Page 1: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else



Page 2: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

1 Vocabulary Focus 1 Vocabulary Focus • employee (n): someone who is paid to work

for someone else

Page 3: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

1 Vocabulary Focus A

• division (n): one of the groups in a business or organization

• thorough (adj): detailed and careful

• energetic (adj): having or involving a lot of energy

Page 4: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

1 Vocabulary Focus B

• early riser (np): someone who gets enough sleep and starts work early in the day will have a successful life

• hothead (n): someone who gets angry too quickly and reacts without thinking carefully first 

• go-getter (n): someone who is very energetic, determined to be successful and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily

Page 5: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

• self-starter (np): someone who can work well alone

• risk taker (np): someone who does something dangerous

• overachiever (n): a person who achieves more than the average

• control freak (np): a person who always likes to give orders

Page 6: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.27 1C

1. gets up early.

2. gets angry easily.

3. is easily controlled by others.

4. is a very ambitious person.




Page 7: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

5. likes to give orders.

6. tries to cooperate with other people.

7. likes to try new things and isn’t afraid of danger.

8. Works harder than necessary to succeed.





Page 8: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.27 2B

• Listen to Ali talk about a problem he’s having with Sandra. What is the problem?

They argue a lot because they’re very different.

Page 9: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.27 2CPersonality type

Key words Name

1. a homebody

Ali Sandra

2. a free spirit

Ali Sandra

3. a heartbreaker

Ali Sandra

4.a night owl Ali Sandra

stays at homejust does what she wantsshe always leaves guys stays out late at night

Page 10: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

2 Listening A• homebody (n): someone who considers that the

family is the most important

• heartbreaker (np): someone who breaks your heart

• free spirit (np): a person who does what they want with enjoyment and pleasure and does not feel limited by the usual rules of social behavior

• night owl (np): a person who prefers to be awake and active at night

Page 11: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

2 Listening B

• prop up (vp): to lift and give support to something by putting something under it

• lighten up (vp): to become more relaxed and less serious

• compromise (v): to allow your principles to be weakened or your standards or morals to be lowered

Page 12: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.28 3A-1

Set 1

a. I left the party early because I wasn’t feeling well.

b. I studied Italian so that I could communicate with my relatives.

c. Since the movie doesn’t start until 9:00, why don’t we have dinner now?

Page 13: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

Set 2

a. I jumped when I heard a loud noise.

b. Whenever I’m at home. I like to relax and just do nothing.

Set 3

a. Though it was hot and humid, I didn’t mind.

b. I look a lot like my father, although he doesn’t wear glasses and I do.

Page 14: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.28 3A-2

• Which set of sentences contains adverb clauses that express:

a. a reason or purpose for doing something? _______

b. opposition or contrast? _______

c. time? _______

Set Set 11

Set Set 33

Set Set 22

Page 15: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.28 3B1. (Even though / Because) I’m a morning

person, I often arrive at school by 7:00 A.M.

2. (Since / Though) everyone’s opinion is important, I consult with others before I make a big decision.

3. I get angry (whenever / even though) I make a mistake.

4. I like to supervise projects (although / so that) everything runs smoothly.

Page 16: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

5. (Even though / Since) I don’t consider myself ambitious, it’s true that I never give up.

6. You have to take risks (since / though) you only live once.

7. I don’t like to be in charge (so that / because) no one listens to me.

8. (Although / Since) everyone tells me not to work so hard, I can’t stop myself.

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3 Language Focus B

• supervise (v): to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc

Page 18: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

1 Get Ready to Read A

• astrology (n): the study of the positions and movements of stars and planets to say how they might influence people's lives

Page 19: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

• numerology (n): the study of a symbol that represents a number

• optimistic (adj): always believing that good things will happen

• nurture (v): [nurturing] to help a plan or a person to develop and be successful

Page 20: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

• systematic (adj): using a fixed and organized plan

• refined (adj): improved because of many small changes that have been made

• introspective (adj): thinking a lot about your own thoughts and feelings, in a way that is not always good for you

Page 21: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p. 31 1B

1. peaceful ---------

2. driven ------------

3. easygoing -------

4. assertive ---------

5. unpredictable ---

b. calmb. calm

a. a. ambitiousambitiousb. relaxedb. relaxed

a. directa. direct

b. b. changeablechangeable

Page 22: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

6. optimistic -------

7. nurturing --------

8. systematic -----

9. refined ----------

10. Introspective --

b. positiveb. positive

a. a. comfortingcomfortingb. orderlyb. orderly

a. well-a. well-manneredmanneredb. thoughtfulb. thoughtful

Page 23: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.31 3C1. According to this passage, where does the idea

of “the five elements” come from?From traditional Chinese medicineFrom traditional Chinese medicine

2. What are the five elements and where do they exist?wood, water, metal, fire, and earth; wood, water, metal, fire, and earth; they are in everything, including they are in everything, including peoplepeople

3. What happens if the five elements are not in balance?

trouble may occurtrouble may occur

Page 24: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

p.32 2C1. a caring and nurturing parent?


2. peaceful thought and saving energy? _________

3. great energy and powerful emotions? _________

4. a time of choosing the most important things? _________





Page 25: Unit3Personality. 1 Vocabulary Focus employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

5. new beginnings and growth? _________

6. time alone? _________

7. being a risk taker? _________

8. decorating one’s surroundings? _________

9. perfectionism? _________

10.spaciousness and simplicity? _________







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p.32 2D

• Water ----

• Metal -----

• Earth -----

• Fire -------

• Wood ----


distant, aloofdistant, aloof

