

REV. JOEL FAULK Parochial Vicar





Kenneth Werther, Pres., Matt Hebert, Vice-Pres., Annette Hebert, Secretary, Helen Dauphin , Brad Hamilton, Angelle

Pearce, Maria Tregre, Bob Henry, Glenda Laughlin, Trustee, Jim David, Trustee


Saturday Mass 5:00 pm Sunday Masses 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am. 5:00, 7:00 pm Weekday Masses 6:00 am First Saturday Mass 7:30 am


Call the Parish Office for more information concerning any sacrament, at (337) 232-4656. Baptism 2nd and 4th Saturday: 2:30 pm. Baptismal Preparation Class is required. 2 week notice to schedule a Baptism is required. Reconciliation Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 pm; 5:40 to 5:55 am Before weekday Mass . Speak to a priest to schedule confession at another time. Matrimony Contact the Pastor at least SIX months before the tentative marriage date. Anointing of the Sick Call the Parish Office.

St. Pius X Catholic Church 201 EAST BAYOU PARKWAY / P.O. BOX 80489

LAFAYETTE, LA 70598-0489 Office (337) 232-4656 Fax (337)233-9468 Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8 - 4 (lunch12-1)

Fri. 8 - 12


Mission Statement

St. Pius X Catholic Church

enables all who seek Christ to

hear the Gospel and live their faith

as good stewards. In living the Good

News, centered in the Eucharist, we

bring Christ to others so all may

live in freedom and grace.

September 3, 2017

Where we give glory to God for everything as we become intentional disciples

The Twenty – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

PARISH OFFICE STAFF AND MINISTERS Mrs. Debbie Hebert, Business Manager/Acct. Mrs. Barbara Abshire, Pastoral Asst. Mr. Ashton Mouton, Jr., Evangelization Minister Mrs. Rose Mary Corman, Secretary Mrs. Judy Hoffmann, Receptionist Mrs. Barbara Boudreaux, Coordinator of Sacramental Programs Mr. Blake Paul Harson, Education Minister Mr. John Ray Perkins III, Youth Minister Mrs. Karen Melancon, Music Minister Mr. Kevin Martin, Organist Deacon Phil Lizotte, R.C.I.A. Director Ms. Schuyler Kleinpeter, Advancement and Stewardship Director Ms. Mallory Wainwright, Sacristan Mr. Edward Baudoin, Maintenance Director Mrs. Angela Fangue, Hospitality Ministry Mrs. Jamie Wagnon, Homebound, Needy Ms. Diane Touchet Hospital Ministry Mr. Jesse Gary Nursing Home Ministry Mrs. Ednamae Sahuc, Children’s Sodality Ms. Bree Higginbotham & Ms. Belinda Omoregbee, Pro-Life Coordinators

Page 2



All parishioners and visitors

who plan to attend the

Dedication of the New Church

to be held, October 5th:

Video and still photography will

be taken for the purposes of

publication and distribution.

As a public event, written

permission for use of this material

will not be obtained.

RCIA is a journey through

which unbaptized per-

sons wishing to know more about the

Catholic faith can learn about the beliefs

and spirituality of the Catholic Church

without obligation. This journey is also

open to baptized Christians of a different

faith who have an interest in joining the

Catholic Church. Sessions begin on

September 12, 2017. If you want to know more

contact the parish office at

232-4656 or contact Deacon

Phil by email:

[email protected].

Please note that all participants, clergy and attendees will enter the Church after the ceremony begins, so arriving early to reserve a seat is not neces-sary.

