
Wages & Workers’ Rights

Nicole Bare Kinney, Brian Cronin, Page Eaton, Devin Crandall

Idaho Press Club Awards | Public Relations Division | Newsletter, Internal

Executive SummaryThirty years of “Right to Work” laws and the decline of some of Idaho’s industrial sectors had naturally caused a decline in unions’ social and political capital. An umbrella organization for Idaho unions, the Idaho State AFL-CIO came to Strategies 360 seeking to increase their relevance, become a trusted voice on labor and workers’ issues, and influence law and policymaking now and in coming years.

As part of a larger communications campaign, Strategies 360 created a monthly e-newsletter for members and allies, which comprised a letter from the president, event listing, news clippings and interesting media, and sample letters-to-the-editor regarding recent news stories that recipients could use to inspire their own letters. The monthly newsletters saw open rates well above industry averages and became a valuable tool ini helping foster a culture of unity and disseminate important information on labor issues.


Dear Friends,

Today's holiday is the celebration of the life and work of Martin LutherKing, Jr. Those of us in labor know that worker rights are afundamental part of human rights, but it may be news to some that Dr.King was a strong advocate of the labor movement. He once stated,

"Our needs are identical with labor's needs: decent wages, fair working conditions,livable housing...conditions in which families can grow, have education for their childrenand respect in the community." We are honored to be a part of the continuing effort tosecure dignity and decent living and working conditions for all Americans.

To support these goals, the Idaho AFL­CIO will be backing a bill to raise the minimumwage in Idaho. As it stands, Idaho's minimum wage does not afford workers basicnecessities. What's worse, it traps workers in a low­wage, low­education cycle thatmakes it very difficult to move up to better jobs. And because I believe this growingproblem affects all Idahoans, I encourage you to support the bill as well.

This month, I hope you will make your voice heard. Write a letter to the editor of yourlocal paper. Call your legislators, and follow them on social media so you know whatthey're saying. I'd also like to invite you to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitterby clicking the white icons above. We'll be providing timely updates on this and otherlabor related issues.

Sincerely,Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO


Monday,January 206:00 p.m.

TONIGHT! Idaho Jobs CoalitionKitchen Table Economics: The High Cost Of Low WageJobs– Idaho Capitol Building, 700 W. Jefferson St., Boise Lincoln Auditorium– Join us for a panel discussion on the impacts of low wage jobs in Idaho.

Wednesday,January 296:00 p.m.

"Stuff the Bags" with Magic Valley CLC– 1525 Addison Ave. East, Twin Falls– Help the Magic Valley CLC by donating hygiene supplies or helping put together care packages. More info>>

Friday,Jan 311:00 p.m.

Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain Labor School ScholarshipApplications Available– The skills and knowledge developed at labor school will make you a stronger advocate in your workplace.


Idaho's House speaker presses labor chief on how to rise above bottom­rungwages

"The Famous Potatoes state ranks 50th for average annual wage, per­capita income,and wage increases since 2007. It also has the greatest percentage of minimum­wageworkers in America." Read More >>

H&W Chief: "Idaho is not a welfare state."

"Department of Labor figures show that the state lost large numbers of high­paying jobsduring the recession­­The answer, Armstrong said, is better work opportunities." Read More >>

Pay for Idaho state workers continues to fall

"Idaho state employees make about 19% less than market rates...and about 29% lessthan they would in comparable private­sector jobs." Read More >>

13 states got a minimum wage raise on New Year's Day

"The retail­worker strikes that swept the nation in 2013 did not move Congress to raisethe minimum wage, but a growing number of states are taking action." Read More >>


Denise McDonald explains how unions helped laid­off Simplot workers stay afloat

Denise McDonald explains how Simplot workersbenefited from the Trade Adjustment Assistanceprogram. This is a great example of teamwork betweenunions and the private and public sectors. Watch the video here >>


Use this example to get started on your own letter, then use the links below to submitthe letter to your local paper.

Recently, Idaho's newspapers have run several stories on Idaho's low wages in both theprivate and public sectors, including one report stating that Idaho ranks 50th in fourdifferent wage categories. While these reports are disheartening, we have the power toturn our situation around. There are two measures the Idaho Legislature should takethis session to help Idaho's hardworking families. First, we should be investing ineducation­­from elementary all the way to post­secondary, including workforce trainingfor those who don't plan to attend a four­year university. A more educated workforce willbring better jobs to Idaho in the long run. Second, we can make an immediate impactby raising the minimum wage in Idaho. $7.25 an hour is simply not enough to surviveon, even for folks that work two jobs. I hope to see Idahoans calling their legislators andtelling them to support raising the minimum wage and investing more in education andworkforce training.

Letter­to­Editor Submission Forms

Idaho Statesman >>

Idaho State Journal >>Spokesman Review >>Post Register >>Twin Falls Times News >>Idaho Press­Tribune >>


Dear Friends,

This has been an exciting month for labor and workers in Idaho. Lastweek, Idaho's Senate State Affairs Committee voted to introduce a billto raise Idaho's minimum wage, and tie the minimum wage to theConsumer Price Index in the future.

While most union jobs pay more than minimum wage, we believe that laborrepresents all workers, and have decided to support this bill. When the working poorhave a bit more money to spend, they'll put it back in the economy, which benefits all ofus. Just getting the bill printed is an important step that signifies Idaho's low wages aregetting attention on both sides of the aisle. For more on the minimum wage, readSecretary Treasurer Aaron White's op­ed in the Idaho Statesman.

I encourage you to like the Idaho AFL­CIO on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Weare using these platforms to foster dialogue on workers' issues and keep our followersupdated on important news & events around the state.

Sincerely,Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO


Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain Labor SchoolScholarship Applications Available

OngoingScholarship Applications Available – Visit for more information– The skills and knowledge developed at labor school will makeyou a stronger advocate in your workplace.

June 9­11All Day

56th Annual AFL­CIO Convention– Red Lion Hotel Boise Downtowner West Fairview Avenue– Mark your calendars now for our yearly convention.


