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Medical Journalist Reportof Innovative Biologies

by Morton Walker, [email protected]

What Happens When theOlive Leaf Meets the Aloe Leaf?

The olive leaf and the aloe leafare two of Mother Nature's prizedtherapeutic creations, recognized bymost health professionals for theirnumerous healing properties. Nowthese two have been combined intoan over-the-counter therapeuticagent. Can you imagine what isproduced when oleuropein, theprimary therapeutic ingredient in oliveleaves, comes in close synergisticcontact with the acetylated mannans(mannose) and other complexcarbohydrates contained within thecolorless gel of fresh Aloe veraleaves?

East Park™ Research, Inc. ofLas Vegas, Nevada, manufacturers ofd-Lenolate®, the patented, extractionprocessed, commercial brand of oliveleaf extract, has arranged withCarrington Laboratories, Inc. of Irving,Texas, makers of Manapol®, thepatented "product by process," cell-penetrating form of acetylatedmannans, to provide this potent newhealing remedy. Furnishing total anti-pathogenic properties withimmunological enhancement, thisnewly introduced mega-nutritionalsupplement is straightforwardlybrand-named d-Lenolate® withManapoP.

Components of the New Mega-Nutritional Supplement

Delivering a combination of 420mg of d-Lenolate accompanied by 80mg of Manapol in each vegetable-based capsule, the new mega-nutritional supplement carries theDietary Supplements' Health and

Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994claim, certifying that it enhances thehuman immune system. Ingesting theproduct regularly for purposes ofmedical prevention will potentiallyhave almost any person enter a stateof relative /^susceptibility to invasionby disease-producing organisms or tothe harmful effects of their toxins.Also, popping down two or more ofthe product capsules daily will likelyhelp improve the environment insideone's body and bring it back tohomeostasis. In my opinion, suchsupplementation is a perfectpreventive medicine measure.

Yes, immunity depends on thepresence in the blood of antibodiesand white blood cells (lymphocytes),which produces an immuneresponse. An immunological positiveresponse tends to restore a healthyphysiological balance, and taking thecombination encapsulated product ofd-Lenolate with Manapol can achieveexactly that benefit.

Immune enhancement isimportant for the control of infectiousmicrobes; however, Manapol doesnot by itself possess the ability to killoff pathogens that burden theimmune system. Rather, an immunesystem under microorganism attacksometimes remains unable tofunction as physiologically designedto eliminate factors that upset healthybalance in the body. When combinedwith d-Lenolate (which hasdemonstrated a proven ability fordestroying pathogens), Manapol'saction is markedly strengthened. TheManapol ingredients gain an energy

surge that often allows them toperform better against the mostcommon diseases caused bymicroorganisms.

Yeast infection from Candidaalbicans or another yeast-derivedfungus, for instance, is likelydevastated by this combinationmega-nutrient simply because thetwo compounds, d-Lenolate withManapol, working synergistically,stimulate the action or reaction of amore powerfully stimulated immunesystem. Together, the potency of thetwo nontoxic, natural ingredientscannot be dodged by pathologicalyeast (fungi). The synergy is toostrong.' The new mega-nutrientcounteracts factors that upset healthybalance within the body. (See Table1, modified from a book written bychiropractic authorities on Lymedisease treatment.)^

The Anti-Pathogenic Action ofd-Lenoiate

Applicable for the successfultreatment of septicemia fromstaphylococcus, upper respiratorystreptococcus, yeast vaginltis, plus122 additional infections frombacterial, viral, retroviral, fungal, andamoebic sources, plus the bodilyinvasion of worms and otherparasites, d-Lenolate in olive leafextract is associated with no less than96 more nature-supplied chemicalvariables besides oleuropein.

East Park Research, Inc. hasdetermined that, of the 97 differentchemicals in the olive leaf, 23chemicals, in addition to oleuropein.


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Olive & Aloe Leaves Meet

have been found to be of truetherapeutic value in humans,Oleuropein was a term East ParkResearch introduced to NorthAmerica in 1995 when the productwas first brought to market.Americans had never before heard ofolive leaf extract as a medicinalsubstance. So, this nutraceuticalcompany took one of its activeingredients, oleuropein, and used itto introduce the product. Since then,the term has come to indicate qualityor potency of similar products andrepresent certain other medicinalingredients in olive leaves.

