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Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Games Design

Unit 66 – 3D Modelling HA5 – Sidekick Task 6 – Production

Name Alex ballantyne

Date: 24/3/14

I have started modelling the head of the robot that I am creating. To create the head of the robot I made a cube and then I used the drag too to get the shape of the head and once that I have got the shape on one side I then used the mirror tool to copy it to the other side so that it was the same. The image in the blue is the reference image that I used to model off.

Page 2: Unit66 production log

Date: 25/03/14

I have finished modelling the head of the robot and I have moved on to making the left part if the body and the arm. To make the left part of the body I used a cube to model it and then I used cylinders to make the arms of the robot then I mirror tool.

Date: 31/03/14

I have flipped the left part of the robot on to the other side and I have started and finished the bottom part of the robot to make the bottom of the robot I used a cube to create the bottom of the robot.

Page 3: Unit66 production log

Date: 01/ 4/14

I am making the joint on the robot for where the leg of the robot will go and then I have started to make the leg of the robot. To make the area that the leg would attach to I used the multi-shift and the bevel tool to create the leg joint

Date: 10/04/14

I have finished the leg and I have flipped the leg so there is one on both side and then I have started to add shape to the leg so it is not just a flat shape. I did this by using the shift H command and this changes the size so that I could make the leg wider.

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Date: 22/04 /14

I have started to make the hand of the robot and add shape the robots arm. I stared to create the hands of the robot with the knife tool to split the shape into two and then I used the multi-shift and the bevel tool to create the hands.

Date: 28/04/14

Once that I have made on hand I flipped the other hand by using the mirror tool an then I changed the position of the arm so that it was In the right place on the other side.

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Date: 12/05/14

I have changed the surfaces in layout and I have used a metal type surface for most of the surfaces. From the reference image I have changed some things on the robot because some of the things that I have done in the picture do not look good when they were made.