
Weekly News from WCUMC-9/29/2013

Sharing the transforming love of Jesus, across the street and around the world.

“Living God’s Grace in an Unbelieving World” A Sermon Series on 1 Peter

“A New, Godly Marriage”

1 Peter 3:1-7

Wives, likewise, submit to your own husbands. Do this so that even if some of them refuse to

believe the word, they may be won without a word by their wives’ way of life. After all, they will have observed the reverent and holy manner of your lives. Don’t try to make yourselves beautiful on the outside, with stylish hair or by wearing gold jewelry or fine clothes. Instead, make yourselves beautiful on the inside, in your hearts, with the enduring quality of a gentle, peaceful spirit. This type of beauty is very precious in God’s eyes. For it was in this way that holy women who trusted in God used to make themselves beautiful, accepting the authority of their own husbands. For example, Sarah accepted Abraham’s authority when she called him master. You have become her children when you do good and

don’t respond to threats with fear. Husbands, likewise, submit by living with your wife in ways that honor her, knowing that she is the weaker partner. Honor her all the more, as she is also a coheir of the gracious care of life. Do this so that your prayers won’t be hindered.

We cannot follow Christ’s example unless we first know Him as our Savior and submit to Him as our Lord.

Submission to God is a priority!

The Message to a Believing Wife: (Verses 1-6)

1. Submission is a command… It is God’s plan! Wives, likewise, submit to your own husbands

2. Submission is an opportunity for witness… Do this so …they may be won … by their wives’ way of life.

… they will have observed the … manner of your lives.

3. Submission is a sign of “holy beauty” Don’t try to make yourselves beautiful on the outside… Instead, make yourselves beautiful on the inside, in your hearts, with the enduring quality of a gentle, peaceful spirit. For it was in this way that holy women who trusted in God used to

make themselves beautiful, accepting the authority of their own husbands

The Message to a Believing Husband involves 4 areas of responsibility in relationship with his

wife: (verse 7)

1. Submits by living in partnership with his wife…The husband must truly live WITH his wife… “…submit by living with your wife in ways that honor her…”

2. Submits through “truly knowing” his wife…The husband gives honor to his wife “….knowing that she is the weaker partner…”

3. Submits through emotional support of his wife…The husband shows authentic care and concern for his wife’s emotions

4. Submits through a strong and faithful life of prayer…

Pray for your marriage… “live out” your prayers… keep praying… “…Do this so that your prayers won’t be hindered.” _______________________________________________

Questions for Personal or Group Reflection: (Reread 1 Peter 3:1-7) 1. What do you consider key principles to a successful marriage?

2. In this passage, what reasons are given for a wife to submit to her husband even if he is not a believer in Christ? 3. How does a wife’s submission to her non-believing husband witness to him? 4. What does the Lord promise will draw a non-believing husband closer to belief?

5. Is Peter telling wives to simply not care about their physical appearance? What is he saying about the true definition of beauty? 6. How does a believing husband live in ways that honor his wife? 7. Reflect on what Peter is saying that the wife is the weaker partner. What does that

mean to you? 8. What is Peter saying about a husband’s actions not to be a hindrance to a couple’s prayers? 9. If married, how can YOU be a better spouse this week? If single, how does this passage

help you in your daily life?

Next Week’s message – “Living in the Midst of Persecution and Injustice” 1 Peter 3:8-22 Pastor Rick Vinther preaching


Sunday - 9/29

Evening Prayer, 5:30 PM, Prayer Room

Young Families Group, 6:00 - 8:30 PM. Memorial Room

Monday - 9/30

Talk Time, 6:00 PM, Crossfire Room

Tuesday - 10/01

Women's Bible Fellowship, 9:20 - 11:45 AM, Gathering Place

Men's Bible Study, 9:45 - 11:15 AM, Room 10

GO Team, 3:00 PM, Room 9

Sewing Group, 6:30 PM, Memorial Room

SPR Meeting, 7:00 PM, Room 9

Wednesday - 10/02

Wednesday Women's Bible Study, 10:00 - 11:00 AM, Memorial Room

Prison Ministry meets in Church parking lot at 5:40 PM

Youth Group/Crossfire, 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Crossfire Room

Evening Women's Bible Study, 7:00 PM, Room 9

Choir, 7:15 - 8:30 PM. Sanctuary

Thursday - 10/03

Friday - 10/04

Saturday - 10/05

Men's Group Study, 7:30 AM. Celebration Hall

Sunday - 10/06

Adult Sunday School Classes, 9:00 AM

Nursery Care is available in the Children’s Wing during worship

10:30 AM Worship Service

Tweeners Class for 5th-8th graders, 11:00 AM, Memorial Room

Evening Prayer, 5:30 PM, Prayer Room

New Evening Women's Bible Study

Would you like to grow in intimacy with God, learn practical truths from God's Word and be supported and encouraged to grow and pray? Then join us on Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM in Room 9 for a 12-week study "Overcoming Fear". More info? Contact Evelyn [email protected].

Adult Sunday School Classes Begin on Sunday, October 6 at 9:00 AM

Following God

The Following God Class will resume on October 6 in the Memorial Room. We will continue to follow the Israelites in the Book of Judges where "everyone did what was right in his own eyes" (Judges 17:6). Taught by Phyllis Zornes.

The Classics

A new study of "The Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard will begin on October 6 in Room 9. Contact Deni Johnson for additional information, 425-488-1257.

Open Door Class

The Open Door Class will continue to study "How Christianity Changed the World" in Room 11. Taught by Don Morgan.

Woodinville Store House

Fall Food Drive

Goal = 1,000 items

One Week to Go!

