improvements gained return to

the pre-training state. This is usually proportional to the rate of training gain and hence the concept of reversibility.

(8) Specificity of the training has to be observed; not simply the mode of exercise, but also the type of training. The

intensity and duration ( VOLUME) of the load and the amount of rest must accurately meet the requirements of

physical training and be appropriate to the current status of the performer.

Chapter 4:

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4.1. Energy zones in cycling:

The length of the cycles will differ between cyclists, but generally, young cyclists should have shorter cycles. Their

development should focus towards technique/skills and aerobic conditioning interspersed with appropriate competitive

experience. They will also need the motivation of more regular changes in the program and shorter term outcomes to

maintain interest and enthusiasm. Four week cycles for cyclists between 15/17 should be adequate.

When considering the base line point 0, it is important to remember that we can consider the diagram and the effects on

the body in relation to one physiological aspect or several; even the whole physical state of the cyclist’s body. This illustrates

the complex interaction of training aspects and their relationship with physiological functions. The coach should always be

aware of all the physiological aspects when developing one in particular. For instance, during a high volume, high intensity

endurance stage, what is the effect of the training on anaerobic capacity or strength?

Fig9. Illustrates how we can accurately measure the adaptation in training energy in the form of watts. This we will cover

extensively later.

4.2.Why Are Energy Zones Important For cyclists?

The importance of energy zones in cycling is based on the existence of several different pathways to recycle energy in the muscle cells during exercise. The main pathways of energy recycling are non-aerobic metabolism (creatine phosphate), anaerobic metabolism (anaerobic glycolysis), and aerobic metabolism. Metabolism is the process of storing and releasing the energy. Energy for the body is stored in different forms and pathways are used to convert these forms into accessible energy that an athlete can use to perform work. There are no "borders" to energy pathways in a body. At any given time, several pathways, not just one, may be engaged in energy production but dominance of an energy source depends on the duration and intensity of the exercise. Usually workload is broken into several energy "zones" based on the duration and intensity of the training. Energy "zones" allow athletes and coaches to develop a specific pathway of energy recycling and to quantify, track, and plan the physiological adaptations desired for their specific event.

There are several reasons for understanding energy zones in cycling:

1. Track and road cycling sets of different duration and intensity are supported by energy from different sources. During high intensity short-term cycling bouts, most energy is recycled through the anaerobic pathway. It is a fast and non-

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oxidative way for energy recycling. During low intensity long-term cycling bouts the energy is recycled mostly aerobically using oxygen. This way is slow but more efficient than the anaerobic way.

2. Improvement of one energy system does not influence another one. When athlete’s cycle long distances they develop mostly aerobic energy sources. High intensity cycling develops the anaerobic energy sources. Different cycling events require the training of different energy pathways.

3. The same cycling set can be ridden in different energy zones. For example, cyclist’s can ride sets with higher or lower intensities. This will recruit different pathways of energy recycling.

4. The preparation of competitive cyclist’s requires evaluation of individual cycling intensities in each energy zone. The same cycling intensity or even heart rate affects the energy recycling pathways differently when athletes are at different stages of the season (i.e., detrained or at peak performances). Adaptation in athletes to the same cycling intensity depends on their current condition, types of muscle fibres, training history, and other factors. Therefore it is important to test athletes during a season and select appropriate cycling intensities (watts) to train different energy zones.

4.3.Energy Forms in the Body

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the only source of potential chemical energy in the body. It consists of one molecule of protein (adenosine) and three molecules of phosphate. Muscle cells always contain free ATP, which reduces to ADP (adenosine- diphosphate) and releases the energy during the first few seconds of work (figure 1). Decomposition of ATP into ADP releases the energy and phosphoric acid, which increases the acid environment in the muscles. Then other energy storage forms are used to recycle ADP back to ATP through different pathways.

Energy forms in the body include:

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Creatine Phosphate (CP) Glycogen (glucose) Fats Proteins

Working capacity in athletes depends more on the rate of recycling ATP (from CP, glycogen, fats and proteins) than on the amount of ATP. With training, ATP-CP increases less than 20%, while working capacity (cycling velocity) increases more dramatically.


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4.4. Pathways of Energy Metabolism

There are three main pathways of energy metabolism:

1. Creatine Phosphate (immediate non-oxidative way of energy recycling) 2. Anaerobic Metabolism (anaerobic-glycolitic non-oxidative way of energy recycling) 3. Aerobic Metabolism (oxidative way of energy recycling)

Metabolism of Creatine Phosphate is the process of recycling ATP from CP. CP is stored in muscle cells. It very rapidly recycles ATP from ADP. Usually after 2-3 seconds of high intensity work, free ATP stores in muscle cells are depleted. Then CP phosphate is involved to recycle ATP. After 10-15 seconds of high intensity work the rate of recycling ATP from CP is slowed down. Creatine Phosphate has very high power, low capacity, and low efficiency.

Examples of cycling specific track sets (can easily be translated into road sets – we will look into this more specifically in the practical program planning of this course). Distances to develop creatine phosphate metabolism: standing starts, short distances (125-250 M) with maximum intensity, cycling sets with short distance and long rest interval (i.e., 4-6 x 125 M, 2-4 x 250 M with rest interval 1-3 min.).

Anaerobic Metabolism (Anaerobic-Glycolitic) is the non-oxidative process of recycling of ATP from glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the muscle cells. Glycogen fairly rapidly recycles ATP, but it is slower than from CP. Anaerobic metabolism produces lactate. It is the main energy system for exercise bouts of 30 sec until 3 min. When distances are longer, aerobic metabolism predominates. Anaerobic metabolism has high power, middle capacity, and low efficiency.

Examples of cycling sets and distances that develop anaerobic metabolism: distances of 250/500m to 2km, high intensity cycling sets with short rest interval (i.e., 6-16 x 250-500 M, 4-8 x 500 M, 2-4 x 1500 M, 2 x 2000 broken M with rest interval 20-30 sec etc.).

Aerobic Metabolism is the oxidative process of recycling ATP primarily from glycogen. It is a slow process of recycling ATP. Glycogen for aerobic metabolism is stored in muscle, liver, and blood. Fats and proteins can be involved in aerobic metabolism also, but this process is very slow (long distance cycling).

Aerobic metabolism is the main energy system for distances longer than 4 min. The longer distance, the more energy derived from aerobic metabolism. Aerobic metabolism takes place in a small intracellular organelle called mitochondria. Aerobic metabolism has low power, high capacity, and high efficiency.

Examples of cycling sets and distances that develop aerobic metabolism: distances of 2000 M and longer, low and middle intensity cycling sets with short rest interval (i.e., 5 and more x 5000 M, 10 and more x 2000 M, 7 and more x 3000 M, 7 and more x 4000 M etc.).

4.5. Energy Zones (Categories) In Cycling

Based on the physiological responses of athletes to different intensities, workload volume can be divided into the several energy zones in cycling. There are several classifications of workload.

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Table.5. physiological responses to exercise.


5.1. Building and realising a correct planning in function from the athletes goals.

Planning the season

The key to successful competitive cycling is not simply to cycle as fast as possible, but to cycle as fast as possible at the

correct time of the year. This is best illustrated for instance by the Dutch national squad in their build up towards the

Olympics in Beijing 2008. The times their athletes realised in the world cups and world championships were outstanding but

three and half months later at the Olympics their peaks were not realised and their performance times for example in the

individual pursuit was a massive 22seconds flop.

Generally, from the beginning to the end of the season, training should be built up (progression) to maximum volume and

then declined towards the important competition. The training should change from general to specific terms of the type of

exercise, the duration and the intensity. Consequently, optimal performance may be suppressed through much of the

season due to fatigue, but finish at the highest level possible by the most important competition. Periods of rest and

recovery will be included throughout the season, but will be most frequent during the final preparation phase and dominant

at the end of the season.

For young athletes it is vitally important that the multi-year planning is priority this means that a cyclist’s who is starting a

season should not consider the next competition as the most important of his/her career. Preparing for the future using the

season as a stepping stone is the key to success.

The training programme needs to be constructed around the competitions targeted. It is important that the governing body

recognises that the positioning of competitions in the yearly calendar is crucial to the physical development of the cyclists. For

instance, how far from the major games should the trials be held or in other terms qualification races should be well calculated

to allow time to build from these relative peaks in form to realise higher standards of performance at the major goals? In many

countries the trend towards two or even three seasons for elite athletes, culminating in an important competition at the end of

each. The most successful championship cyclists who qualify for major championships are quite often see preparing and building

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through secondary goals as a progression to the major games. E.g. Athletes who are building through the tour of Spain in

progression towards the world championships, athletes building and using the Tour De France as a platform towards the

Olympics. However it is crucial that the multi-year planning is taken into consideration because cyclists who are not correctly

prepared and developed in their stage of training evolution will have major difficulties in realising their major goal due to

overtraining in the progression phase.

If we consider a meso-cycle of 12-14 weeks, we first need to plan backwards from the major peak at the most important

competition during that stage. The details that can be planned include the competition dates, the training details, the

fitness/gym details, technical aspects and the intended testing programme. These will be summary points at this stage and

world include approximate volumes, durations and intensities of training to be performed.

Certain aspects may always be a part of every cycle and may be even included at the start. The general pattern through the

course of the cycle is also relevant. The fatigue level of the cyclists will gradually increase as the volume and intensity of the

training progress. Consequently, the performance peak and therefore racing speed will deteriorate throughout the first seven

weeks of the cycle before recovering towards the final week before the main competition. It is very important to educate the

cyclists, parents and other relevant persons in the programme throughout the phase, so that motivation and enthusiasm is


Once the detail of the meso-cycle is identified, the focus needs to be turned towards the weekly training aspects at each stage

through the cycle. General details of each session e.g. volume, intensity, type of training targeted, technique and technical

aspects to focus on can all be included in brief in this format.

Fig.11. the coaches task to plan the race calendar with the correct orientated goals for the season. This is importantly

complementary with the multi-year planning.

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Fig.12. structuring your macro-cycle around the race calendar.

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Fig.13. designing and manipulating the desired and correct effect from the macro-volume into the meso-cycle energy system.

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Fig.13,14,15. meso-cycle planning – the finishing touch. Adding the rights mix of intensities.

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Fig14,15. Meso-cycle a unique design to fit your athlete`s individual program.

It is crucial that coaches use their knowledge and perception of the ‘big picture’ and then focus down through smaller time

frames to eventually construct the detail of the session. The numbers and figures which compromise the training session should

be arrived through working from first principles and not simply off the top of the head, with a retrosprective justification.

The Phases

1. Preparation

2. Development stage (a) aerobic

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3. Development stage (b) anaerobic

4. Race preparation and competition

5. Rest, recovery, recuperation and regeneration. The four BIG R’s

5.2. Phases in the planning scheme

1. Preparation phase

The start of any training cycle will always have a preparation phase. This phase will provide a gradual introduction to training

stress and prepare the body for harder development phases. This phase will also very importantly lay down the foundation or

you can look at it as the athletes ‘investment’. The length and content of this phase will depend on the period of rest or

inactivity, the speed of initial adaptation of the cyclists and the volume and intensity intended in the developmental phases.

The preparation phase will often provide general training. Both on the bike and in the fitness. Involving the introduction and

development of technique and gradually increase the volume of work at low intensities of course. Cyclists should train with

different modes of exercise e.g. running, team games, circuits, Mtb and cyclo-cross.

At the start of the season, it is presumed that the cyclist will have had the longest period of inactivity, and therefore more time

should be spent on preparation at this stage than at the start of any subsequent cycles. The preparation phase will provide a

solid base from which to work for the rest of season. It is important therefore that the training provides this base in terms of

general strength and endurance. Similarly, it is crucial to establish good technique using training tools such as ‘power-cranks’.

This is important to develop which will be continued and relied upon during the more stressful periods ahead.

Evaluation of the cyclist physical state at the beginning and end of this phase would be valuable. A range of tests to:

(a) Find out the effects of the previous rest period on particular aspects of physical fitness.

(b) Establish a base-point in particular aspects from which to work and improve throughout the season would be important in

beginning any testing and monitoring programme.

Development Phase: Aerobic

The transition between phases should always be done gradually. It may be useful towards the end of one phase to include some

of the work intended in the next phase. Similarly, as the programme moves into a new phase it would be useful to include

elements of the previous phase. If the transition from one phase to another is too sudden, the cyclist may fail to adapt to the

new stresses placed on the body and overtraining may result.

The aerobic training phase will be the longest phase for all but the specialized sprints. The volume and intensity of the work will

increase up to maximal levels for the development of aerobic capacity. This may take between 6 and 10 weeks depending on the

experience, age, maturity, standard and training background of the cyclist. It is scientifically proven that extending this phase for

longer periods is unlikely to reap further improvements without a change in training contact or a phase of adaptation. Many

studies have shown rapid improvements in aerobic capacity of senior elite athletes after progressive endurance training.

Improvements tend to plateau at approximately 6-8weeks, where further endurance training will not result in continued

increases in aerobic capacity. (costill et al 1992,p135). It would appear logical to limit the length of this phase accordingly, and

provide test on the ergometer to provide evidence to change to develop anaerobic capacity or introduce a competiton.

Development phase: Anaerobic

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The move from the aerobic to the anaerobic training phase should be a fairly natural one. As mentioned, towards the end of the

aerobic training phase elements of anaerobic training should be introduced to the programme. This can often be combined with

an appropriately chosen competiton to provide the higher intensity sprint or anaerobic exercise. Similarly, the aerobic content

of the program will not suddenly disappear. The benefits of the previous phase (increased aerobic capacity) should be

maintained as much as possible whilst improvements are made in anaerobic capacity. Good aerobic conditioning will of course

enhance recovery processes between bouts of anaerobic exercise and between sessions.

Race practice and competiton phase.

There are many competitions which fill the competitive calendar. It is important that the coach considers the best interests of

athlete when constructing the programme and entering particular competitions. Preparation for the most important

competition of the meso-cycle will involve a decrease in aerobic work-load, however it is important to maintain aerobic fitness.

There will be an increase in race specific cycling efforts and motor-pacing. There will also be a greater amount of rest and

recovery within and between sessions.

This is a crucial period for field testing so that the data bank and references towards the individual progression charts can be

maintained. Gear ratios and performance estimations will also be made in this period.

The relative importance of training aspects between phases, showing primary objectives, secondary objectives and

maintenance levels.

Aerobic Development phase

(a) Aerobic capacity – primary objective, 60%

(b) Alactic anaerobic capacity – secondary objective, 30%

(c) Lactic anaerobic capacity – maintenance, 10%

Anaerobic development phase

(a) Lactic anaerobic capacity – primary objective, 60%

(b) Aerobic capacity – secondary objective, 30%

(c) Alactic anaerobic capacity – maintenance, 10%

Race pace practice and competiton

(a) Alactic anaerobic capacity – primary objective,60%

(b) Lactic anaerobic capacity – secondary objective, 30%

(c) Aerobic capacity – maintenance, 10%

REST, Recovery, Recuperation and Regeneration

This should be a period to relax both physically and mentally after a period of intense stress of 12-16 weeks. The length of this

phase will depend on the importance of the competition just passed (therefore the level of pressure) and the importance of the

competition at the end of the next phase. Generally during the season, at the end of meso-cycles 1 and 2 this period may be

only one week and quite often see as an active recuperation week. At the end of the third meso-cycle, this period may extend to

3 or 4 weeks. The length of this period is quite individual and should be determined by the athletes desire to restart.

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“Reaching to London and beyond” Wiggins 2008





Multi-year planning should be a progression of aerobic based training priorities orientated towards specific individualized race goals. Talent should be fast tracked based on a percentage screening system that nurtures a pool of top quality athletes for Olympic success. The pool of athletes needs to be large enough to enable a sound balance between racing and training meso-cycles.

Nurturing talent through to world and Olympic success


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1. Planning


1.1. Introduction

The coach/trainer has to be aware of the factors which effect performance in sport. The relative importance of these factors in

relation to the individual athlete, the race event and the training process all have to be considered before constructing the


Knowledge of the training principles and the process of the stress-adaptation will guide the volume, intensity and the rest

applied to the cyclist to optimise training for performance improvements. The application of these factors in relation to the

cycling calendar must be carefully controlled and adjusted to ensure optimal performances at the correct times of the year.

The complex process is time consuming, but if done thoroughly and meticulously, will reap great rewards and improve the

coach’s chance of regular and high level success. “You are what you train” Wiggins 2005

Puzzling the correct training to develop the correct adaptations

Taking athletes to a peak for important competitions requires careful planning. That planning can and should extend over

several years. Obviously, this gigantic task must be broken down into smaller, more manageable units. Here we will discuss the

importance of structuring and integrating these units. We will start with the long term objectives the multi-year planning and

work down through the yearly planning or macro-planning. The season planning, weekly planning and daily planning.

Multi-year planning

Multi-year planning is of great importance to an athlete’s career because this is the base of the long term goals. This is

commonly executed with success from childhood to the adult years. Top sport schools and clubs who are working with the

youth in the sport should have a general plan for regulating the nature, volume, and intensity of training throughout their

competitive years with a goal of achieving peak performances sometime in their adult years.

Multi-year planning can and often is orientated around the major competitions like the Olympics and world championships.

Quarterly planning

Planning on a quarterly base is crucial in targeting the Olympics and any coach that has Olympic talent should base their

planning carefully with this main objective in mind. Many coaches are not preparing their athletes in the correct manner for

approaching top competitions. For example Athletes are quite simply asked to train hard and improve as much as they can each

year and mainly goal orientated towards times. No system is in place except trying to cycle faster in training each year. Good

planning focuses on improving each athlete’s weaknesses during the early years of the multi-year plan and then concentrating

on increasing endurance and speed the year the major competition takes place.

The largest volume and greatest intensity of specific training occur during the years when the Olympics are held. Laying a

foundation for endurance and speed receives greater emphasis for the other years between. Training should focus more on

developing aerobic capacity and anaerobic power during those years, whereas training during the competition years should

emphasise improving aerobic and anaerobic muscular endurance. The off years or building block years should be used crucially

in improving specific competition weaknesses, such as faulty technique, positioning, starts, and weaknesses in strength and

power of certain muscle groups, and poor flexibility in important joints.

Year Planning

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Using the framework for a multiyear plan as a guide, the next step is to plan each training year. Most coaches should divide the

training year into two or hopefully three seasons. This is based on the importance of championship competitions than it is on

physiological effectiveness. Don’t forget their will be a great importance on team and sponsor demands so count on splitting

your seasons up. This is common place especially with the demands of endurance track riders that have also road commitments.


Systematic planning your season

A planned program of systematic progression is one of the best ways to ensure that cyclists peak at the right time of the season.

Systematic progression should also help them avoid plateaus and overtraining. Initially progress may be slower when seasons

are constructed in this manner, however cyclists that produce a systematic progression after the season’s transition normally

realise a healthy evolution in strength and thus can realise good performance early on in the season. , ultimately the cyclists will

reach higher levels of adaptation and, consequently achieve better performances.

