
Diploma in

Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Nutrition

Module 729th February – 4th March 2020


Chikitsa Ayurvedic methods of treatment

Chikitsa - Ayurvedic methods of treatment 2


“Tath kriya viyadi narshini”“Any action can arrest the progress of the disorder”

The methods of treatment in Ayurveda include almost every known treatment method in all medical disciplines.

Chikitsa consists of: 1. Swathsa Parayana – prevention of disorders (90%) 2. Athura Parayana – cure of disorders (10%)

Main treatment methods

The first four therapies in this list relate to Athura Parayana which is concerned with the cure of disorders. The last therapy is Swathsa Parayana which is concerned with the prevention of disorders.

1. Shamana Chikitsa a. Palliative therapy

Control the symptoms of the disease by stimulating the pathways and opening the channels for detoxification and stimulate the digestive fire.

2. Shodana Chikitsa a. Panchakarma

Complete detoxification or purification by use of the most immediate pathway for the complete elimination of toxins from the body.



3. Rasayana Chikitsaa. Rejuvenation therapy

This is both part of the cure for and prevention of disorders.

4. Vajikarana a. Sexual virility, aphrodisiac and reproductive therapy

From the Karma Sutra. This is both part of the cure for and prevention of disorders.

5. Swastha Parayanaa. Maintenance of health and well-being

1. Shamana Chikitsa

Shamana Chikitsa or palliative therapy is a curative therapy which can either alleviate the symptoms of the disease or eliminate or dilute the effect of Ama. It can be divided into external and internal forms of treatment.

External methods of treatment (localised treatment to eliminate or dilute Ama:



a. Shastra (surgery) b. Kshara Karma (use of substances or herbs to cauterise) c. Agni Karma (direct application of heat with herbs or fire e.g.

moxibustion in Traditional Chinese medicine which uses heated needles)

d. Lepa (external application of herbal preparations to extract the disorder, such as poultices)

Internal methods of treatment:

a. Agni deepana (balancing the digestive fire)b. Ama pachana (elimination of superficial toxins) c. Shuth (fasting from food – also called langana)d. Truth (fasting from water – also called langana)e. Atapa (exposure to the sun or sun bathing)f. Maruta (exposure to air or breathing practices such as

pranayama)g. Viyayama (exercise such as yoga)

2. Shodana Chikitsa

Panchakarma or detoxification is a part of purification therapy in Ayurveda. Again there are both external and internal methods of purification.

External methods of purification; Purva Karma (preparatory treatment for the Panchakarma):

a. Sneha Pana (ingestion of oil) b. Abhyanga (application of oil to the body) c. Shirodhara (pouring medicated oil in a continuous stream onto

the third eye chakra)5


d. Swedana (steam bath and permenting treatment with pinder - rice and herbal poultices)

e. Avagahana (herbal oil bath)

Internal methods of purification; Pradhana Karma (5 main elimination methods used for detoxification of the root causes of the disease):

a. Vamana (emetic treatment)b. Vasti (enema) c. Virechana (purgative)d. Nasya (nasal irrigation)e. Rakta Mokshana (blood letting)

3. Rasayana Chikitsa Rasayana Chikitsa is rejuvenation therapy. Its main purpose is to impede the ageing process and to delay the degenerative processes in the body. Rasayana is the term given to special herbs, fruits and medications that are known to promote positive health and longevity. It is done by obtaining the maximum nourishment to the Dhatus, particularly Rasa and Rakta Dhatus and boosting the Ojas.

4. Vajikarana Chikitsa

Vajikarana therapy improves the functions of the reproductive organs and vitalises reproductive tissues increasing semen count and strengthening sperm motility in men and making eggs more viable for conception in women. It is also concerned with



increasing libido in both sexes and balancing the Soma and Surya (masculine and feminine) in order to attract each other.

5. Swathsa Parayana

Swathsa Parayana is concerned with the maintenance of wellbeing and the prevention of disorders. In Ayurveda this therapy consists of:

a. Ahara (food) b. Viherana (lifestyle)c. Oushada (remedies)

a. Ahara (food)

This is nutrition. In the case of treating disorders, it is concerned with the understanding of the medicinal value of food, i.e. food as medicine

Food alone as medicine can be a complete therapy and is capable of curing disease or arresting the disorder itself

b. Viherana (lifestyle)

i. Kayka

- Ukthshapana (to uplift)- Akshapana (to bring down)

ii. Vachika



- Yoga (not just asana)- Mantra - Strostra (Bajan, music, singing)- Prayer - Vastu shastra (the Indian ‘science of architecture’

influencing town planning, architecture, ergonomics, feng shui)

- Thithi (astrology)

c. Oushada (remedies)

i. Upasha (using remedies with opposite qualities to alleviate disorders)

ii. Anupasha (using remedies with the same qualities to alleviate disorders)






The Chakras.

According to Tantra Yoga, there are six Chakras-nerve centres distributed throughout the body in addition to the main brain centre called sahasrara. The main three nadis, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna-connect these chakras to the brain.