Surprisingly, although actuallypresent in the olive leaf, oleuropeinby itself is not very useful as an anti-microbial. Why? Because to workeffectively against pathogens,oleuropein must be present withcertain human or animal bloodenzymes (specifically, beta-glucosidase and/or esterase). Then,oleuropein, by a natural chemicalprocess called hydrolysis, changesinto another chemical, elenolic acid,which is the actual attacker and killerof pathogens invading the blood.Thus, elenolic acid is the true anti-microbial ingredient in olive leavesthat hydrolysates in an animalorganism's blood and becomesdeadly to pathogens.

Ordinarily, elenolic acid isunavailable even in animal blood,because oleuropein binds very readilyby a process of chelation to serumproteins. Elenoiic acid usually is heldfast (enclosed in a binding chemicalchain), and less than five percent ofits therapeutic effect gets released.Other brands of olive leaf extractwould need to be ingested in largedoses (at least 20 times a usualdosage of 500 mg) to gain any benefitat all. The standard gelatinencapsulation in which thesupplemental olive leaf's extract areheld would certainly bring ongastrointestinal upset due to thequantity of gelatin pills ingested. Andthe powdered olive leaf extract could

not be taken without encapsulation,because the olive leaf's powder isbitter to the point of causing nauseaand vomiting.

In 1995, East Park Research, Inc.overcame this obstacle bycircumventing the serum-bindingproblem and leaving oleuropein freeto circulate in the blood; there's no

protein chelation effect. The processinvented by biochemists at East ParkResearch, Inc. is unique. Theyexperimented diligently and createdthe five-day procedure, whichproduces a liquid extract. Unlike mostmanufacturers, they did not usestrong petroleum-based solvent for

Table 1: Factors That Upset Healthy Baiance in the Body

The new mega-nutrient combination supplement d-Lenolate with Manapol tendsto overcome internal and external environmental factors that upset nearly allparameters of normal body balance. The following signs and/or symptoms ofpotential, illnesses respond weil to the described food supplement. Asmentioned, the encapsulated vegetarian food supplement combines the primarytherapeutic ingredients of two highly advantageous and nontoxic botanicals:olive leaf extract and aloe vera leaf gel. Cited in no particular order ofsignificance, the abbreviated list of precursor causes and chief characteristicsof common sicknesses that this new product can overcome are the following:• Irregular body pH, either too acidic or too alkaline• Loss of the predominantly negative polarity of the body tissues• Reduced core body temperature• Prolonged negative emotions• Body aches, especially back pain, chest pain, and headache• Inherited predispositions and constitutional weaknesses• Vaccinations/Immunizations• Overuse of antibiotics, steroids, and other synthetic prescription

medicines• Long-term biomechanica! stress• Dietary imbalances, such as that resulting from excessive junk food

intake• Tissue toxin overload from accumulated cellular waste products• Malfunction of some organs of elimination• Electromagnetic pollution• Toxic metal syndrome• Mental duress• Depression• Absence of creative stimulation• Receptivity to infection• Mutated pathogenic microorganisms• Parasitic invasion• Unrelieved geopathic stress• Nocturia with associated lack of sleep• Congenital organ dysfunction• Inherited organ dysfunction• Acquired organ dysfunction• Destabiiization of cellular DNA/RNA• Chronic malnutrition as in undernourishment from fatty acid oxidation• Chronic unremitting allergies• Chronic fatigue syndrome• irritable bowel syndrome


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Olive & Aloe Leaves Meet

extraction. East Park Research'smethod uses only pure water andethanol. Then the extract is dried to apowder state, encapsulated, andpackaged for public distribution. Nohigh temperatures or oxidizingsolvents are applied. Most of thebeneficial ingredients within the oliveleaf are retained in oleuropein's left-light-turning or levorotary moleculesso that its anti-microbial qualities arekept.

And researchers at East ParkResearch, Inc. did something else ofequal significance: they discoveredhow to keep in the more potent "d,"or dextro-rotary, molecules ofoieuropein. {Light passing through theoleuropein turns right ward or"dextro.") The company learned overtime that certain types of olive leavesfrom various parts of the world (27nations furnish olive leaf extractions)contain much more of the anti-microbial molecules than others. Thesource countries remain a proprietarysecret, and East Park Research, Inc.rejects more than 75% of all the oliveleaves offered by herbalists and otherinternational botanical brokers.Incidentally, this right-hand or dextro-turning light passing through thebrand-named "lenolate" is the reasonthat East Park Research, Inc., labelsthe commercial product as d-Lenolate.

