Page 1: Wednesday 13 Aug 2014 - Term 3 Week · 2016. 11. 23. · watching the Tour de France a few weeks back. Many people rose

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Wednesday 13 Aug 2014 - Term 3 Week 5

Following is an abridged version of what I had the privilege of sharing at the Zone Athletics carnival as a devotion to commence the day, yesterday.

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 1 Corinthians 9:24,25

Recently there has been a plethora of sport on TV depending on what you enjoy. I had some late nights watching the Tour de France a few weeks back. Many people rose early for a couple of weeks to watch the Soccer World Cup. The Commonwealth Games gave us much to be excited about. If you are a rugby follower you would have been excited by the success of the Waratahs the weekend before last, if rugby league, you may be getting excited about the finals, but probably not if you are like me and go for the dragons. If a cricket nut there is the World Cup just around the corner.

Everyone of the athletes involved in these sports or any elite sport has had to work hard to be involved, or as Paul in the passage says everyone who competes goes into strict training, but they are striving for a crown that is perishable he says. Paul is encouraging us to prepare for heaven, the reward that lasts forever.

We are saved by faith in Christ's death and resurrection but Paul is telling us that we need to persevere in our faith, in the good and the bad, we need to train as athletes do, we need to know the Bible and put it into practice. We need to display the fruit of the spirit and as Micah 6:8 says: act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.

This is what it means to run the race, to fight the fight and to finish strong. As young people in our Christian Schools I encourage you to live for God. A statistic I heard the other day said that over half the children from Christian families will walk away from their faith in the first couple of years after they leave school, I pray that you will not be part of that statistic but will persevere in your faith just as you will persevere today and show your faith through sharing with one another, by competing well, by encouraging one another, by

acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with our God. Staffing Changes: It may have come to peoples’ attention of recent that there will be some staff changes in the Infants/Primary area over the next Semester leading up to next year with an advertisement being placed for a Primary teacher with the possibility of taking up a Coordinator position.

Mr Nicholls indicated last term that he would like to reduce his load next year and as a consequence of that he will be relinquishing his position as Primary Coordinator and reducing his teaching load from the beginning of 2015 as he transitions to retirement. He does not want to give up teaching but wishes to be able to have more time to support family and not have the responsibility of full time work.

In addition to this announcement, Mrs Molkentin announced to her class last week and to the Year 1 parents via their class newsletter that her and Mr Molkentin are expecting their second child and as a consequence Mrs Molkentin will be going on maternity leave from the end of week 2 in Term 4. Mr Chesher has agreed to fill Mrs Molkentin’s two days and therefore will be the fulltime teacher on Year 1 from the beginning of Week 3 next term for the remainder of the year. We are excited for Mr & Mrs Molkentin and wish them God’s richest blessings and good health through this time.

Tongarra Committee Chocolate fundraiser: Thank you to those families that sold their box of chocolates and returned the money – your support is appreciated. Thank you to those that have taken further box(es) and if you would be willing to support us further there are still a number of boxes yet to be sold so please contact the Office and they will provide you with a box if you can help with this.

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Pray for our Year 12 students who began their Trial HSC Exams on Monday. Pray for good

recollection of all they have studied and a sense that God is with them. Pray for good outcomes and

results for all our students.

Pray for the Year 12 students who are making final preparation for submitting major works for

their HSC.

Give thanks for all students, staff and families who participated in the Zone Athletics Carnivals

over the last two days. Pray for all the students who made it to the State Athletics. Give thanks for

their gifts as they seek to glorify God and represent our school.

Pray for Year 11 as they prepare for their final Preliminary Exams commencing soon.

Pray for Mr Batten with the many demands on his time, and pray that the Lord will empower him

to finish well. Pray for encouragement and perseverance for all our staff.

Pray for rain. Our tanks are very empty and we need rain to fill them.

Pray that God will provide suitable applications for the staffing positions that have been advertised


Pray for our Board, that God will continue to provide the wisdom, unity, energy and vision that

will be required to govern our school. Give thanks for all their hard work of recent times.

