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The Use of SpecializedTraining Techniques toMaximize MuscleHypertrophyBrad Schoenfeld, MSc, CSCSGlobal Fitness Services, Scarsdale, New York



















It is a well-accepted fact that pro-gressive resistance training canpromote significant increases in

muscle size. Enlargements in musclecross-sectional area (CSA) of approxi-mately 10–15% have been reported afterjust 10–14 weeks of dynamic heavy-resistance training (48,58,32). Musclehypertrophy is limited during the initialweeks of training, with the majority ofstrength increases in untrained individ-uals attributed to neural and architec-tural adaptations (63). Thereafter,hypertrophy becomes increasinglyevident, with the upper extremitiestending to display growth before thelower extremities (52,70). Although

muscle hypertrophy is apparent in bothtype I and type II fibers, significantlygreater gains are seen in type II fibers(42,70). Factors that mitigate the rateand absolute limits of muscular gainsinclude genetics, age, and gender (43).

A significant number of those who liftweights do so to maximize musculardevelopment. Hypertrophy is espe-cially important to strength athletes(e.g., football linemen, shot putters, etc)given that a direct correlation existsbetween strength and muscle CSA(29,37,46) and bodybuilders, who arejudged on the extent of their muscu-larity. A variety of specialized trainingtechniques have been advocated asa means to heighten muscle growth.Forced repetitions (reps), drop sets,supersets, and heavy negatives, inparticular, have been purported toenhance the hypertrophic response toresistance exercise. Thus, the purposeof this article will be to explore thepotential role of these techniques inpromoting muscle hypertrophy and toprovide an insight into possible appli-cations to resistance training programs.


Although the mechanisms of exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy have notbeen fully elucidated, current theorysuggests that it is mediated by mecha-nochemically stimulated intracellularsignaling and involves a complex int-eraction of hormones, growth factors,

myokines, and other signaling agents.These upstream regulators act onvarious myogenic pathways, such asPI3K/Akt/mTOR (6,39,71), MAPK(44,60), and calcium signaling pathways(11,12). Initiation of 1 or more of thesepathways sets off an enzymatic cascadethat ultimately increases protein syn-thetic rate and/or decreases the rate ofproteolysis, leading to a greater accu-mulation of myofibrillar proteins (61).

Three basic factors have been impli-cated in promoting exercise-inducedmuscle hypertrophy: mechanical ten-sion, muscle damage, and metabolicstress. Depending on the stimulus,these factors may work in tandem toproduce a synergistic effect on muscledevelopment (61). The following isa brief overview of these factors. Foran in depth exploration of the topic,refer to the review article bySchoenfeld (61).

Mechanical tension is perhaps themost dominant mediator of musclehypertrophy (18,33,34,73). It is believedthat mechanical tension disturbs theintegrity of skeletal muscle, causingmechanochemically transduced molec-ular and cellular responses in myofibersand satellite cells (72). With respect


forced repetitions; drop sets; supersets;paired sets; heavy negatives; musclehypertrophy; muscle development

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to resistance training, the degree ofmechanical tension is primarily a func-tion of intensity (amount of load) andtime under tension (duration of appliedload). An optimal combination of thesevariables will maximize the motor unit(MU) recruitment and rate coding,thereby bringing about the fatigue ofa wide spectrum of MUs and thusa greater hypertrophic response (59).

Localized muscle damage caused byresistance training has also been impli-cated in mediating muscle growth(14,31). The onset of myodamageinitiates an inflammatory response in-volving neutrophils, macrophages, andlymphocytes. This leads to the pro-duction of myokines, which are believedto potentiate the release of variousgrowth factors that regulate satellite cellproliferation and differentiation (72,74).Mechano growth factor (MGF), a splicevariant of insulin-like growth factor(IGF-1) that is locally expressed inmuscle fibers, appears to be particularlysensitive to muscle damage (5,18) andthus may be directly responsible for theincreased satellite cell activity seen withmyotrauma.

Finally, an emerging body of researchindicates that exercise-induced meta-bolic stress can act as a potenthypertrophic stimulus (59,62,65,66).Metabolic stress arises from the perfor-mance of resistance exercise that reliespredominantly on anaerobic glycolysisfor the production of adenosine tri-phosphate, which in turn results in theintramuscular accumulation of metabo-lites, such as lactate, hydrogen ion, andinorganic phosphate (67,70). Metabolicbuildup is believed to promote positivealterations in an anabolic milieu, con-ceivably modulated by a combination ofhormonal factors (including IGF-1,testosterone, and growth hormone[GH]), cellular hydration, free radicalproduction, and/or activity of growth-oriented transcription factors (19,20,68). Some researchers have speculatedthat the lower pH associated with fastglycolysis may further augment hyper-trophic adaptation by stimulating sym-pathetic nerve activity and increasingfiber degradation (8).


Forced reps, drop sets, supersets, andheavy negatives are popular trainingtechniques for increasing muscle de-velopment. Although research is lack-ing as to their direct impact on musclehypertrophy, a large body of implieddata provide a sound theoretical ratio-nale for beneficial effect. The followingsections explore the applicability ofthese techniques with respect to ahypertrophy-oriented routine.


