Page 1: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical

A ReRlonal Newspaper Scn-inj; Nine IrricnlH Idaho Catin lint

WAR BULLETIN-;A».iAti> in:ABtjUART:En5. naplbb;

(rb. tz lU.PJ—Atncricui hcairj buraben blutfd the naxi McueTsebmlll alrerftt' pUnt rucenabarf, 0«rmaiir, (o<Ur.lD «h*( WM efnelaUr described m (ha irrdnt ilflcle MrUt ussolt of >U tlm«.


S i s t e r C h r i s t e n s D e s t r o v e r E s c o r t f o r F i l e r M a r i n e H e r o

Thrr* wu no mli^nir of lh« larsel Jean Mixlne GenliT. K. Klmbfrlf. chrWrncd the dr;>»ro>fr Mfort I'SS r.ptilry at Orancr. T»i. Frb. IS tn honor of her brother. Marine Second IJml. Wayne IU>J Genlrr, killed Nov. 2. IMS In the Solomon Mand*. Thr chri^tenlnit look place al Ihe janli o( (ht Consolidated Steel oocpomUon'* ihipboildlnir dlTlilon. fcnd ML« Genlry had been lr»vHed bjr Krcrrtnor of the Navy Frank Rnni lo ipetuor Ih* rtilp RBtned for her hnre brother, nom In Twin Falla and educated In Filer. I.lrutenant fientrr wa« coinmlimloned marine wrond llentenant May 21. 1942: ordered to dotj In the Paeiflo that fill; »»i killed In artinn In a haiardnu* volunterr mlMlon a* pilot In an tllarV »roop. He »ai awarded the »lr medal ftnd purple heart paithnmoiuly and wa» entitled lo the Amerlran defrnsr »erUre medal. Ihr

a «ampalpi medal and a ribbon tor the presldenUaJ clUtlon awarded the tint marine dlvblon reinfortrd. iPholo arranfrd by elshih natalI mgravlnr)


SUN VALLEY. Feb. 22 — Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical officer in conimimd'of the U. S. mival cnnvaicscent hospital here, died siiiidenly at 12:15 a. m. today at his home.

CnpUiln Cllllon. who cnnit hcrp »i commanding officer sl» mnntlis ago. -KM npiKircmly In BPurt liciillh when he tiUtiidrd r motion plcliire Jhow liLit night. About 0 p, m. he became Hi nnrt aentTioinc.

AlthoiiKh thf ciiiisc of deiiih »rui not dctlnliely jtuted Kxliiy^Oijil. F: M. nohow, executive officer of the n»va! bnsc.'lnillc.itcrt bellcl ihiil 11 *».i a heart condition.

At Jerome, Nile MaltJic*. man. ager of the Jerome funeral home ■sherc the body rns tnken, taltl lie had been advised tlint an autopsy might be hfid lo confirm the dlng-

4^m ls.- Captain Holioff Mid Cnptain Clif­

ton was apparently in good hcalUiyestenlay. taking a long walk d

Jay and a sWlm afterui... Mcmotlal (ltc a

InK the

tJie naval hospital but the day and hour have not been sulccled.

Captain Clifton hnd n record of *m'lce daUng back 34 years In the 0, S. na\-y. and was dccoratcd for KTvleo In World war I.

Ha wai llrst commissioned doctor in the mcdlcftl corps puduatlng from the University of £.rt^jpr:-WSl-a'K, S. degree, and the Unl»ertlty of Pennsylvania.

War I Service In World war I he served aboard

the armored cruiser Scuttle, which (CMtini>4«ii r«(i >. c«riiiifi 1

F L A S H E S o f


CAMP MfcCKA.UI>, N. C.. Feb.-22- \V5icn n new lluuu'iiiuit of small Btiitiire itnd IniKlIc apiwarai nK5lKne<l to a cc.-nipiiiiy lifre. i» voice In iJie ranks boomcxlt-’'And ft little ■ 'd atiali leadOn t: bulletin board next n

i the nnnoimccmnit; compunv niil take a 3s mile <lay with n fiill park-o

Ultle child shn« lead Uiem.”


Tlil-s city's nitlon bo;ml hu.s found white market In nilloii coiiiwns. During the pnst month, 2.219 U jil C Kn.v>liiie coupons were volim' irlly Rurremlered and a family nj- imed U- diipUcatc food ratlot\

book/i erroneoiiHly L-«ucd,


DENVER. Feb. 22-An applicant .ked tlie Denver county court lungc liLs name lo LouU Pupedo. HIk present name: Pappakonsfni


Army Private’s Wife Presents Him‘Quad’Gift

glrli and » boy were bont this Wa«hln«ton-| blrUjdny t o Mrs. epencer Hutto, jj-yeor-old wife of a panlrooper of HUlsboro.

nie mother, brought here by.....bulatice. wa* reported In BatUfactorj- eondllloh and hospital authorities' »tld tin bablet were •'aUjhlly prc- nuturs but apparently In good con­dition."

Dr, T. M, Qujlon delivered the Infants.

Tho father U Pvt. Bpencer Ed­mund Hutto, Ji, Ptort Bennlng. Oa. H# wa« notified by wire.

Mr*. Hutto Is blond, of average *1K. Hia quadruplets are her only children. The fint bom v u Dl- V)«. at 10:20 ». m . «e«ond Yroane »t 10:«, Bpeneet Edn\un«. It, at >»;M and Sheriannc bI H ;« . No ■ elghu were announced.

E H I I S REICHLONDON, Feb. 22 <-P>-The first

coordlniited air nttack against Oer- many ffom ba.sea In the United Kingdom and Italy wiu carried out todoy. with plnnes froin the south and west hlitlns aircraft (aetories and other targeta. U. S. army head' ‘ quarters announced.

Tlie ccniblned nssnuU wm mode by the U. S, eighth and ISth air ftjrees, and wfts "the U lrd »ni)or dnyllRht bombing operation In as mnny days aimed at destruction of Germany’s capnclty to maintain an nerlnl drfenslvo agalnrt further tjomblng." the announcement i ''

‘Oiir bomber dlvislonx were

Jid RAP.

heavy bomber* and fighters each lime from Drltain against alrtraft fnctorles,,pntl.alr.JleldaJn:.aennany. “ Sunday and ‘ Monday.