Aug Week 5

Mon 11th - Fri 15th

Yr 12 Trial Exams

Wed 13th K-2 Responsible Pet Ownership

Thu 14th Parent Prayer Meeting, 2.30pm

Sat 16th UOW Open Day

Aug Week 6

Mon 18th - Thu 21st

Yr 12 Trial Exams

Mon 18th - Fri 22nd

Book Week

Wed 20th Throsby Young Leaders Round Table

Thu 21st Warilla Library Book week Visit Primary CSSA State Athletics HSC D&T Major Works Lockdown

Fri 22nd Yr 12 Curriculum Day K-6 Book Parade

Aug Week 7

Mon 25 - Fri 29th

Preliminary Final Exams

Tue 26th Prep & Kinder Information Evening

Thu 28th

HSC ITM Major Work Marking Parent Prayer Meeting, 2.30pm Association Meeting @ Cordeaux,


Sept Week 8

Mon 1st - Wed 3rd

Preliminary Final Exams

Mon 1st - Thu 4th

Infants Swimming Program

Mon 1st

Father’s Day Stall - wrapping & pricing (Year 2)

Immunisations - Year 7 boys & girls, Year 9 boys

Wed 3rd Father’s Day Stall - selling (Year 1)

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Infants Go and See “The Gruffalo”

Tuesday 5th August was a very special day for Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2. We took an exciting trip to the Wollongong Illawarra Performing Arts Centre to see “The Gruffalo”, based on the award winning picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. This was an exciting excursion, seeing the picture book “come to life”. A special thanks to Mrs Bertram and her Stage 5 drama class for coming to see the performance with us. The performance included singing, dancing, and brilliant acting, while giving us a new representation of hearing the story again, in a fun and exciting way! Mr Chesher.

COUNTRY FAIR COMMITTEE MEETING Please come along to our Country Fair Committee meeting on 7:00 pm Monday 18th August @ Greg and Lynne Schubert's place :

45 Grey Street Albion Park.

A guaranteed lovely supper will be provided

Greg Schubert

The School Photographer

The following photos will be on display in the school office for ordering Year 12 Fun photo Kindy & Year 12 Buddies Student Council

Order by completing a Re-Order envelope (also available in the office) for $14 each.

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News from ‘The Hub’. . . . .

Book Week 16-22th August 2014

Book Week is fast approaching and the theme this year is ‘Connect to Reading’. The students will be having a Book Week Parade on Friday, 22

nd August.

Students will be asked to dress up as something from the theme ‘Connect to Reading’. This may simply be a book character that they have connected to within a particular book they have enjoyed reading. E.g. Grug from the Grug series, Where’s Wally? A Fish from the Rainbow Fish,....

The Learning Hub and teaching staff are happy to assist your child in making a mask, crown or other accessories if needed for their costume. In addition, to get some costume ideas you may like to Google ‘Book Week Costume ideas’.

The parade will be held Period 4 (11.50am) on Friday, 22nd

August. Prior to the parade; parents, grandparents and other members of the community are very welcome to come during break time (11.10-11.50am) and visit the Learning Hub, where there will be displays of the students’ work focused around the short listed books.

If the costume for the Book Week parade is not suitable for playing games or running in the playground because it is too fancy, too valuable or too big, students may bring clothes to change into that will not get damaged and allow them to play safely. If in doubt, please speak to the class teacher.

As part of Book Week the students will have the opportunity to participate in ‘Community Reading’. Each teacher from K-6 will be reading a book in their classroom in period 6 (1.06-1.29pm), Monday to Friday. Prep will also be reading a selection of books during this time. Students will be allowed to choose which book they would like to listen to for the week. Parents, grandparents and other members of the community are very welcome to join their

child during this ‘Community Reading’ and stay during second break and read with their child in the Learning Hub. The teachers have chosen their books and are listed below:

Miss Yeo: Little Miss and Mr Men Books

Mrs Molkentin/Mr Chesher: Books about Pirates

Mrs Barnes: Mercy Watson

Mrs Morton: Flat Stanley

Mrs Bell: Animal Rescue stories by Jackie French

Mr Nicholls/Mrs Beddoe: Paul Jennings’ books

Mr Maina: Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

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Guessing Competition: All the teachers in the Infants/Primary will be dressed up and connected to a particular book. What is the name of the book? Do you know the author?