A systematic plan allows the coach to compartmentalise the various types of training their athletes do into periods of emphasis

and maintenance. All levels of training the energy systems as mentioned in this course will be complimented with such a

planning. Incorporated into proper proportions and administered at the appropriate times of the season. In addition, periodic

changes in training emphasis make it less likely that the effect of one type of training will inhibit the effect of another.

The first step in the process of moving from theory to practice is determining the trainable components and their placement in

the training year with regard to development and maintenance.

Trainable components

First are the metabolic components of the training, aerobic capacity, anaerobic power, and aerobic and anaerobic muscular

endurance. These should dominate the structure of each macro-cycle of every season throughout the year. Of equal importance

is the technique and this is quite often overlooked in cycling. Athletes should be drilled in cadence and gearing understanding in

connection with crank length. This is a major area where we are researching using stroke mechanics with power-cranks tools.

The athletes need to be toughened so that they can re-main effective in spite of fatigue and pain later in their competitions.

Strength, power and flexibility on the bike and in the gym should be a very big part of the seasonal planning. Starts and other

track or off-road skills should receive priority goals in specific areas of the season. In addition there should be psychological

studies instructed to prepare the athletes emotionally and being mentally tough in races. Finally the planning should

accommodate proper nutritional guidance (cooking lessons) and time management.

After the trainable components have been determined, the next step in planning a season is to separate it into parts with

specific training and competiton purposes. Following this, each season phase should be separated into even smaller units when

the principle of progressive overload is applied from unit to unit.

The process of structuring a season into smaller units with specific purposes and goals is called training cycles.

1.2. Training cycles

Training cycles fall into three categories. MACRO-CYCLES, MESO-CYCLES and MICRO-CYCLES.


Goals and procedure for the general preparation phase


Improve aerobic capacity, particular circulatory and respiratory functions that will improve oxygen delivery to

the muscles and both the oxygen consumption and lactate removal of slow-twitch muscle fibres. This is an

important step in developing power-cranks into the program. Through research studies using SRM with power-

cranks proof is towards high demands to the circulatory and respiratory functions.

Improve the anaerobic capacity for especially for sprinters.

Improve stroke mechanics, starts – neuromuscular patterns for cycle functions.

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Increase overall muscular strength

Increase specific joint flexibility

Maintain aerobic and anaerobic endurance

Correct nutritional deficiencies and errors in time management

Monitoring suggestions


Aerobic and anaerobic thresholds

Peak blood lactate


General muscular strength

Range of motion in specific joint

Positioning bike fitting RETUL 3d analysis

Goals and procedures for the specific preparation phase


Endurance cyclists should focus on improving the rate of oxygen consumption and lactate removal in their fast-twitch

muscle fibres

Improve the rates of oxygen consumption and lactate removal of their slow-twitch muscle fibres.

Maintain speed

Progressive overload of volume and intensity

Monitoring suggestions


Aerobic and anaerobic thresholds

Peak blood lactate

Sprint speed –

Strength in specific muscle groups

Range of motion in specific joints

Positioning adjustments monitoring RETUL 3d analysis

Goals and procedures for the race preparation phase


Improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance

Riding longer at race pace

Increase speed and optimize anaerobic power

Increase ability to maintain good stroke mechanics when fatigued at end of races.

Increase specific muscular power

Increase specific joint flexibility

Maintain aerobic capacity

Refine pacing and racing skills

Increase intensity and increase density

Monitoring suggestions


Aerobic and anaerobic thresholds

Peak blood lactate



Range of motion in specific joints

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Opbouw Worldclass program Olympic Target

Trainingsjaar 1*17 2*18 3*19 4*20/2012

5*21 6*22 7*23 8*24/2016

9*25 10*26 11*27 12*28/2020

Prestatiedoelstellingen *EK piste *EK WEG *BKWEG *WK piste

*EK piste *EK WEG *BK WEG *WK piste

*EK piste *EK/WK WEG *Wkpiste *WB4*

*WKWEG *Wkpiste WB4* Olympics

*EK piste *WB1 *WK piste *WKWEG

*EK piste *WB1 *WK piste *WK WEG

*EK piste *EK WEG *WK *WB4*

*EK WEG *Wk WB4* Olympics

*EK piste *WB1 *WK piste *WKWEG

*EK piste *WB1 *WK piste *WKWEG

*EK piste *EK WEG *WK *WB4*

*EK WEG *Wk WB4* Olympics

Rittenwedstrijden 3* 3-4* 4* 4* 3* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*

6daagse programma 2* 2* 2* 1* 6* 4* 2* 1* 6* 4* 2* 1*

Trainingsweken Aantal/jaar:

46 46 47 48 47 47 48 49 47 48 49 50

Trainingsdagen Aantal/jaar:

320 320 329 336 329 329 336 343 329 336 343 350

Trainingseenheden Aantal/Week: Duur:

6 7 8 10 8 8 10 10 8 10 10 10

2xdaags-training Aantal/weken:

10 12 16 20+ 12 16 20+ 20+ 12 16 20+ 20+

Omvang Aantal km/jaar:

15k 25k 30k 36-38k 30k 36k 40k 38k 30k 38k 40k 38k

Krachttraining Type: Eenheden/week: Duur:

*MaxSt *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *En *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *En *Ex *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *En *Ex *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *3


*MaxSt *En *Ex *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *En *Ex *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *En *Ex *2-3 *1,5

*MaxSt *En *Ex *2-

3 *1,5

Complimentaire sporten Duur/maand: Type:

*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross


*letsel/prev * Lopen

*letsel/prev * Lopen

*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross


*lopen *cross *zwemmen

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Table.6. example of mutil-year planning

2. Meso-cycles are important in developing individual periodisation.

Macro-cycles should be made up of meso-cycles, shorter phases devoted to the progression improvement of the major training components of a particular macro-cycle.

Meso-cycles provide the the primary blocks for progressive overload. It is not possible to guide the cyclists correctly just with a race calendar or macro-cycle. An increase in

training intensity, volume, or focus should occur with each new meso-cycle. Meso-cyles can be from 2-8 weeks in length. Training for any longer period will normally cause

for saturation. The chances of boredom and overtraining will increase.

Meso-cycles need to be constructed carefully to coincide not only with the goals of the season but also with family, education and social commitments. The goals of each

meso-cycle with regard to type of training, volume, and intensity should be determined by the purposes of the macro-cycle. The placement of major competitions and

exams will be important factors. Finally the tests that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of each meso-cycle and macro-cycle should also be resolved.

Meso-cycles generally include a working phase and a recovery phase. The stepwise increase in training intensity, volume, or focus takes place in the working phase, which

may last from 2 to 6 weeks. The working phase of the mesocycle can be constructed in two ways, in a staircase pattern or a constant pattern. The recovery phase is

included at the end of each meso- to enable adaptations of the training process

Table.7. meso-cycle

Evaluatietests Type:

*Eurofit *KULLAB *VWEM






















Present level of


Next level of


compensation Fatigue


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Meso-cyles that encourage adaptation can be constructed in a great number of ways. They generally fall into three categories, long meso-cycles , short meso-cycles and

mixed meso-cycles.

Mixed meso-cycles are preferred in a perfect endurance planning. However limitations maybe enforced due to illness or periods of interrupted progression due to school

commitments for example. Then the shorter meso-cycles would be considered..

Anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity training sets are crucial trainings and are delicately spiced in the training at correct fractions of intensities. Both by the female

athletes and the male athletes combine these training analysis below to show how intensive and structured these sets are in the training of a perfect super compensation

of the meso-cycles. These sets have proven how important they are to realize a good fast finish after a fast race but also how intensive and frequent the athletes are able to

attack through a maintained anaerobic capacity.

KBWB PISTE national Team

Mesocycle III 2008 weeks I II III IV V VI





Dates WK09/Dec Wk16/Dec WK23/Dec WK30/Dec WK 06/Jan WK13/Jan

Volume Tu// WK Track//Road 4//8 2//8 2//8 0//8 0//8 7//3

KM//WK 450 750 850 950 750 450

Regeneration 3 3 3 4 4 4

AeC1 2 2 2 2 2

AeC2 1 1 1 1 1 2

AeP 1 1 2 2 3

AnC 3 3 2 3 3

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Meso V Meso VI

KBWB PISTE national Team

Mesocycle III 2008 weeks




Stage VWEM WK Manchester

Dates WK16/Mar WK23/Mar

Volume Tu// WK Track//Road 2//5 6//0

350 250

Regeneration 3 2


AeC2 3 3

AeP 2 2


MAX Test

SS or CR

AnP 3 2

Field Test









ReC ReG aerobic






ReC ReG aerobic

Table.8. meso-cycle planning

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TALENT Jun/ U23 Track based multi-year planning in olympic projection

sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug sept oct nov dec Jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug

Training Year 2007/2008

Training objectives BASE Comp. Specific BASE Intensive Comp. Specific

Testing ERG



ST training units/day 1 1

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1

Training days/maand 20 20

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

1000 600

Volume km 200

Major competitions








BK sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug sept oct nov dec Jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug

Juniors 1ejaars Juniors 2ejaars

Training Year 2008/2009

Training objectives Spe BASE Intensive Comp. Specific BASE Intensive Comp. Specific




ST training units/day 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1

1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1

Training days/maand 20 20

20 20 20 22 20 26 20 20 22 20 20

20 26 24 20 26 24 28 22 20



Volume km 200

Major competitions








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sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug sept oct nov dec Jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug

U23 1ejaars U23 2ejaars

Training Year 2011/2012

Training objectives Spe BASE Intensive Comp. Specific BASE Intensive Comp. Specific

Testing ST







ST training units/day 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

Opbouw Worldclass program Olympic Target

Training Year 2009/2010

Training objectives Spe BASE Intensive Comp. Specific BASE Intensive Comp. Specific

Testing ST






ST training units/day 1

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1

Training days/maand 20 20

20 20 22 24 20 28 24 20 24 21 20

22 28 24 22 24 24 28 22 22 1000


Volume km 200

Major competitions








sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug sept oct nov dec Jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug

U23 3ejaars Elite

Training Year 2010/2011

Training objectives Spe BASE Comp. Specific BASE Intensive Comp. Specific

Testing ST







ST training units/day 1 1

1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

Training days/maand 20 24

24 28 26 22 24 26 24 28 24 21 24 24 28 28 24 22 24 28 28 24 20



Major competitions







sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug sept oct nov dec Jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug

Elite Elite

Table.9. multi-year planning

Table.10. multi-year planning

Table.11. multi-year planning Olympic year

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Training days/maand 20 24 24 24 28 26 22 24 26 24 28 24 21 24 24 28 28 24 22 24 28 28 24 20



Volume km 200 38,000km

Major competitions







sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug sept oct nov dec Jan feb mar apr mei jun jul aug

Elite Elite

General guidelines in the form of a multi-year plan per/age group.

Next to this general multi-year planning. Each athlete has their individual plan drawn out on these base guidelines.

Major competitions

Trainings weeks

Trainings intensities

Strength training, cross training and injury prevention program

Test screening program

Test follow up and meso-cycle adaption in relationship to the major competitons.

“The purpose of competitive bicycle training is to increase aerobic and anaerobic capacity and maximum sustainable power output.

The power output is a critical parameter that must be measured and recorded during racing and training”.

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Training examples of structuring your sessions correctly in your progressive meso-cycles.

The two graphs represent examples of planned anaerobic capacity training and the end result of specific training work in a race situation’s. In this example to the right

Jolien D’hoore RACE analysis is in the last 1min30 of the race. Jolien is developing high watts out of the corners and recuperating nicely in the wheel and preparing for the

finish sprint. Here Jolien wins the bunch sprint from nieuwelingen jongens. The graph to the left shows an anaerobic capacity training file of Jolien D’hoore from a training

camp in LA in January 2008.

Note two very important areas. Firstly how the heart rate in the training sets is challenged and this is designed to increase throughout the sets to a pinnacle in the last

efforts. This is also similar to relate to in the race and the heart rate peaks gradually and finally limits at the very end. Most interestingly the main aim of the training sets is

the cadence and peak watts. See how the recuperation is massive before each effort and each watt delivery is executed with no drop-off from cadence. This is a trainable

skill that we can only achieve in the correct building phases of anaerobic and aerobic base training.

This is an area of the energy system that has been worked on extensively throughout the winter buffering the aerobic system and preparing the system to adapt to the

anaerobic peak training that is planned in the main specific taper periods.

Note how the anaerobic system is steadily stressed in the periodic planning. This is very important in realising a perfect taper. Each phase is carefully designed with the right

amount of rest and training intensities, fractions for determining the athlete’s individual absolute top condition at the right moment.

Watts+700 Cadence +120rpm, Peaking with a

short- recuperation and recharging very fast

before again repeating a maximum average


Table.12.Training specific anaerobic


Table.13.Using the trained energy systems in a race situation

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Fig.16 Junior women world champion sprint 2008 fig.17. Podium junior women world road championships 2008.

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Fig. 18.


follow up and


regarding the


planning and


The test

results also






this sort of


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Fig.19. Key attributes to determining a correct training analysis.

TrainingPeaks uses a special algorithm to calculate an adjusted or normalized power for each ride or

segment of a ride (longer than 30 seconds) that you analyze.

1) the physiological responses to rapid changes in exercise intensity are not instantaneous, but follow a

predictable time course, and 2) many critical physiological responses (e.g., glycogen utilization, lactate

production, stress hormone levels) are curve-linearly, rather than linearly, related to exercise intensity, By

taking these factors into account, normalized power provides a better measure of the true physiological

demands of a given training session.

NP is an estimate of the power that you could have maintained for the same physiological "cost" if your

power output had been perfectly constant (e.g., as on a stationary cycle ergometer), rather than variable.

Keeping track of normalized power is therefore a more accurate way of quantifying the actual intensity of

training sessions, or even races.

Although normalized power is a better measure of training intensity than average power, it does not take into

account differences in fitness within or between individuals. Training Peaks therefore also calculates an

intensity factor (IF) for every workout or time range analyzed. IF is simply the ratio of the normalized

power as described above to your threshold power (entered under "Athlete Settings" at your "Athlete

Home"). For example, if your normalized power for a long training ride done early in the year is 210 W and

your threshold power at the time is 280 W, then the IF for that workout would be 0.75. However, if you did

that same exact ride later in the year after your threshold power had risen to 300 W, then the IF would be

lower, i.e., 0.70. IF therefore provides a valid and convenient way of comparing the relative intensity of a

training session or race either within or between riders, taking into account changes or differences in

threshold power. Typical IF values for various training sessions or races are as follows:

Typical IF values for various training sessions or races are as follows:

Less than 0.75 recovery rides

0.75-0.85 endurance-paced training rides

0.85-0.95 tempo rides, aerobic and anaerobic interval workouts (work and rest periods combined),

longer (>2.5 h) road races

0.95-1.05 lactate threshold intervals (work period only), shorter (<2.5 h) road races, criteriums,

circuit races, longer (e.g., 40 km) TTs

1.05-1.15 shorter (e.g., 15 km) TTs, track points race

Greater than 1.15 prologue TT, track pursuit, track miss-and-out

Note that one particularly useful application of IF is to check for changes in threshold power -

specifically, an IF of more than 1.05 for a race that is approximately 1 hour in duration is often a sign

that the rider's threshold power is actually greater than that presently entered into the program.

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Thus, by simply examining a rider's IF for various events during the course of a season, increases or

decreases in threshold power can often be revealed without the need for frequent formal testing.

While exercise intensity is clearly an important factor in determining the type and magnitude of

physiological adaptations to training, exercise frequency and duration - which together determine the overall

training volume - are important factors as well. However, there is obviously an interaction between training

intensity and volume, i.e., at some point as intensity goes up volume must come down, and vice-versa, or

else you will become over-trained. To quantify the overall training load and hopefully help avoid such a

situation, Training Peaks uses your power data to calculate a training stress score (TSS) for every workout,

and provides a graphical summary of your recent TSS on your Athlete Home page. TSS, which is modeled

after Dr. Eric Bannister's heart rate-based training impulse (TRIMPS), takes into account both the intensity

(i.e., IF) and the duration of each training session, and might be best viewed as a predictor of the amount of

glycogen utilized in each workout. Thus, a very high TSS resulting from a single race or training session can

be used an indicator that one or more days should be scheduled. For example, while individuals will tend to

differ in how much training they can tolerate, depending on their training background, natural abilities, etc.,

the following scale can be used as an approximate guide:

The following scale can be used as an approximate guide:

Less than 150 - low (recovery generally complete by following day)

150-300 - medium (some residual fatigue may be present the next day, but gone by 2nd day)

300-450 - high (some residual fatigue may be present even after 2 day

Greater than 450 - very high (residual fatigue lasting several days likely) As well, the cumulative

TSS per week or per month can be used help identify the maximum intensity and volume of training

that still leads to improvements, rather than overtraining.