■nnnl asse&smcnt of Mctories ln the air during Monday's operaUons by our Brlilih-bMed heavy botnbers iOiOT'-a tile bombera destroyed IS en­emy fiehten>, bringing lo 61 the to­u t number shot down that day. -nie destrueUon oC 93 by American Ir force fl;ht«ri was announced pn^ vlously."-headquarters added.

No details on today’s concerted assault were dUclOMd ImraedUtely.

Earlier In the day American ind Brttlah wtdlum light bomber* Jabbed at enemy targeta in tlie Ncttierliuids and riorthcm Pranee.


$ 8 , 0 7 0 B a n k R o b b e r y

S u s p e c t N a b b e d H e r eJames R . Railpy. 41. MiHKouiu, Mont., u ’us nrro.sted by FBI

and Twin Fnlls ciiy and county officer.'? a l the union Itus depot here Monday ni^liL as a suspect in the 58,070 roljbiTv of n Spokitne. \Vn,-;h.. hunk Inst Jan . 20.

A lthoiijfh Jirrned w itli a .2f) caliber aulonm iic pisln). Hailey submitted quietly "'hen he wnR taken from the bu.-i. said

officers who participated.

Lower Vote Age Forbidden by LawBOISE. Feb. 2J ( >—Atly. Gen.

Bert II. Miner Informed Governor flottolfsen today that the state leg- Islatura lacks nuihorliy under the constitution to rcduce the inlnlnmm •ge’oTvoters BCIOW -Sryerits,The. question arose In connection

Trade Talks Held By Germans, Finns

■Tlnland for a agreement were reported today to luve been opened at HeUlokl Pcb. 18,


it polli-i

nndcr FBI reBUlnlloti.s, cnnnol be Riven. Olflccrs lUvl ttnK In the ar. real. ncrprdhiR lo W. C5. JJiinnL'lcr. .ipociiil ng»nl In ' clinrsi'. Hulte, Mont., werr A.v.lslant Chid Lee Me- Cmckcn, Piilrol*en LnviTii Itawl- Ings and Clinrles iCtiucH Vnnce: Deputy Sheriffs Fxl Hull and John E, I>>l?ec'. and State Ptitrotaan W. I* Chnncey.

Bailey wils put niidrr 135,000 bond by U. S- Commlvloncr J, O, Piim- phrey when he wn.s iirrnlBiicd Tiiti- diiy morning, and wn.\ hrld In the county Jail uwnltli federal dLiirlct c

Bailey's nrrrM hPBl 1

nt Spokane, hiilf of an

n tcsuUcd lu Ilia Iilm nl^ht who b imni-


ippreheaslun hi of Lewis W. Hcii ed with Bnlley charglnR robbery of the Sjnkanc txiiik. BnnnUler . nld llint lli'mmert resisted iirro.'t. mteltliiK n MKynila officer'.' liiiiKl mill twLMlnc It. but the officer subdued hlni. Tliere was no shooting.

Hemmcrt previously line! bfcn ar­rested by ttie sherllf al Sixikanc on a vngrsncy chiir)ic Aui;. 23, 1038, Bannister n»ld. and worked for a contractor at Pearl Iliirbor hi 1011

1£M2. Ballcj's criminal record ifiny U I inl trr Mild,pending further checkinc,

Biilley carried jllchtly more than W » when iirresied lipre. In acidlllon to the Bim. He carrlcd twii wit. cnsei, one of which he told olllcers contained guns. They were to be examined later. He was on route from Pocatello to Klamsih Falls, Ore.. when arrested.

Tlie suspected twnk robber waa Mild to have told nUlcerj, Hint lie re­ceived R\oi\«y—S1.300—{turn tin loty- berj-, but that he did not participate In the actual robbery.

Tlie robber?- occurred al the east «lde branch of the Old NsUunal'

U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; 92 Ships Sunk

( C h u r c h i l l P r o m i s e s A l l i e d

R a i d s B e y o n d I m a g i n a t i o nII, Jo;s i r u w. (iltK ili

LONIK ) N . K'ell. 22 iU,P> --I’ rini.* .Mil) i.«t«T ('h un-hill told

..ilav llui t the jillii’.sU'ill tIP 111 air ii.- s;iull

ly " f ar 1l)i'Von<i ih.'<liniciisii>n>1 nf .•lliiiiK- .vfteniployi'il. o r. itidi.•ed, imaK-iiied ," lull warned1 that thunazi coinnmnd was preparinfr to retaliate w ith attacks by “ pilotkAs lurcnvft, rocUeta. at both , on a .substuiitial .scnle."

In his rirM. fu ll since his return from the hUtorlK i-oiifpreni'r.'

riilrc nncl Tehmin, Churelilll

■iprlnHtlliil C) III,- ilAt'. hf ,-uiim<l 'iiiiiiiii-r n il • 111 till' siUenKUi of the allied air olitn'ivc hrhIiisi, Germany and occiiplcd territory — "the founda- ..................... 'Ians for over-

s Invnslnn s' lid.'-mini! Uiiil Oeriinny was i; 10 retallalc with pllotlcss- rnc'Vpt atlncks, Churchill

ii-l limi- Ruvo a cliif to tlie

(Ion nioiic Ls rcble II

UnllMi Suies-BrlLUli .sircii»Ui at Uic opening of the wc-Mern frunt will be "approximately equal." but if the struggle becomes prolonged, the continuous flow of Amerleoni will make their force greater.

300 Nail Infantry BlvUlons♦—Germany atUI ha* 300 infantry

dlvblons—nt full strength 4,500,000 men-biit divisions h reduced numerically.

5—Tlie bnltle nnd loiiti iiKidiv but allied leadr final succes.s.

6—Tliere lias Anglo-Amcrlenn or rebirth of !Teheran coufer.

7—Some arraii Man-PolLih bon before the end t

11 nnlm in )e hsrd



ih e l.kralnUn minim Krivol a»t. the ImI nai In the mldilte Dnieper b


P.skov toiiiiy I'l 1)1lorle.s to celehrnle sary of livi fouiulii

Front dlsimtche

I thf* vr.steni BliicKlnnlng "r blowscrack uiulcc SovI

timed to Ciipllullze of the nuM lines.