Parish News & Upcoming Events September 3, 2017

PARISH OFFICE CLOSED The Parish Of-fice will be closed on Monday, September 4, in observance of Labor Day, and will reopen Tuesday, September 5. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY Next weekend, we will be taking up the Nation-al Collection for The Catholic University of America. Your support will enable Catholic University to expand its impact in preparing the next generation of leadership for our Church and nation. We appreciate your generosity. ST. PIUS X MEN On September 7, St Joseph's Covenant Keepers has a Men's Luncheon, held EVERY 1st Thursday of the month at Ground Pati on Kaliste Saloom start-ing at 11:45 am featuring a speaker. All MEN are invited. BLOOD DRIVE In two weeks, the Knights of Columbus and St. Pius will host a Blood Drive on Sunday, September 17. A United Blood Services bus for donations will be located in the church parking lot after all of the morning Mass-es. Blood donations are needed now. Please make plans to donate. WOMEN’S GUILD INVITES YOU To all ladies, 18 and older, we invite you to join us for our first Women’s Guild meeting for fall on Sep-tember 20th at 6:30 PM in the Life Center. If you are able to attend, please bring a side dish, salad, dessert, etc that will feed approx. 12 people. The St. Pius X Women’s Guild plays a very important roll in the St. Pius X Church Parish. Our Women’s Guild promote true Chris-tian charity, the love of God and of our neigh-bor, and Christian family life. The guild fosters love for the House of God and labor for its proper adornment and cleanliness. Our ladies take care of the immediate needs of the altar, to supply the needs of the sanctuary and sac-risty, and to render assistance in parish activi-

ties including First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA, Passover Meal, Monthly Coffee & Do-nuts, Parish Family Covered Dish Supper and other functions that may come up during the year. The Women’s Guild is open to all Catho-lic Ladies over the age of 18 residing in or a registered parishioner of St. Pius X Church. There is always a need for new mem-bers in our Guild, particularly younger St. Pius X Parishioners. We want our Women’s Guild to thrive for years and years to come but to do that, we desperately need younger women to get more involved and take an active part in the Guild. We hope to see you September 20th! If you have any questions, please contact Wom-en’s Guild president, Lisa Killeen at 337-298-0622 or email, [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NOVEMBER GAR-AGE SALE The St. Pius X Knights of Colum-bus will be holding our annual garage sale the first Saturday in November, taking in items for sale donated by Parishioners at the Life Center on the Friday before. This year we do have limited storage available for items from donors who are unable to hold donations until the Fri-day before the sale. Beginning immediately, arrangements can be made with the Knights of Columbus for early drop offs by calling Gerald Hoffmann at 993-0212. Early drop-offs can be made on Saturdays after 10:00 a.m. at Toy Box Storage in Broussard provided pre-arrangement has been made. Knights will help offload and place the items in storage. Thank you for your generosity. DAILY MASS TIME CHANGE The daily Mass time has changed to 6:00AM beginning Monday, July 31st . The primary reason was due to the gridlock of traffic that occurs when Mass lets out and school drop off begins. Since the Liturgy and Spiritual Life Commission

submitted this recommendation to the Parish Pastoral Council and the Council recommend-ed this to the Pastor and the Pastor approved it, the Lafayette Parish School Board has changed bus scheduling. This will actually cause SPES to start later in the morning and end later in the day because SPES has stu-dents who ride the buses thus no longer caus-ing the gridlock. However, the decision was made to change the schedule nonetheless as the School Board can always revise their deci-sions based on how the bus scheduling works. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will continue to be offered 15 minutes prior to the morning Mass from 5:40AM – 5:55AM. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE CHANGE St. Pius is a very active parish and now is even more active with the ACTS retreats taking place. St. Pius provides Coffee & Doughnuts between Masses. The Knights Columbus do a pancake breakfast. People stay after Mass to enjoy these activities and the parking lot stays full. Masses may go longer than usual for num-bers of reasons. The Masses on Sunday morn-ing are scheduled so close together that people start arriving for the next Mass and the previous Mass has not yet let out. There is no parking and traffic congestion increases as people leave and people arrive. This happening works strongly against St. Pius being a welcoming parish and a Mass schedule that once served the parish’s needs no longer does so. The Lit-urgy and Spiritual Life Commission looked at possibilities and advised the Parish Pastoral Council of the need to change Mass times on Sunday morning. They advised the council to change the schedule to 7:00AM, 9:00AM and 11:00AM. The Council recommended this Mass time change to the Pastor and the Pastor ap-proved. So the weekend following Labor Day weekend the new Sunday morning Mass schedule change will go into effect. This will be the weekend of September 9-10, 2017.