Bill to Increase Idaho's Minimum Wage Moves Forward

The bid to put more money in the pockets of Idaho's lowest­paid workers cleared its firsthurdle Monday, when the Senate State Affairs Committee voted to send it forward to afull hearing. The AFL­CIO and United Action for Idaho are pushing the bill.Read More >>

The Real State of the Union for Workers

Most workers have endured at least a decade of wage stagnation, with their pay beingwell outstripped by corporate profits. Read More >>

Bus to Jackpot Gives Magic Valley Workers Better Jobs

At any given time, Cactus Petes in Jackpot, Nev. has 35 to 40 job openings, all of whichpay at least $1 more an hour than Idaho's minimum wage.Read More >>

Labor Union Talks Shouldn't Be Hidden from Public, Idaho Lawmaker Says

Rep. Steven Harris (R­Meridian) said the Legislature should strike the exemption for alllabor unions from the open meeting law.Read More >>


Magic Valley initiative "HELP"s local kids

Magic Valley CLC, Idaho AFL­CIO, local unions,volunteers and businesses kicked off the Health


Dear Friends,

This has been an exciting month for labor and workers in Idaho. Lastweek, Idaho's Senate State Affairs Committee voted to introduce a billto raise Idaho's minimum wage, and tie the minimum wage to theConsumer Price Index in the future.

While most union jobs pay more than minimum wage, we believe that laborrepresents all workers, and have decided to support this bill. When the working poorhave a bit more money to spend, they'll put it back in the economy, which benefits all ofus. Just getting the bill printed is an important step that signifies Idaho's low wages aregetting attention on both sides of the aisle. For more on the minimum wage, readSecretary Treasurer Aaron White's op­ed in the Idaho Statesman.

I encourage you to like the Idaho AFL­CIO on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Weare using these platforms to foster dialogue on workers' issues and keep our followersupdated on important news & events around the state.

Sincerely,Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO


Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain Labor SchoolScholarship Applications Available

Education for Life Program to provide hygiene suppliesto 500 local students in need. Check out the photo album >>


Did you know the opinion page is the most­read section in the newspaper?

Use this example to get started on your own letter, and then use the links below tosubmit the letter to your local paper. Your voice can help change minds!

I recently saw a report in the Times­News about workers who have to travel from theMagic Valley to Jackpot, Nevada because jobs in Idaho pay too little, and they can makea lot more money just over the border. This highly unfortunate situation is happeningthanks to the fact that Idaho workers' rights have been ignored for far too long. WhenIdaho passed "Right to Work," we were promised prosperity and high­paying jobs foreveryone who works hard. Instead, we've got the lowest wages in the country, and themost minimum­wage jobs per capita. Only when workers make livable wages and caneffectively negotiate with their employers will we start to see Idaho's situation improve.

Letter­to­Editor Submission FormsIdaho Statesman >>Idaho State Journal >>Spokesman Review >>Post Register >>Twin Falls Times News >>Idaho Press­Tribune >>

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MARCH 2014

Dear Friends,

I can think of many reasons I'm a proud union member, but one of myfavorite things about being part of this organization is the seeing theways communities are positively impacted by unions.

Community involvement is a key tenet of union membership. After all, the purpose ofunions is to improve quality of life for workers. I can't think of a better way to put thatmission into practice than by getting involved in service projects, civic matters, andcommunity celebrations.

In January, the Magic Valley CLC took on the important task of putting together carepackages for local students in need of hygiene supplies. While the CLC spearheadedthis effort, they worked to bring the whole community together on the project, involvinglocal businesses and coordinating with school districts to get the job done.

The CWA Local 7621 in Idaho Falls has also been working hard in their community­­theyvolunteer at a local men's shelter, a Habitat for Humanity home, and a food bank.

These are just two of countless examples across the state and the country. Looking outfor working families and strengthening our communities is what we do. We're proud toadvocate for workplace rights, and we know that those rights carry with them theresponsibility to take care of those who don't enjoy the same opportunities we do.

Sincerely,Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

Saturday, April 1911:00 a.m.

North Idaho Workers Memorial Ceremony– Human Rights Education Institute 414 W. Mullan Avenue, Coeur d'Alene– Honoring the workers who gave their lives in service.

Saturday, April 2611:00 a.m.

Spokane Workers Memorial Ceremony – Mission Park, Spokane– Honoring the workers who gave their lives in service.

June 9­11All Day

Idaho State AFL­CIO Convention– Red Lion Downtowner, Boise– Mark your calendars for our 56th annual convention!

Friday, May 30

Deadline to apply for Grace Carroll Rocky Mountain LaborSchool Scholarship Online– The skills and knowledge developed at labor school will make you a stronger advocate in your workplace. Learn more at


Congressional Budget Office Report Finds Minimum Wage Lifts Wagesfor 16.5 Million Workers

The new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report finds that 16.5 million workers wouldget a raise from increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour and this would helpmillions of hard­working families, reduce poverty, and increase the overall wages goingto lower­income households. Read More >>

Letter to the Editor: Idaho Press­Tribune

Ask yourself, “How often do I look at problems like poverty, minimum wage, prejudiceand just throw my hands up exclaiming, What can you do?” Read More >>

SW Idaho job seekers can get help thanks to federal funds

The Idaho Department of Labor has received $2.4 million in federal money to helpsouthwestern Idaho job seekers. The agency says the money is for paid re­employmentassistance, training or other benefits. Read More >>

Union: We'll work with Albertsons

"Through ups and downs, the UFCW has maintained good relationships with bothSafeway and Cerberus,” said Joe Hansen. “The UFCW will work closely with Safewayand Cerberus through the acquisition process and beyond so that these majorsupermarket companies can maintain strong market share and that our members cancontinue to serve customers and their communities.” Read More >>


Mark Zaleski: I'm a Union Member

"I don't understand why more people wouldn't want tojoin a union." Mark Zaleski tells us how being a unionmember impacted him & his family. Watch here >>


Did you know the opinion page is the most­read section in the newspaper? Makeyour voice heard! Use our example to get started and then submit your ownletter to your local paper.

Dear Editor, I read a recent story about a bill to raise the pay for top elected officials in the state. It seems thatthe legislature understands that in order to attract competitive candidates, you have to pay themcompetitive rates. They should have no problem raising pay for more of Idaho's workers. Unfortunately, however, these are the same lawmakers that quibbled over a 2.5% pay raise forstate employees this session and wouldn't vote on a measure to raise Idaho's minimum wage. Meanwhile, many of our workers are forced to look elsewhere for good­paying jobs and topelected officials like the Governor keep asking Idaho workers to do more with less.