1. Muladhara Chakra.

The Muladhara Chakra is known also as the root centre. It is situated in the perineum, at the base of the spinal column. This chakra is in correlation to the inferior hypogastric plexus of nerves, which supplies the region of the external genitals. It has in its centre, a triangle, from which the sushsumna begins and which (the sushsumna) end at the top of the head. This chakra is related to the primordial element earth, the sense organ of the nose, and has four crimson-coloured petals. Its bija (seed) mantra is Lam. Muladhara Chakra is the chakra of survival. We need food, water, and air to survive. Food is energy and the end of digested food is eliminated through the workings of the root chakra, which is Muladhara. Muladhara is the chakra of our basic needs. In this root chakra there is sex energy. Sex is the highest form of the lowest energy. This is the chakra of material existence.

2. Swadhisthana Chakra.



The Swadhisthana Chakra is known as the sex centre, as it is situated in between the genitals. This is in close correlation with the upper hypogastric plexus. This chakra is related to the primordial element of water, has a white crescent moon at its centre, is related to the sense organ of the tongue, and has six petals. Its presiding deity is Vishnu, and its Bija mantra is Vam.Swadishsthana is the chakra of procreation. Swa or Sva means self. The lover meets the beloved on the physical plane. Sex without desire is the highest form of love and sex with desire is the lowest form of love. Sex can transcend into blissful love and become samadhi. In the second chakra is the sex action - procreation. This is also a biological need.

3. Manipura Chakra.

The Manipura Chakra is known as the navel centre, and is situated at the umbilicus. It is in close association with the coelic or solar plexus. The red triangular mandala at its centre contain the primordial element of fire. It is related to the sense organ of the eye and has ten petals, which are of a dark purple colour. The presiding deity is Rudra, and the bija mantra is Ram. When these basic needs of the first and second chakra are satisfied, then another factor appears in the third chakra, Manipura, which is power. In the lowest chakra, matter meets with matter. In the second chakra, man meets with woman. In the third, leader meets with follower.

4. Anahata Chakra.

The Anahata Chakra is situated in the heart region and hence is known as the heart chakra. It is in correlation with the cardiopulmonary plexus. It is related to the primordial element of air, the sense organ of the skin, and has twelve petals of a deep red colour. The bija mantra is Yam, and the presiding deity is Isha. In the fourth chakra, or Anahata, devotion meets with the devotee. The lowest three chakras are the animal chakras: food, sex, and power. The fourth chakra is the centre between the lower three



and the higher three. It is the chakra of devotion, love and trust. If you look into the heart chakra there is a small window and if you enter there, you will see a staircase that will lead you to the throat chakra or Vishudda.

5. Vishuddha Chakra.

The Vishuddha Chakra is situated in the region of the throat and hence is known as the throat chakra. Within a pure blue circle is the primordial pentad of space, the sense organ of hearing and has sixteen smoky purple petals. The presiding deity is Lord Shiva, and the bija mantra is Ham.The Vishudda Chakra, or chakra of communication, the inner meets with the outer. You communicate with your wife, husband, your friend, or your girlfriend. This is a very important chakra. Here love become song and compassion becomes speech.

6. Ajna Chakra.

The Ajna Chakra is situated in between the eyebrows, and has only 2 petals of a pure white colour. This is known as the “third eye” centre. Om is the bija mantra, and the presiding deity is Paramashiva. It is in close relation with the hypothalamus, limbic system, and the neighbouring region with connections to the pituitary gland.The third eye, or the Ajna Chakra, where Ida Pingala, and sushumna meet. This is why it called trikuta. Kuta is another name for Kundalini. Whether kundalini travels through the right, left, or central channels, or ida. Pingala, or sushumna, she has to come here. Trikuta means three roads joining. This is the place to meditate; this is where alpha meets with omega. Alpha is the individual soul, your unique individual atman; omega is the higher self. So, this is the meeting point of alpha with omega, of Shiva with Shakti, purusha with prakruti, jiva with Shiva. This is the place of guru, the master.



Chakras are the reservoirs of consciousness containing neuro-electrical and spiritual energies that move along the ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord. As well as the stimuli coming from the higher centres to the lower organs through the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The chakra system is connected to the endocrine system. The endocrine system is composed of ductless glands, like the pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenals, gonads, and Bartholin’s glands in women. This glandular system is under the control of the chakra system, and not the other way round. Therefore, the endocrine imbalance happens as a result of chakra imbalance.

6. Sahashrara Chakra.

The Sahashrara Chakra is the brain, and it has been described in yogic texts as having a thousand and one petals.Sahasrara, the crown Chakra, is the area of the pineal gland. The pineal gland secretes a very superfine essence of tarpaka kapha called soma. Inhibition of soma secretion creates extreme fatigue in the crown chakra, leading to indecisiveness, inability to concentrate, depression, migraine type of headache, and insomnia.