Page 1: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

Unit Five: Chapter 25

• devoid • jeopardize

• implore • sibling

• infuriate • smug

• intimidate • sneer

• introvert • vivacious

Page 2: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

1 devoid

Devoid means

A. without.

B. equal to.

C. possessing.

– adjective

• The French fries were so thin, dry, and devoid of taste that they seemed like toothpicks.

• Sometimes Carl is totally devoid of common sense. Once he went on vacation leaving his front door unlocked and the newspaper delivery service uncanceled.

Page 3: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

1 devoid

Devoid means

A. without.

B. equal to.

C. possessing.

– adjective

• The French fries were so thin, dry, and devoid of taste that they seemed like toothpicks.

• Sometimes Carl is totally devoid of common sense. Once he went on vacation leaving his front door unlocked and the newspaper delivery service uncanceled.

If the fries seemed like toothpicks, they must have been without taste. If Carl went away without locking his front door and without canceling the daily newspaper, he seems to be without common sense.

Page 4: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

2 implore – verb

Implore means

A. to educate.

B. to deny.

C. to urge.

• Please hide all the candy bars, and don’t tell me where they are no matter how much I implore you.

• The princess implored the evil magician to spare the handsome prince’s life.

Page 5: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

2 implore – verb

Implore means

A. to educate.

B. to deny.

C. to urge.

• Please hide all the candy bars, and don’t tell me where they are no matter how much I implore you.

• The princess implored the evil magician to spare the handsome prince’s life.

The speaker does not want to be told where the candy bars are no matter how much he or she urges the person to tell. The princess would urge the magician to spare the prince’s life.

Page 6: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

3 infuriate• Peter so infuriated Sheila that she shut off her cell phone while

he was still talking.

• At the grocery store, it infuriates me when people with a cartload of food get in the express line.

– verb

Infuriate means

A. to anger.

B. to encourage.

C. to frighten.

Page 7: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

3 infuriate• Peter so infuriated Sheila that she shut off her cell phone while

he was still talking.

• At the grocery store, it infuriates me when people with a cartload of food get in the express line.

– verb

Infuriate means

A. to anger.

B. to encourage.

C. to frighten. Sheila must have been angered if she shut off her phone while Peter was still talking. In the second item, the speaker is angered by people getting into the express line when they don’t belong there.

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• Will’s huge size intimidates strangers, but anyone who knows him realizes that he’s a very gentle man.

• Public speaking so intimidates Midori that she would rather write four term papers than give a single oral report.

4 intimidate

Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Intimidate means

A. to calm.

B. to scare.

C. to annoy.

– verb

Page 9: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious


• Will’s huge size intimidates strangers, but anyone who knows him realizes that he’s a very gentle man.

• Public speaking so intimidates Midori that she would rather write four term papers than give a single oral report.

4 intimidate

Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Intimidate means

A. to calm.

B. to scare.

C. to annoy.

– verb

Will’s huge size would scare strangers. If Midori would rather write four term papers than give one oral report, public speaking must scare her.

Page 10: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Introvert means

A. a conceited person.

B. a shy person.

C. a busy person.

5 introvert – noun

• Pearl is a very outgoing person, but her boyfriend Larry is such an introvert that he seldom socializes at all.

• It could be difficult for an introvert to succeed in a sales career, which involves a great deal of contact with the public.

Page 11: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Introvert means

A. a conceited person.

B. a shy person.

C. a busy person.

5 introvert – noun

• Pearl is a very outgoing person, but her boyfriend Larry is such an introvert that he seldom socializes at all.

• It could be difficult for an introvert to succeed in a sales career, which involves a great deal of contact with the public.

If Larry seldom socializes, he must be a shy person. The words outgoing person are an antonym clue. In the second item, if the work involves a great deal of contact with the public, it would be difficult for a shy person.

Page 12: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Jeopardize means

A. to play with.

B. to take into account.

C. to put in danger.

• Molly is so clumsy that she jeopardizes every fragile item she touches.Whatever she picks up is liable to get broken.

• Pregnant women who take drugs jeopardize their babies’ health.

6 jeopardize – verb

Page 13: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Jeopardize means

A. to play with.

B. to take into account.

C. to put in danger.

• Molly is so clumsy that she jeopardizes every fragile item she touches.Whatever she picks up is liable to get broken.

• Pregnant women who take drugs jeopardize their babies’ health.

6 jeopardize – verb

If whatever Molly picks up is likely to get broken, she must put every fragile item she touches in danger. Pregnant women who take drugs put their babies’ health in danger.

Page 14: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Sibling means

A. a brother or sister.

B. a cousin.

C. a friend.

• Do you think twins are more similar in personality than other siblings?

• It’s hard enough for children to move to foster homes; it’s even worse when siblings have to be separated.

7 sibling – noun

Page 15: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Sibling means

A. a brother or sister.

B. a cousin.

C. a friend.

• Do you think twins are more similar in personality than other siblings?

• It’s hard enough for children to move to foster homes; it’s even worse when siblings have to be separated.

7 sibling – noun

A twin is always a brother or a sister. For children moving into foster homes, it is especially difficult if they are also being separated from brothers or sisters.

Page 16: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Smug means

A. full of life.

B. dishonest.

C. too self-satisfied.

• Self-confidence is a virtue, but being smug is carrying self-confidence too far.

• I avoid smug people. They are very generous in judging themselves while viewing others narrow-mindedly.

8 smug – adjective

Page 17: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Smug means

A. full of life.

B. dishonest.

C. too self-satisfied.

• Self-confidence is a virtue, but being smug is carrying self-confidence too far.

• I avoid smug people. They are very generous in judging themselves while viewing others narrow-mindedly.

8 smug – adjective

Carrying self-confidence too far is the same as being too self-satisfied. People who are very generous in judging themselves and view others narrow-mindedly are people who are too self-satisfied.

Page 18: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Sneer means

A. to leave.

B. to mock.

C. to ignore.

• Sarita is terrific with little children. No matter how silly their questions are, she never sneers at them.

• Instead of encouraging us when we make a mistake, our biology teacher sneers at us with a scornful smile or a put-down.

9 sneer – verb

A sneering mouth

Page 19: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Sneer means

A. to leave.

B. to mock.

C. to ignore.

• Sarita is terrific with little children. No matter how silly their questions are, she never sneers at them.

• Instead of encouraging us when we make a mistake, our biology teacher sneers at us with a scornful smile or a put-down.

9 sneer – verb

It can be tempting to mock a child who asks silly questions. In the second item, scornful smiles and put-downs are ways to mock people.

A sneering mouth

Page 20: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Vivacious means

A. good-looking.

B. peppy.

C. irritable.

10 vivacious • My father is such a vivacious host that he makes his guests feel

bright and lively too.

• Between scenes, the actors might appear tired and dull, but they become vivacious once the camera is running.

– adjective

Page 21: Unit Five: Chapter 25 devoid jeopardize implore sibling infuriate smug intimidate sneer introvertvivacious

TEN WORDS IN CONTEXTChoose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word.

Vivacious means

A. good-looking.

B. peppy.

C. irritable.

10 vivacious • My father is such a vivacious host that he makes his guests feel

bright and lively too.

• Between scenes, the actors might appear tired and dull, but they become vivacious once the camera is running.

– adjective

The words bright and lively suggest that vivacious means “peppy.” In the second item, the words dull and tired mean the opposite of peppy.