Book Week Visit: Warilla Library will be visiting the

Learning Hub for students in Prep-Year

4. The library staff will be presenting

the short listed books ‘I’m a Dirty

Dinosaur’ by Janeen Brian and Ann

James, ‘Banjo and Ruby Red’ by Libby

Gleeson and Freya Blackwood and

‘King Pig’ by Nick Bland.

days left until the end of the 2014 Premier’s Reading Challenge. The

closing date for the PRC is Friday 22nd

August. Please ensure that you have entered your child’s results on the PRC website by this date. If you are having difficulty entering your child’s results please tell the Learning Hub staff and we are more than happy to enter the results for you.

GUEST READER Our Guest Readers are back! When: Tuesday, 2

nd half of 1

st Break (11.30pm)

Where: Learning Hub Who: ?????

Chess Club

Chess Club is held each

Friday at 1st Break. Come

along and join the fun with

Mr Walker.

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The School Prayer meeting is held at 2:30pm on Thursdays in the Meeting Room, Block E.

These are times for parents, grandparents, school staff and any member of our school community to get together and pray.

You are also most welcome to leave particular prayer requests with the school office or contact Merilyn on 0418 964 574 or merilynmuscat

We will meets next on Thursday 14th August 2014.

Fathers’ Day Stall Please mark the dates for this year’s stall.

Wrapping: Monday 1 September Yr 2

Selling: Wednesday 3 September Yr 1

All students (P-6) will be able to purchase from the stall however those students who bring

donations of gifts in for the staff will have first preference. We really rely on donations to

make the stall profitable and make more money available for resources for our students.

Please make every effort to support the stall and send a gift in with your child. Gifts should

be brought to your child’s classroom so that they can have their name marked off. The last

day to accept items will be Friday 28 August 2014.

Yr 2 and Yr 1 have been allocated to wrap and sell. Please offer your help if you are able

so that the stall can run smoothly.

Gifts available to

purchase will be

between $3 to $10

Last week Kindergarten celebrated 100 days of school. Kindergarten has kept a day count since the beginning of the year and were very excited to reach 100.

On Thursday to celebrate we investigated how long 100 blocks would be as well as 100 beads. We discovered that if there were 10 students in a group to make 100 they would have to have 10 blocks/bead each. Each student then made a 'I'm 100 days smarter hat' with ten strips hanging off it. Each strip the students drew 10 shapes on it to finally make 100. We finished off our celebration by sharing together some fairy bread, which has 100s and 1000s on it. Kindergarten had a lovely time together.

Miss Yeo.

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Thank you for supporting our school

community by selling chocolates.

All funds raised will be going towards

the provision of very funky furniture within the Learning Hub; this will be a

huge feature in our children’s lives daily as part of the Tongarra

community experience.

Please continue to send your money

in. All money must be returned no later than Friday 19th

September (Last day of term).

Tongarra Campus Committee, Fundraising Team

Date Time Subjects

Thursday 8:55 - 12:00 PDH

14th August 8:55 - 11:00 Hospitality

8:55 - 12:00 Engineering Studies

Friday 8:55 - 11:00 Advanced English - Paper 2

15th August 8:55 - 11:00 Standard English - Paper 2

Monday 8:55 - 11:00 Extension 1 English

18th August 8:55 - 11:00 Ext 1 Mathematics

12:55 - 2:30 Studies of Religion

12:55 - 2:30 Extension History

Tuesday 8:55 - 12:00 Chemistry

19th August 8:55 - 12:00 Modern History

8:55 - 10:30 ITM

Wednesday 8:55 - 12:00 Biology

20th August 8:55 - 12:00 Business Studies

Thursday 8:55 - 12:00 Physics

21st August 8:55 - 12:00 Ancient History

8:55 - 10:30 Design & Technology

Advanced notice:



TERM THREE THIS YEAR Please look out for notes -

coming soon.

