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Stephen L. Williams, Sr., D. Min

Our Presenter


• Reclaim your faith

The Bible, Spirit of

Prophecy, and Health


Luke 4

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,

because he hath anointed me to

preach the gospel to the poor;

he hath sent me to heal the

brokenhearted, to preach deliverance

to the captives, and recovering of sight

to the blind, to set at liberty them that

are bruised, 19 To preach the

acceptable year of the Lord

• Heal

• Preach

• Recover

• Liberate

• Teach

Isa 58:6-7

Is not this the fast that I have chosen?

to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo

the heavy burdens, and to let the

oppressed go free, and that ye break

every yoke?

Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry,

and that thou bring the poor that are cast

out to thy house? when thou seest the

naked, that thou cover him; and that thou

hide not thyself from thine own flesh?

Sealed with the Sabbath


The fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah contains

present truth for the people of God…Upon

those who keep the Sabbath of the Lord is

laid the responsibility of doing a work of

mercy and benevolence. Medical

missionary work is to be bound up with the

message, and sealed with the seal of God.

--Manuscript 22, 1901. {WM 121.3}

1. You will never be ministers after the

gospel order till you show a decided

interest in medical missionary work, the

gospel of healing and blessing and

strengthening. {CH 533.2}

Luke 14:21-23

• 21 So that servant came, and shewed

his lord these things. Then the master of

the house being angry said to his servant,

Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of

the city, and bring in hither the poor, and

the maimed, and the halt, and the blind.

• 22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as

thou hast commanded, and yet there is


• 23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go

out into the highways and hedges, and

compel them to come in, that my house

may be filled.

A Fulfillment of Scripture

2. Why has it not been understood from

the Word of God that the work being done

in medical missionary lines is a fulfillment

of the scripture, "Go out quickly into the

streets and lanes of the city, and bring in

hither the poor, and the maimed, and the

halt, and the blind…

And the servant said, Lord, it is done as

thou hast commanded, and yet there is

room. And the Lord said unto the servant,

Go out into the highways and hedges, and

compel them to come in, that my house

may be full." {WM 121.4}

Medical missionary work brings to

humanity the gospel of release from

suffering. It is the pioneer work of the

gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the

compassion of Christ revealed…

Of this work there is great need, and the

world is open for it. God grant that the

importance of medical missionary work

shall be understood, and that new fields

may be immediately entered. Then will the

work of the ministry be after the Lord's

order; the sick will be healed, and poor,

suffering humanity will be blessed. {MM


True Gospel Ministry

To take people right where they are,

whatever their position or condition, and

help them in every way possible--this is

gospel ministry. Those who are diseased

in body are nearly always diseased in

mind, and when the soul is sick the body

also is affected.-- Testimonies, vol. 6, pp.

300, 301. {WM 121.2}

3. I wish to tell you that soon there will be

no work done in ministerial lines but

medical missionary work. The work of a

minister is to minister. Our ministers are to

work on the gospel plan of ministering. . . .

{CH 533.1}

Medical Missionaries

and The Church

The work of every Church

Training Center

• 4. Every church should

be a training school for

Christian workers.

The work of every Church

Training Center

• Its members should be taught how

to give Bible readings, how to

conduct and teach Sabbath school

classes, how best to help the poor

and to care for the sick, how to

work for the unconverted.

The work of every Church

Training Center

•There should be

schools of health,

The work of every Church

Training Center

• cooking schools, and

classes in various lines

of Christian help work.

The work of every Church

Training Center

• There should not only be teaching, but

actual work under experienced

instructors. Let the teachers lead the

way in working among the people, and

others, uniting with them, will learn

from their example. -- The Ministry of

Healing, p. 149.

The work of Every Church


• There is a message regarding health

reform to be borne in every church.--

Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 370.

The work of Every Church

• The medical missionary work should be

a part of the work of every church in

our land.-- Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 289.