The Germnns apparently were pnttlnff-uii n nllff fiRht for Krivol nog. but their pllRlit wa. hrlKhtcn- ed by the danger of n new encircle­ment. and It npix'ftied lin|irobable that they could hold out long sgalnst the Rtis6lan a.s.Miult.

Iher end of the winding front, the red nrniy advance toward

)Kre,‘alng Kle»<llly de­spite Gcminn nttempti to make a

the Duo Junction. All-slKii-'ipointed to a continued nazi retreat into the Baltic stntc colncldcnl with the crtinipling of ihe lines nlong Uic DIack sea.

Tl\c Rurslan.', had ti spcctftl hts- torlo Interest In the toward P.ikov, Blnce tlmt was tlie rcRlon In which the red army wa.s born In lOie when It took the field against the Qeniiuiu.

Front dispatches said the Liii Ukrainian nrmv uppeniwl on tl iwlnl of •nicking Krivol Ko« like ripe plum."

DANCEFORT HALL. Ida.. F'eb, 22 m -

Shoshone and Bnnnock Indinns will stomp through colorful tribal dance.s Dt Buffalo lodge tonli;lil In honor of Woalilnglon's birthday.

And tlielr guc.sta will be soldiers from the Pocalcllo army air base.

F D R R e t u r n s V e t o e d

T a x B i l l t o C o n g r e s sWASHINGTON. Feb. 22 (;P)— President Roosevelt to.-sed

the i<2,:!ir>,i)iH>.{iOO tiix hili back to congress today with ii veli inesHiigo in which he described it an I'whoUy ineffective" am a relief meflstire “ notTor th e iiecdy-'but-for the frrct;dy."*

In ft mc.M.'<aKc to the house, already nimbllnfr with talk of over-riilittit the veto, Mr. Rooaevelt said the [e(?islation wus

iplele 'vith provision.s which not only afford uuiefcn.stble 8i>ccinl privileges to favored (froiip.'j b u t s e t dniiKcrous prcccdents for the future,”

The President said tliLi tendpncy In iLielf was sufficiently dangerous to eoimter the low of "a very Inarie- quat« sum" In additional revenue. He calculated that the bill would enrich the treiuury by leu than *1,000,000.000 net n year.

Thur>day Ket for Volt With Republican members lined

up almost solidly behUid the meas­ure. congre-M set Thursday for a vote on whether lo pns4 the legWa over Mr. Rooscielfs oblectlons.

The PrciUlent. recognizing w spread coinplainta over the c. . plexltj-.-Qf_lncomfi_taa farms.-loot occasion lo lay the blame on con-

D e s ln ic t io n o f 92 Jap- vessels in the la a t

th fce weeks w a s reported

l)v S e c re ta ry K no x today ,

w h ile A m e r i c a n com-

iiK inders told o f a ttacks by.

!i a n d a ir a e a in s t enem y

bases from P a ra m u s h iro

lu U ub a iil.Kno.x coupled his disclosure

(if heavy shippinR losse.-i with the wiirnino: that there is noth ing to ju stify

any ealimates o f an early end of the w ar in th e Pacific."- A t hi.t conference, he spoke of undue optim iam as the re­sult o f the audacious assault in Truk, nipponese navni .trotiKhold in the central Car- iliiies.The 02 .'!htps deslroj'ed

ly AiniTl.'iin .'hliw. planes_nnd.subi__m.rlnra nppnrently included the tfl' Lslert a.s .sunk in the Fe'u. 10-17 car. ler Ktrlke at Truk, iia well as other iidT.'vsp.s previously .reported In ■oniniuiiiques,

MuunlInK 1’resu.ure Noted ''Hie ftiiiioiinccincnt. however; MJV-'<1 to underline the moimtlng prw tire iiKnhM Japanese positions JoiiR a 3,000-mlle long front In th#

U. S. Koldler.s and marines eap- iiri'd Mubbornly-defended Enlwf ok Lilund while air and surfac* Mills pounded adjacent Parry Island o put the fInLOilnR touches on' tha ucceAsful jU-day-old Invasion Of :nlwet«k atoll at the mstein edgtoC he Marshalls.In



ple\ Feb. 22 i.iv-Heavy artlUer: barrages and small but tlercfl In- fantry clnslifi marked the fighting

the alllrd beachhead fifth army of- viiRe American

ICC and their icounler-flliaclu ,_have .definitely.

yesterday below Rome, fleers siild ti

bent r niizl I . drive

vrrything they nt two points ;r sWe gaVned

pu-sh the nlllf.'' into t American Iront-lll

ihc Gemiaiu Ilred e hnd at oiic another ye.sterday. bnt neiili any ground.

Allied aftlllcr>' shelled German InfnntT ’ and tanka forming around Apriha "factor)'" east of Carroceto and apparently broke uji prepurn- tlon.s for ft renewed enemy attack. None .dcveloiKd."As another day pji. -sctl without

rttclsive iirtloia cKher on the main front around Casslno or at the beachhead, flfUi army spokestnen Inierprelril relnxntlon of Oemian preiiMlre utialiut Ihe beaeliliead as meaning the Oerinan offensive to It hnd failed for Uie second time since the allies landed below Rome Jujt a month ago.

At Uie coastal end of ttie matix southern front In Ute lower oarlg- llaiio reglnn British troops engaged In several small clashes with Oie Germans,

On the flfihth army tront across Ihc |>rnliv<ulu. allied artillery fire scattereil two small German attacks

ird IiKllAn-lield positions In the Orsogna area yesterday.

L i d d l e - S e n s e l e s s M a l r z y S o n g

P r o v e s G r o w n u p s L i k e t o P l a y

Lincoln Sheriff Thomas Resigns

SHOSHONE. Feb. 23 - Uncoto county Shertff John Thomas has resigned hl.s po.'lUon to bccome a member of the form linplcmenKle- partment staff of the Gooding Seed company, which operates a ttore here.

Jerry Purdum. wliu sened as Mr. Thoiniu' (leinity, lia.s inkeii oier "duUea of the county iherllf.

