
Mrs. Weber- Anatomy and Physiology

Final Exam

Using Figure 1.1, answer the following multiple-choice questions.

Figure 1.1

1. Label A points to the __________________________ cavity.

a. Cranial

b. Thoracic

c. Ventral

d. Abdominal

2. Label B points to the __________________________ cavity.

a. Thoracic

b. Abdominal

c. Cranial

d. Dorsal

3. Label C points to the ___________________________ cavity.

a. Ventral

b. Dorsal

c. Abdominal

d. Pelvic

4. Label D points to the ____________________________.

a. Abdominal cavity

b. Ventral cavity

c. Ribcage

d. Diaphragm

5. Label E points to the ____________________________ cavity.

a. Doral

b. Abdominal

c. Cranial

d. Pelvic

6. Label F points to the _____________________________ cavity.

a. Pelvic

b. Abdominopelvic

c. Dorsal

d. Ventral

7. Groups of similar cells that have a common function are called __________.

a. Tissues

b. Organs

c. Organ systems

d. Cells

8. Groups of similar tissues that perform a specific function are called __________________.

a. Cells

b. Tissues

c. Organs

d. Organisms

9. The small intestine is part of the _____________________ system.

a. Excretory

b. Reproductive

c. Nervous

d. Digestive

10. The system that stores minerals and produces red blood cells is the _________________________ system.

a. Circulatory

b. Digestive

c. Skeletal

d. Endocrine

11. The study of microscopic structures found in the body is ___________________.

a. Microanatomy

b. Comparative anatomy

c. Gross anatomy

d. Anatomy and physiology

12. The body’s ability to maintain a balance with the outside environment is called ______________________.

a. Metabolism

b. Homeostasis

c. Equilibrium

d. Endocrinology

13. The skull is _________________ to the bellybutton.

a. Dorsal

b. Posterior

c. Anterior

d. Medial

14. The wrist is __________________ to the elbow.

a. Distal

b. Proximal

c. Mid-Sagittal

d. Dorsal

15. Another term for the horizontal plane is the ____________________ plane.

a. Sagittal

b. Dorsal

c. Transverse

d. Vertical

16. The study of the structures of the body is called _____________________.

a. Anatomy

b. Physiology

c. Gross anatomy

d. Biology

17. The outer layer of the skin is _____________________.

a. Dermis

b. Subcutaneous layer

c. Epidermis

d. Hypodermis

18. The innermost layer of the skin is ___________________.

a. Epidermis

b. Subcutaneous

c. Hypodermis

d. Dermis

19. The area at the bottom of the Dermis that contains a layer of fat is called the __________________________.

a. Subcutaneous

b. Dermis

c. Epidermis

d. Hypodermis

20. The substance responsible for the color of skin is___________________.

a. Melanin

b. Serotonin

c. Mycin

d. Actin

21. All of the following are functions of skin except:

a. Protection

b. Temperature regulation

c. Sensation

d. Vitamin B synthesis

22. The most common form of skin cancer is _____________________.

a. Melanoma

b. Squamous cell carcinoma

c. Basal cell carcinoma

d. Sarcoma

23. A second degree burn is characterized by ___________________.

a. Red peeling skin

b. White patches

c. Blisters

d. Black, charred skin

24. The _____________________ is the tiny muscle that makes your hair stand on end.

a. Erector pini

b. Erector pile

c. Erector penile

d. Erector pili

25. Vitiligo is characterized by:

a. Scaly skin

b. Red patches

c. Absence of pigment

d. Pustules

26. The two divisions that make up the skeletal system are the :

a. Appendix and axel

b. Appendicular and apex

c. Appendage and apical

d. Appendicular and axial

27. All of the following are functions of the Skeletal System except:

a. Production of RBC’s

b. Protection

c. Support

d. Breakdown of enzymes

28. The adult Human Body has _____________ bones.

a. 206

b. 230

c. 216

d. 300

29. The substance that connects muscle to bone is______________.

a. Ligament

b. Tendon

c. Cartilage

d. Connective tissue

30. _________________ is the material that separates the bones in our vertebral column.