St. Pius X Catholic Church

is blessed to have a

Vocation Chalice Ministry.

Today the family of

James and Angela Furka will receive the Vocational Chalice at

the Sunday 11:00 am. Mass. Please join

them this week in prayer for Vocations to

the Priesthood and Religious Life. Page 3

Stewardship of Finance AUGUST 27, 2017

Envelopes (257)..… 14,561.00 Online Giving (110)…... 4,151.00 Loose Checks (86)…... 7,907.00 Total …………........…$26,619.00

Capital Campaign Pledges / Pledges Collected $6,543,952.63 / $6,063,342.58

New Mass Schedule Begins Next Weekend

September 9 -10

Saturday: 5:00 pm

Sunday: 7:00 am *

9:00 am *

11:00 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

* new time


Youth Minister:

John Ray Perkins III

[email protected]

Phone: 337-232-4656

2017-2018 Registration:


Life Teen

Monday 8-14-17 5-6:30 PM Prophets: Mes-sengers of God's Mercy. Presented by Tom Smith. Facilitated by Nanette Cazayoux in Conf Room B. Monday 8-14-17 12:30-2 PM The Bible and the Sacraments: Journey through Scrip-ture. Presented by Matthew Leonard of the St Paul Center. Facilitated by Teresa Margaglio In Conf. Room A. Monday 8-14-17 6:30 - 8PM The Bible and the Sacraments: Journey through Scripture. (Repeat) In Meeting Room. Tuesday 9-19-17 9:30-11AM Little Rock Scripture Studies Facilitated by Judy Corne in Conf. Room A Tuesday 8-22-17 6:30-8:00PM Origin of the Bible: Human Invention or Divine Interven-tion. Presented by Dr. Brant Pitre. Facilitated by Bob & Billie Henry in Meeting Room. Wednesday 8-30-17 9:30-11AM Psalms: The School of Prayer. Presented by Jeff Cavins And Tim Gray. Facilitated by Blake Paul Harson in Conf Room A. Thursday 9-7-17 6:30-8PM. EPIC - Study 1st 2000 years Church History. Presented by Steve

Weidenkopf Facilitated by Rusty Chastant in Conf Room A. Saturday 8-19-17 8AM to 1PM Fly-Over of the Old Testament: Quick Review of Genesis to Malachi. Facilitated by Teresa Margaglio in Conf Room A. Saturday 9-2-17 (First Saturday of the month after Mass). Fly-Over of the New Testament: A Quick Re-view of the New Testament and an Introduction to the Book of Revela-tion. Facilitated by Teresa Margaglio in Conf Room A. Saturday 10-7-17 (First Saturday of the month after Mass). The Book of Revelation: the Kingdom Yet to Come. Presented by Jeff Cavins. Facilitated by Teresa Margaglio in Conf Room A. Future Studies: Will keep you posted. Bible Timeline Date & Presenter to be announced Advent & Lent Studies. Michael Keefe Topic, Date, & Time to be announced

To register or if you have questions contact the Parish Office 232-4656 or Teresa Margaglio 337-298-0631 or

[email protected] It’s not too late to join us!

St. Pius X Fall Bible Studies 2017

Deadline for Confirmation Registration: September 8, 2017

Confirmation—One Eight

Parent & Candidate Session

NEXT Sunday, September 10 Page 4

Readings for Today

First Reading — The name of the LORD has become like fire burning in Jeremi-ah’s heart (Jeremiah 20:7-9). Psalm — My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63). Second Reading — Be transformed; renew your mind; discern what is good (Romans 12:1-2). Gospel — Those who lose their lives for Jesus’ sake will find them (Matthew 16:21-27).

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

Presider is subject to change.