Help us make our goal by putting an extra item

or two in your cart today?

The Woodinville Storehouse Food Bank serves our community by serving practical needs, building relationships, and joining people in prayer. As part of Mission Emphasis, we have launched a drive to re-stock our shelves with 1,000 non-perishable items. A weekly donation shopping list of needed items in always shown in our church bulletin and in this newsletter.

This Week's Needs:

Hamburger Helper


Ramen Noodles

Canned Veggies

Peanut Butter

Rice/Beans (Dried)

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm Greetings Espresso Stand

We're looking for coffee-loving, people-loving volunteers to working the church coffee stand. Commitment can be weekly, monthly, or as needed, with after Service help most needed. Youth 14 and older are welcome. Please contact Mary Sutton at

[email protected].

Kim and DeAnna are planning a safe, indoor Halloween alternative. There will be free food, games, prizes, live music and more! Plan to join us and invite your family, friends and

neighbors of all ages.

We will be collecting individually wrapped candy donations starting this week. There is a box in the foyer marked for the candy. There are also sign-up sheets for anyone who is willing to help make this a fantastic event.

October's Outdoor Adventure

Road Trip to Artist Point on Saturday, October 12.

Join us as we take a road trip to Artist Point on Mount Baker. It is one of the most scenic places in all of Washington State. We'll stop, picnic, and do a little optional hiking.

We will carpool from the church at 9:00 AM on Saturday, Oct. 12, returning about 6:00 PM. Bring a picnic lunch, water bottle, appropriate outdoor clothing and a camera.

Cost: FREE! -

Please sign up in the foyer. For more information, contact Dave Wells, 206-780-9720.

October is Mission Emphasis Month

October 6 - Storehouse Food Bank Fall Food Drive Dedication

Bring your food donation between now and October 6th when we will dedicate them.

October 13 - Special Guest Speaker - Brookes August

Brookes is the son of Kathy and Halle August, members of WCUMC and missionaries to Nicaragua. He served as an intern with the WCUMC Youth Dept. and with Youth for Christ. He is now a Youth Pastor at Northview Community Church in Mill Creek.

October 18/19 - Missions Fest

Each year our church helps to sponsor Missions Fest Seattle. This year it will be held at

Northside Baptist Church and Eastside Foursquare Church on Friday, Oct. 18 and Saturday, Oct. 19. Come and find out what God is doing around the world and how you can be involved in the harvest!

October 20 - Mission Display Sunday

There will be mission displays before and after the service and short interviews with some of our missionaries and ministry representatives during the morning service. Come and find out

how God is using these special people our congregation supports.

October 25 - Mission Banquet

On Friday, October 25, a festive Mission Banquet is planned, catered b Alexa's of Bothell. Featured speaker will be Dr. Tim Dearborn, formerly a VP of World Vision International and former professor of theology and Dean of the Chapel at SPU. He is currently

the Director of the Lloyd Ogilvie Institute of Preaching that is in association with Fuller Seminary. Tickets for the banquet go on sale September 29. $10 per adult and $5 for children 4-12 years old.

October 27 - Faith Commitment Sunday

Sunday, October 27 will be our Faith Commitment Sunday. Dr. Dearborn will again speak and challenge us to take the next step as individuals and as a congregation in reaching the world

for Christ.

Celebrate and support missions by helping at our Church Missions Banquet on Friday, October 25!

This catered banquet is for the whole church, and will take place on Friday, October 25 from 6:30 - 9:00 pm in the sanctuary.

Would you be willing to help in any of the following ways?

Help with table decorations (plan & assemble in advance)

Set-up tables in the sanctuary on Thursday and take tables down on Friday evening

Set-up sanctuary chairs on Saturday morning (day after banquet)

Wash dishes Saturday morning (day after banquet)

Set tables (tablecloths, dishes, etc.) on Friday morning

Serve as host/hostess at a table (2 at each h table)Responsibilities include welcoming people, making sure water glasses are filled, keeping carafes of coffee filled, removing dishes after the dinner and serving the cupcakes.

Make cupcakes for the dinner

Alexa’s is catering the dinner, but our church will provide the desserts.

Please fill out the form in the church foyer or contact the office to volunteer. Thank you! Questions? Contact the church office, 425-483-5252.


You can make a difference in the life of a homeless person.

Start collecting men's new white socks, and bring them in during our Open House Sock Drive Kick-Off

Sunday, October 20, 2013'1:30 - 3:00 PM

Operation Nightwatch

302 14th Ave S, Seattle, (between jackson & Yesler)

Financial Snapshot

General Fund

Income, week ended 9/22/13 $ 6,510

Income, weekly average, year-to-date $ 9,749

Expenses, weekly average, year-to-date $ 9,651

Weekly average, budgeted expenses $ 10,413

Faith Promise

Total Faith Promises pledged $ 90,342

Faith Promise beginning balance $ 21,016

Received as of 9/22/13 $ 65,970

Disbursed as of 9/22/13 $ 86,940

Prayer Chain Requests

Prayer Chain requests call Barbara Clark 425-483-3885. After 6:00 PM call Mary Harvey at 425-

827-2883 or call the church at 425-483-5252 during office hours.

We hope to see you in church this Sunday and God Bless.

Have a great week!

This newsletter is published by Woodinville Community United Methodist Church for our members, friends and all who love Jesus. Our vision is "To Share the Transforming Love of Jesus Christ Across the Street and Around the World". If you are looking for a church home with loving, devoted followers of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we invite you to attend our Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 each Sunday. We are located at 17110 140th Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98072. Learn more at