WASHINQTON. Feb. 22 tURU. Whethcr or not malrty tloflU nnd dozy doats and llddle lamw dlvey maybe Is a llddle senselesi. but Itdoes-pnove.a.couplo of thingB.---. Indcedy doz. It li. evidence, ac­cording 10 Lyle W. Ashby, nislstant editor of the National Education As- Mxlatloji joMvnnl. tiwV "ptopJc Ukt to bo children iiKuhi." ThndU, he adds, ••grown-ups sill! like to piny."

jMjelilfttrist Dr, Winfred Over- holster, who doesn't know whether does do or don't, the double-Ulk song Is "Just one of those curious phenomena that, ko lo shov people are human after hU."

Overholsler says malrzy does not indlcAtc Ihnt Uic whole world will colla|>.se ttli' mlddlt or eddy oUu-r such Uilns- "A little fooUsbncss now

nrved, "Is relished by the best of men."

Editor Asliby says nialrz]- Is no more dangerous lo your sanity than Lewis C arro ll's "triUlg - brllllg sitiff:“-nUhtwsh -hc-ts-Tiot-readyto predict any such lengthy and Quot­able life for doats,

"If people have a good time sing­ing Malrzy Doats." he adds, -lefa

say •OoO bless U.' and 'tnake the of nislrrj-.

"It's ■ good »ort of release. Chcciv people up. You might soy U rtUeves the tedium of being serious about Uiiiigi." —

Furthermore. Ashby Indicates, you caaont be too young or too old for malrzy. Buppose a sedate wlilt«- halred lady slioutd be Impelled to whistle malnj' as she ualBj down the street or walls for a bus?

•'Well," answers Ashby,'"leddcr."

can make clear.The chief executive said he ho|>td

congrca would act as quickly a' possible to simplify tax law* whlcl lii' turn w'ould make gnsslble aim- pUflcatlon of forms and compuU' tlon. Taxpayers engaged In an ef. fort to win the nation's ureutest war, he declared, “are not In a mood to study higher mathemailcs,"

Had SoDght $10,500,000,000

Mr. Rocaevelt hnd asked congrtss fo r In additional taxe£. and ho noted that some prom­inent persons had stated tljat Ihe figure was too low. Apparently he referred lo Wendell L. Wlllkle' - gestton for a «18.000,000,OM ta

•The responsibility of the congreM of the United Stotes." the Pre.ildenf said. "Is to supply the govemmem of the United Slates . . . with ade­quate revenue for warilmo needs, to provide fiscal support for the ita- bm2Atlon program.' to hold firm against the tide of special privileges, and to achieve real simplicity for mllUoiu of small Income uxpajers.

e possible action."

Action Postponed On CCC Extension

WASHINQTON. P\:b. 24 (UJO - Chairman Brent Spence, D.. Ky. ofth8--hou3c-banktng-mtf-‘cDrnincrcommittee, today postponed until to­morrow a committee meeting at which the group hod been expected to approve * bill extending the life ol the commodtty credit eorporatlon.

The conunlttee hod expccted to .write Into the bUl subsidy pnvram-- acceptablo to President

Spence said too many ---- • • to hold

the meeting, but he hopM . would be approved tomorrow.

Republican member* of the com 0 felt that agreement m

UUvely approved yesterday.


enemy freighters and ewort' vessels they nttemptcd to Hee Rabnul,

>kcncd Dougina MacArthur ; Americoi ■ '

minea.'Navy Filers Hit Paramiuhir*

Completing a cycle of potent at- uick-n oil Jaimnese p o s it io n * throiiiihout their system of Paelfln defense bases, navy filers relumed to Ihc Kuriln chain to bomb Par> amiLshlro and Shumushu Islands at ihe far northern end of nipponeia home territory. Not n plane was lost.

More tlinn a thousand miles lo th* mth. army and navy planes dam­ped airfields, strafed shipping and it ground instnMatJon.s In raids on irer Marshall atolla sllU held by

the Jnpnnese.Auoclnted Pre.HS eorrespandent

William L. Worden. In a Peb. 31 dis­patch from an American flagslilp off Dilwetok, said the lawst cam­paign differed from previous actions

Gilberts and Marslialla be­ef le.M naval nrtlller>- prepar-

. Even so. Adm. Chester W. Nlinlt2_Milri_Alutrican-oisuBltle*-to last'nlRht were only ISO dead and 3J0 wounded, agnln.-it an undeter­mined but imdoubtcdly higher en-

y toll.

I F O R I E A C e SBOISE. Feb. 22 (/P>-A resolution

requesting approximately »400W> lor aw ns an emergency teacher, wage fund. «tis approved today by members of the Idaiio board of rducntion In quarterly session here.

Shortly after the resoluUon was adopted. C. E. Roberts, state super­intendent of public Instruction. Joltn I. Hillman, secretary of Uie Idaho Education association, and Floyd West. axslsUntsecretorr of the st«t«’ Cliamber of Commerce, pretcstetf Uie proposiU to Gov. O. A.BottolfseO. who took the request under ad­visement.

Gov. Bottolfsen Inst week isstied a call for a special session to con­sider soldier rate legislation. Alter Uie call was Issued, be IndicsM. he would consider k re* ' tonvtnc the leeialfttur* to, ctoMtr emergency edueaticm approptlatlsns If the need is shown before the first extra session actually gets tmder- way.

S h o w d o w n L o o m s

I n P o w e r S t r i k e

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 33 OUU—-nis tUne-day oU municipal power strike, whl^ haa>Rlt«i-produoUoo-!n-7»-— ! '%’ar plants nsnufacturtng.vlti^.Alf- craft parts and blacked out i than SO.OOO homes and 8.000 si lights, headed for a showdown t< u manufocturera looked to . dent Boosevelt lor "drastle a to settle the dispute.:

The PronJdent was asked,to iolA'*: :'cede yeatenUy' i ..................had refused to c broken by the m ftde. Increasing. U rfalluna.ta.wu —OodM' DtenWT. ■ a f '

csUed to ehfor - - monthly pay tr

1 out nor*

SCU HI tusuur the worst at«n) In'Ktfjaalngttonumbv^flrJs .t a .w p la n te .'w 'T

Page 2: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical


her hujband. Uu riclRl announcemt Ullloi) line! tflkvii I .. nnnoiniccmint by the governor ot Bombny wid »ht dlrd at 7;35 p. r (8:1S n. m„ mountain wnr tinu'i U da)-.

