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我叫张峰,是上海技术进出口公司的。 My name is Zhang Feng from Shanghai

Technical Import Corp.

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在过去的函电中,我经常见到您的名字,久仰了。 I have been very familiar with your name in

the past business correspondence. I have long expected to see you.

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As you know, the complete set of equipment you intend to buy from us will involve in the whole factory equipment including the necessary accessories and parts.


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All in all, it involves a tremendous sum of money which is beyond our means.

总之, 这需要一笔巨大资金,我们的财务负担不起。

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It’s true that the complete plant we intend to buy is not small, but I’m afraid you are too reserved when you say it is beyond your financial capacity.

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Each branch is independent with regard to finance and accounting.


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中国现在出现了许多联合企业,虽然都是社会主义所有制,但联合企业内部各单位也要实现独立核算 , 自负盈亏的。

In China, we have a lot of associated enterprises. Though they are of socialist ownership, each unit within the associated enterprise is independent in finance and is responsible for its own financial gains or losses.

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I would like to remind you that we took into consideration the factor of deferred payment when we cabled you our acceptance of your final offer.

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But we did not expect the payment to be effected after actually receiving the shipment.


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Either way, the letter of guarantee should reach us two months before shipment is due, as stipulated in the contract.


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您的这个建议似乎可行,但我现在不能就答应您。 Your proposal sounds acceptable, but I can’t

promise you anything.

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成套设备 财务负担 单独核算

担保函 D/P Terms Bs/L分期付款


set of equipment financial capacity independent in financing

and accounting letter of guarantee 见单付款 提货单 by installments business correspondence

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What’s new and what’s next in implementing business solutions?

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By posing the question, the conference organizers are, in some way, suggesting we are at a crossroads.

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我想继续鞭策我们当中的每一位,要学以致用。 I would like to continue challenging each of

us to use what we’ve learned.

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We cannot go it alone but act as an industry.

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Like virtually every other field of technology in history, the full force of its impact will not be felt until the technology is used by ordinary people.

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我们这个行业的集体思维习惯必须改变。 The collective mindset of our industry must


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化工产业正处于一个最能领悟 IT发展潮流的时刻,即领悟这些发展趋势所能产生的影响以及它们转变商务的潜能。

The chemical industry is uniquely positioned to understand IT trends – their impact – and their potential to transform business.

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我们的工作横跨化工与 IT 两大 “技术”行业,…我们要重视自己“共依共存”的优良传统。

As professionals who work across both “technology” industries, we can appreciate our rich history of “codependence”.

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商务解决方案 基调 /主题发言 新举措 电子商务潜力 走向成熟 普通百姓 观念上处于领先地位 不可分割的部分 简单易行的一面 集体思维习惯 自然延伸最佳实践

business solutions keynote speech new measures potential of e-business come of age the majority of people make the leap in perception integrated into the fabric of the easy part collective mindset natural extension

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.. I think you are well on your way to being a world class city by 2015.

我想,到了 2015年你们肯定会把它建设成为世界一流的城市。

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Some development projects in China, such as the western strategy, aim to meet the core infrastructure needs…


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…this is an area where we have got very particular strengths, because our experience in urban regeneration…is something that I think we have to offer you by way of expertise here in Shanghai.

这一领域正式是我们的强项,我们在城市改造方面,… 积累了不少经验,这些技术正好可以为上海所用。

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In the UK, the private financing initiatives have enabled us to develop our infrastructure more cost effectively, more quickly and to a higher quality than otherwise would have been possible.


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It is playing a big part in allowing us to have major public sector building programs delivered on budget and on cost.


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business forum remarkable transformation Special Olympics do one’s viva urban regeneration people upstairs Nobel Laureate have particular strengths sister city

商务论坛 巨变 特奥会 参加学位答辩

城市改造 高层人士 诺贝尔奖桂冠

强项 姐妹城市

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C-E 21’28”

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1. What news have you brought on the problem of payment?

2. mr. Smith, it’s true that the complete plant we intend to buy is not small, but I’m afraid you are too modest when you say it is beyond the financial capability of your corp.

3. A bank’s letter of guarantee gives the direct assurance for the payment while an L/C is opened by the bank only at the request of the opener and also gives a kind of assurance but not so direct.

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4. To ensure payment, Bank of China should give us a written letter to the effect that they will guarantee the payment if the buyer fails to do so.

5. Over the past few years , we’ve come a long way, and there are now some very specific things that we must accomplish to fully tap the potential of e-business.

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6. E-business in the chemical industry is coming of age. E-business is making us more effective and competitive – making us rethink how we work with customers and each other.

7. The collective mindset of our industry must change. E-business is not just a technology trend. Nor is it just a way to save money. In fact, it is a natural extension of the “technology” that is already integrated into the fabric of our everyday operations.

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8. Sharing standards and best practices will be the key to further advancing our industry and society.

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E-C 24’ 18“

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1. 你们拥有的是一座非凡的城市,祝贺所有参与了该市发展的人们,因为我想到了 2015年你们肯定会把它建设成为世界一流的城市。

2. 祝贺上海赢得了 2010年世博会的主办权。 3. 中国的某些开发项目,如西部开发战略,是以满足核心基础建设的需要为目标的,而这一领域正式我们的强项。

4. 在使公共与私有部门之间进行合作方面,我想我们可以向上海提供专业支持。

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5. 我们还了解并意识到华东地区在高端技术、科研和商业专业知识等方面是一只领头羊。这再次说明了英国能成为你们的自然合作伙伴,因为我们在革新与探索方面所取得的成就令全世界艳羡不已。

6. 英国在公共与私有合作开发方面处于世界领先水平,也就是公共部门和私有部门之间进行合作从事基础建设和提供服务。在英国,与其他方式相比较,私有融资的启动让我们能够在基础建设方面更节约成本、速度更快、质量更高 。

7. 在城市改造方面,在公共与私有部门之间进行合作方面,我们可以提供许多帮助,我还相信我们在这个领域会达到世界领先水平。尽管在信息和通讯产业方面有来自全球的压力,英国仍然在软件投资和高价值研发方面保持它在欧洲的中心地位。

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