Letter­to­Editor Submission Forms

Idaho Statesman >>Idaho State Journal >>Spokesman Review >>Post Register >>Twin Falls Times News >>Idaho Press­Tribune >>

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA

Idaho Statesman >>Idaho State Journal >>Spokesman Review >>Post Register >>Twin Falls Times News >>Idaho Press­Tribune >>

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA

APRIL 2014

Dear Friends,

On April 28th, all unions of the AFL­CIO observeWorkers' Memorial Day to honor those who have losttheir lives on the job. We come together to share inthe sympathies of loss and the goals of enhancingworker safety for all union workers.

Although commemorating the loss of coworkers, unionbrothers and sisters, and family members is a sobering

occasion for all, it is also an important reminder of our collective power to stand togetherin support of one another. This power, solidarity, rests on a foundation of mutualprotection, friendships, and shared goals. We use solidarity to enforce high standardsand a commitment to safe and productive work environments. We work to build solidaritynot only for the worker, but for our families and communities as well. Solidarity is whatgives union members a sense of “us."

Unions exist to create peace of mind and security for the families of each and everyworker. Union solidarity is essential for making the workplace a more humane setting inwhich workers can lead their lives in relative safety and security, because every lifematters. For this reason, it’s essential that we stand together on Worker’s Memorial Dayto commemorate the loss of those who gave their lives in their line of work.Sincerely,

Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

Saturday, April 2611:00 a.m.

Spokane Workers Memorial Ceremony – Mission Park, Spokane– Honoring the workers who gave their lives in service.

Monday, April 286:00 p.m.

Eastern Idaho Workers Memorial Ceremony– Russ Freeman Park, Idaho Falls– Honoring the workers who gave their lives in service.

Friday, May 30

Deadline to apply for Florence Avery MemorialScholarship Online– The skills and knowledge developed at labor school will make you a stronger advocate in your workplace. Learn more at

Friday, May 211:00 a.m.

42nd Anniversary of the Sunshine Mine Fire– Statue of the Hard Rock Miner, Foot of Big Creek Canyon,outside Kellogg– Join us in remembering the 91 lives lost in the 1972 miningdisaster.>> Learn more about the Sunshine Mine Fire here.

June 9­11All Day

Idaho State AFL­CIO Convention– Red Lion Downtowner, Boise– Don't forget to RSVP! Visit the website or emailcommunications@idahoafl­ for more information.


Rian Van Leuven: Raising Minimum Wage Would Help Idaho's Economy

Rian Van Leuven: Raising Minimum Wage Would Help Idaho's Economy

A recent opinion piece by Suzanne Budge claimed that raising Idaho’s minimum wagewould jeopardize jobs. While this argument provides a convenient excuse for ignoringthe growing numbers of working poor, and the impact of Idaho’s low wages on oureconomy, it’s based on faulty assumptions. Read More online>>Don't have an IBR account? Read the whole piece here>>

Unions File Amicus Brief in Ag­Gag Lawsuit

"With much of the conversation rightly focused on animal welfare, we want Idahoans andthe court to also understand that this law has the potential to imperil workers, andinfringes on workers' rights to a safe workplace," said AFL­CIO of Idaho President RianVan Leuven Read More >>

Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As MuchAs Minimum Wage Earners

Tis the season for CEO compensation analysis! Tthe AFL­CIO released data earlier thismonth stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye­popping 331 times the average worker’s $35,293. Read More >>

Idaho: The Land of Poor, Tired and Hungry

Idaho has dropped from the highest rate of minimum wage jobs in the country to secondhighest. Hooray. We would suggest throwing a party, but no one could afford the booze.Read More >>


Thanks to Rosauer's in Lewiston for helping theLewiston­Clarkston CLC gather over 500 pounds of foodfor local food banks. We love to see business and laborworking together to make our community great. ClickHere to See More Photos>>



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

Saturday, April 2611:00 a.m.

Spokane Workers Memorial Ceremony – Mission Park, Spokane– Honoring the workers who gave their lives in service.

Monday, April 286:00 p.m.

Eastern Idaho Workers Memorial Ceremony– Russ Freeman Park, Idaho Falls– Honoring the workers who gave their lives in service.

Friday, May 30

Deadline to apply for Florence Avery MemorialScholarship Online– The skills and knowledge developed at labor school will make you a stronger advocate in your workplace. Learn more at

Friday, May 211:00 a.m.

42nd Anniversary of the Sunshine Mine Fire– Statue of the Hard Rock Miner, Foot of Big Creek Canyon,outside Kellogg– Join us in remembering the 91 lives lost in the 1972 miningdisaster.>> Learn more about the Sunshine Mine Fire here.

June 9­11All Day

Idaho State AFL­CIO Convention– Red Lion Downtowner, Boise– Don't forget to RSVP! Visit the website or emailcommunications@idahoafl­ for more information.


Rian Van Leuven: Raising Minimum Wage Would Help Idaho's Economy

Rian Van Leuven: Raising Minimum Wage Would Help Idaho's Economy

A recent opinion piece by Suzanne Budge claimed that raising Idaho’s minimum wagewould jeopardize jobs. While this argument provides a convenient excuse for ignoringthe growing numbers of working poor, and the impact of Idaho’s low wages on oureconomy, it’s based on faulty assumptions. Read More online>>Don't have an IBR account? Read the whole piece here>>

Unions File Amicus Brief in Ag­Gag Lawsuit

"With much of the conversation rightly focused on animal welfare, we want Idahoans andthe court to also understand that this law has the potential to imperil workers, andinfringes on workers' rights to a safe workplace," said AFL­CIO of Idaho President RianVan Leuven Read More >>

Report: CEOs Earn 331 Times As Much As Average Workers, 774 Times As MuchAs Minimum Wage Earners

Tis the season for CEO compensation analysis! Tthe AFL­CIO released data earlier thismonth stating that American CEOs in 2013 earned an average of $11.7 million–an eye­popping 331 times the average worker’s $35,293. Read More >>

Idaho: The Land of Poor, Tired and Hungry

Idaho has dropped from the highest rate of minimum wage jobs in the country to secondhighest. Hooray. We would suggest throwing a party, but no one could afford the booze.Read More >>


Thanks to Rosauer's in Lewiston for helping theLewiston­Clarkston CLC gather over 500 pounds of foodfor local food banks. We love to see business and laborworking together to make our community great. ClickHere to See More Photos>>


Did you know the opinion page is the most­read section in the newspaper? Makeyour voice heard! Use our example to get started and then submit your ownletter to your local paper.