Prayer & Worship The Twenty–Second Sunday

in Ordinary Time

September 3, 2017

Readings for the Week

Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 11-13; Lk 4:16-30, or, for Labor Day, any readings from the Mass “For the Blessing of Human Labor,” nos. 907-911 Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 4:31-37 Wednesday: Col 1:1-8; Ps 52:10-11; Lk 4:38-44 Thursday: Col 1:9-14; Ps 98:2-6; Lk 5:1-11 Friday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30; Ps 13:6; Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 [18-23] Saturday: Col 1:21-23; Ps 54:3-4, 6, 8; Lk 6:1-5 Sunday: Ez 33:7-9; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20

Please Pray for these Priests This Week Sun. Bishop J. Douglas Deshotels Mon. Bishop Emeritus Michael Jarrell Tues. Rev. Paul Bergeron Wed. Rev. Conley Bertrand Thurs. Rev. Kenneth Bienvenu Fri. Rev. Paul Bienvenu Sat. Very Rev. William Blanda Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of this world. Sanc-tify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Saturday 5:00 p.m. David Dugas; Betty Brent Dugal; Brent Dugal; Michael Dugal; Joey Garzotto; Maxine Richard; Irvin Deranger; M/M Freddie Waguespack; M/M Wallace Waguespack & Family; M/M Felix Robichaux & Family; Carroll Westbrook; Ed & Ann Landry; Fred Dischler; Sylvan Manuel; Chris & Jonathan Daly; Mildred & Hubert Cortez; Romain (Theo) Laborde & Family; Simon & Ella Gilbert; Wes Begnaud; Fr. Donald Theriot; Dean Martin; Ira Smith; Yvonne Riche; Chlorita & Roy Barousse Sunday 8:00 a.m. George Magnon Jr.; M/M George Magnon, Sr.; M/M Elmo Broussard Sr.; Steve Bergeron; Special Inten-tions (2); M/M Joseph Gaudet; Hilda Gaudet; Lillian Fontenot; Randy Moore; M/M Clomie Viator; Jeffery Viator; Ada & Hubert Hebert Sunday 9:30 a.m. Alton Bergeron; Ida Stelly; Buren, Bonnie & Mike Juneau; Charles Vivien; Ann Underwood; Jim Moreau (Anniversary);

Jeff Moreau; M/M Isaac Venable; Carlos & Mary Daigle; Special Intentions (3) Sunday 11:00 a.m. The St. Pius X Parish Family Sunday 5:00 p.m. Denise Coreil; Allen R Bares; George & Georgina Baquet; Marilyn D. Baquet; Charley Rose Beasley; Donna DeSoto; Evalina Crochet; Ira Smith; Marian Berault; M/M Fred Stovall Sunday 7:00 p.m. The St. Pius X Parish Family Monday 6:00 a.m. Ira Smith; Special Intentions (3) Tuesday 6:00 a.m. Eunice Pousson (Anniversary); Elie Guillo-ry; Rose Guillory; Special Intentions (3) Wednesday 6:00 a.m. The Holy Souls in Purgatory Thursday 6:00 a.m. Special Intentions (3) Friday 6:00 a.m. Steve Bergeron(2nd Anniversary); Special Inten-tions (2); Elie Guillory (Anniversary); Rose Guillory; Eunice Pousson Saturday 5:00 p.m. John Koury (21st Anniversary); Cleve Landry & Family; Joey Garzotto; Irvin Deranger; Maxine Rich-ard; M/M Leno Garzotto & Family; M/M Baptista & Family; M/M Fernand Andre & Family; Carroll Westbrook; Ed & Ann Landry; Fred Dischler; Sylvan Manuel; Romain (Theo) Laborde & Fami-ly; Simon & Ella Gilbert; Jeremi Ron Gary; Curt & Greg LeBlanc; Ira Smith; Chlorita & Roy Barousse

Weekend Mass Schedule

September 9 – 10, 2017 Saturday 9 – 9 5:00 pm Fr. Joel Faulk

Sunday 9 – 10 7:00* am Fr. Steve LeBlanc 9:00* am Fr. Steve LeBlanc 11:00 am Fr. Steve LeBlanc 5:00 pm Fr. Joel Faulk 7:00 pm Fr. Joel Faulk *reflects new Mass time