DATES: Monday September 1st

- Thursday September 4th (Wk 8)

Monday September 8th

- Thursday September 11th (Wk 9)

NOTE: Girls will need to wear a one-

piece swimming costume and boys will

need to wear speedo underwear style

swimmers or lycra shorts. All students

will also need goggles.



Funds raised

will go


Please return

your money

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Tongarra Talent Quest 2014

“Sing and make Music in your heat to the Lord” Ephesians 5:19b

Congratulations to ALL the students who gave the audience a wonderful showcase of

TALENT at the 9th Annual Tongarra Talent Quest held on Tuesday the 5th August. The

enthusiasm and professional attitude displayed by the students was excellent and a credit

to all of the performers. This year we included an Intermediate section that was for only

Year 9 students some of whom had never performed before. Thank you to the parents and

relatives who came to encourage all the performers.

The Master of Ceremonies for the Talent Quest was under the guidance of Mr Mitchell

Walker. We thank him for his direction on the day and keeping the audience entertained

with his card tricks. A special mention needs to be made to our Adjudicators - Mrs Maxine

Oates, Samantha Vaartjes, Brinlee Deans and Mr Hol who had the

difficult task of choosing between the many talented performers. There

was a wonderful variety of performers that have shared their gifts and

talents with the school community.

After much consultation the following places were awarded:-

Intermediate Section

1st Place - Kahlia Wykes – performing ‘Turning Tables’

2nd Place - Karah Knight – performing ‘The Lonely’

Encouragement Award - Marissa Turk performing ‘One Step at a Time’

Senior Section

1st Place - Chris Milliken – performing ‘Every teardrop is a Waterfall’

2nd Place - Natalie Conzolo dancing to ‘Not about Angels’

2nd Place - Joy Chayna performing on the piano ‘’The Kiss’ by

Mark Matthews

Encouragement Award - Rebekah Sommerville performing ‘It’s Over’.

A special Encouragement Award was given to Eden Williams for her excellent

performance on the day of ‘Pachalbel’s Canon and her involvement in the Stage 5

Music group

Kahlia Wykes Chris Milliken

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Active After School Sport

Wednesday Afternoons

The After School Sports Program is on this week, and will continue until Week 9 on

Wednesday 10 September 2014.

A reminder that the program is FREE, and is fully accredited and supervised. Begins at 3.25pm and concludes at 4.30pm

For registration forms and more information see the school office or call 4230 3700.

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Illawarra Christian School is a member of Christian Education National, educating students from Prep to Year 12 at both campuses:

Cordeaux Campus at Cordeaux Heights

& Tongarra Campus at Albion Park

Applications are invited from committed Christians of reformed persuasion for the following positions:

Tongarra Campus: Primary Teacher/Coordinator (permanent/full time)

Cordeaux Campus: Infants Teacher (permanent/full time) Infants Teacher (temporary/full time) Primary Teacher (maternity leave position, full time) PDHPE with capacity to teach Science (part time) English/History Teacher (full time)

All positions commence in Term 1, 2015

Applications close: 4pm Wednesday 27 August 2014.

Process for Application:

Application forms are available by calling our school office or on our school website. ( ) You must complete the school’s application form in order to apply. Please do not just send

a resume. Please include all other documents listed in the application form, certified as true copies

by a J.P. Applications will not be considered if not complete.

Applications may be submitted either in hard copy to:

The Principal’s Personal Assistant Illawarra Christian School Tongarra Campus PO Box 80 Albion Park 2527

Applications will not be accepted in either format after 4pm on the closing date

For further enquiries including job descriptions and qualifications required please email: Christine Hodges (Executive Principal’s PA)

Email: [email protected] (Phone: 02 4230 3700 )

“It is an offence under the NSW Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998 for a person convicted of a serious sex offence to apply for these positions.”

or electronically to: [email protected]

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The Uniform Shop ICS - Tongarra Campus

(02) 4230 3730 [email protected]

Uniform Shop opening hours during school terms are:

Monday 8.30am – 11.30am Wednesday 1.00pm – 4.00pm

The uniform shop can be contacted during these hours by phone or email: [email protected]

Payments can be made direct to Alinta Apparel in the form of cash, credit card, or debit credit card.