Dear Editor, thank you for your recent editorial on the state of the Magic Valley economy and thestruggling families that live and work in the area. Governor Otter and the Legislature need tounderstand the real impact of their disinvestment in education, their anti­worker policies, and theirpractice of selling Idaho to the cheapest bidders. We don't just need more jobs­­we need morequality jobs that allow people to negotiate for good wages, work in safe conditions, and support afamily. Decades of Right to Work and anti­labor propaganda got us where we are. It's time to standup for Idaho workers.

Letter­to­Editor Submission Forms

Idaho Statesman >>Idaho State Journal >>Spokesman Review >>Post Register >>Twin Falls Times News >>Idaho Press­Tribune >>

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA

MAY 2014

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow is one of the more important days of theyear­­a day when each of us gets to exercise our right(and responsibility) to vote.

The primary is such an important step in our electoralprocess. This is your opportunity to make sure we havethe best candidates on the ballot this fall­­thepeople who will do the most to support working


Whether you're registered as a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or not at all, pleasego vote tomorrow. You can find out whether you're registered, where your polling placeis, and how to get registered here.

Just as importantly, get educated about whom you are voting for! Idaho Statesman Treasure Valley Candidate Guide Coeur d'Alene Press Candidate ProfilesSpokesman Review Voter GuideIdaho Press­Tribune Primary Election CoveragePost Register Primary Election CoverageTwin Falls Times­News Primary Election Coverage

As we approach the general election in November, we will be sending candidatesquestionnaires and trying to pin down their positions on the issues that matter most toworking families.


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

Tuesday, May 208:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Idaho Primary Election– Make your voice heard!

June 9­11All Day

Idaho State AFL­CIO Convention– Red Lion Downtowner, Boise– Don't forget to RSVP! Visit the website or emailcommunications@idahoafl­ for more information.

Sunday, June 88:00 a.m.

AFL­CIO Golf Scramble– Boise Ranch Golf Course, 6501 S. Cloverdale Rd., Boise– Dust off your clubs and join the Idaho State AFL­CIO GolfScramble. To register your team or to be placed on a teamplease email Rick Gray at [email protected] or call 208­288­1296.

Sunday, June 810:00 a.m.

AFL­CIO Sporting Clays Shoot Out– Black Dog Clays, 7680 Vallejo Rd., Boise– Contact Leland Heinbach at [email protected] 208­284­5097 to sign up.


Brad Cederblom: Remember the Sunshine Miners

Our annual remembrance of the 91 men who died in the Sunshine Mine, and the


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

Tuesday, May 208:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Idaho Primary Election– Make your voice heard!

June 9­11All Day

Idaho State AFL­CIO Convention– Red Lion Downtowner, Boise– Don't forget to RSVP! Visit the website or emailcommunications@idahoafl­ for more information.

Sunday, June 88:00 a.m.

AFL­CIO Golf Scramble– Boise Ranch Golf Course, 6501 S. Cloverdale Rd., Boise– Dust off your clubs and join the Idaho State AFL­CIO GolfScramble. To register your team or to be placed on a teamplease email Rick Gray at [email protected] or call 208­288­1296.

Sunday, June 810:00 a.m.

AFL­CIO Sporting Clays Shoot Out– Black Dog Clays, 7680 Vallejo Rd., Boise– Contact Leland Heinbach at [email protected] 208­284­5097 to sign up.


Brad Cederblom: Remember the Sunshine Miners

Our annual remembrance of the 91 men who died in the Sunshine Mine, and the

Our annual remembrance of the 91 men who died in the Sunshine Mine, and themillions of others across our country who have been sickened or disabled because oftheir jobs, should serve as a reminder that workers’ issues impact all of us. ReadMore>>

Pocatello Central Labor Council Pays Tribute to Idaho Workers

Saturday was Worker’s Memorial Day and members of the Pocatello Central LaborCouncil paid tribute to 14 Idaho workers who lost their lives on the job last year. Aspecial memorial for veterans was included in the event held at Upper RossPark. Saturday’s worker’s tribute was also an opportunity to update local trade unions onprogress being made toward placement of a Workers Memorial at Ross Park. ReadMore >>

AFL­CIO: Idaho CEOs paid 85 times more than average worker

The CEOs of Idaho's largest public companies earn 85 times more than the averageIdaho worker, according to the AFL­CIO, a labor federation. Idaho CEOs earned anaverage of 3.1 million dollars, while the average Idaho worker earned $36,820 in 2013,according to the report. Read More >>


Forty­two years ago, Idaho lost 91 men in one of theworst mining tragedies in the history of our country.Learn more about the cause of the Sunshine Minedisaster and the aftermath, as explained by this excellentonline exhibit. Click Here>>


Did you know the opinion page is the most­read section in the newspaper? Makeyour voice heard! Use our example to get started and then submit your ownletter to your local paper.

Dear Editor, a recent piece in the Coeur d'Alene Press and the North Idaho Business Journal statesthat "the real minimum wage for the unskilled will always remain $0." While I'm a strong supporterof apprenticeships and higher education as a means for advancement, the fact remains that thosewho work, and thus create value for their employer, deserve, at the bare minimum, wages thatallow them to meet their basic needs. It's comforting to use the "low skills" excuse as a way tojustify Idaho's low minimum wage, but the truth is that the vast majority of minimum wage workersaren't reaping what they sow. Skilled or not, if you're making a profit for your employer, you


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

Tuesday, May 208:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Idaho Primary Election– Make your voice heard!

June 9­11All Day

Idaho State AFL­CIO Convention– Red Lion Downtowner, Boise– Don't forget to RSVP! Visit the website or emailcommunications@idahoafl­ for more information.

Sunday, June 88:00 a.m.

AFL­CIO Golf Scramble– Boise Ranch Golf Course, 6501 S. Cloverdale Rd., Boise– Dust off your clubs and join the Idaho State AFL­CIO GolfScramble. To register your team or to be placed on a teamplease email Rick Gray at [email protected] or call 208­288­1296.

Sunday, June 810:00 a.m.

AFL­CIO Sporting Clays Shoot Out– Black Dog Clays, 7680 Vallejo Rd., Boise– Contact Leland Heinbach at [email protected] 208­284­5097 to sign up.


Brad Cederblom: Remember the Sunshine Miners

Our annual remembrance of the 91 men who died in the Sunshine Mine, and the

deserve a fair portion of that profit. Mandating a higher minimum wage is the only way to ensurethat everyone who works hard and plays by the rules can live with dignity.

