  • 7/23/2019 W6 - Hand Out EBRD WiB Gap and Indicator Table


    Indicators used in gap calculations: sources and definitions The Women in Business Gap

    Area Indicators Year Units Source Definition

    Saved at a financial institution in the past year,

    ratio f/m (% age 15+)2011 Ratio Findex

    This indicator denotes the percentage of respondents who report saving or setting aside any money by using an account at a formal

    financial institution such as a bank, credit union, microfinance institution, or cooperative in the past 12 months (% female vs male, age


    Account at a formal financial institution, ratio

    f/m (% age 15+)2011 Ratio Findex

    This indicator denotes the percentage of respondents with an account (self or together with someone else) at a bank, credit union,

    another financial institution (e.g., cooperative, microfinance institution), or the post office (if applicable) including respondents who

    reported having a debit card (% female vs male, age 15+).

    Loans rejected, ratio f/m (top managment and

    ownership)2012 Distance BEEPS

    This indicator derives from the BEEPs questionaire question K16 and K20a , which was filtered by question b7a and b4a to obtain

    disaggregation by gender (topmanagement and ownership).

    Women's access to finance (seen as anobstacle or not), ratio f/m (top management

    and ownership)

    2012 Distance BEEPS

    This indicator denotes the percentage of firms with female top managers who finds access to finance an obstacle or not. Questionarie

    question k30 was used filtered by b7a and b4a. The answers of k30: moderate obstacle, major obstacle and very severe obstacle;

    was used.

    Perception and risk adversity, ratio f/m (top

    management and ownership)2012


    BEEPSThis indicator is based on the BEEPs question ecak17 (2- 7) "reasons you did not a pply for a loan"; capturing perception of access to

    finance and risk adversity.

    Women's access to finance programmes 2012Rating 1-5 where

    5=most favourableWEO, EIU

    Availability of outreach programmes for women that target the provision of financial services through either government initiatives or

    private lenders. Rating 1-5 where 5=most favourable (with countries like Denmark and France scoring 5).

    Mobile phone used to receive money, ratio

    f/m (% age 15+)2011 Ratio Findex

    This indicator denotes the percentage o f respondents who report using a mobile phone to receive money in the past 12 months (%

    female vs male, age 15+).

    Mobile phone used to send money, ratio f/m

    (% age 15+)2011 Ratio Findex

    This indicator denotes the percentage o f respondents who report using a mobile phone to receive money in the past 12 months (%

    female vs male, age 15+).

    Access to Collateral

    Collateral required, ratio f/m (top managementand ownership)

    2012 Ratio BEEPS Based on BEEPs question 2012 k13 "Was collateral required for most recent line of credit" (yes/no), filtered by gender questionsb7a and b4a (topmanagement and ownership)

    Property Ownership Rights 2012Five points, from 0

    to 5EIU-WEO

    This indicator assesses if customary practices take precedence over legislation (statutory law) in ways that are harmful to women,

    resulting in less-than-full ownership rights for women over their property. The scoring for this indicator ranges from 1 to 5, whereas :

    1= Men and women do not have equal ownership rights over moveable and immoveable property; and 5= Men and women have

    ownership rights according to legal codes and customary practices do not take prec edence over statutory law.

    Inheritance Laws in Favour of Male Heirs 2013One po int index,

    0.5 = no ; 1 = yes

    World Bank, Business

    and the LawThis indicator looks at inheritance practices in favour of male heirs.

    Business training and ownership

    (Financial literacy and know-how)Business finance products, ratio f/m (proxy

    for financial literacy)2011 Ratio Findex

    This indicator contains of 3 financial variables: (1) the percentage of responde nts with a credit card (% female vs male, age 15+) , (2)

    the percentage of respondents with a deb it card (% female vs male, age 15+), (3) the percentage of respondents who re port using

    their accounts at a formal financial institution for business purposes only or for both business purposes and personal transactions (%

    female vs male, age 15+).