Two d-Lenolate Investigations byBernard J. Mizock, MD, FACS

During the investigatory period ofJanuary through June 1999, Chicago,Illinois surgeon Bernard J. Mizock,MD, FACS, evaluated the efficacy ofthe East Park Research, Inc. d-Lenoiate product for the control ofCandida hypersensitivity syndrome.All 30 subjects participated in adouble-blinded, randomized,placebo-controlled study for 60 days.At both the beginning and conclusionof the investigation, these patientsunderwent basai metabolic panels,complete blood counts, and the

recording of Somatomedin-C levels.They each took six capsules daily ofeither d-Lenolate or the placebo.There were no dietary modificationsor added exercise programs, and noextra nutritional supplements weregiven.

Dr, Mizook reported on July 9,1999 that he observed d-Lenolatehad reduced symptoms of chronicyeast infection by greater than 50%within 60 days with no apparent sideeffects. Patients, all female, had ridthemselves of yeast vaginitis,mucocutaneous infections, severepremenstrual tension, menstrualirregularity, chronic gastrointestinalsymptoms (such as bloating,heartburn, constipation, diarrhea),central nervous systemmanifestations, depression, anxiety,loss of concentration, memorydeficits, irritability, headache,respiratory symptoms (such aspersistent nasal congestion) andchronic fatigue syndrome,

The following year, Dr. BernardMizock retired from the practice ofsurgery and moved to Alameda,California. He kept his mind active,however, by occasionally engaging inclinical investigations of nutrients forhealth problems that held his interest.Thus, d-Lenoiate was again used byhim in a second study to record themodification of symptoms related toarthritic symptoms. Using theWestern Ontario University andMcMaster University Arthritis(WOMAC) index, scores wereobtained during the period September

2000 to January 2001 at baseline, 20,40, and 60 days. No changes weremade in the patients' ongoing diet ormedications.

Dr. Mizock noted that at 20 daysof treatment, a 20% improvementoccurred for patients' arthriticsymptoms with their WOMACcomposite score of 40; at 40 days,they showed a 36% improvement witha WOMAC score of 32; at 60 days, a

36% improvement was seen with theirWOMAC score of 32.

He concluded that, "East Park d-Lenolate improves the symptoms ofarthritis. The effects are first notedwithin 20 days, and reach a maximumeffect of 32% improvement at 40days." Dr. Barnard Mizock'sexperiences in his two privatelyconducted clinical triais wereduplicated with even better results, asreported in my book on the subject.^In 1969, the US Surgeon General,William Stewart, declared in a speechto the nation: "The war againstinfectious diseases has been won."Dr. Stewart was dead wrong then,and he is still wrong!"*

During the early autumn of 2002,I traveled to Budapest, Hungary todeliver a series of lectures to medicalprofessionals about the beneficialapplications of nature-made olive leafextract as a substitute for man-madeantibiotics. The Chief of Medicine atthat city's main health care dispensingfacility, Budapest General Hospital,emphasized to me that his experiencewith fighting infection by prescribingvegetarian capsules of olive leafextract had reached a success rateof 90%. "As a rule," he told me, "Ialways use olive leaf extract beforeresorting to any antibiotics."

The olive leaf extract product, d-Lenolate, is needed now more thanever. When combined with Manapol,it makes for a highly efficaciousmega-nutrient against infectiousillnesses and degenerative diseases.

The Acetylated Mannans ofManapol

Manapol contains Beta-(1,4)-linked polymeric acetylated mannans,pectin, natural fibers includingmethylcellulose, and calciummaleate; each component of Manapolis approximately 25% by weight ofingredients designated GenerallyRegarded As Safe (GRAS). Manapolis commonly used as the primarycomponent of nutritional products and


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Olive & Aloe Leaves Meet

dietary aids inasmuch as this complexcarbohydrate is a purified "biologic"from the inner gel of the Aloe vera L.plant.