Forced reps (i.e., assisted reps) involvethe use of a spotter who assists the lifterin the performance of additional repsafter the concentric failure is reached,often to help move the weight pasta ‘‘sticking point.’’ It is theorized thatforced reps may enhance the hyper-trophic stimulus by augmenting MUfatigue and/or metabolic stress.

Ahtiainen et al. (1) investigated theeffects of forced reps on acute GHsecretion after a performance of 4 setsof 12 reps of the leg press and 2 sets of12 reps for the squat and leg extension.The maximum rep (MR) group per-formed all sets at their 12 repetitionmaximum (RM), whereas the forcedrepetition (FR) group used a loadhigher than MR so that the subjectsrequired assistance to complete 12reps. Thirty minutes after workout,GH levels were significantly greater inthe FR group compared with thosewho did not perform forced reps.Volume (as measured by total repsperformed) was equated betweengroups, implying that elevated hor-monal concentrations were attribut-able to the use of forced reps.

There is some disagreement amongresearchers as to whether GH actuallyis involved in the anabolic response toexercise. However, studies indicatethat an exercise-induced increase inGH is in fact highly correlated with themagnitude of both type I and type IImuscle fiber hypertrophies andstrength-related muscular adaptations(26,49). Evidence suggests that this

may be related to GH’s ability topotentiate the upregulation of theIGF-1 gene in muscle so that moreIGF-1Ea is spliced toward the MGFisoform (27,36). Additional research isneeded to elucidate what, if any, roledoes exercise-induced elevations inGH play in the hypertrophic processand, if so, whether this is a benefit toemploying forced reps in a musclebuilding program.


Similar to forced reps, drop sets (alsoknown as descending sets) involveperforming a set to muscular failurewith a given load and then immedi-ately reducing the load and continuingto train until subsequent failure. It isbelieved that this technique can stim-ulate greater muscular growth by in-ducing greater MU fatigue (75). Theincreased time under tension associ-ated with drop sets would likely alsoheighten metabolic stress and ische-mia, enhancing anabolic milieu. Multi-ple drops can be performed in the sameset to elicit even greater levels of fatigueand metabolic stress.

There is some evidence that drop setscan indeed enhance the body’s ana-bolic environment after resistance ex-ercise. Goto et al. (22) assessed theinclusion of a low-intensity set (50% of1RM) immediately after the perfor-mance of a high-intensity set. Resultsshowed a significant spike in GH levelsassociated with the additional low-intensity drop set. Follow-up work byGoto et al. (21) showed that theaddition of a drop set to a standardstrength training protocol resulted ina significant increase in the muscleCSA as opposed to the strengthtraining protocol alone. Neither ofthese studies controlled for total train-ing volume, leaving open the possibilitythat the elevated hormonal responseand associated muscle protein accre-tion were caused by an increasedvolume.

As opposed to forced reps, drop setsdo not necessarily require the presenceof a spotter. This allows for greaterindependence when training and

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affording lifters with a greater controlover the intensities used.

Given that both forced reps and dropsets involve training to muscular fail-ure, caution must be used whenintegrating these techniques into a hy-pertrophy-oriented program. Repeat-edly training to muscle failure overtime has been shown to increase thepotential for overtraining and psycho-logical burnout (17) and may lead toreductions in resting IGF-1 concen-trations and a blunting of restingtestosterone levels (38). Hence, a gen-eral recommendation is to use forcedreps and drop sets sparingly in thecontext of a periodized routine. It isusually prudent to limit their use toa select few sets in a given microcycle,making sure to intersperse periods ofunloading to allow for necessary re-cuperation. That said, recuperativeabilities are highly dependent on theindividual and are impacted by nutri-tional supplementation, the use ofanabolic steroids, and other factorsthat may allow for more frequent useof these techniques.


Supersets (also known as paired sets)can be defined as 2 exercises performedin succession without rest (56).Although supersets have long beenused in bodybuilding routines, a searchof the literature failed to reveal anystudies directly investigating whethertheir use facilitates increases in musculargrowth. However, it is conceivable thatthe reduced rest between sets increasesmuscular fatigue and metabolic stress(41), which may enhance hypertrophy.

Hypothetically, any 2 exercises can becombined to form a superset. Perhaps,the most common superset techniqueinvolves the performance of exercisesthat share an agonist/antagonist re-lationship, which is sometimes calledagonist-antagonist paired set (APS)training. Multiple studies have shownthat contracting an antagonist muscleincreases force output during subse-quent contractions of the agonist(9,23,24,40). This has been attributedto reduced antagonist inhibition

and/or an increase in stored elasticenergy in the muscle-tendon complex(4,40). The greater mechanical tensiongenerated by the agonist could poten-tially lead to increases in musculargrowth. There is some evidencethat the benefits associated with pre-contractions may be limited to fastermovements (47), suggesting that hy-pertrophy would be optimizedby performing concentric reps explo-sively during the second exercise ina superset.