    Literacy rate, ratio f/m 2012 Ratio

    United Nations Statistics

    Divison, UN Social


    A literate person is defined as someone who can both read and write with understanding, a short, simple statement on his or hereveryday life.

    Upper Secondary Education, ratio f/m

    (enrollment rates, by gender)2012 Ratio World Bank

    Low income and low educated women are proved to have the lowest financial literacy rates. Less educated women are less lickely to

    start their own business and cotribute to lower survival rates. Women with an education beyond secondary educational level are said

    to have a certain level of financial understanding.

    Female top management and ownerhsip 2012 PercentageBEEPS (and world bank

    for semed, where beeps

    are not available yet)

    Female ownership based on ownership by female(s) greater than or equal to 50%. BEEPs question b4a. And, Percentage of firms

    with females as the top manager. BEEPs variable b7a.

    Non Discrimination Practice 2012Ten point index,

    from 0 to 10

    EIU-WEO, based on


    This indicator measures a country's progress in enforcing the provision of the ILO Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)

    Convention (No. 100).

    Access to Childcare Practice 2012Five points, from 0

    to 5EIU-WEO

    This indicator considers the availability, affordability (including the price of childcare as per cent of average wages) and quality of


    Labour Force Participation Rate, ratio of f/m

    (15+) 2013 Ratio WB

    Labor force participation rate is the proportion of the population ages 15 and older that is economically active: all people who supply

    labor for the production of goods and services during a specified period.

    Gender Pay Gap 2013 Percentage UN ECEGender pay gap is the difference between mens and womens average earnings from employment, shown as a percentage of mens

    average earnings (in monthly earnings).

    Access to Finance

    Non-financial barriers (Labour

    Pratices, Social and cultural norms)

  • 7/23/2019 W6 - Hand Out EBRD WiB Gap and Indicator Table


    Suggested WiB gap

    Country WiB

    Central Europe and Baltic States

    Croatia Smal l Large Smal l Smal l

    Estonia Medium Large Medium Medium

    Hungary Medium Large Medium Medium

    Latvia Smal l Large Medium Smal l

    Lithuania Medium Medium Medium Medium

    Poland Medium Large Large Medium

    Slovak Republic Medium Large Large Medium

    Slovenia Smal l Large Medium Smal l

    South-eastern Europe

    Albania Medium Large Large Large

    Bosnia and Herzegovina Medium Large Large Medium

    Bulgaria Smal l Large Medium Medium

    Cyprus Not availabl e not available Small Large

    Kosovo Not availabl e not available not available Large

    Macedonia, FYR Medium Large Medium Medium

    Montenegro Medium Large Large Medium

    Romania Medium Large Medium Medium

    Serbia Medium Large Large Smal l

    Turkey Large Large Large LargeEastern Europe and Caucasus

    Armenia Medium Large Large Medium

    Azerbaijan Large Large Medium Large

    Belarus Medium Large Smal l Medium

    Georgia Smal l Large Medium Smal l

    Moldova Medium Large Smal l Medium

    Ukraine Medium Large Medium Medium

    Russian Federation Medium Large Medium Medium

    Central Asia

    Kazakhstan Medium Large Large Medium

    Kyrgyz Re publi c Medium Large Medium Smal l

    Mongolia Medium Large Medium Smal l

    Tajikistan Large Large Medium LargeTurkmenistan Not ava ilable Large Large not available

    Uzbekistan Large Large Large Large

    Southern and Eastern Mediterranean

    Egypt Large Large Large Large

    Jordan Large Large Large Large

    Libya Not availabl e not available Large not available

    Morocco Large Large Large Large

    Tunisia Large Large Large Large

    Comparator Countries

    France Smal l Medium Medium Medium

    Germany Smal l Medium Smal l Medium

    Italy Medium Medium Large Large

    Sweden Smal l Medium Smal l Medium

    UK Smal l Medium Medium Medium

    Relevant 2014 EBRD gender gaps

    For comparison

    Access to FinanceEmployment and firm

    ownershipLabour Practices