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Fig.20. Performance chart

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Fig.21a.Maximum power output classification

Maximal power output (in W/kg)

Men Women

5 s 1 min 5 min FT 5 s 1 min 5 min FT

24,04 11,50 7,60 6,40 19,42 9,29 6,61 5,69

23,77 11,39 7,50 6,31 19,20 9,20 6,52 5,61

23,50 11,27 7,39 6,22 18,99 9,11 6,42 5,53

23,22 11,16 7,29 6,13 18,77 9,02 6,33 5,44

World class 22,95 11,04 7,19 6,04 18,56 8,93 6,24 5,36

(e.g., international pro) 22,68 10,93 7,08 5,96 18,34 8,84 6,15 5,28

22,41 10,81 6,98 5,87 18,13 8,75 6,05 5,20

22,14 10,70 6,88 5,78 17,91 8,66 5,96 5,12

21,86 10,58 6,77 5,69 17,70 8,56 5,87 5,03

21,59 10,47 6,67 5,60 17,48 8,47 5,78 4,95

Exceptional 21,32 10,35 6,57 5,51 17,26 8,38 5,68 4,87

(e.g., domestic pro) 21,05 10,24 6,46 5,42 17,05 8,29 5,59 4,79

20,78 10,12 6,36 5,33 16,83 8,20 5,50 4,70

20,51 10,01 6,26 5,24 16,62 8,11 5,41 4,62

20,23 9,89 6,15 5,15 16,40 8,02 5,31 4,54

19,96 9,78 6,05 5,07 16,19 7,93 5,22 4,46

Excellent 19,69 9,66 5,95 4,98 15,97 7,84 5,13 4,38

(e.g., cat. 1) 19,42 9,55 5,84 4,89 15,76 7,75 5,04 4,29

19,15 9,43 5,74 4,80 15,54 7,66 4,94 4,21

18,87 9,32 5,64 4,71 15,32 7,57 4,85 4,13

18,60 9,20 5,53 4,62 15,11 7,48 4,76 4,05

18,33 9,09 5,43 4,53 14,89 7,39 4,67 3,97

Very good 18,06 8,97 5,33 4,44 14,68 7,30 4,57 3,88

(e.g., cat. 2) 17,79 8,86 5,22 4,35 14,46 7,21 4,48 3,80

17,51 8,74 5,12 4,27 14,25 7,11 4,39 3,72

17,24 8,63 5,01 4,18 14,03 7,02 4,30 3,64

16,97 8,51 4,91 4,09 13,82 6,93 4,20 3,55

16,70 8,40 4,81 4,00 13,60 6,84 4,11 3,47

16,43 8,28 4,70 3,91 13,39 6,75 4,02 3,39

Good 16,15 8,17 4,60 3,82 13,17 6,66 3,93 3,31

(e.g., cat. 3) 15,88 8,05 4,50 3,73 12,95 6,57 3,83 3,23

15,61 7,94 4,39 3,64 12,74 6,48 3,74 3,14

15,34 7,82 4,29 3,55 12,52 6,39 3,65 3,06

15,07 7,71 4,19 3,47 12,31 6,30 3,56 2,98

14,79 7,59 4,08 3,38 12,09 6,21 3,46 2,90

Moderate 14,52 7,48 3,98 3,29 11,88 6,12 3,37 2,82

(e.g., cat. 4) 14,25 7,36 3,88 3,20 11,66 6,03 3,28 2,73

13,98 7,25 3,77 3,11 11,45 5,94 3,19 2,65

13,71 7,13 3,67 3,02 11,23 5,85 3,09 2,57

13,44 7,02 3,57 2,93 11,01 5,76 3,00 2,49

13,16 6,90 3,46 2,84 10,80 5,66 2,91 2,40

Fair 12,89 6,79 3,36 2,75 10,58 5,57 2,82 2,32

(e.g., cat. 5) 12,62 6,67 3,26 2,66 10,37 5,48 2,72 2,24

12,35 6,56 3,15 2,58 10,15 5,39 2,63 2,16

12,08 6,44 3,05 2,49 9,94 5,30 2,54 2,08

11,80 6,33 2,95 2,40 9,72 5,21 2,45 1,99

11,53 6,21 2,84 2,31 9,51 5,12 2,35 1,91

Untrained 11,26 6,10 2,74 2,22 9,29 5,03 2,26 1,83

(e.g., non-racer) 10,99 5,99 2,64 2,13 9,07 4,94 2,17 1,75

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Men Women

5 s 1 min 5 min FT 5 s 1 min 5 min FT

24,04 11,50 7,60 6,40 19,42 9,29 6,61 5,69

23,77 11,39 7,50 6,31 19,20 9,20 6,52 5,61

23,50 11,27 7,39 6,22 18,99 9,11 6,42 5,53

23,22 11,16 7,29 6,13 18,77 9,02 6,33 5,44

22,95 11,04 7,19 6,04 18,56 8,93 6,24 5,36

22,68 10,93 7,08 5,96 18,34 8,84 6,15 5,28

22,41 10,81 6,98 5,87 18,13 8,75 6,05 5,20

22,14 10,70 6,88 5,78 17,91 8,66 5,96 5,12

21,86 10,58 6,77 5,69 17,70 8,56 5,87 5,03

21,59 10,47 6,67 5,60 17,48 8,47 5,78 4,95

21,32 10,35 6,57 5,51 17,26 8,38 5,68 4,87

21,05 10,24 6,46 5,42 17,05 8,29 5,59 4,79

20,78 10,12 6,36 5,33 16,83 8,20 5,50 4,70

20,51 10,01 6,26 5,24 16,62 8,11 5,41 4,62

20,23 9,89 6,15 5,15 16,40 8,02 5,31 4,54

19,96 9,78 6,05 5,07 16,19 7,93 5,22 4,46

19,69 9,66 5,95 4,98 15,97 7,84 5,13 4,38

19,42 9,55 5,84 4,89 15,76 7,75 5,04 4,29

19,15 9,43 5,74 4,80 15,54 7,66 4,94 4,21

18,87 9,32 5,64 4,71 15,32 7,57 4,85 4,13

18,60 9,20 5,53 4,62 15,11 7,48 4,76 4,05

18,33 9,09 5,43 4,53 14,89 7,39 4,67 3,97

18,06 8,97 5,33 4,44 14,68 7,30 4,57 3,88

17,79 8,86 5,22 4,35 14,46 7,21 4,48 3,80

17,51 8,74 5,12 4,27 14,25 7,11 4,39 3,72

17,24 8,63 5,01 4,18 14,03 7,02 4,30 3,64

16,97 8,51 4,91 4,09 13,82 6,93 4,20 3,55

16,70 8,40 4,81 4,00 13,60 6,84 4,11 3,47

16,43 8,28 4,70 3,91 13,39 6,75 4,02 3,39

16,15 8,17 4,60 3,82 13,17 6,66 3,93 3,31

15,88 8,05 4,50 3,73 12,95 6,57 3,83 3,23

15,61 7,94 4,39 3,64 12,74 6,48 3,74 3,14 15,34 7,82 4,29 3,55 12,52 6,39 3,65 3,06

15,07 7,71 4,19 3,47 12,31 6,30 3,56 2,98

14,79 7,59 4,08 3,38 12,09 6,21 3,46 2,90

14,52 7,48 3,98 3,29 11,88 6,12 3,37 2,82

14,25 7,36 3,88 3,20 11,66 6,03 3,28 2,73

13,98 7,25 3,77 3,11 11,45 5,94 3,19 2,65

13,71 7,13 3,67 3,02 11,23 5,85 3,09 2,57 13,44 7,02 3,57 2,93 11,01 5,76 3,00 2,49 13,16 6,90 3,46 2,84 10,80 5,66 2,91 2,40

12,89 6,79 3,36 2,75 10,58 5,57 2,82 2,32

12,62 6,67 3,26 2,66 10,37 5,48 2,72 2,24 12,35 6,56 3,15 2,58 10,15 5,39 2,63 2,16 12,08 6,44 3,05 2,49 9,94 5,30 2,54 2,08 11,80 6,33 2,95 2,40 9,72 5,21 2,45 1,99

11,53 6,21 2,84 2,31 9,51 5,12 2,35 1,91

11,26 6,10 2,74 2,22 9,29 5,03 2,26 1,83

10,99 5,99 2,64 2,13 9,07 4,94 2,17 1,75

10,72 5,87 2,53 2,04 8,86 4,85 2,07 1,67

10,44 5,76 2,43 1,95 8,64 4,76 1,98 1,58

10,17 5,64 2,33 1,86 8,43 4,67 1,89 1,50

Fig.21b. power profiling pursuit rider

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Heart rate distribution and watts distribution

Fig. 22. Heart rate distribution

Fig.23. Power (watts) distribution

Fig.24. Average power versus average power/weight ratio

Heart rate is an important indicator towards conditioning

together with the absolute resting pulse. These

measurements are good indicators that the energy zones are

correct in percentage proportioned throughout the training

program. Heart rate is no longer in use during the training

intensities to indicate the correct live energy intensity. Watts

has taken this measurement over as a more accurate live

training tool. See graph to the right.

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fig.25. Mean maximal power

Fig.26. Training stress and intensity factor

Here the analysis is critical in determining

where the peak mean power has been

realized and that it follows the designed

meso-cycle. Here you can easily see when the

athletes are peaking.

This is balancing your athletes correctly and resting

them at the right moments.

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Fig.27. training peaks – software example of data collection

Fig.28. Time and distance

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fig.29. Performance management chart / periodic and training stress balance

Important CTL increases at different

rates as each different meso-cycle is

realized. Note as the CTL starts to

drop how the TSB immediately

changes indicating a good predictor

towards good performances.

CTL(blue) chronic

training load (volume en

intensity calculator

historically and


ATL(pink) Acute training

load ( recently and

accurately calculating as

an exponential-weighted

moving average of daily

TSS with default time

constant set to 7dayATL .

TSB(yellow) training

stress balance –

difference between CTL

and ATL. Basically how

fresh or recovered the

athlete is.

Important values in intensity and

mean power 20mins power

Here this graph compliments your

designed meso planning. Easily picking

out and adjusting if necessary where the

peak distances and time is spent in

specific areas of the planning. These are

very important references for the multi-

year planning.

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Limiting factors in competitive cycling

Fatigue ‘What limits a performance’

The common answer is ‘fatigue’. Fatigue can be defined as a reduction in force output by the muscles, which manifests itself in a

reduction in cycling speed. Despite this single factor for the limit in performance, it is clear that fatigue involves a complex of

events which occur in the working muscle which contribute to this reduction in force output.

It is not surprising to find that the cause of fatigue is dependent on the characteristics of the 3 energy systems, and that the

duration and intensity of the particular exercise will determine these causes.

In cycling events, the cause of fatigue can be sectioned into 3 groups of events, which rely heavily on each 3 energy systems. The

3 categories are GROUP 1 200-500m events GROUP 2 1km-3kmevents and GROUP 3 4km – points race 50km distances.

GROUP 1 200-500m

These events rely on the ability of the cyclist to create maximal cycling speed and maintain that speed for the duration of the

race. The ability of the muscles to create power necessary for velocity will be crucial, but will decline at approximately

10seconds into the race due to the depletion in phoshocreatine (PC). The reliance on energy supply will then come from

glycolysis, mainly anaerobically; although there will be a contribution from aerobic metabolism. Maximal exercise of ~22-28

seconds will increase the lactate produced in the muscle and reduce pH (increase acidity), although not to levels which will

significantly affect muscular contraction.

GROUP 2 1km-3km

Here in these events there is heavy reliance on anaerobic glycolysis for energy delivery and a resulting build up of high levels of

lactic acid. Lactic acid itself does not pose too many problems for the muscle as it can be removed easily and re-converted for

use once more as a fuel for metabolism. The associated build up of hydrogen ions from anaerobic glycolysis causes a reduction

in pH which creates an environment within the muscle which effects muscular function. The result of this will cause a lack of co-

ordination in the working muscle and reduce the rate of energy supply from a slowing in the Glycolytic pathways. In addition,

the associated pain and distress caused by these effects will result in a reduction of effort exerted by the athlete.

There are several ways to improve aspects associated with muscular acidosis. An improvement in aerobic conditioning should

allow cyclists to cycle at a faster pace before lactate accumulates, and will improve the supply of oxygen to the working muscles

to oxidise or remove the H+ ions. Improvements in anaerobic metabolism will allow a faster rate of glycolysis whilst providing

better buffering against the increase in muscular acidity. Tolerance to the associated pain may also be improved by de-

sensitisation from regular exposure to such conditions.

GROUP 3 4km – 50km+

The main cause here of fatigue is muscular acidosis, but the ability of a cyclist to continue exerting effort in conditions of stress

will also contribute. The aerobic condition of the cyclist is so closely linked to success in these events that the lack of adequate

conditioning can also be considered a factor. In addition, glycogen availability in certain muscle fibres (FAST TWITCH) may affect

the ability of an individual to sprint at the end of the race, particularly in longer races. In the shorter pursuit races the will be

little glycogen depletion in muscles which start with a normal glycogen balance.

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Success in these events is achieved primarily from improving aerobic capacity to cycle at a faster pace before lactate

accumulation occurs, and to remove lactate from or oxidise lactate in the working muscles.

Table.14. Summary of the causes of Fatigue in cycling competitions


200m-500m PC depletion

Reduction in rate of anaerobic glycolysis 1km-3km Muscular acidosis

Pain tolerance 4km-50km Muscular acidosis

Pain tolerance

Aerobic capacity

Glycogen depletion

Delaying Fatigue

The time spent on training to increase muscular the concentration of PC in the muscle is disproportionate to the actual increase

obtained (if any). Time spent on training for improvement of performance in 200m – 500m events should be spent on improving

power effectiveness in the pedal-stroke., i.e. strength and power improvements and the application of power through good

stroke mechanics. In addition time spent on developing the rate of energy supply from the aerobic glycolysis and also aerobic

capacity to underpin that development is recommended.

Improving the rate of anaerobic glycolysis, increasing the capacity of the muscle to buffer the effects and improving the cyclists

tolerance to the pain associated with lactate accumulation are all desirable outcomes of sprint training. We can improve the

cyclist’s ability to supply energy faster through anaerobic glycolysis by increasing the concentration of the related enzymes

involved in the metabolic reactions in the muscles.

The effects if improving aerobic capacity have been mentioned earlier. The main endurance condition is to reduce the rate of

lactate (and H+ions) production to delay the onset of acidosis and therefore fatigue. The more effective the body’s physiological

mechanisms are at getting oxygen to the working muscles and using it in the glycolysis pathways, the more efficient the system

will be for delaying fatigue. There are many mechanisms for making this system more efficient, and can be divided into central

and peripheral changes. Central changes involve improvements in the function of the heart and lungs, whereas peripheral

changes occur at the cellular level in and around the working muscles.

These are important physiological terms that play a massive role in determining specific training areas to develop certain

physiological adaptations in the athletes program. Importantly these terms are also absolutely critical in determining talent

scouting standards and even selection standards.

Having discussed the causes of fatigue and the physiological changes that need to take place in order for us to delay the effects

of fatigue, we are now equip with the information needed to detail the types of training needed to improve physiological

condition and therefore performance.

Fig.30. The Five main adaptations in training energy systems.

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TYPES OF TRAINING and designing your training programme

The types of training used in cycling are related to the main energy system involved and the aspects of physiological function

that we aim to improve from an initial interpretation from an athlete’s test results. The key factor in each of these types is the

intensity at which the training is to be conducted. Blood lactate increases exponentially as exercise intensity increases and

therefore provides us with an ideal measurement scale to monitor and assess the different intensities of training.

Fig.31. Elements to create exercises

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Olbrecht “the science of winning”

It is important to remember that all 3 energy systems operate together, although they contribute to energy release at different

rates. The 4 training types described above the solid line are used primarily for developing aspects of anaerobic capacity, with

the 4 types describe below the solid line are used primarily for developing aspects of aerobic capacity.

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Table.15. training energy system intensity classification


Fuel Speed of


Duration Limiting factors Heart rate Lactate






Anaerobic maximal alactic ATP-PC Phosphor-

creatine PC


10-15secs Lack of


release from





50% -30s

75% -60s





Anaerobic maximal lactate production Glycogen FAST 40-90secs Lactate 180-200 8+ 1-2hours 8x500-


Race practice Glycogen FAST Variable Lactate 190-200 12+ 1-2hours 3x1-2km

Anaerobic lactate tolerance Glycogen FAST 1-3minutes Lactate 190-200 10-14 1-2hours 5x2km-


Aerobic overload (vo2max) Glycogen


Medium Medium




180-200 7-10 variable 8x2km

Anaerobic threshold

Aerobic maintenance pace

Aerobic warm-up + recovery














Lack of



Speed of supply

from fats













4x 20mins

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Table.16. Energy system training fractions

Classification Rest Interval

Work:rest ratio

Duration Perceived exertion

%VO2max %intensity %MAX speed


Anaerobic maximal alactic ATP-PC 1-3mins 1:12 <3mins Not applicable

>150% 100% 100% FAST – active


Anaerobic maximal lactate production 500’s 1-3mins

1:4/1:5 3-5mins 18/20 very hard

>140% 100% 98% Active recovery

Race practice 30secs-2’mins

variable variable 18/20 very hard

500’s -140%


variable variable Active recovery

Anaerobic lactate tolerance 2km-3-5mins

1:2/1:3 4-8mins 19/20 very hard

110-120% 100% 95% Stress + pain,

passive recovery

Aerobic overload (vo2max) 30-60secs 2:1/3:1 +/-20mins 19/20 very hard

100% 100% 90% Stress- heart and

lungs – active


Anaerobic threshold Aerobic maintenance pace Aerobic warm-up + recovery

10-30secs 5-30secs 5-15secs

4km7:1/10:1 >6:1 >8:1

+/-30mins >30mins 20-120 minutes

16/17 hard 14/15 quite comfortable

<14 very comfortable

80-95% 70-85% 60-75%

80-90% 70-80% <70%

80-85% 70-80% <70%


Prep+aiding recovery

Classification – The main energy system used is given and the type of training

Duration – The time over which the type of training/energy system is most effective

Heart rate – Expected heart rate values measured in BPM

Lactate – Expected blood lactate values measure in mml

System recovery – Aerobic categories depend on the intensity of the set, and could depend on glycogen replenishment

through eating.

Set duration – this means the actual cycling time. In the case of sprint cycling, the maximum cycling time is only

3minutes, but with rest intervals (ratio 1:12) the set should last up to 36 minutes.

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Perceived exertion – Rating perceived exertion is a concept which was introduced by Borg in 1962 and updated as a

scale in 1970 (see Birk and Birk, 1987). The scale is between 6 and 20 and is designed to give an objective figure of

exercise intensity associated with the subjective feelings of the cyclist.

% VO2 max – Percentage equivalent of the maximal oxygen uptake. This value is used a reference in aerobic activities

to gauge the relative intensity of the exercise, and in anaerobic type activities as a reference to the speed or power

produced above VO2 max from anaerobic sources .

The knowledge base of physiology and training theory forms the basis for all physical training programmes in

competitive cycling. There should be no place for prescribing sessions ‘off the cuff’, or arriving at number for set design

without a clear plan for long term development and without creating the training set from first principles. In the

preceding sections, we have covered the physiological processes with which the bodies react in exercise conditions. we

have also touched on how we should best train these energy systems and discussed which guide the training in view of

short, medium and long term development.

Armed with this information, we are now able to look at in more detail at the factors which limit performances and

therefore the boundaries which we need to move back or aspects we need to improve. Recommendations for

categories of training will be made, the criteria for set construction stated and example designs and types of training


Constructing cycling training sets

The knowledge gained from the characteristics relating to the energy systems and the tupes of cycling training gives us the

information needed to construct the training sets – the numbers and distances – within each training unit (session).

Criteria for endurance maintenance

Set distance 30km’s – 90 minutes for elite cyclists

Repeat distance – longer distance are preferable

Intensity: light: short rest intervals

Speed is individual based on test interpretation and is conducted using srm/watt- cadence and time.

Example set for track cycling but can be easily adapted to the road:

6x 5km +power-cranks(track type) and SRM – tempo regeneration – 0ptimal cadence 100-105rpm – optimal gearing

cross-check with watts interpretation to lactate mml. 5mins easy riding between sets or passive rest.

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Criteria for threshold endurance set construction

Set distance 20km’s – 90 minutes for elite cyclists

Repeat distance – distances from 1km-2km-3km -4km

Intensity: maximum even pace for the duration of the set. Lactate steady state

Speed is at individual anaerobic threshold based on test interpretation and is conducted using srm/watt- cadence and time.

Example set for track cycling but can be easily adapted to the road:

5x 4km SRM – tempo threshold – 0ptimal cadence 123-125rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation

to lactate mml. 5-10’mins passive rest.