Mass Intentions Sept 2 - 9 2017

Please Pray for these Seminarians This Week Sun. Rev. Mr. Korey LaVergne Mon. Mr. Cade LeBlanc Tues. Mr. Calvin LeMaire Wed. Mr. Seth Lemaire Thurs. Mr. Joseph Marcantel Fri. Mr. Riley Maturin Sat. Mr. Scott Mitchell Father, in your plan for our salvation you provide shepherds for your people. Fill your Church with the spirit of courage and love. Raise up worthy ministers for your altars and eager but gentle serv-ants of the gospel. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Prayer adapted from the Roman Sacramentary)


Please remember in prayer our recently departed sister, Gail Wadsworth, wife of Henry Wadsworth Page 5


Catholics Returning Home is a six- session sup-port program which assist Catholics in returning to active practice of the Faith. Returning to a personal relationship with God is a challenging step for most people that have been inactive. The program provides a welcoming venue for Catholics who have not been connected to a faith community where:

Their stores of pain and hurt can be told.

They can be helped to feel comfortable partici-pating in the worshiping community.

Their concerns and questions can be met or directed to appropriate people.

They feel accepted. The program consists of the following schedule: Week 1 – Welcome, overview and sharing of stories Week 2 – Returning Catholics – why do they leave? Why do they return? Discussion and sharing Week 3 – The Church today – Changes since Vatican II Week 4 – Walking through the Mass Week 5 – Sacrament of Reconciliation Week 6 – Not the end but the beginning – The Creed: What Catholics believe T h e C R H w e b s i t e i s . CRH is rec-ognized and approved by the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops). For more information or to sign up call Phyllis Comeaux at (337) 232-4546 or email: [email protected].

Or you can just show up! Annex Bldg., Conference Rm B 6:30 - 8:00 pm.


Invitation to Return Home to

the Catholic Faith




Sept. 18 - Oct. 23

Call Phyllis Comeaux for more information,

at 232-4656.

Invite someone

you love today.

Saint Pius X Parish Directory & Discipleship Reference Book We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for our parish. At the same time, we take this opportunity to encour-age you to update your census information. If you have moved, changed your marital status, added a new member(s) to your family, change in children’s schools, changed your telephone numbers or emails or any other changes, please go online to our website at or call Rose Mary Cor-

man in the parish office at 232-4656 or email her [email protected] with your updated information. The book contains the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of our parish. In the directory, we list only parents or head of household, address and landline telephone numbers. By contract, the infor-mation in our directory is never given, shared or sold to anyone else. The book is provided at no cost to Saint Pius X, including the mailing to each family, and again is being subsidized by local businesses that advertise in it. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out how to advertise in our book, please call the parish office at 232-4656 or email us at [email protected]. Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize our Guide Book

& Directory advertisers over non-advertisers. It “does pay” to advertise in our Guide Book & Directory. If you haven’t registered as a member of Saint Pius, you may go to our website and register online or call the parish office at 232-4656, provide your name and address and we will gladly mail you a registration form. Saint Pius X currently has approximately over 8,800 members belonging to 2,900 families. We keep growing and welcome the opening of our new church in October! NOTE: this is not to be confused with our picto-rial directory that is published every ten years. Our last pictorial came out in 2011. Any questions regarding this directory, please call Rose Mary Corman at 232-4656 or email her at [email protected].

Are you interested in deepening your faith and finding a community of men to help support you on your faith journey? If so, it is almost time to sign up for the next St. Pius X Men’s ACTS Re-treat which will be held November 9-12, 2017. Online registration will open Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 11:00 A.M, following the team com-missioning Mass at 9:30 A.M. Applications for the retreat will be available on the website at https: / /s tp iusxchurch.o rg /acts -mens -registration. ACTS is a parish-based retreat in which parish-ioners serve parishioners. This will be our first men’s retreat as a newly missioned parish. The ACTS retreat, an acronym for Adoration, Com-munity, Theology and Service, began in the 1980’s in San Antonio Texas. The retreat’s goals are to strengthen our faith and its application in our daily life, to renew ourselves spiritually, to build strong, lasting friendships, and to grow in our relationship with our Lord, our parish, and one another. The ACTS weekend is presented by lay Catholic men, with support provided by a Spiritual Director/companion or clergy. Parishioners who serve on ACTS retreats strive to provide the opportunity for our parish commu-nity to experience, become, and share the Body of Christ. This year over 70 men and 70 women parishioners have attended St. Pius X Parish ACTS retreats. Now these parishioners will help serve on the retreats for the coming year. Please consider this wonderful gift to yourself or some-one you love.

