
What is needed to make a career in the field of Java

Presented by Infocampus

Whatis Java ?

About Java Programming Language

Java is object oriented programming language which is based on the OOPs concept.

Java is developed by the James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton.

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Java is the combination of three things , as follows ->

(i) The Java programming language(an object oriented high level programming language);

(ii) The Java Virtual Machine (a virtual machine that executes bytecodes on a platform , regularly abbreviated JVM);

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(iii) The Java platform , a JVM running Java bytecodes, more often than not approaching an arrangement of standard libraries,

for example, those gave by Java Standard Edition (SE) or Enterprise Edition (EE).

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To make a career in Java you should know the following things and know how to apply it:->

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-> Understanding of all essential Java control structures, know how to declare methods and a working understanding of pass-by-value and pass-by-reference.

->Understand the differences of classes versus interfaces.

->Should be the knowledge of Access Specifier as public/protected/private/default.

- > Comprehension of Strings as unchanging objects.

- > Making of a fundamental Java POJO/bean (information substance).

-> See how static work.

-> Know how to declare constants.

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-> Know how to sort out code into bundles.

-> Comprehend the part and use of JAR library records and how to pass the argument in your application.

- > Information and hypothesis of some fundamental outline designs (Singleton, Factory, Facade, DAO, MVC).-

-> Comprehend essential class, variable and steady naming traditions.

-> Realize what the CLASSPATH is!

-> Know how the main() method work and how to pass contentions to essential projects.

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What extra needed --

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In case you're hoping to get into web or endeavor advancement, some presentation and learning of the accompanying is useful:

-> Recognition with SQL databases and programming against them by means of JDBC.

-> Any learning of the Servlet/JSP API,

-> Comprehend what Apache Commons is!

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-> For web, see how the HTTP convention works .

Aside From Code fundamentals--

Aside from code fundamentals,

for example, Static factors, classes, loops(For, While , Do while ),OOPconcept(class,object,inheritance,encapsulation,abstraction), packages, etc

to get the job you should know what each application needs specifically programming language

Any Application


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1. Database :-You ought to know atleast how to work with one or couple of databases in Java.for e.g MySQL, SQLite utilizing JDBC

2. Logging Framework:-You ought to know about making Logging for

application if required in Java. for e.g Log4J

3. Threading:-

This is most essential necessity, practically every Enterprise level application needs multi threading. So you ought to be knowledgeable with Runnable, Thread and so on in Java.

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Some of the features

which makes it easier are --->

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Platform independent : -programmers can write code in one pc and can be executed on many pc’s.

Robustness :- case sensitive

Secure : avoids trojans

Interpretation : finding errors is very easy (line-by-line)

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