10x2km SRM – tempo threshold – 0ptimal cadence 123-125rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation

to lactate mml. 3-5’mins passive rest.

Criteria for endurance overload set construction

Set distance 15km’s – for elite cyclists

Repeat distance – distances from 1500m-2km-3km -4km

Rest intervals: 3-5’

Intensity: fastest possible average throughout the set and above threshold pace -

Speed is at + individual anaerobic threshold based on test interpretation and is conducted using srm/watt- cadence and time.

Example set for track cycling but can be easily adapted to the road:

5x 3km SRM – tempo threshold – 0ptimal cadence 123-125rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation

to lactate mml.

10x1500m SRM – tempo threshold – 0ptimal cadence 123-125rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts

interpretation to lactate mml.

Criteria for lactate tolerance set construction

Set distance 15km’s – for elite cyclists

Repeat distance – distances from 500m - 1km -1500m-2km

Rest intervals: 4-6’ between longer repeats and 30secs – 60secs between shorter repeats

Intensity: Maximum very painful and stressful

Speed is as fast as possible (95% of season’s best)

Suggested mileage per/week: 15km-30km depending on cycle stage in planning

Example set for track cycling but can be easily adapted to the road:

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7x 2km SRM – 0ptimal cadence 123-125rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation to lactate mml.

2x5x1500m SRM – 0ptimal cadence 123-125rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation to lactate


10x750m MAX effort -

Criteria for lactate production set construction

Set distance 8km’s – for elite cyclists

Repeat distance – distances from 500m – 1km

Rest intervals: 50secs passive/road and active track between broken efforts 10-15mins between sets

Intensity/speed: Maximum and faster than race pace.

Suggested mileage per/week: 4km-8km depending on cycle stage in planning

Example set for track cycling but can be easily adapted to the road:

2x 2km SRM – 0ptimal cadence 124-126rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation to lactate mml.

4x 2000m(4x500m with 500easy between each effort) broken sets ( SRM – 0ptimal cadence 126-130rpm – optimal

gearing cross-check with watts interpretation to lactate mml).

Criteria for sprint speed set construction

Set distance 1-2km’s – for elite cyclists

Repeat distance – distances from 125-250- including standing starts and flying starts

Rest intervals: 60secs to 5mins between sets

Intensity/speed: Maximum and faster than race pace.

Suggested mileage per/week: 4km-6km depending on cycle stage in planning

Example set for track cycling but can be easily adapted to the road:

2x 4x 125m SRM – 0ptimal cadence 150+rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation to lactate mml.

2x3x 200m (SRM – 0ptimal cadence 126-130rpm – optimal gearing cross-check with watts interpretation to lactate


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Fig.32. Example of training the aerobic maintenance. Track session in team pursuit formation

Fig.33. Example of aerobic endurance training set with four important power climbing endurance prior to the main set.

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Fig.34. Example of training the aerobic endurance. Road session with long regeneration accent.

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Fig.35. Example of Aerobic power set. Track session in team pursuit formation.

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Fig.36. Example of Aerobic power set. Track session

Fig.37. Example of aerobic power in a race. With solo win.

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Fig.38. Example of anaerobic capacity training sets.


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Fig.39. Example of anaerobic training sets.

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Fig.40. Relationship between different training classifications. Jonathan Wiggins West-consultancy Topsport trainer Jon Wiggins

WBV 2008

Understanding and speaking the same language regarding lactate tolerance and lactate production

Regarding lactate production and lactate tolerance. Both are very important for track cyclists, prologue specialists and shorter

time-trial specialist events. For these types of athletes it is important for them to be able to take the race out fast but also have

the trained buffering capacity, so that they can maintain their speed without dropping off their race pace.

WHAT is lactate tolerance?

Lactate tolerance primary effects are;

Increase muscle buffering capacity

To improve the ability of the cyclists to maintain good technique and speed inspite of severe acidosis

Improve the ability to tolerate the pain of acidosis

Lactate tolerance secondary effects are;

Increase the muscle concentration of glycogen, ATP and CP

Increase a rate of lactate removal from muscles and blood

Also this type of training will increase VO2MAX because it stimulates the oxygen consumption mechanisms of FTb

muscle fibres.


Adaptations occur rapidly and buffering capacities will occur within 4-6 weeks. This type of training is importantly placed in the

periodic planning initially in small amounts and gradually the amounts are increased towards the major goals of the season.

WHAT is lactate Production?

Lactate production primary effects are;

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Increase the rate of anaerobic metabolism

Lactate production secondary effects are;

Increase in the quality of ATP and CP stored in the trained muscle fibres

Increase the recycling rate of ATP with CP

Increase muscle power

Increase in neuromuscular coordination at fast cycling speeds

Increase in buffering capacity


This type of training is done is most parts of the training cycle. This is important to increase and maintain the anaerobic

metabolism especially towards the start of the build up process. In this type of training the amount of glycogen lost will be small

because the length of each repeat and the distance of the sets are relatively short. Muscle damage should also be minor.

This type of training is vitally important for not only track riders but also for climbing specialists. Climbers need to develop this

type of leg speed training accents to develop the fast cadence turn over and develop and solid anaerobic metabolism which will

in turn compliment their aerobic capacity base and subsequently climbing speed.

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PART 3 Testing, Monitoring and Evaluation 3.1 TESTING

1.1 Introduction

Why do we test?

Testing is really important to establish a monitoring of changes in athlete’s physiology, training status, fitness,

mental and nutritional state.

(Fitness testing is to systematically monitor changes in physiology over time)

It is common within the professional cycling teams to see athletes with stalemate situations regarding their

physiological state. This is a problem, and here we will determine the importance to test regularly and instigate a

correct systematic planning to produce the maximum potential from an athlete. Also understanding the athlete’s

individual state in digesting a heavy workload and develop an important back up of test knowledge/references that

will steer the athlete correctly to their goals. (No more flying by the seat of your pants)

By testing, we identify the overall ability of the athlete in each of the aspects that affect cycling performance

objectively. By doing this the coach has a greater confidence in the construction and evaluation of the training

programme. (“Is it working, and if so, by how much?”).

In order to construct tests that will give meaningful information to the practising coach, appropriate criteria must be

applied to give us a valid (true) measurement of a particular component. For instance a timed 20km (80laps) will give

an indication of aerobic capacity. If the test is altered to 5km or 5x1km, this will reduce the validity of the test by

increasing the contribution of other factors (such as power and sprint ability) to performance.

One important factor to consider is the accuracy of the test. When human error is taken into account, how close to

the real measurement is the value obtained? This is most commonly illustrated in cycling when comparing hand-held

timing in training to the electronic readout. A selected test has to reliable. The test needs to be repeated under

exactly the same conditions, will the result be the same or similar? The more difficult or complex the test is to

conduct, usually the less reliable (or repeatable) it will be.

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What testing can do?

1. Results can give us an indication of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in each physical/physiological

component, and in relation to the cyclist events.

2. Provide a baseline for individual training prescription

3. Testing provides a monitoring tool to assess the effectiveness of the training programme for an individual


4. It can provide us with general information on health status

5. As an education process, it provides the cyclist with information about their performances in relation to each

of the components of physical fitness

6. It can provide the coach with knowledge – both generally and with respect to individual responses.

7. It can be a vital indicator towards selection processes and talent identification programs.

What testing cannot do!

1. It should not be considered a training aid

2. It is difficult to predict potential for improvement. Everyone has limits.

3. Tests, even when constructed well, still have to be related back to cycling performance in a given

event which can sometimes have limitations.

4. Other non-physiological factors affect performance, e.g. technique, sociological and psychological

factors, tactics and skill.

The following section will consider the most important physical and physiological components which contribute to

performance and offer several tests of each in order to obtain information which to assess and evaluate the training

process more objectively.

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1.2. Type of tests

What type of tests, are we crediting and why? The global concept

Before any testing is commenced, it is important for all coaches/trainers to establish the correct testing protocol for

the athlete. This will govern the expected results regarding to energy requirements of their particular event.

1.2.1 Check points environmental control:

Correct test temperature,

Correct bike position, optimal positioning

Correct gearing//simulation

Athlete controls:

Fit, no illness or injury

Rested state, no competitions or heavy trainings at least 2-3 days before

Be fully regenerated nutritionally

Light warm-up program

Testing equipment should be familiar

List training, diet and environmental conditions, which could determine certain result evaluations and


1.2.2. Characteristics determining type of test protocols

The physiological characteristics governing cycling performances

Scientific references determine that a high maximal oxygen uptake and peak aerobic power output may prove

beneficial to endurance performance. In conjunction with this is the ability of a well trained athlete to sustain a high

economy of motion.

The optimal test results demonstrate that top athletes are using the least amount of oxygen possible to produce the

highest work by the muscle.

What is also very important to remember that next to these extreme performance measurements of outstanding

physiological abilities, many cycle races are governed by sprint finishes. This indicates high speeds and high acidosis

indicating anaerobic power and capacity.

With all these points taken into consideration it is clear that not just one sort of physiological test could correctly

profile the athlete’s characteristics.

1. Determining the maximal characteristics

Maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2max). The ability for the athlete to extract oxygen, to deliver it to the working

muscle, and use it to combust fuel. The more oxygen that can be used for oxidation, the greater power the

muscle can produce.

Peak aerobic power (WMax) very important measurement that is used together with the VO2max


VO2max importance in result interpretation;

o Absolute – total oxygen consumed per/minute. Important in determining short maximum anaerobic

disciplines, with a high absolute measurement.

o Relative-Oxygen consumed per/kilogram of body weight per minute. Important in determining

athlete responses to longer distances governed by the aerobic energy systems.

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Wmax/BM. This is vitally important to determine the correct profile of an athlete be it for example climbing

or track sprinting.

2. Economy

Oxygen cost to work at a given intensity

Biomechanical efficiency, oxygen cost to work at a given intensity will fall.

As endurance training status increases, the delivery mechanism transferring oxygen to the working muscles

will become more effective and economy will increase.

This is very important for time-trialists and pursuit riders on the track. To test this efforts of 3 five minute

intervals at a fixed intensity for example 40kph, Vo2max and heart rate (watts, cadence and optimal gearing

) would be tested to evaluate the oxygen cost at a given power.

3. Blood lactate threshold

Blood lactate threshold is a very important indicator for economy assessments and being able to interpretate

training energy zones.

The testing protocols can vary using lactate values as an assessment of lactate threshold. Mainly standard hyperbolic

ergometer tests are performed to maximum. The blood lactate profile is recorded and the individual point of

threshold is measured. This is done by taking blood samples (preferably from the ear as this is most accurate method

of realising lactate enriched blood. The point where lactate begins to rise faster than workload indicates a transitory


4. Time trial ability

Laboratory based time trial tests. These tests are important for establishing correct cadence economy and sustained

power for longer time-trials. However you need very motivated athletes to perform these tests accurately

5. Anaerobic power and capacity

This is a crucial part of any energy system economy for road riders, track racers and mountain bike athletes.

The test protocols can vary for this but largely wingate type simulations are profoundly used to determine anaerobic

power and anaerobic capacity.

6. Threshold and aerodynamic track

The best attribute for testing in an indoor track is that tests are carried out in a controlled environment. So step tests

or aerodynamic tests are widely used to create an economical profile for endurance athletes.

Beep tests can also be used to create an estimated reference point of fitness. This is a method used for screening or

working with younger athletes.

7. Threshold Field based tests

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This is slightly more difficult due to environmental factors. But these tests are mainly targeted towards time trial

economy and reflect sustained power/ cadence and gearing profiles.

8. Maximal tests

There are many test protocols to determine maximums, be it for sprinters or endurance athletes. The main objective

for this test is to record the W/MAX and cadence peaks in relationship to gearing. Lacate can also be used to

determine anaerobic peaks.

9. Sprint tests

It is important to develop a protocol that stresses the maximum peak watts. A series of sprints from standing starts

are required to record accurate sprinting ability. Tests can be performed in a lab, hill climb or track environment,

depending on the athletes specific needs for training or racing goal interpretation.

10. Body composition testing

Balancing the size of the components which contribute to the composition of an athlete’s body is one of the most

important considerations in physical performance. The significant components in athletic performance are lean body

mass (the quantity of muscle) and body fat (total or percent of fat). Lean body mass will to an extent determine the

power and force a cyclists can exert through their cycling technique. Fat within the body is essential for cell

membranes, connective tissue and protection.

A certain amount of fat is necessary for healthy body functions, but excess amounts will probably be a hindrance to

physical performance. The ability to monitor changes in body composition therefore is essential in ensuring that

maximal performance potential is achieved.

Body fat values such as 10%-18% for females and 3%-8% for males have been proposed for cyclists. Many endurance

athletes have been recorded with body fat as low as 9.6% for females and 4.6% for males (Troup et al 1986). Despite

the obvious benefits of carrying less weight, many problems may arise from having a body fat that is too low. Low

values suggest that there is a large energy deficit (more energy being expended than taken in through the diet)

which will indicate inadequate nutrition and or a high volume training regime / race program.

In cycling it is the norm for high volume training programmes, and therefore the nutritional intake must be adequate

to support this physical stress. If the calorific intake is not sufficient to match the energy expenditure, then the

cyclist will be in danger of falling into a state of overtraining. In addition, with many of the body’s immune systems

stretched to their limits, there will be greater susceptibility to illness and injury.

Methods of assessment.

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1. Weight measurement

The measurement of weight is an essential factor in assessment of body composition, and although coaches

should rely on regular monitor changes, the values will not give an accurate picture of the changes in body

composition. For instance, it is often valuable to see an increase in body weight as an indication of natural

growth and improvement in strength from an increase in muscle size. An increase in body weight can

therefore be a positive effect. Conversely, a sudden drop in body weight can be detrimental to performance,

and may be a sign of overtraining. Regular measurement with the same, accurate scales is recommended as

a basic monitoring tool.

VISIO CONTROL is a luminous indicator that shows the weight evolution at a glance

Fig.41. weight/body fat measuring instrument

4 memory bases for 4 different users

Gives weight and fat mass in Kg

Fully electronic 4 micro-sensor technology gives unrivalled accuracy

Displays your own personal min/max limits (fat mass)

2. Skin-fold measurement

One of the most frequently used techniques for the assessment of body composition and body fat is skin-

fold measurement. The relative ease of testing: sites of skin-fold measurement are easily accessible, the test

is non-invasive, equipment is relatively inexpensive and the testing time is not prohibitive.

Measurement involves the use of skin-fold callipers in recording the thickness of selected subcutaneous fat

store sites. Estimation of body fat is made from equations relating percentage body fat to skin-fold

measurements. The assumption made in this technique is that internal fat stores are the same as or

proportional to external stores. Usually, the validity of the measurements is tested against the gold standard

underwater weighing technique. Skinfold tests should be carried out every 2months. With regular body

weight and composition assessments on a daily base

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Fig.42,43 Hydrostatic weighing Kul Leuven De Ketele 2007

Fig. 44-50 Skin-fold Measurement techniques

fig.44 Triceps

fig.45 Sub-scapular

fig.46 Supra-iliac

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fig. 47 Abdomen

fig. 48 Front thigh

fig. 49 Chest (men only)

fig. 50 Rear thigh (female only)

Other measurement techniques

Body mass index (BMI) is a simple method to compare body size between athletes. The technique gives more

information than weight measurement, although the degree of obesity or leanness cannot be determined on an

individual basis. For example, a small heavily muscled man which is very lean, may have a high B.M.I due to the

weight of the muscles, and would be described as overweight.

Hydrostatic weighing is generally considered the ‘gold standard’ for body composition assessment (Durnin and

Womersley 1974). It is the most accurate measurement technique at present. The test is based on the Archimedes


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Anthropometry (measurement of body dimensions), infrared, bio-electrical impedance and clinical testing with more

complex equipment such as X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultra-sound and isotope measurement are used in

medical tests and research but are very time consuming and expensive.

However in this course we will take a very in depth study in infra-red 3-D dimensional assessment of body

composition in the form of bike fitting. This will prove to have massive ties with our next title over flexibility.

1. Flexibility

The most common and frequently used test of flexibility is the ‘sit and reach’ test which require the athlete to sit

with legs extended and push a marker as far as possible towards and beyond their feet. This test will give an

excellent indication of hip flexion.

The accuracy of the test can be further monitored in developing the athlete profile using the 3-d retul bike fitting

tool. Here the range of hip flexion is apparent and a critical indicator towards potential aerodynamic improvements.

The importance here with this tool is that both sides of the athlete can be accurately recorded.

Again this tool can be used in both accurate measurement of the foot flexion and extension and also the upper body

elbow and shoulder flexion.

2. Strength

A simple definition of strength would be the maximum resistance that an individual can overcome. However, there

are several considerations and assumptions made within the statement. Strength is specific to the movements made

and the muscle groups employed. For example, a cyclist may be very strong in the quadriceps allowing large

resistance to be overcome in the downward sweep of the pedal action, but relatively weak in the latisimus-dorsi

muscle resulting in a limitation in low maximal resistance being overcome in a lat pull down exercise. There are many

different movements and joint angles which may be measured for strength, just in flexibility, and ideally those

movements which mimic cycling actions most closely should be chosen.

The most simple of strength tests is the one repletion test adopting a standard piece of gym equipment such as the

leg-press machine. In order to achieve greater specificity, this may be done with one leg. However we will steer

towards more accurate testing in this course and strength training testing with more repetitions is understood as a

more refined test protocol.

More complex measurements of strength and once again the identification of imbalances can be made with

expensive equipment called isokenetic dynamometers. The most frequently used brands are cybex . These

measurement devices can be extremely accurate and give valuable information, but are time consuming and

complicated to operate.

Despite the contribution of strength to sporting performance, its relationship to successful cycling is poor especially

towards endurance cycling. This is most probably due to the fact that although resistances are being overcome,

there is no consideration in strength for how quickly the resistances need to be moved. In cycling as in other sports,

fast dynamic movements are required for success. This is a main reason why with Elite cyclists we work specific in

general fitness using smaller weights but with more specific and higher frequency efforts.

3. Speed

Speed is a true indicator of any cyclist’s peak conditioning and both endurance riders and of course sprinters work

closely on developing these speed skills. If it is true maximal cycling speed that is sought, distances should be chosen

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which are short enough to prevent the influence of fatigue. So training the correct energy source is critical in

establishing the speed efforts. Many coaches will use the standing start 125m efforts. This will give an indication as

to a cyclist’s pure sprint ability, although the influence of the start will also contribute to performance in this test. A

more valid test of cycling sprint speed can be achieved by using SRM – POWER – CADENCE and marking out a set

distance to record the highest possible sustainable top speed.