Parish News & Upcoming Events September 3, 2017

continued Page 6


NEW! Catholic’s DIVORCE Healing Program – St. Pius X is pleased to offer an exciting, new ministry to men and women who have suffered from divorce. The Catholic DI-VORCE SURVIVAL Guide is a twelve-week program featur-ing a thirty-minute DVD sessions each week that cover topics of shock, denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, mon-ey, the court system, kids, ex-spouses, annulments, dating, sexuality, spirituality, remarriage or staying single, and much more! Whether you got divorced ten days ago or ten years ago, the program offers valuable insight for everyone. Experts in the DVD series include some of the best and brightest teachers, counselors, and authors in Catholic media: Rose Sweet (series producer and author of Healing the Divorced Heart), Dr. Ray Guarendi (Catholic psycholo-gist, author, and EWTN talk show host), Fr. Mitch Pacwa (EWTN host and a child of divorce), Fr. Donald Calloway (Catholic priest, popular speaker, and child of divorce), Christopher West (theologian and teacher of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body), Fr. Steve Porter (a Catholic priest and seasoned spiritual director). The DVD series also includes Catholic men and women who share their gut wrenching but inspiring stories of divorce and recovery. You will cry, laugh and be encouraged. PLEASE JOIN US. This program is based on the teachings of the Catholic Church and open to anyone who needs comfort. The next three programs available in our diocese are listed below. St. Pius X 12 Week Program Beginning Date: October 18 Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm Place: St. Pius X Church, St. Peter Rm Fee: $20.00 To Register: Online:, or contact Ashton Mouton @ [email protected] or call (337) 237-5130 Our Lady of Fatima SIX Week Program Beginning Date: October 4 Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm Place: Our Lady of Fatima Knight Hall Fee: $35.00 by Sept. 20 To Register: Contact Greg Broussard at [email protected] or call 337-412-0349. Online registration at St Joseph in Rayne SIX Week Program Beginning Date: October 10 on Tuesdays Time: 6 to 8 pm Fee: $15.00 To Register: Call the parish office or call Mary Terro at 337-224-1898 or email [email protected] Page 7

FIRST COMMUNION St. Pius X Church is now accepting applications for children wishing to make their First Reconciliation this fall and their First Holy Communion in the spring of 2018. We will begin on Thursday, September 14, 2017 with a mandatory parent meeting at 6:00 pm. At least one parent must attend this meeting. There will be one more parent meeting in January which is also mandatory. Besides what the children will learn as part of their religious instruction at St. Pius School and PSR program, there will also be preparation taking place in the home for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. At these meetings you will be receiving the materials needed for sacramental preparation at home. Registration can be done online on the St. Pius X website, A calendar of events can also be found on the church website. A copy of the child’s baptism certificate is required regardless of where the baptism took place. NURSING HOME EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED St. Pius X is respon-sible for bringing the Eucharist to the nursing homes within our parish bounda-ries. Currently there is a need for volunteers to help. Training will be provided. Please consider this ministry. Call the Parish Office for more information or to sign up, at 232-4656. HOSPITAL MINISTRY St. Pius women are needed to distribute Holy Com-munion to the patients at Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Volunteers are pro-vided with training from our hospital ministry and from the hospital. Please con-sider joining this ministry and call the Parish Office at 232-4656 to register. CHOIR REHEARSAL TO BEGIN SOON Children's choir (2nd-8th grade) will begin on Wednesday, Sept 6, 5:30 - 6:15. We welcome new members! Con-tact Karen Melancon if interested. GENTLY WORN SCHOOL UNIFORMS ARE NEEDED School Uniform Out-reach will continue to collect and process used uniforms for the coming school year, to be distributed to needy children in the Lafayette Parish Schools. Please bring your children’s outgrown uniforms to church ASAP and place them in the School Uniform Outreach container provided in the vestibule of Church. Uniforms will be processed for the 2017-18 school year. Youth Sizes 4 -20 and All Adult Sizes are needed: Shirts: Red, white, and navy blue, black and green Pants/Shorts: Navy blue, black and khaki - traditional style. Public school uni-forms only, please.