Letter­to­Editor Submission Forms

Idaho Statesman >>Idaho State Journal >>Spokesman Review >>Post Register >>Twin Falls Times News >>Idaho Press­Tribune >>

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA

Our annual remembrance of the 91 men who died in the Sunshine Mine, and themillions of others across our country who have been sickened or disabled because oftheir jobs, should serve as a reminder that workers’ issues impact all of us. ReadMore>>

Pocatello Central Labor Council Pays Tribute to Idaho Workers

Saturday was Worker’s Memorial Day and members of the Pocatello Central LaborCouncil paid tribute to 14 Idaho workers who lost their lives on the job last year. Aspecial memorial for veterans was included in the event held at Upper RossPark. Saturday’s worker’s tribute was also an opportunity to update local trade unions onprogress being made toward placement of a Workers Memorial at Ross Park. ReadMore >>

AFL­CIO: Idaho CEOs paid 85 times more than average worker

The CEOs of Idaho's largest public companies earn 85 times more than the averageIdaho worker, according to the AFL­CIO, a labor federation. Idaho CEOs earned anaverage of 3.1 million dollars, while the average Idaho worker earned $36,820 in 2013,according to the report. Read More >>


Forty­two years ago, Idaho lost 91 men in one of theworst mining tragedies in the history of our country.Learn more about the cause of the Sunshine Minedisaster and the aftermath, as explained by this excellentonline exhibit. Click Here>>


Did you know the opinion page is the most­read section in the newspaper? Makeyour voice heard! Use our example to get started and then submit your ownletter to your local paper.

Dear Editor, a recent piece in the Coeur d'Alene Press and the North Idaho Business Journal statesthat "the real minimum wage for the unskilled will always remain $0." While I'm a strong supporterof apprenticeships and higher education as a means for advancement, the fact remains that thosewho work, and thus create value for their employer, deserve, at the bare minimum, wages thatallow them to meet their basic needs. It's comforting to use the "low skills" excuse as a way tojustify Idaho's low minimum wage, but the truth is that the vast majority of minimum wage workersaren't reaping what they sow. Skilled or not, if you're making a profit for your employer, you

JUNE 2014

Dear Friends,

I'm thrilled about how well our 56th Annual AFL­CIOState Convention went earlier this month. We wereable to bring labor folks from across the state to Boiseto share ideas, learn from each other, hear from guestspeakers, and have a good time. Brothers and Sistersfrom around the state are feeling refreshed and readyto get back to the important work of advocating forIdaho's working families.

At the convention, we also passed a resolution to start the Idaho Next Upprogram, designed to invite young members to sit as delegates and participate asstewards or trustees in the Locals. A resolution also passed to form the Idaho StateAlliance For Retired Americans, with the goal of uniting union retirees and other retireesfrom the community in support of common goals.

If you weren't able to make it, I outlined our priorities for the coming year. Thosepriorities include expanding our membership, securing policy victories, electing pro­worker candidates, and undertaking community service. We've got a lot of work aheadof us, but, as I said at the convention, I believe this is a pivotal moment for Idaho­­there's widespread consensus that things are not as they should be­­and we've got tomove now if we're going to make a change.


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIOPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

June 2810:00 a.m.­ 8:00 p.m.

Community Progressive– Julia Davis Park– Head down to the park for food & drink, live music, andspecial presentations.


In Idaho, unions try 'to get our stick back'

Rian Van Leuven remembers signing his first union card in 1979. He'd worked at thePotlatch Corp. paper mill in Lewiston for one month. He didn't think much about it at thetime, but he signed the card, joining United Steelworkers Local 608. Read More >>

*This story originally ran in the Idaho Statesman, and was picked up by the PostRegister and the National AFL­CIO blog.

AFL­CIO's Trumka on the middle class, the American dream, and growth vs.prosperity

The labor movement will need to transform itself to meet the changing circumstancesthe 21st century. Its future will depend on the imagination and accessibility of its currentleaders, as well as its ability to develop the leaders of the future. And, at a time when weface catastrophic and potentially irreversible changes in everything from wealthinequality to climate change, there will be many more questions to come. Read More >>

Letter to the Editor: Don't Gut USPS

The plan to help temporarily fund the highway construction by degrading postal serviceswould not achieve the desired transportation goals and would damage the economy.Our highways and bridges need to be kept in good working order but shutting down aday of delivery of mail is not the answer to this problem. Read More >>

President, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

June 2810:00 a.m.­ 8:00 p.m.

Community Progressive– Julia Davis Park– Head down to the park for food & drink, live music, andspecial presentations.


In Idaho, unions try 'to get our stick back'

Rian Van Leuven remembers signing his first union card in 1979. He'd worked at thePotlatch Corp. paper mill in Lewiston for one month. He didn't think much about it at thetime, but he signed the card, joining United Steelworkers Local 608. Read More >>

*This story originally ran in the Idaho Statesman, and was picked up by the PostRegister and the National AFL­CIO blog.

AFL­CIO's Trumka on the middle class, the American dream, and growth vs.prosperity

The labor movement will need to transform itself to meet the changing circumstancesthe 21st century. Its future will depend on the imagination and accessibility of its currentleaders, as well as its ability to develop the leaders of the future. And, at a time when weface catastrophic and potentially irreversible changes in everything from wealthinequality to climate change, there will be many more questions to come. Read More >>

Letter to the Editor: Don't Gut USPS

The plan to help temporarily fund the highway construction by degrading postal serviceswould not achieve the desired transportation goals and would damage the economy.Our highways and bridges need to be kept in good working order but shutting down aday of delivery of mail is not the answer to this problem. Read More >>


Koch Brothers Exposed

Robert Greenwald is releasing a documentary called,"The Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition," whichfocuses on several new avenues the Koch brothers havebegun pursuing since the film was originally released in2012, including suppressing the minimum wage, bustingunions and disenfranchising voters. Watch the entire filmhere >>


Here are a few pictures from our Annual Convention. For more photos, visit ourwebsite.


Koch Brothers Exposed

Robert Greenwald is releasing a documentary called,"The Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition," whichfocuses on several new avenues the Koch brothers havebegun pursuing since the film was originally released in2012, including suppressing the minimum wage, bustingunions and disenfranchising voters. Watch the entire filmhere >>


Here are a few pictures from our Annual Convention. For more photos, visit ourwebsite.