To my ministering brethren I would say,

Prosecute this work (Medical Missionary

Work) with tact and ability. Set to work the

young men and the young women in our

churches. Combine the medical

missionary work with the proclamation of

the third angel's message…

Make regular, organized efforts to lift the

churches out of the dead level into which

they have fallen, and have remained for

years. Send into the church workers who

will set the principles of health reform in

their connection with the third angel's

message before every family and


Encourage all to take a part in work for

their fellow men, and see if the breath of

life will not quickly return to these

churches.--Letter 54, 1898. {WM 124.2}





• Crwded earth. where is everyone going to live


• Moving out of the cities by DAvid Westbrook.


• Reclaim your faith


• Pope Francis


• City Slums


• In every large city there should be corps of

organized, well-disciplined workers; not

merely one or two, but scores should be

set to work. But the perplexing question is

yet unsolved, how they will be sustained. .

. .

• More attention should be given to training

and educating missionaries with a special

reference to work in the cities. Each

company of workers should be under the

direction of a competent leader,

• and it should ever be kept before them

that they are to be missionaries in the

highest sense of the term. Such

systematic labor, wisely conducted, would

produce blessed results.- --Medical

Ministry, pp. 300, 301. (1892)

• There should be no delay in this well-

planned effort to educate the church

members. Persons should be chosen to

labor in the large cities who are fully

consecrated and who understand the

sacredness and importance of the work.

• Do not send those who are not qualified in

these respects. Men are needed who will

push the triumphs of the cross, who will

persevere under discouragements and

privations, who will have the zeal and

resolution and faith that are indispensable

to the missionary field.--Testimonies for

the Church, vol. 9, pp. 118, 119. (1909)

• Repeatedly the Lord has instructed us that

we are to work the cities from outpost

centers. In these cities we are to have

houses of worship, as memorials for God;

but institutions for the publication of our

literature, for the healing of the sick,

• and for the training of workers, are to be

established outside the cities. Especially is

it important that our youth be shielded

from the temptations of city life.--Selected

Messages, book 2, p. 358. (1907)

The City

As a means of overcoming prejudice and

gaining access to minds, medical

missionary work must be done, not in one

or two places only, but in many places

where the truth has not yet been

proclaimed… Every city is to be entered

by workers trained to do medical

missionary work. Testimonies, vol. 7, p.

59. (1902) {Ev 515.4}

• Oh, that we might see the needs of these

cities as God sees them! At such a time as

this every hand is to be employed. The

Lord is coming; the end is near, yea, it

hasteth greatly!--Testimonies for the

Church, vol. 9, p. 101. (1909)

• These cities have been neglected for

years. The angels of God are waiting for

us to give our labors for their inhabitants.

From town to town, from city to city, from

country to country, the warning message

is to be proclaimed, not with outward

display, but in the power of the Spirit, by

men of faith.--Evangelism, p. 428. (1908

• In connection with the proclamation of the

message in large cities, there are many

kinds of work to be done by laborers with

varied gifts. Some are to labor in one way,

some in another. The Lord desires that the

cities shall be worked by the united efforts

of laborers of different capabilities.

• All are to look to Jesus for direction, not

depending on man for wisdom, lest they

be led astray. As laborers together with

God they should seek to be in harmony

with one another.

• There should be frequent councils and

earnest, wholehearted co-operation. Yet

all are to look to Jesus for wisdom, not

depending upon men alone for direction.--

Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 109.


• The Lord is calling upon the men and

women who have the light of truth for this

time to engage in genuine, personal

missionary work. Especially are the church

members living in the cities to exercise, in

all humility, their God-given talents in

laboring with those who are willing to hear

the message that should come to the

world at this time.