3.2 Monitoring and Evaluating

4. Power

What is power? The physics definition of power reads: Power (watts) = Force (Newtons) x Distance (metres) Time (seconds) In words: Power is how fast you can do work. Force is pushing or pulling a mass, body, or object. Distance is how far that mass, body, or object is moved. Time is how long it takes to move the mass, body, or object. In other words, powerful movement is a dynamic movement that occurs across multiple Joint’s with great acceleration to high velocity with proper technique. Power applies to all movements in all sports. The concept of power can be applied to all energy systems. NOTE THAT STRENGTH DOES NOT = POWER.

How do you develop more power? There are 3 variables to consider when considering how to develop more power. These variables are drawn from the original formula for power (P = F x D/T). The three variables are: Force Distance Time Improvements in any of the three variables (more force, greater distance, less time) can result in increased power, as long as there are not decrements in the other variables. More specifically we can seek to have an athlete: 1. Move a mass, body, or object faster, i.e., apply a force faster. w/kg 2. Move a bigger (greater mass) mass, body, or object at the same speed, i.e., apply more force in the same time.

5. Move a mass, body, or object farther in the same amount of time. An example of how this applies is the vertical jump (a common test for power). The athlete can be said to have improved their power if they can; 1. Jump to the same height in less time, 2. Jump the same height in the same time carrying a weight. 3. Jump higher in the same amount of time.

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Fig.51 Power pyramid model (Skinner 1980)

Power is the product of strength and speed and is very highly related to success in sprint cycling performance. There

are many different test types that can give us an indication of power, most common test protocols are performed on

the SRM ergometer. This is by far the most accurate ergometer and tests such as the wingate for sprinters or a

hyperbolic step tests for endurance athletes can be performed and should be performed at a regular base

throughout the year.

This feat of power measurement was achieved with the aid of small strain gauge strips mounted between the inner

and outer rings in the crank. Power is transmitted from the pedal to the chain and rear wheel and thus to the road

via the inner ring. The more powerful the force on the pedal, the more the strips deflect and the more the electrical

resistance measurement changes. The little computer on the handlebars calculates the power in watts from the

torque and the cadence. The most important detail of this invention: no energy is lost through the measurement.

This is exactly what makes the system so important for professionals because, of course, they can tolerate no loss of

energy while performing.

1.2.3 Where to Test




The SRM Training System saves and shows the following values on the Powermeter display:

Power Heart rate

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Cadence Speed Riding time Riding distance Temperature Energy consumption All average and maximum values An unlimited number of training intervals Training times in any training zone settings you like

Keep our focus at present to the power principle. Several measurements of force output can be considered in either lab tests or field tests using SRM. Peak force can give us a maximal power relationship. Alternatively, 30second wingate test can give us an indication of anaerobic capacity by measuring the toal work carried. For comparative purposes the mean force output can be considered, and as an indication of endurance or sprint ability, the fatigue index is important.

Torque analysis (analyzing difference in leg and right leg efforts) is also critical in understanding weaknesses and the SRM ergometer can once again be used for making strength adjustments or in combination with the 3d retul in positioning adjustments to realise adaptation in power output or aerodynamics.

1.3 Practical test protocols Wiggins

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Fig.52 – test facilities Wiggins. Standard hyperbolic Test protocol

SRM Ergometer - hyperbolic test (power constant)

Key Features Specificationspoint of reference: bottom bracket center)

Fully adjustable: saddle position and handlebars can be adjusted to any position for cyclists

Between, 4' 7" and 6' 7" – from a racing position down to a relaxed upright position.

Saddle position, horizontal adjustment ± 21 ½” - 33 ½”

Saddle position, vertical adjustment range ± - 6” - 4”

Handlebar position, horizontal adjustment range, middle of stem ±17 ¾” - 25 ½”

Handlebar position, vertical adjustment range, middle of stem ±13 ¾” - 23 ½”

Weight 220lbs

Eddy current brake driven by a toothed belt, damped bedding

Service voltage ±30V DC

Flywheel mass with a changeable mass. Can be adjusted to the test person’s weight via gear-box (Gear transmission ratio) and weights. Body weight from 110-220lbs

Braking power (short-term; sustained) 4000Watts; 2000 Watts

The athlete’s power is measured with the SRM Power-meter Professional on the bottom bracket and with the SRM Power-control. The data gained with this kind of power measurement is not affected or distorted by the Eddy current brake or by mechanical parts of the gearbox. The athlete’s power is measured directly at the point of output, on the cranks. You will find more details in the technical information of the SRM Training System.

Crank length (SRM multi-length crank) Adjustable from 150 - 190mm in steps of 2.5mm Simultaneous transmission of data to PC via serial interface yes, RS232

Pedaling torque analysis included

Ergometer Software. The Ergometer is programmable with a self-created ergometric data

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Power or cadence. It is possible to change between these two ergometric modes during operation minimum

constant for 1 second. Adjustable flywheel mass operation with an air

resistance of a simulative brake force power regulation depending on performed cadence or speed

Technical Data for SRM Ergometer.

Possibility of data evaluation/data download (SRM Windows software required for this), Data evaluation is analogue

to the data evaluation in mobile operation - Marking of power ranges, saving of all power data with additional

information, data monitor or printout graphic, tabular, statistically, zoom function, data export as ASCII file Settings

on the PC monitor included System requirements IBM compatible, RS232

MAX effort test - HYPERBOLIC MODE: for step and ramp tests and tests that keep power

constant over a longer period of time. The cyclist can determine his optimum, individual cadence. The Ergo-meter keeps the resistance constant. The Ergometer is equipped with a flywheel mass that simulates (m/2 v_) the athlete’s kinetic power while riding. As the power setting is independent of the athlete’s cadence, he can choose the rpm that suits him best. Resistance – elite test start 90watts – steps are 20watts per/3’minutes to max. Cadence - +90rpm-105rpm Lactate – measurements are taken by capillary tubes and measured using lactate pro-

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Fig.53. Hyperbolic test

Wiggins. Test protocol SRM ergometer VWEM LAB. optimal cadence/watts Men.


Warm-up 10minutes to threshold.

Flywheel mass calculate w/kg -

15-30 second 130RPM 200watts

15-30 second 130RPM

15-30 second 130RPM 200watts

15-30 second 130RPM

15-30 second 130RPM 200watts

15-30 second 130RPM

3 -lactate measurement – direct, 7,5min, 12,5min

Conclusion/Evaluation 1. Standing start evaluation – power/output 2. Adaptation and simulation for team pursuit 15second sprints met 130 RPM 3. Watt, W/kg en Cadence report. 4. Lactate analyse

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Why and When? 1. Used for screening program for team pursuit 2. Realistic all round picture of optimal cadence and watt output. 3. Athletes can be steered correctly from anaerobic evaluations. 4. Evolutionand screening indicators. 5. The test can easily be performed in preparation before major competitions or assessing.

Fig.54.a cadence test


700 800 900 1000 1100 1200




Peak watt cadence test + average cadence in the wingate test






Boris V

Steve sch

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fig. 54.b

Cadence test and wingate correlation.

The graph demonstrates the importance of watts generated through cadence. This is important to

screen young athletes for neuro-muscular indifferences. Co-ordination and high muscular output is of

importance in distinguishing pursuit riders....

fig. 54.c

Cadence test specific towards time-trialists.

WIGGINS WINGATE adaptation The aim of this test protocol is;

To describe external power output characteristics during the wingate test

To examine changes in blood lactate concentration


1. Blood lactate at rest

2. 5’ minutes warm up with a 5second sprint at 3minutes, followed by 5minutes passive rest

3. 3’ minutes 100rpm with supported resistance

4. GO – MAX effort the load is applied (7,5% of body weight regarding flywheel mass and

eddy current braking system), athlete explodes and rides full out.

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5. The test protocol is 30seconds in duration.

6. End of the test is 2’ easy cycling at 100watts

7. Three blood samples1.Immediately after effort, 2. 7,5minutes and 3. 12,5minutes.

Fig.55. wingate simulation

Endurance testing

The measurement and monitoring of endurance is probably the most important and frequently tested aspect of

physiological conditioning. Many different tests have been used, the simplest of which is a straight cycle against the

clock. The 20km endurance test. More developed field test is the step test WIGGINS2006. Here the athlete rides a

fixed gear on the track and rides progressively to the last step which is MAX. The complete test protocol is as follows;

7x2km step test Wiggins 2006. Athletes use track bikes with disc wheels and . Start time is 35seconds above the

athlete’s personal best standing start 2km time. The gearing is decided on the athlete’s optimal gearing from the

3km individual pursuit. Each 2km is ridden 5seconds faster than the previous step which works out at roughly 0.5 of

a second faster per/lap on a 250m track. After each step the lactate is taken and the step turn-around time is

5’minutes. At the end of the last maximum step the tests results are interpretated using SRM and lactware.

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Fig.56. Hyperbolic test

Fig.57. Aero-test

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7x 2km STEP TEST protocol

Fig.58. Track step-test

Planning and test results

Table 17. Step test results

Cycle step test 2000 # 1 2000 # 2 2000 # 3 2000 # 4 2000 # 5 2000 # 6 2000 # 7

Time (# seconds / 2000m)

163,14 159,28 155,18 151,24 147,46 143,44 129,03

Velocity (m/s) 12,26 12,56 12,89 13,22 13,56 13,94 15,50

KPH 44,13 45,21 46,40 47,59 48,81 50,18 55,8

previous time 02:38.94 02:39:28 02:35:18 02:31:24 02:27:46 02:23:44 02:09:03

previous watts 233 248,90 267,00 283,00 310,00 329,00 445,00

Watts 240 259 276 289 312 337,8 444

Lactate (mmol /L) 0,5 2 2,2 2,4 3 4,7 15,6

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Fig.59. Track step test SRM graph .

7x 2km step test The step test is designed to;

Create a reference point evaluating the current condition of the athlete

Enables us to calculate accurately the training times in their specific energy zones

Enables us to accurately steer the athlete with reference to their capacity or current health and fitness.

Enables us to screen the program resulting in a categorising of athletes

Enables us to confirm track specific selection criteria for major competitions

Enables us to identify crank issues and gearing

Result interpretation. There need s to be more particular attention paid towards working with these test results from the coaches. For team pursuit there needs to be a balance and the riders quite often need individual accented training to steer them in the right direction, so that the team comes together as one. It is not a correct theory to approach the training camps with only team pursuit programs. Technically there is importance to be drilled but this is an area that our riders are strong. The areas that need to be worked on are the tapering phase of the individual. The specific energy system needs to be ready for the team pursuit effort.

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Maximum Power Test

This test is to evaluate the athlete ’s short-term muscular power. Ideally the test should be short(6-10’s).

Standing starts are implemented in the protocol using the SRM ergometer.

Important variables from this type of test are both the maximal power and the optimal cadence for

maximal power. As both of these variables are integrally linked by the force -velocity relationship of the

muscle they cannot be considered in isolation and play an important role in protocol design. The

resistance chosen for the test must be large enough so that the peak cadence does not limit the maximal

power and not so large to limit the cadence to unrealistic values.

The best solution for this test protocol is to use the SRM ergometer in open ended test mode which will

provide a braking force which has a cubic relationship with speed, mimicking the effect of air resi stance

on a moving bicycle. The resistance is set on gear 9 because of the high cadence and high power -output

to be achieved in such a test.

The athlete is asked to start with the cranks in a position that they can obtain a maximum energy

potential from a seated start. The test duration is seated and the athlete is requested to achieve his or

her max cadence and power in the 6’s.

After 3min of active recovery the test should be repeated and the best test from the two should be used.

fig.60 SRM ergometer

SRM File!

Resistance unit and gearbox The brake in the ergometer is an eddy current brake, which provides resistance by creating an electromagnetic field through which a metal disk runs. The resistance of the brake is a function of its angular velocity and the current supplied to it. The ergometer gearbox contains two fixed stages of gear reduction, which results in an increase in speed of the brake. This has two operational benefits: 1. The braking force of an electromagnetic brake is a direct function of its speed. Increasing the speed decreases the current required for a given resistance. A lower current prolongs the life of the power supply. 2. The gearbox contains user-changeable fly-masses to recreate the kinetic energy of riding on the road in the lab. The range of outdoor conditions that can be duplicated with a given size of fly-mass is increased at higher speeds.

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To maximize ergometer life, the gear selector switch should generally be set on a higher gear rather than a lower one. As a general rule, when operating the ergo with power in excess of 300W (particularly at low cadences), the Rohloff hub should be set at gear 9 or higher. For ergometers with a Shimano Nexus hub, gear 4 or higher should be used. Conversely, when operating at very low power levels, it is necessary to operate in a lower gear. The drivetrain and gearbox themselves provide an internal resistance, and even with the brake turned completely off; at a cadence of 90 rpm the power required is about 50W. It is not possible to regulate below this value.

PART 4. Bike fitting and Aerodynamics

The proper fit Jonathan Wiggins topsport trainer WBV2009-2010

Cycling involves a highly adaptable body and a semi adjustable mechanical device. The fit between the two is what

determines if the rider has a long term cycling career without a lot of injury or aching strains that after a time

prevent the athlete`s to perform at their best.

The most important aspect of bike fitting is that the athlete positioned and that it is an efficient position,

comfortable, energy conserving and can perform up to their potential but still prevent overuse injuries that are so

commonly seen by poor alignment.

Retul 3d analysis offers the analyser with an accurate tool. The athlete is harnessed through an infra-red tracker that

tracks the 3d image through to the computer software. Sending accurate data from anatomical markings from the

foot, knee, hip, shoulders, elbows and ends with the hands. The system flashes an LED every 2.1 milliseconds. That's

476 times per second or Hertz. The system takes a full set of body measurements every 34 milliseconds. That's 29

full sets of body data per second. Our sample sizes, taken dynamically, last anywhere from 5 seconds to 5

minutes....whatever the fitter desires. The software processes all of that data in seconds, synchronizing the eight

data points tracking them across longitudinal, vertical and horizontal planes.

Special considerations are taken for the road, MTB and track bikes. The retul data statistics give general guidelines

towards correct positioning. Certain aspects of individual positioning are needed to determine a proper balance of

power output and optimal aerodynamics.

In conjunction with the fitting analysis, data and dartfish media book. There also needs to be a measurement form

either written in the media-book and or written in a measurement logbook.

This serves as an important record for each riders personal data so future new bikes can be correctly matched.

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A Difference in Leg Length

This is vitally important to distinguish leg length differences so that the athlete can be balanced correctly and the

pressure points in the foot and saddle correctly compensated for.

Is the femur shorter left or right

Is the tibia shorter left or right

In order to establish which part of the leg is shorter it is necessary for the athlete the assume the

hook lying position. Obvious differences are noted with knee forward to the other.

Also the legs are then straightened and heel to heel the feet are measured for leg length


Foot with forefoot VARUS must press

down to meet the pedal, thus causing the chain reaction shown. Lower leg rotates inward, causing the Knee to move in towards the Bike Frame, in the pedaling downstroke.

RESULT: A repetitive side-to-side movement of the Knee.

The pressure point created between the foot & pedal.

The Knee follows a near vertical path, reducing Knee strain and potential for

injury. RESULT: A neutral foot position throughout the pedaling cycle.

The pressure point created between the foot & pedal.

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Fore foot

Ball of the foot or metatarsals are directly over the pedal spindle.

The position optimises the leverage produced at the ankle.

If for example sprinters should place the ball of the foot slightly behind the pedal spindle. This

will generate higher rpm

Side to side

The foot should be set on the pedal so that the second toe is in alignment with the tibial


If the foot is placed too close to the crank arm then the medial malleolus or inside of ankle may

hit the crank arm.

Then it is critical that the cleat is moved lateral away from the crank arm

If the rider requires a wider stance width than the cleat placement allows then the option of

using a washer on the pedal axle, next to the crank arm.

Proper canting of the foot on the pedal

Next to correction for foot instability by using correctly moulded insoles. It is vital to adjust the inward

tilt of the front part of the foot. This inward tilt is normal for all humans because it is used to flex

whilst walking as a shock obsorption. During cycling however the inward tilt is not necessary as the

foot is required to be more rigid. With inward tilt the problem from side to side motion or lateral travel

of the knee is highly noticeable. In order to correct this the foot needs to be brought up to a more

natural position.

The use of the wedges is here important to raise the foot and also correct the alignment.

Crank arm length

Correct crank arm length is traditionally estimated by measuring the length of the inseam of the riders

leg. Generally the following guidelines are advised before becoming more advanced in crank length


79cm inseam – 170mm cranks

79-81cm inseam – 172,5mm cranks

84+cm inseam – 175mm cranks

Crank arm length increases the amount of leverage applied to the pedals. The higher the pedal

cadence the shorter the crank arm will need to be to govern the speed of the pedal.

Saddle height

Optimal saddle height should be set with a knee extension of 25-35degrees

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MTB should be 5degrees lesser than road knee angle lesser to enable to compensate for a

raised center of gravity and this in turn will help to handle rougher terrain.

Saddle fore

This is crucial to determine the saddle pressure balance for different discipline. For example MTB and

specialised road climbers tend to set their knee tilt more behind the pedal axle and importantly for

pursuit and time trialist the knee is forward of the foot axle. (see uci regulations and retul standards)

To find the zero position you can use a lead weight and drop this down from the tibial tuberosity inline

with the pedal axle.

Saddle tilt and width

Most common is a level position

For time trialists and pursuit athletes the saddle is slightly lower so that the pressure point can

be easily distributed at the front of the sadlle because of the importance to high speed,

aerodynamics and larger gear ratios.

Trunk position

Aggressive positioning is more aerodynamic creating a flatter back for time-trialists and

importantly pursuit. Note the uci regulation restrictions of 75cm from the tip of the saddle to

the front of the aero-bars.

The flatter the back the more pressure can be maintained on the gluteal muscles and

hamstrings creating more control in the upstroke and more force in the downstroke.

Shoulder angle and elbow angle.

For road and MTB on upright or hoods the angle between the trunk and the shoulder should be

apprx. 9odegrees. The elbow angle here is commonly 15-25 degrees

For the pursuiters and timetrialists this angle is much more open as the forward position is

taken producing boxed frontal section. This creates a 90degree angle from the elbow.

Stem height

Stem height is for time trial and pursuit is optimalised through aerodynamics and the demand

on becoming more efficient. This is greatly determined on the flexibility of the athlete and also

the length of the event.

Handlebar or aero-bars are also importantly determined by event demands. For example the

faster the team rides in the pursuit the more importance there needs to be for drafting the

wider the bars will become creating more drafting for the riders behind. Also the faster the

pursuit the more oxygen consumption will be needed to realise the physioloigical demand, so a

wider position is more advisable. Also stability in turning and following the pursuit line is

greatly advantaged with a wider position.

Stem height for the road or mtb is greatly determined towards comfort.

Handlebar width is commonly determined for the road and mtb inline with the shoulder width

Handlebar angle

Commonly is the handlebar drop parallel to the ground. However many stage race riders opt for

a more aggressive drop and a more relaxed non aggressive top of the hoods.