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA

JULY 2014

Dear Friends,

This month I want to draw your attention to ourBrothers and Sisters in the American PostalWorkers Union, who are on the verge of a majorvictory. The office supply giant Staples made a no­biddeal with the U.S. Postal Service to replace postalworkers with low wage, high turnover jobs at a “postalcounter." So far, 80 Staples locations haveincorporated a cheap “shipping center” which,

compromised quality, security, and reliability of mail. Staples’ goal was to expand thisprogram to 1,500 stores across the nation, while at the same time the USPS iseliminating public post offices where skilled mail carriers are employed and ensuresuperior service.

In response to these maneuvers by Staples and the USPS, the APWU implemented aboycott on the retailer. The ‘Don’t Buy Staples’ movement has put enough pressure onStaples for them to alter their decision. However, while they claim to have terminatedtheir no­bid plan in favor of an “approved shipper”, all they have done is change thename, not their intentions. While community support of mail carriers has put significantpressure on Staples and the USPS we need to continue to stick together. However, theinitial response is a sign that Staples and the USPS are beginning to get the message.

While the effort isn't over, it's an excellent reminder of what we can accomplish with aunited, coordinated effort. Here in Idaho, workers face many threats and challenges.The large size of our state, our low numbers, and the far­flung distribution of our localsmeans that it isn't always easy to work together. But one of our big goals for the comingyear is to improve our coordination and our communication, so that together with ourBrothers and Sisters, we can make meaningful changes in our state.


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

August 24

Lewiston Clarkston CLC Picnic– Nez Perce County Fairgrounds– Celebrate Labor Day with the folks who made it possible.

September 112:00 p.m.­ 4:00 p.m.

North Idaho CLC Picnic– Q'emlin Park, Post Falls– Celebrate Labor Day with the folks who made it possible.

September 1Boise CLC Picnic– Municipal Park, Boise– Celebrate Labor Day with the folks who made it possible.


Times­News: Changes Slated for Idaho's Workforce Development Fund

Idaho’s Workforce Development Training Fund was to contribute toward more than3,000 jobs in the Magic Valley since its creation in 1996, but more than one­third of themwere with companies that aren’t here anymore. Recent changes to that program shouldrenew the emphasis on bringing good­paying jobs to Idaho and, through more stringentrequirements, reduce the likelihood that employers who get state training money willclose shop anytime soon, supporters of the reforms say. Read More >>

year is to improve our coordination and our communication, so that together with ourBrothers and Sisters, we can make meaningful changes in our state.


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO



Month of Guns Tickets Available– We're giving away a gun every day in August! Get your raffle tickets now. – Visit the website to learn more and order tickets.

August 24

Lewiston Clarkston CLC Picnic– Nez Perce County Fairgrounds– Celebrate Labor Day with the folks who made it possible.

September 112:00 p.m.­ 4:00 p.m.

North Idaho CLC Picnic– Q'emlin Park, Post Falls– Celebrate Labor Day with the folks who made it possible.

September 1Boise CLC Picnic– Municipal Park, Boise– Celebrate Labor Day with the folks who made it possible.


Times­News: Changes Slated for Idaho's Workforce Development Fund

Idaho’s Workforce Development Training Fund was to contribute toward more than3,000 jobs in the Magic Valley since its creation in 1996, but more than one­third of themwere with companies that aren’t here anymore. Recent changes to that program shouldrenew the emphasis on bringing good­paying jobs to Idaho and, through more stringentrequirements, reduce the likelihood that employers who get state training money willclose shop anytime soon, supporters of the reforms say. Read More >> Idaho Statesman: Idaho AFL­CIO Endorsement List: 51 Democrats, 3 Republicans

The 11,000­member group aims at a 'more labor­friendly Idaho in 2015.' Read More >>

The Missoulian: Guest Column by Mark Anderlik, Unite Here!

So how did the bad jobs of 100 years ago become the good jobs of today?Read More >>


Income Inequality Infographic

Think you know how wealth is distributed? MostAmericans have no idea. Watch the video>>


In a state like ours, where some consider "labor" a dirty word, it's important torecognize the moments when we come across a union supporter. Our BrotherNick Baumann had a shining experience that we want to share. And if you're inthe market for something to wet your whistle, ask for a union made brand.

"Greetings from the Gem State!

As you will see below, my name is Nick. I recently completed my apprenticeship with theSW Idaho JATC. On June 13th, my classmates and I attended our CompletionCeremony. I wanted to get them a gift to commemorate the occasion. I decided on acigar and a nice bottle of liquor for each of them. After getting the cigars, I went down tothe liquor store. I waited for the line at the counter to clear and then I stepped up to theman and began with this, "You probably don't get this question a lot, but could you tellme which of these liquors are union made?"

He responded by tilting his head back, raising his eyebrows, and giving me a quizzicallook. He then said, "In nine years of running this place, I have never been asked thatquestion." There was a pause between us. Then he said, "Hold on one moment."

He stepped down from behind his counter and went over to his computer. I followed. Iwaited as he looked at his computer screen, clicking away. His printer began to ejectsheets of paper. He handed me a stack while the printer continued to work.

Idaho Statesman: Idaho AFL­CIO Endorsement List: 51 Democrats, 3 Republicans

The 11,000­member group aims at a 'more labor­friendly Idaho in 2015.' Read More >>

The Missoulian: Guest Column by Mark Anderlik, Unite Here!

So how did the bad jobs of 100 years ago become the good jobs of today?Read More >>


Income Inequality Infographic

Think you know how wealth is distributed? MostAmericans have no idea. Watch the video>>


In a state like ours, where some consider "labor" a dirty word, it's important torecognize the moments when we come across a union supporter. Our BrotherNick Baumann had a shining experience that we want to share. And if you're inthe market for something to wet your whistle, ask for a union made brand.

"Greetings from the Gem State!

As you will see below, my name is Nick. I recently completed my apprenticeship with theSW Idaho JATC. On June 13th, my classmates and I attended our CompletionCeremony. I wanted to get them a gift to commemorate the occasion. I decided on acigar and a nice bottle of liquor for each of them. After getting the cigars, I went down tothe liquor store. I waited for the line at the counter to clear and then I stepped up to theman and began with this, "You probably don't get this question a lot, but could you tellme which of these liquors are union made?"

