Slide 1 Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1 st Edition 2009 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques Unit 4.2

Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

Unit 4.2

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

The aim of this Unit is to provide Military Experts on Missions with the necessary information to understand and apply the drafting techniques in

UN operational reporting system, and briefing procedures in a complex United Nations peace operation


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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Learning Outcome

On completion of this section, participants will be able to:

• Outline the importance of drafting techniques and apply them in UN correspondence.•Understand and apply the UN military briefing procedures.

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Structure of Presentation

• Drafting correspondence• Briefings techniques

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

The correspondence of the United Nations must be concise, clear and accurate in

content, direct and dignified in style, correct in form and attractive in appearance

Guidelines for drafting

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Think before drafting

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Write simply, clearly and concisely

Once we know what we want to communicate, to whom and why, we can draft correspondence clearly, correctly and concisely using a simple style. It is unadorned, and therefore is easily understood.

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Dos Don’tsBe concrete Don’t use any more words than


State your facts or ideas directly

Don’t use a circumlocution

Use verbs in the active Don’t use emphasis in correspondence.

Use concrete words. Don’t use needless adjectives and adverbs

Use short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs

Avoid anything which might offend the sensibilities of the readers.

Dos and Don’ts in writing

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Well-constructed papers; well-constructed paragraphs

• Well-constructed papers present reasoned propositions, • Introductory paragraphs should normally begin with a

statement of the proposition to be presented in the paper. • The narrative should be developed in a series of intermediate • Concluding paragraphs should be very brief, recapitulating the analysis, drawing conclusions and making recommendations

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Some Guidelines for Briefings

• Briefings are either intended to provide general information or information to a specific audience.• Do not unnecessarily repeat information. • Present facts • Describe shortfalls, critical constraints or • Recommendations for action should include What, When, Where, Who and Why • An agenda has to be established, and the areas of responsibility of each individual briefer

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Aim: To inform superiors or subordinated commanders on the current situation.

• Mission• Situation of the parties to the conflict, capabilities and `presumable intentions• Situation of superior formation, adjacent units and other `organizations• Situation of friendly forces in all basic functional areas• Friendly intentions• Special command and control problems• Requests / recommendations• Summary

Military Information Briefing

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Visitors Information Briefing

Aim: To inform visitors or guests about the current situation or a specific topic

• Introduction and purpose of the briefing• Mission• Situation of the parties to the conflict• Situation of other organizations as applicable• Situation of friendly forces in all basic functional areas as applicable• Friendly intentions• Summary

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Staff Conference Briefing

Aim: To inform staff personnel and to coordinate the workflow and planning process. Several staff conferences may be needed to develop courses of action or coordinate the planning process.

• Introduction, purpose and agenda• Mission• Development of the parties to the conflict, capabilities and presumable intentions• Situation of other organizations as applicable• Development of friendly forces in all basic functional areas • Decisions and guidelines• Further friendly intentions• Summary

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009

Aim: To inform about courses of action and to prepare a commander’s decision

• Introduction and purpose• Mission and mission analysis• Situation, estimate of the parties to the conflict,• Situation, estimate of superior formation, adjacent units• Situation, estimate of other organizations as applicable• Situation, estimate of friendly forces in all basic functional areas• Environmental conditions and their appreciation• Comparison of forces (Force Ratio)• Assessment and comparison of possible Courses of Action (COA)• Recommended decision

Decision Briefing

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Unit 4.2 Correspondence drafting and UN briefing techniques

UN Peacekeeping PDT Standards, Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission 1st Edition 2009