To Advanced Field

l>lct : IlylnE UiliiKr field. Cnlll.

and will iirocrcd to «ii army ad vaiiccd (lyhiB . rlim)l, ulicre hr wll

' tako thi* »nnl Mpjvi toward iittnln M nnlt of hl.< wings and commLvlou. • Be b the Mil oI Mr

ValontUic, Kimberly.

Castleford Man, 83, Ends Lengthy Tour

CAaTLEKORD, Frb. 32-C. E Perkins. aKcd M. reccnily ivrrlvn home from a 5.000 mile trip.He liu been gono lor tlirrp month;

and durliiK this tlmt he vlilli-d Ir Canada, along the Atlantic snilraiinl and hack thro\iRh tlic mlilwr. his way home.

WILLKIK KNnS TOl'R NEW YORK, Feb. 23 (,1>-Wcndtll

Wlllkle returned ludny from a < cotintry lour clurins whlfli hi nouncPd hLi cnndlflacy for thi liublican prc.iUlcn(l»I immlnalK

The Hospital

Only emcrKcncy bedi wtra avail- able at the Tvihi FhIL, county gen- cral hosplial TVe.vlay.

ADSIITTKI)Jerr>' Crhl and Dale Crl.'t, both

of Twin t’all.i; Mls.i Mary arltiulcj, Filer; George Jacobs, Weadcll; Mrs I. N. Kins. Buhl, and Mrs. E. T, Johnson, Kimberly,

DISnilHiiKl)Mrs. Alrton Shnw. Mrj. Austin Mc­

Williams nnd soil and OeorKe Slmii- son. nil of Twin Fnlls; S!r». Arthur Berry. Hailey; E.-»rl Rroinlre. Hiir- mnh, and William Ellbon, Coniiict.

- W E A T H E R -Partly cloudy «onl|;ht and Wednes-

day: srJllfrr<l siio\r nurrlrs over Ihc niounlainc idUhlly coliirr lenlclil. Hl*h ynlenlay <0; low )eslrrttay 25. Loir thb momlnc 10.

Keep the White Slag of Safely Flying

Wew i*-.rec dayt wllhotit a w ^ i lc death <n our Jlfap(c Va»ei»;


BENTON'S^s» l ini E..I Pk.« II



C lN i>£l{ i^LuCKiS Order nov n r sprtnK build-icr sold byR obt. E . Lee Sales Co.


Cinder Products Co.PHONE ®0J. JEROMB

rrtiirded In niK'n liiid Tiirvicli. nish of ril.vhnrKe p:>i>rr.i krpl the stnff of County Auditor C . .........

rd n.-c. 31. IQ42, »l Kort I> NoUIc.n nilc.s, -IM’In Fall.i, I re|ra!,rd April 13, m2, at Kobrrt.1. Calif.; lUy H. Ullck Falls, prlvnii-. dUclmrKi'd N 1912 at Fnrt DtiUKln.i; Cicn IVn.^on Twin Falli>. prlvm lcn.-rd March

•ivir; I.

rolri y. Itiiink-ll. c. rthflmrvKl rnp Crowder, ^ .tl. T^ln Fi.Ils.

Ted Kelsey Now Navy Lieutenant


(iirloimh .ijx-nt with thi ir parent.', Jr. nn<l Mrs. Ol. ii U'mninnd.v I'Vixnk Mtrrhimn, who 1> cmplovNl

i-l'ueWo,-Oolo- •!.t-»rertQinirT''frTr

Mr.s, Ucimlo Krn(;;na ha.s K'Hi'- to AnK<::i'.% to \L-.rt h-r hiisljnn.l,

IciiU n id i HriKlhm, who Is sta- oiiccl Ihuf.Stimlry U.vt1e anil his .son, Wen-

.jn. have relurlii'd to Uuhl from Arlfc. Mont., whrrc they hnve

la-'pd a ranch. They are plnniilns I mot'e tliflr fnmlllis thrrr ?oon, Mr.i. Adda Holnifs hn.s p.-np to

AnKclcj to jjiond .«onie time her brother in L0.1 AnKrlea. s. John Darroiv Is vLsitlns In

OiJilen with her parcnt.v Pvt. Richard Ma.stln h:i-s r(■lilrnl l

to Fort DoiiBla-s, after spendlns .sev­eral weeks ai his home on sictt leave.

Set. Albert Oabardl lia.s reliirned 0 hts nnny biisc at Ardmore, Okla., ifter .ipcndlnc n furloiieh wllh his wife nnd other relatives.

Last day Wednrtday |» nave on ‘Fashion I'ari'' at SneelbrUr'i Fur 8Ur— Adv.

have been nprlnted In the currcnt IjMir of ua-.

On iiiiKc J.S of Ihc mnKar.liie I.1 s\ liirntr plcturi! of Corporal Hiirkhn!- Icr opcrntlnK the finmc-lhrowcr. which npi'fnrfd ln tliL- Tlmrs-Nrw.s .

Full Houses See Bulil Class Play

s Oi.pllKor; C.'rnelli Mrs. i3iillo.:k, Klrm.c niitl<vk, Vrriioii II,T

$201) Owner Foiitul by Sheriff

nUllLKV. Idii . K.-t> I-}’. - It

ilui-'f;iwi:y {l!m«I-

raiu'hcr. r.'tpf.-cn K:ivi' Hip limli-rs.

cruft. $25 cnch.Douna M..e

Club Managers FinedFor SaleJEROMK, Feb. 2

of Liquor;-Shcrltf Uc S.

•d tillNorth Side So;lnl dub, Walt miin, mid the iniiniiKcr ot the mo U;mk club, Lloyd Hnlvcr.soii.

Saturday nliihi on charges of the .sale of liquor.