He responded by tilting his head back, raising his eyebrows, and giving me a quizzicallook. He then said, "In nine years of running this place, I have never been asked thatquestion." There was a pause between us. Then he said, "Hold on one moment."

He stepped down from behind his counter and went over to his computer. I followed. Iwaited as he looked at his computer screen, clicking away. His printer began to ejectsheets of paper. He handed me a stack while the printer continued to work.

He said, “This is what I found. It might not be current but I think it will work.” It was aseven page list of 249 liquors made by the UFCW. “I printed off one copy for you andcopy for the store in case someone else asks,” he said.

Not only had he found an answer for my question, he spent the next twenty minutesgoing through the list with me, showing me the liquors that he thought would go well withthe cigars, and telling me which ones he would drink. After he rang my order up andcongratulated me.

This goes to show you, if you don't know if something is union or American made, ask.You might be surprised."

Nicholas J. Baumann, P.S.

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA

He said, “This is what I found. It might not be current but I think it will work.” It was aseven page list of 249 liquors made by the UFCW. “I printed off one copy for you andcopy for the store in case someone else asks,” he said.

Not only had he found an answer for my question, he spent the next twenty minutesgoing through the list with me, showing me the liquors that he thought would go well withthe cigars, and telling me which ones he would drink. After he rang my order up andcongratulated me.

This goes to show you, if you don't know if something is union or American made, ask.You might be surprised."

Nicholas J. Baumann, P.S.

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA


Dear Friends,

Summer is wrapping up and it's nearly Labor Day­­a day when wecan take time to reflect on the accomplishments of the Labormovement, savor a hamburger, a good beer, and the company of ourBrothers and Sisters.

That said, I hope you will all turn up to your regional CLC Picnics­­allare welcome. I have listed details below. If your regional CLC picnic is not listed here,you may contact your CLC office for picnic details.


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO

Northern Idaho CLC Picnic

Monday, September 1st,12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Q'emlin Park, Post Falls

Drink and food provided.

Park charges money for parking.

Lewiston­Clarkston CLC Picnic

Sunday, August 24th, 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.Nez Perce County Fairgrounds, Lewiston

Burgers, Dogs & Homemade Salads

Door Prizes, Raffles & a 50/50 Drawing

Boise Central Trades and Labor Council Picnic

Monday, September 1, 12:00 p.m.Municipal Park, Boise

Donations for lunch: $4.00 or 4 cans of food or dry goods to help restock ourFood Bank

To VOLUNTEER contact us at [email protected] or call at (208)343­1561

Magic Valley CLC Picnic

Saturday, August 16th, 12:00 p.m.Centennial Waterfront Park, Twin Falls

RSVP to Joe Maloney at [email protected]

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA


Dear Friends,

Summer is wrapping up and it's nearly Labor Day­­a day when wecan take time to reflect on the accomplishments of the Labormovement, savor a hamburger, a good beer, and the company of ourBrothers and Sisters.

That said, I hope you will all turn up to your regional CLC Picnics­­allare welcome. I have listed details below. If your regional CLC picnic is not listed here,you may contact your CLC office for picnic details.


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO

Northern Idaho CLC Picnic

Monday, September 1st,12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Q'emlin Park, Post Falls

Drink and food provided.

Park charges money for parking.

Lewiston­Clarkston CLC Picnic

Sunday, August 24th, 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.Nez Perce County Fairgrounds, Lewiston

Burgers, Dogs & Homemade Salads

Door Prizes, Raffles & a 50/50 Drawing

Boise Central Trades and Labor Council Picnic


Dear Friends,

I know that at times, politics looks more like war thananything you read about in your high school civicsclass. Those of us who are passionate about politicsoften find our blood boiling at the actions and words ofour political opponents, while folks who don't enjoy thepolitical back­and­forth are often simply turned off bythe hostility surrounding election season­­so much sothat many folks decide not to vote. Those people

believe that their voices have been drowned out by moneyed interests, or decide thatthey won't contribute to further discord and disagreement among neighbors.

But the truth of the matter was captured by President Lincoln when he stated, "Ballotsare the right and peaceful successors to bullets." I'd like to remind those who are turnedoff by politics that while the process isn't pretty, it's better than rule by brute force.

Please don't let those who seek to drown out your voice win. Vote on or before ElectionDay. If you'd like to get the voting process out of the way, go here to download anabsentee ballot request form and mail it to your county elections office, or visit yourelections office in October to vote early in person. And before you vote, get informed onwhich candidates are friends of Idaho's working families.


Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO


October 18­19 All day

Rock the Vote Twin FallsCity Park, Twin Falls

–Voter registration, absentee ballot request forms available.

–Free concert: Friday, October 17 at The Cove of Twin Falls.

–Saturday afternoon: A free, family­friendly concert at City Parkwith food, bounce houses, blow up slides, sponsored racecars, and candidate booths.

– Main event Saturday night: Concert by Royal Bliss and 5other local bands.

November 4Election Day– Make your voice heard!

November 1410:00 a.m.

Idaho Alliance for Retired Americans (IDARA) FoundingConventionIBEW Union Hall | 225 N. 16th Street, Boise– Join us for the first convening of the Idaho Alliance forRetired Americans.


Idaho Press­Tribune: The Cost of a Life

In Canyon County, 13 workers have died on the job from 2007 to now, according to theIdaho Industrial Commission’s annual reports. In the state of Idaho, there have beenabout 180 workplace deaths in that same period of time. According to the Bureau ofLabor Statistics, Idaho’s 2012 workplace fatality rate was 2.7. It was the 15th highest inthe nation. Read More >>

Times­News, Rian Van Leuven: Idahoans Should Unite for Better Wages,Economy

This year, I have spoken with folks of vastly differing political backgrounds and it’sbecome increasingly clear to me that there’s one point that most of us agree on–Idaho’s

become increasingly clear to me that there’s one point that most of us agree on–Idaho’sbottom­of­the­barrel wages are hurting our families. I’d like you to consider that,regardless of your political beliefs, joining together under the banner of our shared corevalues is the only way forward. Read More >>

Idaho Statesman: Electricians Picket in Boise

Local President Mark Zaleski said that changing the workers' shifts during contractnegotiations broke labor laws and that the electricians wouldn't work on lottery terminalsuntil Intralot changed back to their original shifts. Read More >>

Idaho Statesman: Meridian man, leader of 1981 air traffic controller strike, dies

On Aug. 3, 1981, the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization, whichrepresented most of the nation's 17,000 controllers, went on strike seeking higherwages, a shorter workweek, improved pensions, better equipment and other benefits.Even in an era when labor unions were powerful, it was an audacious move. Read More>>


"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver"Income Inequality

"Inequality is like cinnamon. You definitely want to havea little of it to spice life up a bit, but too much can be verydangerous." Watch the video>>


Did you know that the opinion page is the most­read page in the newspaper?Make your voice heard! Weigh in on today's most important topics. Use thisexample to get started.