• There are great blessings in store for

those who fully surrender to the call of

God. As such workers undertake to win

souls for Jesus, they will find that many

who never could be reached in any other

way will respond to intelligent personal

effort.--Medical Ministry, p. 332. (1910)

E. G. White. EV 100.1

The workers in the large cities must act their several

parts, making every effort to bring about the best

results. They are to talk faith and to act in such a

way as to impress the people. They are not to

narrow the work down to their own particular


E. G. White. EV 100.1

In the past too much of this has been done by us as

a people, and it has been a drawback to the

success of the work. Let us remember that the

Lord has different ways of working, that He has

different workmen to whom He entrusts different

gifts.—Testimonies For The Church 9:144-146

(1909). {Ev 100.1}

E. G. White. EV 104.4

Do Not Block the Wheels—There are some minds

which do not grow with the work but allow the

work to grow far beyond them.... Those who do

not discern and adapt themselves to the

increasing demands of the work, should not stand

blocking the wheels, and thus hindering the

advancement of others.—Letter 45, 1889. {Ev


E. G. White. EV 105.1

Methods to Be Improved—There must be no fixed

rules; our work is a progressive work, and there

must be room left for methods to be improved

upon. But under the guidance of the Holy Spirit,

unity must and will be preserved.—The Review

and Herald, July 23, 1895. {Ev 105.1}

E. G. White. EV 105.2

Different Methods From the Past—Means will be

devised to reach hearts. Some of the methods

used in this work will be different from the

methods used in the work in the past; but let no

one, because of this, block the way by criticism.—

The Review and Herald, September 30, 1902. {Ev


E. G. White. EV 105.3

New Life in Old Methods—Men are needed who

pray to God for wisdom, and who, under the

guidance of God, can put new life into the old

methods of labor and can invent new plans and

new methods of awakening the interest of church

members and reaching the men and women of

the world.—Manuscript 117, 1907. {Ev 105.3}

E. G. White. EV 106.2

Method Determined by Class of People—Let us

not forget that different methods are to be

employed to save different ones.—The Review

and Herald, April 14, 1903. {Ev 106.2}

E. G. White. EV 129.1

Devising Methods to Reach the People—Workers

with clear minds are needed to devise methods

for reaching the people. Something must be done

to break down the prejudice existing in the world

against the truth.—Letter 152, 1901. {Ev 129.1}

E. G. White. EV 75.2

Large Halls in Our Cities—The

large halls in our cities should be

secured, that the third angel’s

message may be proclaimed by

human lips. Thousands will

appreciate the message.—Letter

35, 1895. {Ev 75.2}


• How the gospel


Key Scriptures

• Acts 1:15- 120 (core group)

• Acts 2:41- 3,000 (public launch)

• Acts 2:47- Lord Added Daily

• Acts 4:4- 5,000 Men

• Acts 6:7- Increased rapidly, large # Priests

• Acts 11:26- Taught many people

• Acts 12:24- Continued to increase & spread

• Acts 17:6- Turned world upside down

• Acts 19:20- Spread widely & grew in power

• Acts 21:20- Many thousands of Jews

Reasons The Church


Viral Spread

5. Through the united and motivated efforts of

the growing numbers of Christian believers,

who invited their friends, relatives, and

neighbors to share the “good news.”

Stark. P.208

Gospel Examples

• Demon Possessed Man:

Mark 5:19

• Zacchaeus: Luke 19:9

• Royal Official: John 4:53

• Matthew: Mark 2: 14-15

• John 4: Women at Well

Sociology of


3 Universal Units

• Family

• Community

• Tribe

• The Early

converts of


belong to

these Units.

What about today?


Why is the viral spread of the gospel

through social networks so effective?

• Trust

• Time

• We live in a Skeptical Age, but people still

trust their friends.

• Transformation

Viral Evangelism Unleashed

• 1. Build a trust network

• 2. Get to know the families in your


• 3. Start a Facebook account and expand

your friend network.

• 4. Establish a live stream

• 5. Involve your children

Online Tools


• Google+







• Website

• Blog












• MATERIALS – 8 weeks to wellness



The End