UoUi pleaded KtiUty whrn broUKht bcfcre I’robaic Judge Wll- llatii a . Comitock Monday and e.icli --- fined >300,

-hi.MiMv f..|i..vvm.f nn atinck of flulie tmil bc-<-n 111 Mnri- l>crmbrr and linil hfi-ii III Ihc hosjiltal for the past flVL' (lay.s.

liurn May 1. 1879, In Moorefleld, Ky„ he came to Twin Falls In »08 nnil had lived lirre nrer since.

When he first came to Tuln Fills he worl:ed for the Barrett stude- baker company. From 1915 to 191! he was In biuslne.vs Mih E. O. Spiel- biTK nnd alter 'hat wils employee

■ ottlee for 18 vearv•Icpinv

*0111 work Ued bv his «nrt- •mn, Twin Fills.

City Bank Climbs To 970th Largest

..nniial roll rail of commercial 1 iis of 1>-.-. 31. 1U13, which w:l)iil)lbhe<l In the Amcrtcan Ba.....Heft' York, the onlj' dally hanklr.; new.'-papiT.

Thr Ili.nk nnd TriL-t eompiim »:!■ in l,ll.ith pbce In the nation sear, with depaslts of 17,310.315. De- j>o.slt Incna.M-.s durhiK ih# >rur (■! $3,175.80!) broUBht total depojlu ic i:0,G03,12«.

Railmen Banquet At Glenns Ferry

OLEINNS FERnV, Frb. 33—Thi nnnuJi: banquet and ball ot ih Olunn.s Ferry Drotherhood of Loco mntln'.s Firemen and Ennlnf.-nei win hr lu-lit In tiu- city hall at 6:3 lotiay with the relief rt)cltiy of ih L.I5.S. church serving the dinner.

MtmbiTs of the brotherhooi

leiun 125 cxpccted to b« prwe.

— fl»y-M'cdnMdiy ts'siTt e "F;ishlDii Furs" at Saettbriaii Fu tiale—Adv.




S.QArrellmlnary 7:30 p-m. •OU tw Iii Falls Cubs, t*.

Duhl Cubs


Closing Out FURNITUREOur entire stock ot lued lumKure, r cannol buy enoticli used lumlture.

>nd stovcv I find }oa

• Living Room Siiilea

• Bockcrs

• Chnira, Beds

-•-Davciros--------• Oak Dining lioom Set

Don't Fernet the i:>utn

Tmj new cars of fumltur# «tll arrive between Feb. 55 and 23. bill whal -w© have will be plated on sale Thursday.


Feb. 24. nnd Continues ThroURh Sat^ Feb. 26.

Most A ll Pre-War Goods — Save

Carson Furniture Store

~ 160 M a in Avc. N .

•akU.' KUd Chief of Pulico How. , _.M Glllelte. and he will not bo r*- I Qulrtd to testify In court.”

The livvs reported to police. e.Ul* milted 10 total several hundred dol. lar«. liuUidpd a 12-jauge Brown­ing automatic shotgun, a jeweled platlnem and uo!d bracelet -valued at *100, a platlnum-mountM dl»-

ring vnl'.ied at I25n. a set of m ruffllnks and four etuds to

d seven quart-s of llquori, snid to the house 1 through a ba.sement win- h was imlncked,

) have

Colorvuio, Ik-u'rJer. AL-o .sxndlns her vacation In Tal:i Ful^i with Mlsa Slnema Is her rocmrr.ate. Miss Oer- Hdlne Mciwyre. Per.dle*.on. Ore.

CotnpUlts Raslc AvUtlcn Cadet Fred U Ijtham,

Jr- son cf Mr. nnd Mrs. Frrd L. Latham, rccie t srr-e. Txon Fal!^.

5uccev'!’.j*tv' cfxr.pVtrd his ba. le nytni; trmi;-.:r. »t the I«iioor»-

s.'iDns will be held tomorrow nlRht nnd Monday, Tuesday and ■ cdncsday of nexl week, according

the ncv, Herman C. nice, presi­dent of the a-sjoclallon. The school Is open (0 all who are Inlerested In Scncral Informational and speclalli-'

' Five cour:

H.-f'T t-H-

• IJikc Clt). Huhl. Klml)^rly a . f<ir .-nrh siil.H-tt. T1 b<«>k.s for all jubjecta.

S e e n T o d a yExactly 3<0 new ntreet Oajs al

hall. . . Civilian lookh.K prr-tiy p of belnc able to fa.«ten an nrmbnnd for him.. . Tv,ln FnlU trlclnn. 49 year.s old nnd father Of two servlccmcn. boarding bus for enUstmcnl Iti nn\-y st UoL-e. . . AlfC boartllnn bus. but quite a lew hour;

army of fellows headed for pre- induction cxamlnatlaiis. . . Ilaj Sluyter gingerly carrying mud- splattered hat Ju,i retrieved frr.n' puddle. . . Irajnlp-atlon Olficei Claude P. Tomlin *rrlvinf at court­house and setting up ahop in Jury room lor a busy two dayi. . . U>ls Carson peering up Into tree In Al Westcrjrtn'a yard — and flndln* three roblru In same trea. . . Girl of ilK or ihertabouu carefully re­moving her shoes to Tads through half-aubmersed lot because *thi mud's 10 nice and squlshy". . . Anc. Mra. J, T. Phipps, jr.. hldlnj behind bis dark glaase.s aXter an eye

Glenns Ferry PTA Special Meet Set

OLENNS FERRY, Feb. 23—Par- ent-Teachcra are calling a special meeUng Wednesday evening. Feb. 23, for the purpose of dUscusaUv: the crUu ennfronium the schooU Idalio,

At Twin Falla Friday. Feb. 1 , _ meeting was held of aehool men, board members. P.-T. A officials and Interested parties. There It w»s pointed out that Idaho would be short nearly a thousand teachers for the school year 19«4-i5 unless some- IhlnK could be done to enable the school dlstrlcis to raise salaries to the polnl where they would be com- merviurate with salaries and wages In other fields today.

Tlie local meeting to be held hero Wednesday u-Ul bo for the purpose of acquainting local people wltli the altuaUon and 10 enable them. U they deem the problem serious enough, to contact the governor and the 13- more county legislators and acquaint them -with the wishes or desires of the people of Hammett, King lUU md aienns Ferry.