Robbins et al. (57) demonstrated thatAPS training allows for a greaternumber of reps to be performed pergiven unit of time without significantlyreducing the intensity or total trainingvolume. This increased ‘‘training den-sity’’ is achieved through acute im-provements in training efficiency,which necessarily heightens the extentof fatigue. The elevated levels offatigue, in turn, may contribute to thehypertrophic stimulus (59). Althoughmarkers of metabolic stress were notstudied, an increased training densitywould conceivably require a greaterreliance on anaerobic glycolysis, en-hancing anabolic milieu.


Heavy negatives (supramaximal loadedeccentric actions) involve the perfor-mance of eccentric contractions ata weight greater than concentric1RM. This usually requires a spotterto help raise the weight concentricallyafter the lifter performs the eccentricrep. The lifter may perform multiplereps depending on training intensity.Given that a muscle is not fully fatiguedduring concentric training (75), the useof heavy negatives may elicit greaterMU fatigue and thus provide anadditional hypertrophic stimulus.

A significant body of research showsthat eccentric exercise elicits greatergains in lean muscle compared withconcentric and isometric contractions(15,16,30,54). Hather et al. (28) foundthat maximal muscle hypertrophy inresponse to resistance exercise is notattained unless eccentric muscle ac-tions are performed. To this end,

eccentric actions are associated witha more rapid rise in protein synthesis(51), greater increases in IGF-1 mes-senger RNA (mRNA) expression (64),and more pronounced elevations inp70S6k (13), when compared with othertypes of contractions.

Several explanations have been pro-posed to account for the hypertrophicsuperiority of eccentric exercise. Forone, it is associated with greater muscledamage, which has been shown tomediate a hypertrophic response, aspreviously noted (14,31). Damage tomuscle manifests as Z-line streaming,which the current research suggests isan indicative of myofibrillar remodel-ing (10,76). Z-bands are critical sites formechanotransduction, and localizedtrauma is believed to facilitate hyper-trophic signaling (34). c-Jun NH2–terminal kinase (JNK), a signalingmodule of MAPK, appears to beparticularly sensitive to eccentricallyinduced muscle damage (7). The acti-vation of JNK by eccentric contractionsis coupled with significant elevations inmRNA of transcription factors involvedin cell proliferation and DNA-mediatedtissue repair (2,3,7).

Eccentric exercise has also been shownto provoke a preferential recruitment offast twitch muscle fibers (53,64,69) andpossibly elicit recruitment of previouslyinactive MUs (50,53). Increased high-threshold MU recruitment occurs inconjunction with a reduced activationof slow twitch fibers, resulting ina greater amount of stress per MU(25,45). The net result is an increasedmechanical tension in type II fibers,which have the greatest potential formuscle growth because of their anaer-obic phenotype (42,70). This wasdemonstrated by Hortobagyi et al.(35), who investigated the effects ofeccentric contractions versus concen-tric contractions on muscle CSA in thequadriceps. After 12 weeks, type 1 fiberdiameter was not significantly differentbetween the groups, but eccentricexercise resulted in a 10-fold increasein the diameter compared with con-centric exercise.


Specialized Hypertrophy Techniques

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Finally, eccentric training is associatedwith an increased metabolic stress.Ojasto and Hakkinen (55) reportedan elevated lactate buildup and a cor-responding spike in anabolic hormonallevels after accentuated eccentric train-ing, with the greatest increases notedwhen training at higher eccentricintensities.

Given that the eccentric strength isapproximately 20–50% greater thanthe concentric strength (5), a generalrecommendation is to perform heavynegatives with a load between 105 and125% of concentric 1RM. This willallow the lifter to complete multiplereps at a supramaximal intensity. A2- to 3-second eccentric tempo ishypothesized to be ideal for maximizinga hypertrophic response (61).

As with forced reps, a downside ofheavy negatives is that a spotter isrequired for performance, and in in-stances where free weights are used,2 spotters may be required if theloads are sufficiently heavy. Moreover,forced reps also overtax the neuromus-cular system and therefore can hastenthe onset of overtraining. Moderationis therefore required when integratingthis technique into hypertrophy-oriented programs.


Evidence suggests a beneficial effect forselectively including forced reps, dropsets, supersets, and heavy negatives ina hypertrophy-oriented resistancetraining routine. The lack of directresearch examining the hypertrophiceffect of these techniques makes itdifficult to provide specific guidelinesfor volume and frequency. However,their fatiguing nature increases the riskfor overreaching and overtraining, andit is generally prudent to limit their useto no more than a few microcyclesover the course of a periodized pro-gram. That said, people have differingrecuperative abilities, and experimen-tation is therefore necessary to de-termine an appropriate volume andfrequency for the individual. Potentialsigns of overtraining should be contin-ually monitored to optimize results.

Moreover, these techniques should beconsidered advanced training strate-gies. Their use has a taxing effect on theneuromuscular system that is likely toexceed a beginner’s capacity for adap-tation. Based on the author’s experi-ence, a minimum of several months ofregimented training is warranted be-fore integrating the techniques intoa routine.


Schoenfeld isthe owner/directorof Global FitnessServices.

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