The fitting check list 1. Frame seat tube size

2. Top tube size

3. Seat tube angle

4. Inseam length

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5. Leg length

6. Which is shorter

7. Shoulder width

Athlete rides on tacx with watts and rpm measurement

Pedal alignment

Fore and aft position of cleats

Saddle height

Fore and aft saddle height

Fore foot position

Stroke view from front

Canting the foot

Side to side adjustment of cleats

Leg length adjustment

Cleat fore and aft position

Saddle height adjustment

Fore and after saddle positioning

Saddle tilt

Trunk angle and shoulder to elbow angle/ aggressive or non aggressive

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fig. 61 Retul fig. 62.

Retul software analysis

Fig.63. Zin – frame geometry tool.

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• 1e dot marker – 5th metatarsal head

• 2e dot marker – lateral malleolus – ankle

• 3e dot marker – heel –under the malleolus and level with the metatarsul dot marker

• 4e dot marker – knee – joint center of the knee

• 5e dot marker – hip – greater trochanter

• 6e dot marker – shoulder – placed on the head of the acromium

• 7e dot marker – elbow – lateral epicondyle

• 8e dot marker – wrist – center of the carpals

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Table 18. Retul normative data

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1.1 Resistance

POWER losses are to be taken into consideration when looking thoroughly to determine aerodynamics.

Mechanical energy is delivered to the rear wheel from the chain rings through the chain and


Friction in the bottom bracket bearings, chain elements, and rear transmission consum es a small part of

this energy.

These mechanical components are continually being improved in quality through better technology and

in turn become crucial in obtaining lesser friction.

Rolling resistance; Energy loss is governed by casings of the tyres and thread construction. If we take a

look at the best quality track tyres these are thinner more flexible casings and made of very light weight

natural rubber with a slick tread.

Rolling resistance is also governed by the type of surface, wheel loading, tyre pressure, tyre diameter,

wheel diameter, tyre temperature, steering and acceleration. If we take a look at these potentials then

we can see that for track cyclists it is crucial to link these factors with gear ratio. Certain track types will

have a higher track resistance than other governing the gearing but importantly the tyre rolling

resistance will also determine the gearing to become smaller or bigger. Dynamic coefficients (crr²) of

0.05N X m X sec-1 (kyle1996)

Importantly this formula is brought practically into place by the understanding of the coefficients which

will steer the coach or trainer to look at the optimal cadence and wattage to finally determine a smaller

or larger gearing ratio.

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1.2 Aerodynamics;

Cycling velocities exceeding 45kph have 80% of the total resistive forces on a cyclist bike and this is due

to aerodynamic drag. This is massive for performance athletes considering track cyclists are often s plit

between hundreds of a second.

Frame design is paramount for a good aerodynamics and after the Olympics from 2000 strict regulations

have been implemented so that super-bikes cannot be used. What has however been kept from this

superbike technology is important for understanding the airflow and resistances in cycling. Similar

technology to the formula one the frames have been made lighter stronger with carbon and titanium

becoming widely used by manufacturers. For example design technology has driven bike manufacturers

to the following scientific conclusions.

A round cylinder in an airstream creates a turbulent wake with a trailing low pressure region that

generates a high drag – The coefficient drag. For a cylinder if smooth is roughly 1.2resistant coefficient.

But with an oval airfoil in an airstream this creates a smooth surface with a minimal turbulence. >The

airfoil can have 1/10 th the drag of the cylinder given the same frontal area 0.1 resistance coeffi cient.

20-35% is stated to be the total aerodynamic drag on track pursuit bikes. The remainder is attributed by

the rider.

The athlete positioning is of ultimate importance to decrease the drag in relationship to the bicycles

aerodynamic potential. The standardised aero-test is performed on the track and the importance here is

to determine the velocity that this is standardized for all tests at 45kph. Measurements are recorded to

establish the efficiency in wattage and then alterations are implemented to try to create lesser drag co -

efficiency. Limitations to the ultimate pursuit or time-trial positions are;

Flat back position

A forward rotation of the pelvis

Forward positioning of the torso

Flexibility of the hip flexors and extensors

Within general top-athletes are looking towards aerodynamic gains of 30-50watts efficiency which often

in practice sees the athlete generating 1.2-1.8 kph improvement in a race situation.

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20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65




Power - Speed

Fig.62. Aerodynamic test on the track – Realising aerodynamic potential but also

understanding the athlete’s power-outputs in relationship to speed to accurately

determine the team pursuit positions.

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1.3 Material

Frontal projection, drag area of a 70kg in several common riding positions

Hand position Arm position Drag Area (cm3)

Standing Brake hoods 4.080 Seated Top of bars Straight arms 4.010 Seated Brake hoods Straight arms 3.240 seated Handlebar drops Bent arms 3.070 seated Aero-bars typical 2.914 seated Aero-bars optimised 2.680

Fig.64. There are typical differences in velocity resulting from the frontal drag being seated with hands

on the tops or in an optimal aero position. 1.1m/s , which is 4kph. Over a 40km time-trial this equates

to a 6minute difference.









100 200 300 400

Aerodynamic study

Optimal aero position

Hands on Brakehoods

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The following table illustrates the differences in components which can aid a better power -efficiency.

Bike= Cervelo soloist at 45kph - tubes continental 22mm, 9bar

wheel Power(w) Power difference

Velomax 387 Lightweight 377 10

Zipp 909 352 35 xentis mark1 349 38

The following table illustrates the differences in rolling resistance regarding tubular qualities.

System-weight total 85kg

Tyre model Breadth Weight 30km/h 40km/h 50km/h

Dedatre giro d’italia 24mm 236g 26,4w 35,2w 44w

Vittoria open corsa evo

23,5mm 229g 27,1w 36,1w 45,2w

Michelin pro2 race 22,5mm 223g 29,2w 38,9w 48,6w

Vittoria pro rain 23mm 201g 30,6w 40,8w 51,0w

Michelin Megamium 2 21,5mm 257g 32,7w 43,5w 54,4w

Pariba revolution 23mm 211g 33,4w 44,5w 55,6w

Michelin carbon 22,5mm 241g 34,7w 46,3w 57,9w

Panaracer stradius pro

22,5mm 214g 35,4w 47,3w 59,1w

Schwalbe stelvio plus 23mm 332g 36,1w 48,2w 60,2w

Schwalbe stelvio front/rear

22,5mm 241g 39,3w 52,4w 65,5w

Hutchinson fusion 24mm 217g 39,6w 52,8w 66,0w

Continental ultra gator skin

22mm 215g 40,3w 53,7w 67,2w

Ritchey WCS race slick

22,5mm 252g 40,3w 54,7w 68,3w

Schwalbe stelvio 22,5mm 223g 41,0w 56,5w 70,6w

Specialized S-works Mondo

23mm 227g 42,4w 59,3w 74,1w

Continental GP 3000 22,5mm 220g 46,6w 62,1w 77,6w

Hutchinson top speed 22,5mm 208g 47,9w 63,9w 79,9w

Table 19. differences in rolling resistances for tubular tyres.

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Fig.65 Air density and Temperature

Drafting in the team pursuit.

Fig.66 drafting in team pursuit aerobic capacity set from 5km

Athlete 72kg – AeC 300watts average – normal training spoke wheels with hp. 52x15 gearing cadence

average 126rpm. 1e pos. 497watts – 4epos. 261watts – 3epos. 244watts – 2epos. 327watts






-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25

Air density model

Air density model




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Fig.67 race WB – team instability.

Athlete – 68kg – (51x14) AeP – race pace – 1030watts start – 1epos. 572watts(375m) – 4epos.327watts –

3epos. 346watts – 2epos. 434watts

Team pursuit maximum drafting potential.

1. Drag-coefficient – riding faster with four

2. Cylindrical form drag potential -

3. Broader aero-bars – more comfortable and less nervous, more accuracy

4. Athlete size

5. Athlete power-output

It is important to see that aerodynamics and lightweight technological advances affect cycling velo city.

For flat terrain and track pursuit, reductions in aerodynamic drag potential will produce proportional

increases in cycling velocity. So it is vital that minimising aerodynamic drag area, rolling resistance and

mass is critical for an optimal performance.

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PART 5. Time-trial and Pursuit screening

Athlete characteristics, time trial, team pursuit and individual pursuit.

Screening is important to establish a trend in athlete profiles for time trial and pursuit.

We have previously taken a look at positioning and the importance of correct fitting and aerodynamics to

realise, efficient comfortable performances.

Next to this fitting comes a very important screening which should distinguish the physiological aptitude as a

time-trialist and or pursuit athlete. We have also seen the types of testing that we can do to realise a trend

in athlete capabilities.

The step tests prior to the training camps and at the end of training camps are important indicators that the

correct training intensities and fractions have been given to realize peak performances during the taper


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Typical athlete trends for world-class pursuit screening individuals are;

Balancing the team – 6-8 riders all aerodynamically moulded, proportioned power/weight, height.

Vo2max 76+ for males and 60+ for females

High watts output +1200watts over 100-150m from a standing start

High cadence engine – 130+rpm on small cranks developing +600watts for:15second sprints. More

developed squads with larger gears and larger cranks – Leverage is then high in the initial screening


Trainable – aerobic capacity and aerobic/anaerobic power adaptations realizing sub 2:10 on 7x2km

on 5’mins step test.

SRM Ergo-meter tests 3’min/20watts +400watts - + frequent wingate SRM simulation to determine

the Anaerobic capacity and anaerobic fatigue.

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Tracking performance evolution

wb man07 wkmal 07 wb la 08 wb cop 08 wk man 08

wk Poland 09

Performance evolution 4000 # 1 4000 #

2 4000 # 3 4000 # 4 4000 #

5 4000 #

6 4000 #

7 Time (# seconds / 4000m) 270,57 269,93 271,94 266,68 262,56 259,24 0

Velocity (m/s) 14,78 14,82 14,71 15,00 15,23 15,43 #DIV/0!

kph 52,848 53,352 52,956 52,776 54,828 55,548

freq 124 122-124 122-124 123-124 121-124 122-124 na

Watts 460 470 450 531 494 520 na

gearing 50x14 51x14 51x14 50x14 52x14 52x14

Table 20. Performance evolution for an individual pursuit athlete

Fig.68. Velocity/watts evolution for a 4km individual pursuit








14,50 14,70 14,90 15,10 15,30 15,50 15,70 15,90



Velocity (m/s)

Critical Velocity GraphCornu

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Taper and specific preparation

Regarding the team pursuit and individual pursuit these athletes need to have at least 10 days preparation

on the track and 1week regeneration without any six day racing or road racing. This rule is slightly different

towards female athletes. Due to hormonal changes and different fat and energy balances, female riders can

use road races as preparation up to 8days before team pursuit completion. The transition between road and

track is more stable than that of men. The female adaptation needs regular aerobic capacity to realise a

good transition to the track.

For men six day and road racing limits peak acidosis and limits any super-compensation due to many

stresses. The following points address the situation of super-compensation;

During 1-2 weeks the body adapts fast to any sort of training impulse.

6 weeks or longer and the same training impulse delivers no further adaptations

Rest and regeneration are crucial in realising any super-compensation

Small gear are used in 6day racing adding neurological benefits in co-ordination but limitations

towards aerobic and anaerobic power which is crucial in pursuits.

Stage races and six-day competitions strain the aerobic power energy system and this in turn breaks down

aerobic capacity and the anaerobic buffering system crucial for pursuit athletes. This creates a flat feeling

after 1500m in the pursuit. What these athletes experience is having difficulties coping with the high acidosis

and high watts from 800-1100watts. The aerobic and anaerobic capacity system needs to be regenerated to

realise this and finalised with anaerobic power to sustain the aerobic power engine that was generated in

the stage racing.

However in contrary to the pursuit for the Madison, 6days racing is in some ways complimentary due to its

continual co-ordination and high speed cadence generating aerobic capacity and aerobic power using

smaller gears.

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Fig.69. Performance curve in the step-test to determine evolution in condition and strengths.

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Warm-up Protocols

Warm-up protocols are a vital importance in establishing a total program designed specifically to the

needs of time-trialists and pursuit athletes. The same applies for MTB and cyclo -cross.

During the taper impulses will be introduced to stimulate the energy system into top performances. The

polishing or finishing touches should be emphasised with correct warm-up protocols so that both

mentally and physically the athlete can perform under an automatic delivery of all the required

attributes of a top performance.

The warm-up protocols are designed to deliver the needs of each specific characteristic of the event.

Opwarmings protocols team pursuit and individual pursuit

PREP CARD Watts RPM Isotonic Energie drank

65,5 15'


588W 100 RPM

50,5 5' recup <90 RPM

45,5 1'5 blok 2 372 - 441 W > 100 RPM

44 2' recup

42 1,5 blok 3 446 - 515 W > 120 RPM

40,5 10' klaar maken

30,5 2' recup

28,5 1'5 blok 4 sprints 3x :6 150+rpm +:30los

27 2' recup

25 1'5 blok 5 sprints 3x :6 150+rpm

519 - 588 W > 124 RPM

23,5 2` recup

21,5 1'5 blok 6 sprints 3x :6 150+rpm

519 - 588 W > 124 RPM

20 5' losrijden < 215 W 85 RPM OLBAS

15 10` klaarmaken en los

5' 5' klaar maken 5'min sit and focus


Protein SHAKE binnen <20'mins

Energie drank – 500ml

Fig.68 warm-up protocol for individual pursuit and team pursuit

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Opwarmings protocols Prologue time-trials

PREP CARD Watts RPM Isotonic Energie drank

57,5 15'

losrijden parcours verkenning

< 189 W 85 RPM

42,5 5' blok 1 opbouwen 189 - 350 W > 100 RPM

37,5 2' recup

35,5 2' blok 2 238 - 260 W > 100 RPM

33,5 2' recup

31,5 2' blok 3 261 - 292 W > 100 RPM

29,5 2' recup

27,5 1'5 blok 4 sprints 3x :6 150+rpm +:30los

26,5 10' klaar maken

16,5 2' recup

14,5 1'5 blok 5 sprints 3x :6 150+rpm +:30los

13 2' recup

11 1 blok 6 362 - 386 W > 100 RPM

10 10' losrijden < 215 W 85 RPM OLBAS

5' 5' klaar maken 5'min sit and focus


Protein SHAKE binnen <20'mins

Energie drank – 500ml

Fig. 69 warm-up protocol for prologue time trials

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Opwarmings protocols time-trials+12km

PREP CARD Watts RPM Isotonic Energie drank

73 20' losrijden parcours verkenning < 189 W 85-100 RPM

53,5 5' blok 1 190 - 237 W > 100 RPM

48,5 2' recup

46,5 2' blok 2 238 - 260 W > 100 RPM

44,5 2' recup

42,5 2' blok 3 261 - 292 W > 100 RPM

40,5 2' recup

38,5 1'5 blok 4 293 - 362 W > 100 RPM

37,5 10' klaar maken

27,5 2' recup

25,5 1'5 blok 5 sprints 3x :6 +:30los +150rpm

23 2' recup

21 1 blok 6

362 - 386 > 100 RPM

20' 15' losrijden < 189 W 85 RPM OLBAS

5' 5'

klaar maken

5'min sit and focus


Protein SHAKE binnen <20'mins

Energie drank – 500ml

Fig.70 warm-up protocol for +12km timetrials

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Sydney, Beijing and LA team pursuit warm-up protocol adapted from Cottbus

warm-up protocol fine tuned

Important conclusions have

been made of the

importance regarding riding

down after the last efforts

before the start of the race.

Three blocks building nice and gradually with

enough easy riding between. Develop correct

stacking of acidosis.

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Perfect warm-up protocol

Track warm up prior to the race. This is only

advisable if the race is several hours later. Not

directly prior to the event.

Note the gradual drop off from watts.

This is very important for reducing

lactate values correctly.

Building on the rollers


Three important

building blocks. Third

block +/- Race pace

3x Sprint

blocks 6secs



Preparation for the

race – aero-pack



4:1 Energy drink – 1-2x energy gels

Last block

now after



easy riding

plus 5mins

sit before


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Track warm-up is only applicable if there is a minimum of 3 hours before the competition

The warm-up protocol needs to be executed upon the resistance rollers with SRM protocol guidance.

The warm-up protocol is individualized in energy zones referring to the step-tests

The warm-up protocol is balanced correctly with sports nutrition

The acidosis need to steadily build up and the sprint blocks must be before the last performance simulation


The athlete needs 10minutes to prepare and get ready before starting the sprints and the last block.

The performance simulation block at the end is 1:15-1:30 in duration and needs to simulate the competition.

After the last block it is recommended to build slowly down from the performance watts over 10-15mins.

5mins focus and concentration sitting preferably on track level. One heat before the athlete starts.

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Gearing efficiency calculator What we are trying to establish is that higher gear efficiency means a lower energy loss and higher speeds with identical power-outputs. This is determined by many aspects from track rolling resistance to track drag coefficient. By bike positioning using SRM and Retul we can improve the aerodynamics. These adaptations need also to be taken into consideration regarding gearing.

Gearing test procedure step by step

1. 7x2km step test - start time and gear ratio determined by previous test or individual pursuit gear or by 4mml gear estimation

2. Broken 2km or flying 1500m is used to establish to gearing potential in relationship to speed efficiency

3. Standing 1km. This is important after the gearing has been confirmed to test the athlete and track the start time.

4. 4km protocol simulation

Training camps - firstly prior to the camp a step test needs to be completed this will determine the training zones

and track times for the athletes. But also holds valuable reference points as progression indicator.

Race gear set-up, prior to the event. This is completed by simply committing the athlete to 2-3 efforts, which will

determine the track speed/track type and will confirm the training camp form. The athlete needs to be well

motivated for this and the following efforts are advised, either 2km broken or 2000m race pace – followed by a

standing 1km.

For girls the difference is made by a 1500m broken or 1000m individual followed by a 750m standing effort.

For the team pursuit the efforts are similar and the 2km broken or 2km straight is advisable, also a standing 1km.

step test protocol

Athlete start time

Time Dif VIANS kph

Vians m/s

Pians W Drop-off

Av.RPM 7e

Max mml

Max av watt

spo2 Rec.Hr 5'TR

Temp. °


Race gear - set-up

Athlete start time

Time Dif VIANS kph

Vians m/s

Pians W Drop-off

Av.RPM Max av watt

spo2 Temp. °

Gearing confirmation

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Interpretation of video and srm files in creating a perfect understanding of individual and team pursuit performances

in relationship to conditioning, gears, crank length.


In recent years there has been a lot of testing and monitoring regarding optimal cadence and gearing.

I shall look at each pedal cycle as a stroke cycle. A stroke cycle includes two leg cycles, one with the right, and one

with the left. A stroke length is the distance per/stroke which is determined by the gearing.

Calculating cadence.

These days cadence is easy to calculate using SRM tools or other types of computer systems that calculate cadence

of the pedal stroke.