Don’t miM the big >'ur Bale al Swpetbrlar. Buy before new luiury tax beeflmes effective. 8aU ends Wedneiday nl(hl—Adr.

The eSeciric companies belong to

W b » » lie lpeJ destroy a lot of America’#

oU illaHosa. Tbe idea all South Sea

beantiea look like Dorothy Lamour. Tho

idea that «11 EBgluhmcn vtear inoooclei

and all R o»s iu» «rhi>ker». The idea that

all dettrie companies are the cscltuira

property o f « handful of wcaliin- people.'

The tflScienl way in which huge quan*

titie* of rfectricilT arc being delivered to

roaring w »r plants and tpiicthomee—Vp-ith*

out ratiooing, at low pre-war prices — bos

j i « n the folk* on Main Street a dearer

nsderstuiding of their perronal interest in

the electric lij;ht and poH-erxompaniea.---

Utility scctiriiiea are popular inreit.

meota w ith the b an k i, insurance com*

panics and fratcmql ordcra which hold

your sarings Id tnu t for ytin. Why? Be.

cause cheap, tlependable electric serriro

i( so basic to your way of life. Becaoto

this scrricc ia provided and protected by

experienced Aiui'ncu manaj^ment.

Whirever yonllvo in America—on Main

Street, Park .Wnue, or RD No. 1 — your

money baa helped to bttUd tho eleclrie

industry o n J you have a largt itaJea in it.

» Hear "i?fport t» l\t ygrioit." atUsh

ActnallT. few if any other Indatlriet

a n M widely owned. Dinctly, by many

ihonaaBda o f iadiridaal stockliolders —

howeiriw*, fanner*, mechanics, fsetory;

worker*, teachers. /ndirce»/y, by the

mlDiopa o f aarinp hank depositors and

inrartnee polkyholders — which includes

cTcry cdnlt American.

pretram of Mf Ktik, a tiy Tuuiof (nnuif. 9;30,

£ .r .r , ColumUtBttaJmtbifSjiHKi. '

i o a h o V p o w e ru unui


BURin’. Feb. 22-B«!r llcen.sea lor Du;lcy» laar pool halls, shltn have been without beer since Jan.I. np|if»r a llllle elojer here today.

nurify fItT council met Monday e'eninj for the second ol ihrea neci'.'.sirv lendlnB.s of the ordinance and a moiion was made to suspend the rule snd pais Uie ordinance I with onlv t«o readlnKs. but Uie mC ^ tlon bckcd one vote of passing,

A chsDse *u made In tlie propo-s- ed ordlatnce. tnakUig It poulbla to grant beer Ucensrs 10 dealen only ’ 60 days after the ordinance li »iu- I lated the fim time. Instead of tlie? J » days required In the Xlr^t read­ing.

A .second cflef\se wUl lUU rtqulro a IBQ day lip'e.

If the orfilnanre passes at the third reading, which will probatily bo In March, 11 will allow beer li­censes to be sranted Immrdlatelj- to Burley pool halls since It has be<-i> almost CO days since the 19« li-

Tuesday, February 22, 1944

ported ismbUnj allo»«d bof p

Pals Reunited in Brazil Chow Line

None but a soldier

toje in Bradl. ws ol the .siirprtsB meetinfC

. .. f Ihraujh a letter from Sfi- geant Millers wife to a sljter lu Ta-ln Fails, Miss .Miriam Allen. Al- mwt ilrnultaneousJy, word » u re­ceived by Mr, and .Mrs. lAwrenro Clos, uncls and aunt of Sergeant • Wlchl.

Before entering the service. Miller ] •as employed at C. C. Anderson'.'*nrt Uter al Van Kngelen's tipn-. | ,’lcht woritd at Clos Uoolc store l>ir

hU uncle.

mwm* i ’- I K''-;


rius •KINC Mn>.\S

U tc \\ orld Nc"

ENDS T O N IG H TMickey Koonry Jody GarUnd


mmmStarts Tomorrow!



in g a tlien

wary iteendl

r o m o n c a l

Grand hin! A

graal ila r’ i

m oil iffloih*

Ing Wumphl



Page 3: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical

^ drtas, P»ttem W83. If*tparrovli tall In elUitr glnshom or

— Cl»aml)f»y.-M«krttilrjmins*w=stjav Save W «k Mlectlon! The plnolore nuiy b« cut from f»brte laJvascd from »n old <lrrM of your own.

Pattfm 0062 KunM In chUdren’i Firra 3. S. 4. 5. 6 Bnd S. Site 9. frock. 2S yiirtlj. 35-inch; tutifrock. IH yards 3S>lnch.

--.ThU pattern, together .with • j\^lcwork pittcm ol UMfuI »nd d^oraUre moUfs for Unena Mid gnr- ments. TWENTY CENTS.

Send T\reNTY CENTS In eoln» for these patterns lo Tlmes-Ncwa, Paltctij Dept, Ttrtn Palls.‘Iduho. V/nit, plainly SIZE. NAME. AD- DESS. STVLE NUJtSEB.

TEN CENTS more brings our ISH MftrtMj Martin Spring Pattern Book. I<cv. c»sy.tQ-mtke at)' “ ~ ‘ tent printed In boot

Page 4: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical

Page Four T IM E S-X E W S . T W IX FALLS, ID A H O Tuesday, February 22, 1944

:ARnicn-PAYAi)Le ii


W H I R L I G I G TSlirUDKK—Dfmocrntic dunpiilKiierj will hw

roii,^cfViillvr supixTl. In Ihe prrnldfnllal cow».-. ■ wuriiliiBs Uinl -».lld men" will bead numrro;

roiniiiluri-s It the opp.i>ltlnn •■f, nlHi rolUrol ol Ihr IrsUlatlvt srm (

vioukl Carter nln-cimlr.nuu of o„i.roi,n,

Who Are We to Complain of War’s Sacrifices?

\ll> TO \

''nu-tni „s i,ny ilu .i -\in had to (lisc-tiarii-. ;in


n il"

•usjlli.scare, anti wciiili llii'lr t:i)rii|);irii'live incrlt.s niUR'ly, with us m ile i.iirlLsati prejudice us piir- llsan American voler.s can nchleve.