Manapol has a high molecularweight with a poly-dispersedacetylated polymeric backbonereferred to under the general categoryas the sugar mannose. Kosher-certified, the total carbohydratecontent is between 70% to 95% byweight considered a "product-by-process" manufactured in a bulkpharmaceutical facility compliant withcurrent US Governmental standardsin all respects. It is precipitated fromthe inner gel of the aloe leaf, with thegel hand removed from the green rindand latex material. The gelatinousfillet is homogenized and processedunder patented conditions to providethe clear viscous gel generallyrecognized in the marketplace asaloe.

Solids from the gel are combinedwith medicinal grade alcohol (95%ethanol) at a constant temperature.The solids are removed from this cakemixture, centrifuged, freeze-dried,concentrated as complexcarbohydrates, and sterilized. BulkManapol is stable for up to five yearswhen stored in dry conditions. Thedaily oral intake of 160 mg or more ofManapol is proven to stimulate theimmune system in humans, for it hasa binding affinity to macrophagereceptors for the production of tumornecrosis factor, interleukin 1 (11-1) andinterleukin 6 (11-6). Thus, asdemonstrated in humans and animalsnumerous times, a positiveimmunomodulating effect is broughtabout by the boosting of beneficialblood components.

The aloe leaf product reducesLDL cholesterol levels by eightpercent after being ingested for sixweeks. Also it is an anti-irritant, andhealth professionals frequentlydispense it as a dietary supplement.Manapol powder is the only aloe veraproduct that bears the DSHEA claimof "immune enhancing." It is freeze-

dried and contains more than one-quarter of acetylated mannans in itsaverage molecular weight of 1.8million Daltons.

Manapol Experiences ofKalyiani Kumar, MD, Ob/GynSurgeon

The Carrington Laboratoriesnutritional supplement is usedextensively by Kalyiani Kumar, MD,medical director and chief surgeon forthe clinic facilities of Obstetrics andGynecology Associates, Inc. ofRichmond, Virginia. Dr. Kumardispenses Manopol as capsules forpurposes of speeding the healing ofher patients' incisions and otherwounds. Interviewed from herRichmond clinic. Dr. Kumar gave thefollowing report:

Studies I have read indicatethat for over twenty years theimmune systems of Americanshave been functioning to a levelof less than 75% of normal. Tooffset this reduced immunologicalefficiency, I dispense Manapol asoral capsules to be taken regularlyby my patients in the amount oftwo capsules every day. If apatient feels a cold, flu, or someother condition coming on, she isadvised to increase the dosage tosix capsules daily. This is done tostimulate her immune system forthe period that it takes my patientto return to homeostasis.

I have used this health productfor any immune systemdysfunction such as in systemiclupus erythematosis, arthritis,chronic fatigue syndrome,asthma, and conditions that comeon women during the menstrualperiod. I dispense Manapol for thereduction of symptoms ofneuralgia and other neurologicalconditions such as multiplesclerosis, Parkinson's disease,and peripheral neuropathy, plus toreduce symptoms and signsrelated to infections. Post-surgically, patients who have beenoperated heal much faster by itsapplication. Actually, I can look at

an incision - the manner in whichit is healing - and I'm able to knowwho is or is not taking the aloevera capsules.

Aloe vera ingredients withinthe capsules prevent infectionstoo. The Manapol product issomething that I ask my patientsto swallow for a few days prior toundergoing surgery, as before ahysterectomy. All aspects of thesurgery performed come to betterconclusions - improved healingfor those who ordinarily would notexperience good repair as indiabetics, obese patients,malnourished patients, andothers. There is excellent firstintention healing of their wounds.And my patients love the product.There are no complaints, noadverse side effects, and nodropouts. I see good patientcompliance.

t can give you some casehistories from my extensiveexperience in which i believe thepatients were benefited by theirtaking Manapol. I've used it forthousands of women; for example,it has reduced the ingestion ofallergy medicines from at leasthaif-a-dozen down to none afterbeing on the product to a coupleof months. The need formedications of many typesreduces to the point that they canabandon them. It's the same forantibiotics; such drugs can bediscarded once Manapol becomesa part of the patient's routine.

Just this morning, I saw theexcellent result of Manapol usageby my patient, BW, who sufferedfrom trigeminal neuralgia withdamage to the myelin sheath ofthe trigeminal nerve. BW's jawprobiems had included facial painwhen she coughed, swallowed,brushed her teeth, or didsomething else with her mouth.She also was affected by type-1herpes simplex with cold sores,but the corrective response for hertook place within one week oftaking the Manapol product. Boththe jaw pain and the herpestriggers disappeared for BW.