a. Tendon

b. Cartilage

c. Ligament

d. Bursa

31. The longest and strongest bone in the body is the __________________.

a. Sternum

b. Tibia

c. Humerus

d. Femur

32. The Central Nervous System consists of:

a. Brain and Spinal Cord

b. Spinal cord and Peripheral nerves

c. Peripheral nerves and Brain

d. Cerebrum and Medulla

33. The scientific name for a nerve cell is:

a. Neurology

b. Neural link

c. Sensory organ

d. Nerve

34. The gap between one neuron and the next neuron is the:

a. Axon

b. Cyton

c. Synapse

d. Neurotransmitter

35. The part of the brain responsible for memory is the:

a. Cerebrum

b. Medulla

c. Pons

d. Cerebellum

36. The senses felt by the skin are:

a. Pressure, touch, heat, cold, and pain

b. Touch, heat, and cold only

c. Sight, smell, hearing, and taste

d. Pressure, hearing, touch, pain

37. Motor neurons carry nerve impulses to the muscles from the____________.

a. Senses

b. Brain

c. Spinal cord

d. Cerebellum

38. An example of a reflex arc is:

a. A knee jerk

b. Putting your hand on a hot pot and removing it

c. All of the above

d. None of the above

39. What part of the eye adjusts to help us focus more clearly?

a. Retina

b. Pupil

c. Cornea

d. Lens

40. The part of the brain responsible for vital functions such as heartbeat and breathing is the:

a. Cerebrum

b. Medulla oblongata

c. Cerebellum

d. Pons

41. Which of the following is the name of the nerve that allows us to see?

a. Optic

b. Auditory

c. Sciatica

d. Renal

42. What is the name for any factor that causes a sensory to begin to function?

a. An effector

b. A receptor

c. A response

d. A stimulus

43. Apart from hearing, what is the other major function of the ear?

a. Taste

b. Hormone secretion

c. Reduction of nerve impulses

d. Balance

44. A stimulant is a type of drug that:

a. Increases the rate of the CNS

b. Decreases the rate of the CNS

c. Has no effect on the rate of the CNS

d. Causes an overdose

45. Label the following diagram.

46. The vessels that carry blood away from the heart are the _______.

a. Veins

b. Capillaries

c. Arteries

d. Mitral valves

47. The vessels that carry blood to the heart are the _______________.

a. Arterioles

b. Arteries

c. Venules

d. Veins

48. The heart has _________ chambers.

a. 3

b. 4

c. 5

d. 2

49. The thick wall that divides the heart into two sides is called the ______________.

a. Aorta

b. Vena cava

c. Septum

d. Periosteum

50. The right upper chamber of the heart receive blood from:

a. The arms

b. The brain

c. The lungs

d. The body

51. The membrane surrounding the heart is there to:

a. Seal the heart

b. Protect the heart

c. Provide blood vessels

d. Help the heart pump

52. The only artery in the body that is rich in CO2 is the:

a. Aorta

b. Pulmonary artery

c. Superior vena cava

d. Hepatic artery

53. Capillaries are blood vessels that have walls that are ______ cell thick.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

54. The major component of blood is:

a. Platelets

b. Plasma

c. WBC’s

d. RBC’s

55. Which of the following components of blood helps it to clot?

a. Platelets

b. Actin

c. Tombin

d. WBC’s

56. The blood type that is considered the “universal donor” is type:

a. A

b. B

c. AB

d. O

Using Figure 1.2, identify the following:

57. The Oral Cavity is indicated by letter____________.

58. The Large Intestine is indicated by letter ___________.

59. The Salivary Glands are indicated by letter ____________.

60. The Small Intestine is indicated by letter___________.

61. The Liver is indicated by letter ____________.

62. The Tongue is indicated by letter ____________.

63. The Esophagus is indicated by letter __________.

64. The Stomach is indicated by letter __________.

65. The Spleen is indicated by letter __________.

66. The Rectum is indicated by letter _________.

67. The Pharynx is indicated by letter _________.

68. The Anus is indicated by letter __________.

69. The Appendix is indicated by letter ___________.

70. The Pancreas is indicated by letter ___________.

71. The Gall Bladder is indicated by letter ___________.

72. The Large wrinkle like folds in the stomach wall that allow for expansion when the stomach fills up is:

a. Rugae

b. Rugby

c. Rugger

d. Rouge

73. Food that resembles heavy cream after being processed by the stomach is called:

a. Chemicals

b. Chemo

c. Chime

d. Chyme

74. The process of eliminating indigestible residues from the GI tract is called:

a. Egestion

b. Ingestion

c. Indigestion

d. Digestion

75. Bile is formed by the _______ and stored in the ____________.

a. Liver, gall bladder

b. Liver, spleen

c. Liver, pancreas

d. Liver, stomach

76. When full, the average stomach can hold approximately:

a. 1 liter of food

b. 2 liters of food

c. 3 liters of food

d. 4 liters of food

77. The release of food from the stomach into the small intestine is regulated by the :

a. Pyloric sphincter

b. Anal sphincter

c. Esophageal sphincter

d. Oral sphincter

78. Protein digestion begins in the:

a. Stomach

b. Pancreas

c. Liver

d. Mouth

79. The primary site of water absorption is the:

a. Mouth

b. Liver

c. Small intestine

d. Large intestine

80. The site of vitamin k synthesis is the:

a. Large intestine

b. Small intestine

c. Stomach

d. Liver

81. Site where starch digestion takes place is the:

a. Stomach

b. Mouth

c. Small intestine

d. Pancreas

82. Regulation of the male sexual reproductive cycle is most directly related to the presence of the hormone:

a. Estrogen

b. Testosterone

c. Insulin

d. Progesterone

83. The female reproductive cycle is regulated by the presence of the hormone:

a. Estrogen

b. Testosterone

c. Insulin

d. Progesterone

84. The uterus is the organ where:

a. The egg is fertilized

b. The egg develops

c. The fertilized egg implants into the wall

d. Sperm is produced

85. The fallopian tube is the site where:

a. The egg develops

b. The egg is fertilized

c. The egg implants into the wall

d. Sperm is produced

86. The ovary is the site of:

a. Sperm production

b. Enzyme production

c. Hormone destruction

d. Egg production

87. The function of the placenta in the human is to:

a. Surround the embryo and protect it

b. Act as the heart of the fetus

c. Allow for mixing of blood from the mother to the baby

d. Permit passage of nutrients and gases from the mother to the fetus

88. A temporary suspension of the menstrual cycle normally occurs during:

a. Ovulation

b. Menopause

c. Menstruation

d. Pregnancy

89. Egg cells used for in vitro fertilization are most likely surgically removed from the:

a. Uterus

b. Oviduct

c. Amnion

d. Ovary

90. Gestation for a human embryo ends when:

a. Birth occurs

b. Puberty is reached

c. Menstruation begins

d. Menopause begins

91. Heavy cigarette smoking and the use of alcohol throughout the pregnancy usually increase the likelihood of:

a. Death

b. The birth of a male baby

c. A low birth weight baby

d. Genetic mutations

92. When a pregnant woman ingests toxins, such as alcohol or nicotine, the embryo is put at risk because these toxins can:

a. Diffuse from the mother’s blood into the baby

b. Enter the embryo when the mother eats

c. Enter the uterus through the mother’s navel

d. Enter the brain of the developing baby

93. In humans, the period of development just before birth is known as:

a. Fertilization

b. Gestation

c. Pollination

d. Menstruation

94. Sperm mixes with seminal fluid before exiting the body through the:

a. Prostate

b. Testicals

c. Seminal vesicle

d. penis

95. A person that likes to dress in the clothing of the opposite sex is called a:

a. Transsexual

b. Homosexual

c. Transvestite

d. Lesbian
