Download pptx - Unit 73 task 1 evidence


Unit 73 Task 1 Evidence

Print Screen Multi-track Annotation

In this sound sequence I tried to make it sound as much like a street battle as I could and I think that I accomplished it well. Also it show what happens after the battle for example the Voice in this is like the torture of the captured enemy then at the end is a celebration.

I added the baby crys in Because it makes it sound More like it is a gun battle That broke out without Much warning.

At the end I put applauseAnd fireworks in because theyWon the battle and are now Celebrating.

I applied the rain because it gives the battle a good battle atmosphere

The rest is just normal sounds that you would hear in a battle scenario

Directional and Ambient Sound Recording Evidence

Ambient Sound Recording

Directional Sound

Directional Sound

Directional Sound

Directional Sound

Directional Sound