S t. Pius Elementary School's Pre-K

students had the op-portunity to bring a drawing of their favor-ite school employee last week for "Show and Tell." This little friend could not wait to show her picture -- of Father Joel.

Around the Diocese September 3, 2017

FOOD FOR THE JOURNEY “Food for the Journey” will not be held during the month of August, but has been rescheduled for Wednes-day, September 6, 2017, at River Oaks Cater-ing and Event Center Lafayette, 520 East Ka-liste Saloom Road. For more information, please call Danielle Huval (232-1322). MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WITH FR. JUDE HALPHEN Fr. Jude Halphen will be giving two marriage enrichment presentations in the Fall. “Tips for a Happier Marriage: Simple Ways for Couples to Grow Closer to God and to Each Other” will be held September 6, 2017 from 6-8pm at St Pius X. “Just Married: The Catholic Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the First Five Years of Marriage” will also be held at St. Pius X from 6-8pm on Oct. 4, 2017. Call for more information 337-261-5653. PREPARE AND ENRICH FACILITATOR TRAINING The Diocese of Lafayette will be hosting a PREPARE/ENRICH facilitator training and overview on Sept. 13, 2017. The training will be held at the Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, from 9:00am-4:00pm. Cost ($175.00), per facilitator ID which includes your facilitator kit and your lunch. If you would like to learn how to review the assessment with a couple without purchasing a facilitator ID, the cost is $70 which includes the training and your lunch. For more information call the Office of Marriage and Family Life, 337-261-5653 or visit

our website at: Pre-Registration is required. Deadline to register is August 31st. RACHEL'S VINEYARD Rachel’s Vineyard is a retreat for those who have suffered the wounds of abortion. It is an extraordinary opportunity for any person who struggles with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. The weekend is a unique and effective process designed specifical-ly to help you experience the mercy and compas-sion of God. This process is extremely helpful for those who have difficulty forgiving themselves or others. The weekend will help your soul find a voice and transform the pain of the past into hope! The next retreat will be held October 6-8, 2017. Pre-registration is required. All inquiries are confidential. Contacts: Karol or Trista @ 337.261.5607 for more information. SINGLES ENRICHMENT WITH FR. JUDE Fr. Jude will be giving the talk: “Tips for Marry-ing the Right Person: Helping Singles Find Each Other, Contemplate Marriage, and Say I Do” on October 17, 2017. We will meet at Our Lady of Wisdom from 6-8pm. Please call the office for more information 337-261-5653. ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES Most have not been trained for marriage! We learn as we go and at times it can be a struggle. There is a better way! Learn a new way to re-discover one another by a using a unique com-

munication technique. Sign up today for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. It will be one of the most important and significant decisions you make. or call Jack & Angel LaBate at 470-297-8560 or [email protected] The next Week-ends are July 14-16 and October 20-22, 2017 at the Bishop Robert Tracy Center in Baton Rouge. UPCOMING DIRECTED RETREATS - Jesuit Spirituality Center: Do you feel a need to deep-en your spiritual like? The Jesuit Spirituality Center at Grand Coteau, Louisiana, announces theses upcoming individually directed retreats: Silent Individually Directed Retreats of 3, 5, or 8-days begin on the following dates: Tue., Sept., 5 or Fri., Sept. 8 Mon., Sept. 18 or Thur., Sept. 21 Mon., Oct., 2 or Thur., Oct. 5 Mon., Oct., 16 or Thur., Oct. 19 Mon., Oct., 30 or Thur., Nov. 2 Mon. Nov., 13 (3 & 5 days only) Mon., Dec., 4 or Thur., Dec. 7 Special Weekend Group Program Praying With St. Peter: A Day of Reflection and Prayer Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, S.J.—Saturday, Sept. 16, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Fee: $60, in-cludes lunch. For an application form to register, visit our website or call 337 /662-5251, Monday-Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 noon and 1:00 - 5:00 pm.

