Page 1: What Holds it Together - Fasteners & Fixings on Iconic Structures



Page 2: What Holds it Together - Fasteners & Fixings on Iconic Structures

Ever wondered, what it takes to build and to hold together those gigantic structures and objects we see around us every day?

Page 3: What Holds it Together - Fasteners & Fixings on Iconic Structures

We have compiled a list of renowned structures and how many fasteners in form of nuts, bolts or rivets were used to hold these megastructures together.

Page 4: What Holds it Together - Fasteners & Fixings on Iconic Structures

Airbus A380

Let’s start with the largest double-deck, wide-body, and four-engine commercial jet airliner, the Airbus A380.The jetliner is built with six million individual parts and guess what, half of those parts are rivets i.e. 3 million rivets.

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The ship was built using over whooping 3 million iron and steel rivets, weighing in at 1,200 tons. Unfortunately, in one of the many researches on Titanic, researchers found, rivets also played some role in the sinking of this iconic passenger liner.

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Sydney Harbour Bridge

The Sydney Harbour Bridge also known as the “Coathanger” is one of the biggest steel structures around the globe. Completed in 19 January 1932, it took more than 6 million steel rivets to hold together one of the most iconic image of Sydney, and Australia.

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Golden Gate Bridge

One of the most internationally recognized symbols of the United States, the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge is held together by 1.2 million steel rivets with approximately 600,000 rivets in each tower.

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Eiffel tower

Perhaps the most iconic and most recognizable structures in the world, the “Eiffel Tower”. Not one of the tallest structures of all time, but since Eiffel Tower is most-visited paid monument in the world

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Empire State Building

Before the Burj Khalifa, WTC towers, Shanghai Tower or any other modern skyscraper, there was Empire State Building. The building was the tallest man made structure for well over 40 years. There are over a whopping 999,000000000 “nine hundred ninety-nine billion” rivets in one of the tallest buildings in the world.

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Tyne Bridge

Located at North East England, Tyne Bridge is one of the most well-known through Arc Bridge. It takes over 777,124 rivets to hold the bridge together.

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Lupu Bridge

One of the biggest and the second large steel arch bridge, the “Lupu Bridge” is comprised of tons of steel and approximately 6,000,000 rivets.

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If we have missed a structure, do let us know. For more interesting info about world’s tallest steel structures and the number of fasteners and fixings used on them, be sure to check back again.