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In Summary: d-Lenolate withManapol

In a letter from Barrett A.McCartney, MD, Director of CriticalCare Services, Doctors Hospital inNassau, Bahamas, we read;

A 63-year-old truck driver/mechanic, who is alcoholic and aheavy smoker, was involved in aroad traffic accident on February6, 2003. He sustained a skullfracture, fracture of the right femur,and crush injury to the left ankle.His ankle injury became infectedand nonviable, necessitatingamputation three days later. Theinfection had become blood-borne(septicemia) and was complicatedby pneumonia in both lungs.Despite optimal combinations ofpotent antibiotics, the pneumoniawas not responding. After threeweeks without resolution, two d-Lenolate every four hours wereprescribed. Within three days, thetruck driver's temperature wasnormal, and a day later, he did notrequire oxygen any longer.

Manapol is well-recognized as animmunostimulant, and it has beencited as such by numbers ofrespected veterinarians. Forexample, E. Gregory MacEwen,VMD, Professor of Medicine andOncology at the University ofWisconsin School of VeterinaryMedicine; Michael J. Betley, DVM,MS, in equine sports medical practicein St. Peters, Missouri; and Glen K.King, DVM, MS, performing

veterinary research at the M.D.Anderson Cancer Center in Houston,have joined to describe theimmunostimulative qualities of suchagents. A summary of their collectivestatements made during the courseof a panel discussion for the journalVeterinarian Exchange followsbelow:'̂

Immunostimulants are ofbenefit in the treatment of anycondition involving acompromised immune system,including deep pyodermas in thedog; in fact, activation ofmacrophages by immuno-stimulants leads to the release ofa variety of cytokines. Thecytokine response enhances theimmune response in a variety ofways. It improves the efficiency ofphagocytic cells, inducesincreased production ofleukocytes, and increases theactivity of natural killer cells. As aresult of this boost to the immunesystem, an animal is better ableto overcome infections. Inaddition, immunostimulantadministration may be associatedwith enhanced resistance totumors and accelerated woundhealing. . . . there are threecommon licensed immuno-stimulants available in the UnitedStates, and one of them is theacemannan immunostimulant[Manapol] from CarringtonLaboratories. It's a complexcarbohydrate derived from thealoe vera plant.

Almost every man-madeantibiotic suppresses the immunesystem and kills the essential friendlybacteria in the intestinal tract. Bycombining the non-synthetic antibioticd-Lenolate, which works againstinfection, with the immunostimulativequalities of Manapol, ameganutritional supplement iscreated. This supplement becomesthe quintessential immune systembooster and enhancer that peoplemay take for preventive purposesagainst or as treatment for illnesses.

Dr. Morton Walker, Editorial DirectorFreelance Communications7387 Tonga Court, Valencia IslesBoynton Beach, Florida 33437 USA561-374-9041Fax [email protected]

Copyright 2006 by Dr. Morton Walker

ResourcesFor additional information about

d-Lenoiate^ with ManapoPor just d-Lenolate alone, contact customerservice at the corporate offices ofEast Park Research, Inc., 2709Horseshoe Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada89120; 800-656-8687 or 702-837-1111; Fax 702-837-1110; Email:[email protected]; or seethe company's website:

Also, more knowledge may begained specifically about Manapol®powder and capsules or about d-Lenolate'^ with Manapoi^ fromCarrington Laboratories, inc., 2001Walnut Hill Lane, Irving, Texas 75038;972-518-1300; Fax 972-871 -0681; fortechnical data about Manapol®,telephone Sabila QA/QC at 506-666-0100.

Notes1. Fjelstrup, A. An Easy Remedy for the

Misdiagnosed Yeast Epidemic.Henderson, Nevada: New HealthPress, Inc., 2000;19, 20.

2. Jernigan, D.A. & Jernigan, S.K.Beating Lyme Disease: UsingAlternative Medicine & God-DesignedLiving. Benton, Kansas: SomerleytonPress, 2003;25,26.

3. Walker, M. Olive Leaf Extract:Nature's Antibiotic. New York:Kensington Publishing Corporation,1997;27.

4. "Current Perspectives on the Use ofImmunostimulants in VeterinaryMedicine." Veterinary Exchange:Supplement to the Compendium.Trenton, New Jersey: VeterinaryLearning Systems Co., Inc., 1994;5-15.


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