Sacred Spaces designed the interior of the new church and adoration chapel. It is their cus-tom to donate one or more ap-pointments to each church they serve. For Saint Pius, they have graciously donated some of the pieces to our Nativity Set for Christmas. The donated pieces, valued at $8,900, include the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, Baby Jesus with the manger and one of the two shepherds. We are offering a Memorial oppor-tunity for the remaining pieces that may be purchased individu-ally or as a whole on a first-come, first-served basis. The opportunities are the following:

Angel - $2,600 Kings (3) - $2,600 each Shepherd (1) - $2,600 Camel - $3,200 Camel tender - $2,600 Sheep (4) - $600 each Donkey - $2,600 Cow - $2,600

All memorial contributions are considered offerings, therefore, are tax deductible. If you are interested, please con-tact Rose Mary Corman at 232-4656 or email her at [email protected].


All pieces cast in resin Maximum height of figures is 5’ full color

finish with gold accents Page 8



Testimony Of Favors Granted

“Thank you Jesus for allowing by brother-in-law continued employment and ability to work while waiting for heart transplant.” “Thank you Lord for the pending sale of our home.” To participate, sign up online at then click on Adoration on the left side of the screen or use the Sign up cards that are available at the Chapel en-trance or in the church vestibule, call 232-4656 or email [email protected].


September 9

5:00 PM Ronnie Domingue, Stephanie Guidry Jeannie Lawrence, Margaret Gillaspie Abigail Boudreaux

September 10


Dolores Zenon, Dwayne Coco Shirley & Derrel Strother, Nanette Cazayoux,

Ben Stonecipher, Dan & Fabiola Landry Tony and Isabella Russo,

Charlie Dronet


Louis & Marjie Breaux Frances Cordill, Ned & Margie LeBlanc,

Paulette Fontenot; Kathy Barras; Tiney Toll Jake Breaux, James Way ,

Greg Navarette, Gianna Stelly

9:00 AM Children’s Church begins in late October 2017

11:00 AM Leslie Ladd; Ron Hebert Annette Hebert; Judy Corne; Joy Best; Vicki Custer; Tim Oubre; Sarah Delatte

Christian Cambre, Garrett Montgomery, Anna Claire Melancon

5:00 PM Kristin Caire, Judy Hoffmann Missy Babineaux; Tanya Chaisson; Heidi Bourgeois;

Geb Bull; Brian Menard; Debbie O’Donnell Michael Schaub, Gabe Chaisson, Michael Tracy, Riley Broussard

7:00 PM Kirk Huval; Mark Benoit Dawn Benoit; Greg Mier Collin Finley, Hailey Champagne,

Andrew Chaisson

Sept. 4 - 8 6:00 a.m. No Altar Servers scheduled Page 9


Perpetual Adoration Call Parish Office Bible Study Mon. 5:10 PM & 6:30 PM Tues. 9:30AM

Wed. 9:30 AM (Fall & Spring) Thursday 9:00 AM & 6:30 PM Child Care/Babysitting Sun. 9:30 & 11:00 AM Children’s Church Sept.- May 9:30 AM Choir Practice Wed. 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus 1st & 3rd Thurs: 6:30PM Novena to Our Lady of Prompt Succor Sat.: 4:30 PM Parish Coffee Last Sun.: AM Masses Blue Army Rosary

Group Mon.: 5:00 PM Patriotic Rosary Group

Tues.: 6:00 PM St. Elizabeth Seton Rosary Group

Wed.: 9:30 AM Pius Senior Organiza-tion (PSO) Sept. - May 3rd Thurs.: 11:00 AM Women’s Guild Quarterly

Called to Serve _________________ Weekend of September 9 - 10, 2017

Registration available at:

Please consider serving as a PSR Teacher or Teacher’s Assistant

Teachers are urgently needed for: Grade 1 and Middle School. Teacher Assistants are urgently needed for: Grades 1, 2, & 3

If interested or for more information, contact Blake Paul Harson at 232-4656.