Also gearing monitoring of cyclists is also possible, for example: travelling at 17 seconds per/250m with a cadence of

124rpm we can see from using table which gearing the athlete is riding.

Blocks realizing important peak watt

adaptation with pedal frequency RPM . Note

the increase in cadence and no drop off.


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Point’s race profile

In terms of max power for different durations, track endurance riders are fairly similar to road

riders - in fact, track riders gain some of their top end fitness by road racing. Point’s racers

tend more towards the road sprinter type or lead-out man type than the smaller, lighter climber

type. Here are the max power efforts from this file:

1 second: 1638 W

5 seconds: 1296 W

20 seconds: 1119 W

1 minute: 697 W

4 minutes: 558 W

20 minutes: 443 W

What all of these values tell us is that these riders need to not only hit high powers, but to

sustain them as well, over and over throughout the race.

Often overlooked by us sports science types is the tactical and technical ability of the riders, which is

absolutely vital in bunch events like this. Knowing how to place yourself well in the field, when to

attack, and when (and how!) to rest is crucial if you aim for the podium.

Weight kg 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76

Av.watts 385 390 400 415 420 425 435 445 460 W/kg 6.41 6.29 6.15 6.28 6.17 6.07 6.04 6.01 6.05

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Gear Comparison

Wheelsize 27/700mm Effective Wheelsize 27/700mm

Ring 50

Ring 53

Cog 15

Cog 16

Gear 90

Gear 89,4375

Distance 282,74334

Distance 280,97619

KPH MPH 1k Time RPM RPM Diff

29 18,0 2,04 67,30 67,72 -0,42

30 18,6 2,00 69,62 70,06 -0,44

31 19,3 1,56 71,94 72,39 -0,45

32 19,9 1,53 74,26 74,73 -0,47

33 20,5 1,49 76,58 77,07 -0,48

34 21,1 1,46 78,90 79,40 -0,50

35 21,7 1,43 81,23 81,74 -0,51

36 22,4 1,40 83,55 84,07 -0,53

37 23,0 1,37 85,87 86,41 -0,54

38 23,6 1,35 88,19 88,74 -0,55

39 24,2 1,32 90,51 91,08 -0,57

40 24,9 1,30 92,83 93,41 -0,58

41 25,5 1,28 95,15 95,75 -0,60

42 26,1 1,26 97,47 98,08 -0,61

43 26,7 1,24 99,79 100,42 -0,63

44 27,3 1,22 102,11 102,75 -0,64

45 28,0 1,20 104,43 105,09 -0,66

46 28,6 1,18 106,75 107,42 -0,67

47 29,2 1,17 109,07 109,76 -0,69

48 29,8 1,15 111,39 112,10 -0,70

49 30,4 1,13 113,72 114,43 -0,72

50 31,1 1,12 116,04 116,77 -0,73

51 31,7 1,11 118,36 119,10 -0,74

52 32,3 1,09 120,68 121,44 -0,76

53 32,9 1,08 123,00 123,77 -0,77

54 33,6 1,07 125,32 126,11 -0,79

55 34,2 1,05 127,64 128,44 -0,80

56 34,8 1,04 129,96 130,78 -0,82

57 35,4 1,03 132,28 133,11 -0,83

58 36,0 1,02 134,60 135,45 -0,85

59 36,7 1,01 136,92 137,78 -0,86

60 37,3 1,00 139,24 140,12 -0,88

61 37,9 0,59 141,56 142,45 -0,89

62 38,5 0,58 143,88 144,79 -0,90

63 39,1 0,57 146,21 147,12 -0,92

64 39,8 0,56 148,53 149,46 -0,93

65 40,4 0,55 150,85 151,80 -0,95

66 41,0 0,55 153,17 154,13 -0,96

67 41,6 0,54 155,49 156,47 -0,98

68 42,3 0,53 157,81 158,80 -0,99

69 42,9 0,52 160,13 161,14 -1,01

70 43,5 0,51 162,45 163,47 -1,02

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Speed to Time Conversions

Wheelsize 27/700mm

Ring 51

Cog 15

Effective Wheelsize 27/700mm

Gear 91,8

Distance 288,398

KPH MPH RPM 1k Time 1k Time 250 Lap 333 Lap 400 Lap

29 18,0 65,98 2,04 2,04 31,03 41,38 49,66

30 18,6 68,26 2,00 2,00 30,00 40,00 48,00

31 19,3 70,53 1,56 1,56 29,03 38,71 46,45

32 19,9 72,81 1,53 1,53 28,13 37,50 45,00

33 20,5 75,08 1,49 1,49 27,27 36,36 43,64

34 21,1 77,36 1,46 1,46 26,47 35,29 42,35

35 21,7 79,63 1,43 1,43 25,71 34,29 41,14

36 22,4 81,91 1,40 1,40 25,00 33,33 40,00

37 23,0 84,18 1,37 1,37 24,32 32,43 38,92

38 23,6 86,46 1,35 1,35 23,68 31,58 37,89

39 24,2 88,73 1,32 1,32 23,08 30,77 36,92

40 24,9 91,01 1,30 1,30 22,50 30,00 36,00

41 25,5 93,28 1,28 1,28 21,95 29,27 35,12

42 26,1 95,56 1,26 1,26 21,43 28,57 34,29

43 26,7 97,83 1,24 1,24 20,93 27,91 33,49

44 27,3 100,11 1,22 1,22 20,45 27,27 32,73

45 28,0 102,38 1,20 1,20 20,00 26,67 32,00

46 28,6 104,66 1,18 1,18 19,57 26,09 31,30

47 29,2 106,94 1,17 1,17 19,15 25,53 30,64

48 29,8 109,21 1,15 1,15 18,75 25,00 30,00

49 30,4 111,49 1,13 1,13 18,37 24,49 29,39

50 31,1 113,76 1,12 1,12 18,00 24,00 28,80

51 31,7 116,04 1,11 1,11 17,65 23,53 28,24

52 32,3 118,31 1,09 1,09 17,31 23,08 27,69

53 32,9 120,59 1,08 1,08 16,98 22,64 27,17

54 33,6 122,86 1,07 1,07 16,67 22,22 26,67

55 34,2 125,14 1,05 1,05 16,36 21,82 26,18

56 34,8 127,41 1,04 1,04 16,07 21,43 25,71

57 35,4 129,69 1,03 1,03 15,79 21,05 25,26

58 36,0 131,96 1,02 1,02 15,52 20,69 24,83

59 36,7 134,24 1,01 1,01 15,25 20,34 24,41

60 37,3 136,51 1,00 1,00 15,00 20,00 24,00

61 37,9 138,79 0,59 0,59 14,75 19,67 23,61

62 38,5 141,06 0,58 0,58 14,52 19,35 23,23

63 39,1 143,34 0,57 0,57 14,29 19,05 22,86

64 39,8 145,61 0,56 0,56 14,06 18,75 22,50

65 40,4 147,89 0,55 0,55 13,85 18,46 22,15

66 41,0 150,16 0,55 0,55 13,64 18,18 21,82

67 41,6 152,44 0,54 0,54 13,43 17,91 21,49

68 42,3 154,71 0,53 0,53 13,24 17,65 21,18

69 42,9 156,99 0,52 0,52 13,04 17,39 20,87

70 43,5 159,27 0,51 0,51 12,86 17,14 20,57

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Determining the optimal cadence for each individual this can be determined through

the step test or in specific peak anaerobic power broken efforts. It is also important that the crank length is optimal

to the tactic of the race.

What is also interesting for the track coach is that the stopwatch with cadence monitoring can be used to “spy” on

your concurrence to determine which gear and velocity they are realizing in their efforts.

Crank length change theory (max sustained rpm and peak watts potential) Changes made and interpretated from the training camp with Cornu in preparation for Copenhagen and for Kenny and Davy in hasselt

First some explanation to discuss about the turns in track

Track racing is governed by physical forces in aerodynamics but have also important forces in the

turns to take into consideration particularly regarding gearing and cadence. In the turns M v d v / d

t = p - K v^3, for K which depends on aerodynamics, where p is power, v is velocity, and M is

system mass.

Since d v /dt , which is acceleration, is not zero, If acceleration were very small, then to decent

approximation, v = (p / K)^(1/3) – no lag. But if acceleration is significant, power goes into and

comes out of kinetic energy changes ( M v dv = d(M v^2 / 2) ) in addition to

supporting wind resistance. With these forces taken into consideration the athlete power analysis is

critical in realizing what is happening to the athlete both technically and conditionally determining

the right or wrong gear and crank length.

250 meter track, with 150 meters in corners, and 100 meters in straights. If the corners are

semicircular, they have a radius of R= (150 meters / 2 pi). If the bike centre-of-mass (COM) is going

v = 60 km/hr = 16.7 m/sec, it is experiencing a centrifugal acceleration relative to gravity of (v2/R g)

= 1.19 (I'll define this as alpha). Then the total acceleration ("g-forces") is g sqrt(1 + alpha^2) = 1.55


What's happening as you lose those watts in the turn, and then you gradually speed up in the straight

away. That's why each low point on the wattage plot is followed by an incline on the speed plot. This

is then of great importance to see when our athletes are dropping off in pace towards the end of the

straight but also how they ride the turns. Also during drop-offs it is important if the athlete can pick

the pace up that the pedal speed can be achieved. This is determined with the crank length.

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Crank lengths and important conclusions regarding rpm

Cranks length is crucial in determining the ultimate power watt peaks together with the acceleration


Crank length is crucial in maintaining the speed and picking up the pace if the pace falls away

Crank length determines the speed of the pedal. The pistons (cranks) in team pursuit are important

with this young team to develop maximum sustained power output whilst in front.

Balancing the team with crank length. Speed and cadence are key elements to realizing a perfect

race. If the pace is dropped then the rider that takes turn on the front needs to pick the pace up. To

realize the peak potential watt the crank lengths need to be optimal to the individual rider.

(These measurements from cranks lengths were in training from VWEM ,Hasselt and Copenhagen

determined. The peak watts were better and the pace pickup is realistic.

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broken sets. These sets are important guidelines towards cadence and gear ratio.

Note the climax in cadence with 172,5mm cranks and 50x14 gearing creating very

high speed and highest possible average watts.

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Physiological potential determining gearing, crank length

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crank lengths and making the right choice regarding the changes in speed and

acceleration from the smaller track and tighter corners. Even important are the

watts and these were ok even on a smaller gear and on a tighter track.

Consideration had to made with the slight peak-watt difference during the 12secs

on the front. Here the gearing was smaller and the crank

lengths for were 170mm. It is clear to see that

the peak watts are made as per/normal but

now the pickup from drop-off is possible. This

was not possible before. This is due to the VP.

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Drop off

Super pick up


Drop off

Super proof

over crank

length from

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The speed of the pedal, Vp, depends on the cadence, Cd, and the crank

length, Cl. Pedal velocity is a critical area of evaluation in understanding gear size over cadence and crank length. This drop-off and pickup out of the turn is emphasizing the importance of pedal speed and not gearing. Action/ reaction element is accented.

This is the element of gearing and fitness. Being able to react

and increase speed comes through pedal velocity and the

sustained effort is realized through gear change and fitness

especially endurance based towards the end of the race. AeC

and AeP en AeP adaptations.

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Interpretate results and understand physiological improvements needed to realise adaptations

Team pursuit

Drop off - fatigue? Why – what reasons – resistance program – lack of sleep or jet-lag for example

Technical areas - skill problems?


250m 21.371 9 21.371

500m 36.225 11 14.854

750m 51.107 12 14.882

1000m 1:06.189 12 15.082

1250m 1:21.592 12 15.403

1500m 1:36.913 13 15.321

1750m 1:52.268 13 15.355

2000m 2:07.950 14 15.682

2250m 2:23.637 15 15.687

2500m 2:38.965 15 15.328

2750m 2:54.445 15 15.480

3000m 3:10.324 15 15.879

3250m 3:25.819 15 15.495

3500m 3:41.250 14 15.431

3750m 3:57.294 14 16.044

4000m 4:13.098 14 15.804

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Improvements in individual pursuit.

Condition – aerobic capacity – faster at the end of the race with a better anaerobic power adaptation

Athlete well fresh and focused

Pick up in pace at end of race – correct crank length – gearing not too big

Here is a good example of the individual pursuit. Note the drop-off and reaction to this,

indicating a strong aerobic power and importantly a solid aerobic capacity base. For this

athlete hopefully generating the aerobic capacity even more will enable him to produce

a higher average aerobic power

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Here are illustrations of real problems in the team pursuit. Dropping the pace is often an area of crank length and gearing choice to made

in relationship to the athletes condition and experience. Here the crank smaller crank lengths would help solve this problem. If they were

170mm and not 172,5.

However other considerations need to made concerning condition. Here the athlete is stressed and not recovered fully from big individual-

pursuit effort the day before. It is noticeable that athletes with high vo2max and large Aerobic capacity motors can certainly recover very


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Individual pursuit 125m 13.381 8 250m 21.573 7 21.573 375m 29.539 4 500m 37.395 4 15.822 625m 45.286 4 750m 53.211 3 15.816 875m 1:01.153 3 1000m 1:09.162 3 15.951 1125m 1:17.216 2 1250m 1:25.327 2 16.165 1375m 1:33.523 2 1500m 1:41.733 2 16.406 1625m 1:49.992 3 1750m 1:58.257 4 16.524 1875m 2:06.585 4 2000m 2:14.892 4 16.635 2125m 2:23.278 4 2250m 2:31.612 4 16.720 2375m 2:40.041 4 2500m 2:48.482 4 16.870 2625m 2:56.975 5 2750m 3:05.459 6 16.977 2875m 3:13.969 7 3000m 3:22.466 8 17.007 3125m 3:31.015 9 3250m 3:39.542 9 17.076 3375m 3:48.131 9 3500m 3:56.747 9 17.205 3625m 4:05.347 10 3750m 4:13.912 10 17.165 3875m 4:22.528 10 4000m 4:31.094 10 17.182

. The back end of the race drops away due to gearing size. However this

is governed conditionally by initially AeC and AeP energy zones.

Considering the main training up to this point was AeC accented the

result not bad.

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Team pursuit 250m 21.480 9 21.480 500m 36.530 7 15.050 750m 51.590 6 15.060 1000m 1:06.818 6 15.228 1250m 1:22.056 7 15.238 1500m 1:37.383 7 15.327 1750m 1:52.917 8 15.534 2000m 2:08.353 9 15.436 2250m 2:23.675 8 15.322 2500m 2:39.013 6 15.338 2750m 2:54.509 9 15.496 3000m 3:10.109 9 15.600 3250m 3:25.575 9 15.466 3500m 3:41.328 10 15.753 3750m 3:57.085 9 15.757 4000m 4:13.122 9 16.037

Team-pursuit . The drop –off from the 1500m is here remarked by cadence and

will both be due to wrong gear choice and the pedal velocity which limits any


These examples are taken shortly after 6-day racing and indicate a drained

aerobic capacity and power.

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Whats happening in pursuit for the big engine?





Balancing the aerobic and anaerobic power. This is dictated by

your aerobic capacity limitations

Aerobic power pushes the oxygen energy possibilities towards

race zone – cycling faster

Anaerobic power expands the height of the point of the

triangle and dictates how long the cyclist can ride fast

Capacity: Total amount of energy available.

Developing the triangle in length top-end speed and breadth towards

base endurance - aerobic and anaerobic lie perpendicular to each

other but have very important roles to play in regenerating or

establishing time trial and pursuit potential.



Capacity Power

Assists anaerobic

capacity – works

against both powers

Works against

aerobic power

Works against

both capacities

Works against

both capacities

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References :

Data base video analysis VWEM (top-sport trainer Wiggins 2007/2008)

Data SRM files – training and racing VWEM (top-sport trainer Wiggins 2007/2008)

Data online follow up- daily metrics and training schema’s VWEM (top-sport trainer Wiggins 2007/2008)

TEST results KUL and VWEM (top – sport trainer Wiggins)

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Athlete top-sport potential tables – evolution in multi-year planning to realise world-class performances.

4km time kph m/s av.watts* cadence

Steptest 2km time kph m/s av.watts* cadence

Elite Olympic 4.18.0 55.80 15.5 590+ 126

Elite Olympic 2.05 57.60 16 590+ 126

Elite World class 4.23.0 54.72 15.2 540 125

Elite World class 2.07 56.66 15.74 550 126

Elite European 4.25.0 54.32 15.09 520 125

Elite European 2.09 55.80 15.50 515 125

Elite National 4.28.0 53.71 14.92 490 124

Elite National 2.11 54.93 15.26 490 124

U23 World class 4.26.0 54.10 15.03 480 125

U23 World class 2.09.0 55.80 15.50 480 124

21j 2% 4.31.0 53.13 14.76

21j 2% 2.12.0 54.54 15.15

20j 3% 4.34.0 52.52 14.59

20j 3% 2.13.0 54.10 15.03

19j 5% 4.39.0 51.58 14.33

19j 5% 2.15.0 52.31 14.49

U23 European 4.30.0 53.31 14.81 450 124

U23 European 2.11.0 54.93 15.26 460 124

21j 2% 4.35.0 52.34 14.54

21j 2% 2.14.0 53.71 14.92

20j 3% 4.44.0 50.68 14.08

20j 3% 2.15.0 52.31 14.49

19j 5% 4.49.0 49.82 13.84

19j 5% 2.18.0 52.16 14.49

U23 National 4.36.0 52.16 14.49 420 122

U23 National 2.15.0 53.31 14.81 420 122

Juniors World class

Na Na Na Na Na

Juniors World class

2.15.0 53.31 14.81 400 124

17j 2% 2.18.0 52.16 14.49

Juniors European Na Na Na Na Na

Juniors European 2.18.0 52.16 14.49 390 124

17j 2% 2.21.0 51.04 14.18

Juniors National Na Na Na Na Na

Juniors National 2.23.0 50.32 13.98 360 124

World class performance tables in the form of progression percentages.

World class performance times are an important start point for building references for any progression performance talent program.

These world class times will dictate the screening test reference points. Athlete quality screening is the key.

To produce a screening norm that allows a 5% opportunity to nurture your athletes. It is from experience that 5% over a period of 2-3 years is comprehensible in

realising an evolutionary projection towards these major goals.