Dear Editor, I have been following a recent series on companies that wrongly classify their hourlyworkers as independent contractors to avoid paying taxes. This is one of manyexamples of the ways that when businesses treat their workers poorly, it not only harmsfamilies, it's bad for competition and for the free market. Businesses that practice taxevasion are not only taking money from hardworking families, but they make it hard forhonest businesses to compete. These businesses are the real "takers," cheating ourhonest businesses and families out of hard­earned money.

Help us get more letters to the editor in Idaho newspapers! Join our Facebook group forhelp and reminders to make your voice heard.

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Idaho State AFL CIO · 225 N 16th Street · Boise, ID 83702 · USA


Dear Friends,

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Footballseason, that is.

Tuning in on Sundays with friends and family hasalways been one of my favorite pastimes. I do have toadmit that I'm guilty of getting caught up in the momentand forgetting that the players can't hear mecoaching from the couch.

I think one of the reasons I get fired up about football is because it's so team oriented—more so than the other big sports. A quarterback is only as good as his offensive line,and the best running backs can't do much without their blockers. It doesn't surprise methat the NFL Players Association is such a strong union, or that there are college playerswho want to unionize now, too. When you can't do your job without 10 other men doingtheirs, you understand the value of solidarity.

It's a shame that in a country where most folks agree on the value of unity in the lockerroom and fairness on the playing field, so many people don't support workers seekingto implement the same principles on the job. We don't blame players for beingconcerned about head injuries, but when employees want to negotiate for betterworking conditions, some claim that there's plenty of other folks out there who can dothe job without complaining. We are outraged when we hear about players artificiallyenhancing their abilities with steroids but plenty of folks don't cry foul when corporationsrely on welfare and food stamps to make up the difference between a living wage andthe minimum wage and return huge profits to executives and shareholders. Why is it that a safe and level playing field is something we demand in our games, butnot in arenas with real­life consequences for so many Americans?

In Solidarity,

Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO


November 4Election Day– Make your voice heard!

November 1410:00 a.m.

Idaho Alliance for Retired Americans (IDARA) FoundingConventionIBEW Union Hall | 225 N. 16th Street, Boise– Join us for the first convening of the Idaho Alliance forRetired Americans.


Idaho Statesman: Guest Opinion: The Case for a Higher Minimum Wage

Just as limits on utility rates are a crude but useful tool to deal with monopoly, aminimum wage can be a crude but useful tool to deal with monopsonistic power andother failures in labor markets. The outcome is far from perfect, but a minimum wagecan result in an economy that uses resources more efficiently and is more fair. Read More >>

Times­News: Both Sides Use Stats to Paint Contrasting Pictures of Idaho'sEconomy

Depending on whom you believe, Idaho is either growing and recovering thanks to C.L.“Butch” Otter and his conservative, business­friendly economic policies, or it isdescending into a Dickensian dystopia of haves and have­nots where schoolchildren gohungry, parents work for minimum wage and what economic growth there is doesn’treach the average person. Read More >>

CDA Press: Teen Worker Dies in Accident at Hauser Corn Maze

The Kootenai County Sheriff's Office reported that Jeremy McSpadden Jr., 18, was

Why is it that a safe and level playing field is something we demand in our games, butnot in arenas with real­life consequences for so many Americans?

In Solidarity,

Rian Van LeuvenPresident, Idaho AFL­CIO


November 4Election Day– Make your voice heard!

November 1410:00 a.m.

Idaho Alliance for Retired Americans (IDARA) FoundingConventionIBEW Union Hall | 225 N. 16th Street, Boise– Join us for the first convening of the Idaho Alliance forRetired Americans.


Idaho Statesman: Guest Opinion: The Case for a Higher Minimum Wage

Just as limits on utility rates are a crude but useful tool to deal with monopoly, aminimum wage can be a crude but useful tool to deal with monopsonistic power andother failures in labor markets. The outcome is far from perfect, but a minimum wagecan result in an economy that uses resources more efficiently and is more fair. Read More >>

Times­News: Both Sides Use Stats to Paint Contrasting Pictures of Idaho'sEconomy

Depending on whom you believe, Idaho is either growing and recovering thanks to C.L.“Butch” Otter and his conservative, business­friendly economic policies, or it isdescending into a Dickensian dystopia of haves and have­nots where schoolchildren gohungry, parents work for minimum wage and what economic growth there is doesn’treach the average person. Read More >>

CDA Press: Teen Worker Dies in Accident at Hauser Corn Maze

The Kootenai County Sheriff's Office reported that Jeremy McSpadden Jr., 18, was

The Kootenai County Sheriff's Office reported that Jeremy McSpadden Jr., 18, wasperforming his role as a zombie for the new "Zombie Slayer Paintball Bus"attraction. Read More >>


If Walmart Paid Its Employees A Living Wage, HowMuch Would Prices Go Up?

What would it really cost the consumer if Walmart paidliving wages? Find out how Walmart makes billions fromtax dollars by paying their employees a sub­livingwage. Watch the video>>


Did you know that the opinion page is the most­read page in the newspaper?Make your voice heard! Weigh in on today's most important topics. Use thisexample to get started.

Help us get more letters to the editor in Idaho newspapers! Join our Facebook group forhelp and reminders to make your voice heard.

Dear Editor, As they say, there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. GovernorOtter is guilty of using at least one of the three in his campaign. In recent debates andads, Governor Otter has touted studies and surveys indicating that Idaho is one of themost business­friendly states and that we're creating more jobs. Things couldn't lookbetter! The Great Recession was the cause of all our woes! However, Otter fails tomention that our job growth is primarily in low­wage, service sector jobs. The number ofIdahoans working minimum wage jobs has continued to increase—by 63%, in fact, since2011. We're falling behind the rest of the nation in personal income, but keeping up withother states' cost of living. If my stats don't seem any more compelling than Otter's, askyourself this (to steal from another Republican figurehead): Are you better off than if youlived somewhere else?

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