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Page 1: Website diary

Tre Wallace

Website diary I have created a bit of the website early and here is what I have done.What I have done is just the back ground which was done through the shape tool on rectangles. The rectangle tool is the third one down in the image posted just underneath.

Here is what I have done up to now. I have coloured the boxes that I have created to do the layout of my website and the colour of them are the colours planned.

The next thing I did was created a new layer and called it buttons so I can start to create my navigation. I the inserted a text box and write home into it, centred it inside the navigation bar.

Page 2: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then clicked over the home button and clicked modify. In the modify navigation table it says ‘convert to symbol’ I clicked on that and it came up with the box below.

Page 3: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then changed the name to btn_home to show it is a button and I then changed the type to button to actually make the actual text a button and I then clicked ok.

After creating the button, I then clicked over the button and it came up with the frames for the button. I then inserted a new key frame next to the original one and changed the text to orange so it will work as a rollover button.

Page 4: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I did this technique for more buttons so I have 5 in total. These buttons are the navigation to all the pages I will have on the website.

After I created the navigation I went to file and went over import which then came up with import from library which I clicked. I then imported a file I had saved called assets which I had created to keep the assets for my website all together. When the assets were imported it came up with a list in the library of images and so on which I can now put onto my website.

Page 5: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then imported two images that I had found to use on my website. The images are the Australian flag and a map to show the different places in Australia to visit.

Page 6: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then imported the logo and fit it into the corner of the page so it has the logo apart of the background.

After finishing the background of the website pages I decided to then insert the buttons into a different timeline so I can use them as the buttons as they are.

I did this by creating a new timeline and cling on all the buttons created and pulled them over to the other timeline locking the other timeline so nothing is changed. But as nothing changed I deleted the buttons of the background so it isn’t doubled over or needed.

A labels and content timeline was then created so when I’m on labels I know the pages by name and content I know what pages need what content.

On my first page home I inserted a pic I had on the background so it is only on the page I need it. The text next to it I inserted that with the text tool in the tool bar. The text is an introduction so people feel welcome to the website and know what we are for.

Page 7: Website diary

Tre Wallace

The next page I was on was the hostels page. On the hostels page I have put a lot of text to explain about the hostels and it is also a list of the hostels that we have with the explanation with it. The text was way to long for the page so I decided to turn it into a scroll bar.

Page 8: Website diary

Tre Wallace

To get the scroll panel on your text you will have to make your text box smaller with the text set to scrollable which is in the properties bar. When the text is scrollable you then click on ‘window’ ‘motion presets’ ‘components when the box comes up and then you can look through till you see ‘scrollpane’ when you click on this you just add it to the side of your text and you then have a working stroller when you go onto the actual use of the page.

Page 9: Website diary

Tre Wallace

On the hostels page I wanted a slide show of images so to make that I had to create slides of images with the time line.

I inserted an image into the new key frame I put I the time line outside of the space I was going to put it. I then held the ‘shift’ key and dragged the image into place and inserted a classic tween from right clicking over the frame. I then added another key frame 35 frames down so it stays on the page for a second or so. Then I inserted other key frame 5 frames along so the image has a tween to leave the page.

Page 10: Website diary

Tre Wallace

Having this first image set up to slide of the page I need a new image to slide on so I then added a new layer and inserted a key frame over the last five of the last frame which is the tween of it sliding off the page.

Page 11: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then did this until all the images I have for this slide show re gone. At the end I had to insert the image I started with to slide on so the images do not end going on in the rhythm.

Page 12: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then had to make a new layer called mask. I created the mask layer so I could mask the images that are sl;iding on. As the images slide on they take up the room of the rest of the page so I inserted a box of where I only want the images to show and right clicked over the layer and clicked mask.

Page 13: Website diary

Tre Wallace

After the first 2 pages being finished I then started on the about Oz page as it would be the easiest to finish. I inserted my text information into the green box as all then other pages and then I added an input box from the components section so people could leave any comments or questions about the site.

Then using the same list of components I then clicked on thew3 button component and inserted underneath the input box so the input can be submitted to the website owners.

I then inserted the last bit of text so people know what the input box is for. This is so the people feel welcome and free to ask or comment.

Page 14: Website diary

Tre Wallace

For my membership page I added lots of text boxes with the text that’s going to be needed to have you sign up to the website

I then lined them all into position to be answered to sign up for the site and have a membership

Page 15: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then added a text input box next to each question so you can add in your information to sign up for us. The postal address is bigger as it will need more information as you may have a long road address.

Page 16: Website diary

Tre Wallace

To change the sizes of the boxes you get a position and size table to help you adjust the size so they are all equal. I also used the positioning to line all them together so none of them look out of proportion.

I then added a submit button using the same components box as the text input to make the information get submitted to the website.

Booking page I have added my information that I am going to need to include for people to know the dates, prices and information on the website.

Page 17: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then added buttons so you actually book those holidays on the spot while you are actually on it so it saves you time and make sure you get a place.

Page 18: Website diary

Tre Wallace

I then added a combo box from the components under the input box so I can add a list of months. When you change the months the dates will change.