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3km time kph m/s av.watts* cadence

2km time kph m/s av.watts* cadence

Elite Olympic Na Na Na Na Na

Elite Olympic 2.09 55.80 15.50 660 130

Elite World class 3.16 55.08 15.30 520 126

Elite World class 2.12 54.54 15.15 620 130

Elite European 3.18 54.54 15.15 498 125

Elite European 2.14 53.71 14.92 580 126

Elite National 3.21 53.71 14.92 480 125

Elite National Na Na Na Na Na

U23 World class 3.18 54.54 15.15 460 124

U23 World class 2.14 53.71 14.92 533 124

21j 2% 3.21 53.71 14.92

21j 2% 2.16 52.92 14.70

20j 3% 3.23 53.17 14.77

20j 3% 2.18 52.16 14.49

19j 5% 3.27 52.16 14.49

19j 5% 2.20 51.40 14.28

U23 European 3.20 54 15 440 124

U23 European 2.17 52.52 14.59 520 124

21j 2% 3.24 52.92 14.7

21j 2% 2.19 51.76 14.38

20j 3% 3.26 52.41 14.56

20j 3% 2.21 51.04 14.18

19j 5% 3.30 51.40 14.28

19j 5% 2.23 50.32 13.98

U23 National 3.22 53.46 14.85 410 124

U23 National 2.20 51.40 14.28 490 124

Juniors World class

3.22 53.46 14.85 400 124

Juniors World class

2.14 53.71 14.92 480 126

17j 2% 3.26

17j 2% 2.16

Juniors European 3.24 52.92 14.70 380 124

Juniors European 2.18 52.16 14.49 460 126

17j 2% 3.28

17j 2% 2.20

Juniors National 3.27 52.16 14.49 360 124

Juniors National 2.21 51.04 14.18 420 126

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4km achtervolging time kph m/s av.watts* av.cadence actual av.rond.tempo

Elite Olympic 3.56.0 60.98 16.94 510 128 236 na

2% 4.00.72 59.79 16.61 500

240.72 na

3% 4.03.08 59.22 16.45 490 243.08 na

5% 4.07.80 58.10 16.14 470 247.80 na

Elite World class 4.05.0 58.75 16.32 480 245 na

Elite European 4.08.0 58.03 16.12 460 248 na

Elite National 4.15.0 56.44 15.68 415 126 255 na

4km achtervolging time kph m/s av.watts* av.cadence actual av.rond.tempo

vertrektijd 250m 20.0 45.0 12.5 715 116 20.0 20.0

26j 2% 20.4 44.10 12.25

20.4 20.4

25j 3% 20.6 43.66 12.13 20.6 20.6

24j 5% 21.0 42.84 11.9 21.0 21.0

23j 6% 21.2 42.44 11.79 650 113 21.2 21.2

22j 7% 21.4 42.04 11.68

21.4 21.4

21j 8% 21.6 41.65 11.57 21.6 21.6

20j 9% 21.8 41.25 11.46 21.8 21.8

19j 10% 22.0 40.89 11.36 22.0 22.0

18j 11% 22.2 40.53 11.26 22.2 22.2

17j 12% 22.4 40.17 11.16 22.4 22.4

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4km achtervolging time kph m/s av.watts* av.cadence actual av.rond.tempo

vertrek 1e 1000m 1.04 56.23 15.62 590 126 64 14.66

26j 2% 1.05 55.36 15.38

65 14.86

25j 3% 1.06 54.54 15.15 66 15.13

24j 5% 1.07 53.71 14.92 67 15.33

23j 6% 1.07 53.71 14.92


126 67 15.26

21j 8% 1.09 52.16 14.49

69 15.86

20j 9% 1.09 52.16 14.49 69 15.96

19j 10% 1.10 51.40 14.28 70 16.06

18j 11% 1.11 50.68 14.08 71 16.20

17j 12% 1.11 50.68 14.08 71 16.26

4km achtervolging time kph m/s av.watts* av.cadence actual av.rond.tempo

potential av. 3km 2.39.0 62.24 17.29 460 130 159 14.45

26j 2% 2.42.18 61.02 16.95

162.18 14.74

25j 3% 2.43.77 60.44 16.79 163.77 14.88

24j 5% 2.46.95 59.29 16.47 166.95 15.17

23j 6% 2.48.54 58.71 16.31



168.54 15.32

22j 7% 2.50.13 58.17 16.16 170.13 15.46

21j 8% 2.51.72 57.63 16.01 171.72 15.61

20j 9% 2.53.31 57.09 15.86 173.31 15.75

19j 10% 2.54.90 56.59 15.72 174.90 15.90

18j 11% 2.56.49 56.08 15.58 176.49 16.04

17j 12% 2.58.08 55.58 15.44 178.08 16.18

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1km ifv PA time kph m/s av.watts* cadence

Elite Olympic 1.04 56.23 15.62 590+ 126

Elite World class 1.05 55.36 15.38 560 126

Elite European 1.06 54.54 15.15 510 126

Elite National 1.07 53.71 14.92 480 124

U23 World class 1.06 54.54 15.15 540+ 125

21j 2% 1.07 53.71 14.92

20j 3% 1.08 52.92 14.70

19j 5% 1.09 52.16 14.49

U23 European 1.07 53.71 14.92



21j 2% 1.08 52.92 14.70

20j 3% 1.09 52.16 14.49

19j 5% 1.10 51.40 14.28

U23 National 1.08 52.92 14.70 440 124

Juniors World class

1.07 53.71 14.92



17j 2% 1.08 52.92 14.70

Juniors European 1.08 52.92 14.70

17j 2% 1.09 52.16 14.49

Juniors National 1.09 52.16 14.49

1km time kph m/s av.watts* cadence

Elite Olympic 60 59.97 16.66 960 134

Elite World class 1.01 59 16.39 920 132

Elite European 1.03 57.13 15.87 912 130

Elite National 1.05 55.36 15.38 900 128

U23 World class 1.03 57.13 15.87 900 128

21j 2% 1.04 56.23 15.62

20j 3% 1.05 55.36 15.38

19j 5% 1.06 54.54 15.15

U23 European 1.05 55.36 15.38 860 128

21j 2% 1.06 54.54 15.15

20j 3% 1.07 53.71 14.92

19j 5% 1.08 52.92 14.70

U23 National 1.07 53.71 14.92 820 126

Juniors World class 1.03 57.13 15.87 890 126

17j 2% 1.04 56.23 15.62 na na

Juniors European 1.04 56.23 15.62 860 126

17j 2% 1.05 55.36 15.38 na na

Juniors National 1.06 54.54 15.15 820 126

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Globaal overzicht piste field test

Evaluatie Step test

50x14 vollewiel kleine tubs


51x15 normaal spokewielen met bandjes

Kenny Dominique Stijn Tom Bert Ingmar Steve Tim Iljo

06.11.03 2.23.35 2.15.88 2.20.72 2.20.72 2.21.52

06.12.21 2.11.22 2.14.42 2.20.79 2.13.22

07.06.01 2.16.52

07.07.17 2.13.97

07.07.19 2.21.55 2.14.53

07.10.01 2.11.16 2.13.21 2.21.0 2.16.27 2.12.65

07.10.15 2.09.03 2.13.68 2.11.91 2.15.06 2.11.22 2.19.07

07.12.21 2.15.0 2.21.0

08.03.16 2.07.17 2.11.37

Sea level test 1/10/2007 VWEM

Athlete Start time Time


kph Vians m/s Pians

Av. RPM 7e

Max mml

Max av watt

spo2 Rec.Hr 5'TR

Temp. °



2.16.27 -4,52 46,03 12,787 344,4

14,1 477 97 104 21° 50x14


2.21.0 *7.42 46,72 12,98 **

12,4 ** 97 121 19° 50x14


2.11.16 -0,06 48,42 13,45 310

15,6 445 98 102 20° 50x14


2.12.65 -0,57 48,16 13,38 **

13,1 ** 99 114 19° 50x14

5 2.13.21 -0,76 48,27 13,41 377,7 9,9 508,9 99 109 21° 50x14

Sea level test 15/10/2007 VWEM

Athlete start time Time


kph Vians m/s Pians

Av.RPM 7e

Max mml

Max av watt

spo2 Rec.Hr 5'TR

Temp. °



2.15.06 -1,06 46,11 12,81 334,4 na 13,2 448,6 Na Na 22° 50x14


2.11.91 -9,09 48,09 13,36 390 na 12,4 496,8 Na Na 22° 50x14


2.09.03 -2,88 48,45 13,6 312 na 14,9 444 Na Na 23° 50x14


2.11.22 -1,43 48,81 13,56 430 na 12,7 475,9 Na Na 18° 50x14


2.13.68 *0.47 50,97 14,16 387,3 na 9 Na Na Na 18° 50x14

6 2.19.07 na 46,72 12,98 Na na 15 Na Na Na 23° 48x14

Sea level test 21/12/2007 VWEM

Athlete start time Time


kph Vians m/s Pians

Av.RPM 7e

Max mml

Max av watt

spo2 Rec.Hr 5'TR

Temp. °


1 11:00 2.15.0 -88 48.31 13.42 381.8 124.8 12.4 517 na na 21° 50x14

Sea level test 16/03/2008 VWEM

Athlete start time Time


kph Vians m/s Pians

Av.RPM 7e

Max mml

Max av watt

spo2 Rec.Hr 5'TR

Temp. °


1 11:00 2.07.17 -8 51.22 14.2 416 126.2 14.0 551 na na 18° 50x14

4 11:00 2.11.37 15 49.79 13.8 392 124.9 10,2 514 na na 18° 50x14

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Belofte en junioren

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

07.06.01 2.30.95 2.21.06 2.19.76

07.06.02 2.28.14 2.27.38 2.24.84 2.26.47 2.22.41 2.19.89

07.06.30 2.28.45 2.27.69 2.27.48 2.19.95 2.23.88


2.22.47 2.17.27 2.19.08 2.20.02 2.19.76 2.34.92

The step test results .One of several important tests in the screening program and further nurturing of the athletes.

The step test is one excellent indicator in practice.

It indicates current condition of the athletes.

We can develop a profile of the athlete and correctly adapt their training programs from the results. By using watts and lactate measurements in the steps.

It is a motivational test towards major competition.

We can develop further the profile of the athlete towards gearing and crank length from the srm files.

Progression/evolution chart example from Dominique Cornu. From race situations to training and field tests.

Fast tracking the athlete’s physiological adaptations.

Developing a correct profile for the athlete towards gearing, crank length and strength development.

Creating importantly a individual profile of athletes that can be best adapted into one unit in the team pursuit. “Coming out of the same mould!”

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PART 3 Technological skills to cycling


While it might be nice to think that you’re 50 Watts stronger than your training partner, you only get to take that power with you to a race if it’s REAL. Otherwise, you’re just fooling yourself. So, what do you need to do to know that the power you think you’re riding at is correct? Setting the zero offset Say your resting heart rate is 60 beats per minute. You could call this a “baseline” measurement, since you’re not doing any work when you measure it. Now, say your resting heart rate is 55 beats per minute, but you haven’t checked it in a month, and you think its 60 beats per minute like it was back then. Now you’ve got some error in your baseline measurement, and you’ll think that you’re not working as hard as you really are when you’re out training. Not ideal, right? Your PowerMeter has a baseline too, called the “zero offset”, when the PowerMeter is on but there’s no pressure on the pedals. You can check and set it using your PowerControl. You need to do this at the start of every ride, so that you don’t have erroneous power data from that ride. Yes, you can go back and fix it later in the software, but how will you know what to fix it TO if you didn’t check it? The reason you need to do this every ride is that the parts measuring your power are mounted on metal, which shrinks and expands with changes in temperature, as well as tension from the chainring and crank arm bolts. So the zero offset changes with temperature and tension, too, and you need to correct for this. Other than setting it at the start of each ride, you’d want to reset it if there was a big change in the weather while you were out on your bike (started on a sunny coast road at 20°C, and then climbed a mountain where it was 5°C), or if you’d tightened any of the chainring bolts or crank arm bolts. You can set it as many times as you like during a ride, although you’ll only see the first one in the file properties afterwards. System Accuracy If your SRM system is well-maintained, has it’s calibration verified, and it’s zero offset set daily, the accuracy of the system is as follows: �� Amateur (2 strain gauges) system: ±5% �� Professional (4 strain gauges) system: ±2% �� Science and Mountain Bike (8 strain gauges) system: ±0.5%

Part I I : Making sure your data is accurate

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Here’s how you check and set the zero offset for your SRM system: Make sure the PowerControl is in the normal display mode, with the current speed, cadence, power, and heartrate showing, by pressing and holding “Mode” for three seconds. Press “Mode” and “Set” at the same time, and a screen will come up that shows you the current baseline Measurements as well as what value the PowerControl is currently using as its zero offset. Turn the PowerMeter on by pedalling backwards a few times, and then leave the pedals in a horizontal position and let go of them. You need to make sure that nothing is touching them or you will end up with an inaccurate zero offset. With track systems, put forward pressure on the pedals before setting the zero offset. Wait until the zero offset stabilises, resting on the same number for a few seconds. After the zero offset stabilises, press “Set” to store this value for its power calculations. Press and hold “Mode” for three seconds to return to the Normal Mode. Zero offset being Actual zero offset (0 when PowerMeter is off) Actual zero offset New zero offset is stored Stable zero offset Making sure you’re using the right slope for your PowerMeter Back to the heart rate analogy for this one. So, you’ve measured your “baseline” resting heart rate accurately, which is a good start. Now you need to know how much your heart rate goes up for a given amount of effort – this would be different for each individual. Normally, it goes up in pretty much a straight line with a constant increase in effort, so you get a nice relationship, which you could call your heart’s “sensitivity” to effort. Again, it’s the same for your SRMs. The system needs to know how much to respond when you push on the pedals, how “sensitive” it is to your effort, and this is different for every PowerMeter. The figure below shows this sensitivity, which is described as the “slope” of the line, as well as the zero offset. All the figure is saying is that as the force goes up, i.e. as you pedal harder, the PowerMeter reading goes up. Your PowerControl needs to know how those two things are related, in mathematical terms what the “slope” of the line is, otherwise it will display the wrong power. The zero offset is just showing that if you don’t push on the pedals at all, the PowerMeter reading will stay the same. The slope is measured at the factory before your SRMs are sent out to you, and is written on the back of your PowerMeter (as well as on your invoice). It’s a three-digit number, usually between about 12.0 and 35.0. You only need to set this once for your system in the computer software, since it is very stable. Having said that, if you want to check the slope of your PowerMeter periodically (i.e. every six months to one year), you can send you PowerMeter back to us for a calibration,. There are also instructions at the end of the manual to help you check it yourself. How to set the slope of your PowerMeter using your PowerControl You can either do this in the SRM software on your computer when your PowerControl is connected (see page 36 for instructions), or you can do it on the PowerControl itself. Here’s how: Find out the correct slope, of your PowerMeter. It is written on the back of your PowerMeter, and is also

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on your invoice. If you can’t find it, get in touch with us ([email protected]) and tell us the serial number of your PowerMeter and we will tell you the correct slope. Press and hold “Mode” once to exit any other mode. Then press “Mode”, “Set” and “Pro” all at the same time to get into the Setup Mode. Press “Mode” seven times to get to the screen that shows the slope. When the “S” is flashing, you can set the slope. Use the “Pro” button to increase the number, and the “Set” button to decrease it. When you are finished, press and hold “Mode” for three seconds to go back to the main screen.

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Computation of the slope of the Powermeter

Dynamic calibrating (only at SRM) Static calibrating

475,5 mm lever length 110,0 mm lever length 49,0 mm Ø axle 20,4 kg Weight

24,5 mm Radius axle 200,12 N Strength Weight * 9,81

z.B. 0 cm Shorten the lever length by departure for each groove = 2cm 22,01 Nm Torque

500,0 mm entire lever length Lever length + radius axle

0,500 m lever length left crank 5,35 kg Weight z.B. 865 Hz Zero during load 52,48 N Strength Weight * 9,81 z.B. 458 Hz Zero without load 26,24 Nm Torque at the eddy current brake 407 Hz Change of the frequency 22,01 Nm Torque z.B. 53 Chain sheet Powermeter 14 Chain sheet eddy current brake 18,5 Hz/Nm Slope (Hz/Nm) 3,79 Speed ratio of chain sheets right crank 99,34 Nm Torque at the power meter z.B. 832 Hz Zero during load z.B. 480 Hz Zero without load z.B. 2000 Hz Zero during load z.B. 500 Hz Zero without load (no-load operation) 300 Hz Change of the frequency 22,01 Nm Torque 1500 Hz Change of the frequency 99,34 Nm Torque 13,6 Hz/Nm Slope (Hz/Nm) 15,10 Hz/Nm slope 16,1 Hz/Nm Slope averaged

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Hoe de SRM powermeter recalibreren ?

Zoek een gewicht van ongeveer 30-40 kg. Hang dit aan een kabel van ongeveer 25 cm., zodanig dat het gewicht de vloer niet meer raakt als het aan de horizontale pedaal-as hangt. U kan ook een langere kabel nemen en de fiets op een tafel plaatsen.

Reken het gewicht om in Newton. Vb. 30 kg = 30 * 9.81 = 294.3 N

Bereken het moment dat u krijgt wanneer het gewicht aan de horizontale pedaal-as hangt. Vb. bij een lengte van de pedaal-as van 172.5 mm : 0.1725m * 294.3 N = 294.3 Nm (Newton meter).

Zet de Powermeter aan door achterwaarts te trappen. Doe dit met een gemiddelde versnelling zodat de ketting op één lijn ligt, vb. 53/15.

Noteer zero (in ruststand) van de Powermeter (MODE + SET, rechts nummer) vb. F0 = 500 Hz.

Breng de pedaal-as in horizontale positie en hang het gewicht aan de linkerpedaal.

Noteer de frequentie output-links van de Powermeter (MODE + SET, rechts nummer) vb. F_links = 1450 Hz.

Breng de pedaal-as in horizontale positie en hang het gewicht aan de rechter pedaal.

Noteer de frequentie output-rechts van de Powermeter (MODE + SET, rechts nummer) vb. F_rechts = 1550 Hz.

Bereken de verandering in frequentie van de Powermeter met dit gewicht als volgt (F_links + F_rechts)/2 F0 Vb. (1450 + 1550)/2 Hz - 500 Hz = 1000 Hz met een moment van 50.77 Nm.

Bereken de gemiddelde helling van de Powermeter. Helling = 1000 Hz/50.77 Nm = 19.90 Hz/Nm.

Deze gecalibreerde helling (slope) van de Powermeter moet ingevoerd worden in Powercontrol. Het is aangeraden deze helling elke maand opnieuw te berekenen.

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Data-Manager for SRM

Data-Manager for SRM is an extension application to use with Dartfish Software. It enables you to: > Synchronize your SRM data sources with video > Display them on video as various graph, text or symbols > Associate qualitative and quantitative data into one visual and accurate document

EASILY LINK YOUR SRM DATA FILES WITH VIDEO +DataVideo= Improve your training and understanding by associating quantitative and qualitative data

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> Link SRM data sources : - with one video > Synchronize SRM data sources with video

Use various graphics and video displays to highlight key points of interest > Display SRM data on video for full screen view :

- as graph

- as text information

> Delete embedded and linked data sources

> Use Dartfish symbol font to enhance data

Make powerful analyses thanks to Dartfish advanced tools > Control and display video in full-screen

> Replay video together with data at different speeds, frame by frame

> View simultaneously up to 4 different videos for qualitative and quantitative comparisons

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