
Wednesday 11th Friday 13 th March 2015 Culmington Manor, Shropshire Instruction in programme of outdoor pursuits Fully qualified and trained instructors New and exciting challenges to experience Working as a team Developing independence and confidence work together eat together play together socialise together sleep together learn together! Sleeping bag or duvet with cover Pillow and pillowcase Drink Bottle with name on! 3 main meals a day plenty of salad and fruit too! Luggage 1 case and 1 piece of hand luggage (not metal framed rucksacks) INDOOR CLOTHES OUTDOOR CLOTHES INDOOR CLOTHES T-Shirts, trousers/ jogging bottoms, jumpers/sweatshirts, underwear, toiletries, towels x 2, slippers and nightwear OUTDOOR CLOTHES Trousers/jogging bottoms, (not denim), training shoes or walking boots, (please bring a spare pair of trainers), long sleeved top (for archery) Cagoule/waterproof jacket, gloves, hat Cagoules and boots can be hired CLOTHES NAMED PLEASE! Children may wish to buy souvenirs/postcards from the shop Drinks and sweets may be brought from a vending machine. Children will need coins Maximum amount: 10 You will need a torch and a rucksack for walks Zip Wire Abseiling Bivouac Exercises BMX Bikes Archery Blind Trail Team Games Wide Games Compass Work Activity Session Details 07:30 am Rise and Shine 08:00 am breakfast 09:00 -10:30 - Outdoor Pursuit Session 1 10:30 10:50 Break Time 10:50 12:20 Outdoor Pursuit Session 2 12:20 13:40 Lunch Time 13:40 15:10 Outdoor Pursuit Session 3 15:10 15:30 Break Time 15:30 17:00 Outdoor Pursuit Session 4 17:15 19:00 Evening Meal/Free Time 19:00 20:30 Outdoor Pursuit Session 5 Bedtime at the discretion of the school! Feel the fear and do it anyway!!! Happy times! Enjoy the experience!
