Page 1: Unit 6- Vocab. - GST BOCESMicrosoft PowerPoint - Unit 6- Vocab. Created Date 05/17/05 07:50:00

English 7

Page 2: Unit 6- Vocab. - GST BOCESMicrosoft PowerPoint - Unit 6- Vocab. Created Date 05/17/05 07:50:00


• unnamed, unknown• namelessThe author of the story remained


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• To read casually, to window shop, to nibble or graze

• skim, scanThe woman browsed the store in search of a

new hat.

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• a person easily tricked or deceivedThe boys were dupes for white washing the

fence for Tom Sawyer.The five year old was a dupe for trading a

quarter for two nickels.

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• active, energetic, forceful• vigorous, high poweredThe waitress had a dynamic personality.

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• to root out, to get rid of, destroy completely• wipe out, uprootThe old house on my street was eradicated.The tree was eradicated from our front yard.

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• to cause feelings of discouragement• to prevent from accomplishing a purposeThe man became frustrated when he was

billed an additional charge.

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• stern, merciless, fierce, savage, cruel• dreadful, frightfulThe removal of the Cherokees from their

homeland was a grim part of American history.

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• not capable of being copied• matchless, incomparable, uniqueThe great pyramids of Egypt are known for

their inimitable strength. Old world art has inimitable detail.

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• a temporary substitute for something elseThe makeshift performance was filling time

until the main act arrived.

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Marginal• near the edge or the margin, barely good• borderline, minimalThe marginal nature of the votes for the

election of 1824 resulted in the House of Representatives choosing the president.

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• waiting to be settledThe sale of the house is still pending.

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• to order as a rule or a course to be followed

• appoint, recommendThe doctor prescribed a spoonful of sugar to

help the medicine go down.

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• something seen in advance• foretasteWe were able to see a preview of the

upcoming sequel to the film.The appetizer was a preview to the delicious

meal to come.

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Prominent• standing out as to be easily seen• conspicuous, noticeableHer eyes are her most prominent facial


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Quaint• odd or old-fashioned in a pleasing way,

clever, skillfully madeThe country setting of the home was quite

quaint.The quaintness of the quilt gave the room an

old fashioned charm.

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Reluctant• unwilling, holding backThe flower girl was reluctant to walk down

the aisle. The child was reluctant to share his toys.

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• to handle very economically or stingilyDuring the economic hard times of the

depression people had to scrimp.

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• to trap or catch• a trap or entanglementThe spider snared a tasty fly in his web.

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• greatest, highest, farthest• maximum, supreme, bestWearing a seatbelt is of utmost importance.

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Vengeance• punishment in return for an injury or wrong• revenge, retaliation, reprisalAfter WWI, Germany sought vengeance

against the countries that blamed them for the war.