Second Hand Uniform Shop

TONGARRA TIMES ITEMS: Deadline: Monday 3.00pm

Email: please send items to [email protected]

The Second Hand Uniform Shop will be open in Term 3 on:

Tuesday and Thursday Mornings 9.00 - 11.30am

Now in stock: Boys White Shirts with logo Size 10, 12, 2x14, 18, 20

Small sized sport shirts and shorts

Please contact Sue for all enquiries. Her number is: 0403 376 514

Thank you to the following families for their wonderful service and effort at the working bee last Saturday.

Matthew & Stacey Fitzgerald, Bronywn Harris, Charleen Herman & Michael Broadbent, Paul & Lisa MacLeod, David & Tracey Pallas, Steven & Caroline Waples, Sarah Kadwell, Scott & Karen Rowe, Phil & Nadeen Dempsey.

The Year 3 and 4 families, plus others rostered for the next Working Bee on 6th September 2014 are: Paul & Trina Battersby, Melinda & Bernie Brown, Adam & Michaela Cawley, Anthony & Karen Fulton, Adrian & Joanne Hendriks, Criag & Jo-Ann Johnson, Robert & Alison Shaw, Dale & Simone Sheppard, Mark & Christine Smith, Joe & Kylie Upton, Adrian & Rowena Cornale, Naomi Clarke-Pearce, Garry & Rhianon Hol, Brett & Donna Kirton, David & Samantha Newman, Greg & Lynne Schubert, Jack & Roseanne Tannous, Tony & Merilyn Muscat, David & Tania Dodds, Ian & Julie Partridge, Trevor & Sue Jenkins, John & Debra Richardson, Andrew & Louise Collingridge, David & Carolyn White.

This working bee will be in the morning, 8am to 11am. If you would like to attend, please contact the office.

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Primary Assembly Friday last week

Last Friday, ribbons and Age Champion certificates were handed out for the School Athletics

Carnival. The Age Champion certificates for Cross Country were also presented.

Congratulations to all our students for their outstanding results.



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Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

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Pie / Ice Block -


Pie & Sausage Roll Day will on again this

Thursday at first break (11.10am). K-3

parents need to see their teacher with

regard to the pre-order process.

Pies : $2.50

Sausage Rolls : $2.00

Ice blocks : 30c to $3.00

Slinky Apples : 50c or 10c (BYO)

Cans of Nexba Ice Tea : $2.00

Sausage Sizzle

Tuesdays at First Break (11.10am).

Sausage sandwich $2.00

Hot dog $2.50

Cans/Iced Tea $2.00

Poppers $1.50

Onion/Sauce Free

K-3 parents need to see their teacher with

regard to the pre-order process.

Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more!

See the sample copy in the School Office and purchase during Term 3!

Entertainment Book for the South Coast


** money raised is going to support the Year 10, 2014 Service Trip to Fiji and other local service activities.




Contact Details:

(for Enrolment, School Fees Enquiries,

Association Membership)

Phone: 4230 3777

Fax: 4257 2071 Address: PO Box 80,

Albion Park 2527

Careers Information

Koorong Kids Bookclub

Brochures for Term 3 for Koorong Kids will be sent home via your child this week.

Orders need to be back to the office by 29th August 2014.

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Camden High Inter – School Equestrian Carnival

Camden H.S. Equestrian Carnival is taking place on Saturday 6th September at Bicentennial Park, Camden. Entry forms are available on the school website. Entries close 22nd August 2014.

Uniform for Sale

Size 22 Red Woollen

School Jumper

Please call Andrea Joukador on

4256 6360



Croome Road – Albion Park Rail



Summer Competitions Junior and Senior


Competition and Development Junior - High school - Senior

Skills 4 Life Program

» Pre-school Age Children from 3 Years

» Fun sports development program

Birthday Parties

For information

Phone: 42 573468