Whnl whnt nre the Ideal quallflcntlons of a President, whlcli m ay serve as a moilol In ilccldlng between the two canUklatcs of 194'1? Perhnps tlie best answer to that question Is to be found in words .spoken by Daniel Web­ster 112 years nyo. on tlin ccntenniiil nnnlvor sary ol Ihe t>lrlh of-Oeor^'p \Vn.slilnK'<'ti:

"In the, a ll his mrnsum.s Wf’ re rlKlu In tlii'lr intcni. To conimiuKlInK itilrnus and to siircess, he acldecl n dlsregnrd of splf. a spoili'.ssncs.s of motive, a .sipady stibnilxslon to every public and private duly, wliirh thri'W lort’vor Into the shade the wholf- rrowd of

vulgar e.reiii.

"The obJCQl of lil.s reRard wa.s the whole coiintry. No p a i l nf it, wils rnough to fill hl.s enlarged patrlotl.sin, Hl.s love of Kinry. so far as ihiU may be .su|)|)'d to huve InfhU'nred him at all, ,spiirned rv<Tyililnc short ol cm- eral approbation. U wciiikl have Ix'on nolhlii): lo him that his partl.san.s or hi.'< favorites oui- numbercd, or outvoted, or ouimanaRod, or oulclamored those of o ther leaders.

"HLs [irliuniilc It u:us to act rl^ht, and to trust the peopli' for ,snpj>nrt: his principle It wa.'i not to follow the lead of .slnl.stor and selfish end-s, nor to rely on the lltlli- arts ol party delusion to obtain public .sancilon lor .such II Born (or hl.s counlry and miin- klnd, ho (lid not plve up to parly what was meant for mankind."

There. In the first I ’{lcni, a.s . n>n through the pciu'iratintJ mliid <>f Wehsti a model of polltlrnl v irtue whli-h no c could dominate or ronqiicr. We .should all do well to .study It honc.stly and carflu lly . !•' the 19-14 candidate whose intrlnslp qiialltl most closely re.semble de.scrlbed above can .safely be entrusted w llli (he Job nf Irjid- InR thl.s nation through the four trylnK ypars that arc ahead.

It Is, wc believe, as .•simple an that.

i'li'iiipiil-1 Ii.inii.illy 11- .1.1.Ill II «ua the parly i'.’ M. • Kliilry, Coolldup niid Hooiir. Tlie men ultm lir::i the br.iiich liUlucnrrd by ’Teddy" RfKweve!* ir.d "01(1 Bob" I-a rollellr. But It Ij doubUul whflhtr G. 0. 1*. foiUrlbulors «ii<l voI.'-k. iti r,? would go Drir,,-. ctiillc nnd thus help to rclii tnte the prc.'rut rcglxe mcrplv to -■ipllc thc.'O thiw.

.lilp jirDsi)It fr.r 1 P.-ii



G l.K N N S F K K I t V

1,1,'VN I.X.K orr ■

T A K IN G CHAN’CES'ITie armchair general staff has been hav-

Ing a greal lim e over th e battle for the Anzlo ./^^bc^ ihcad . W ith some b rilliant second gucss;

iHgTtnd-a-few m utters about the quality of allied leacier.ship, they have been pointing Just liow the Invaders should have cut the Via Appla and V ia Ca.slllna, Isolated the Ger­man forccs before Casslno, and executed an off-tnckle smash at Rom e.

Well, the allied com mand knew all tlmt. But It may be necos-sary. as well as obvious, to remind ourselves again that campaigns are not' won on paper. To borrow the title of Capt. Ralph Ingensoll’s book, the battle is the

.' payoH. I t’t a frnm eup. Objectives are ■"plotted, tactics arc m apped out. men and

material are conslgneci for their execution. . Then the commander.s hope the enemy .re­

acts according to plan. But they can ’t be sure.

The allied com mand gave the Salerno landing little better th a n a 50-50 chance of success when It was launched last fall, Pre-

^Hiumably the odds were no shorter for the operation. They have lo take chances, the way wars are won, and the way

are lost. B u t they m us t be taken.'Probably the allied commanders expectcd

,lhe German.s to pull m en out of the Gustav , .VJk'.e to fight the new landing. Instead, the ■ • rpBtJJtlon came from j io r th of the beach­

head, and.eveatually fro m ns far north as southerii-Fniiice and the Balkans, Doubtless th h ran contrary to a llied prognosis, as did the nails' stubborn defense of every foot of Italian soli, when they were cxpectcd to re­treat to the Po or beyond.

But nn enemy’s sudden odaptatlon to equally sudden moves docs not figure Into the grand strategy of th e armchair general staff. They leap ahead o f a new development, elick pins in the map a t points of ultimote

— objcctl^, and expcct nothing-8erious-to-tn-" terfere.

Before we w in, the a llied command may make some m ore "m istakes” to upset the armchair generais. B ut we don't th ink that they wll] look too serious i f we compare them with.the in tu itive fuehrer's classic blunders. The German army, fo r a l l Its toughness, is fitJU headed by the m ilita ry genius (and cx- corpoiiUI who though t th a t Britain could be

out b y bom bing clvHians; who th a t h is .Egyptian campaign could Ic ho helped p a l Mussolini ou t of a

Jam ; w ho ttaougbt to find a Russian army with obsolete g u iu a n d planes, end the

•ghosts of purged generals In com mand; who thought tha t Jap a n w ou ld tie America’s tu n ib coopletoly in the Pacific.

' I -


ol Ihe Frfiich people

f ihf bllterp.'<t dn>-. <

iil'lv. It InvDlvrd ft lu:

si-cl1i)ii of tiio cainini


In It.'elf a vivid world. & wondcr-hou'e of ( fi';i and .iky. the Mu;;tum of .S'sliirnl Hi.'too' 1; of our l»-5l iinrt RrcuK-sl utilvcnllio.v In o;;e inoltier It ro.ichr.s many iiilllloii.s of ir

llty Biid 11sltiindoru nrf~Tmiark«l>ltf.-IU-dlrccuir-i'-i*-juJl-!oM

prepn UUle of Us .vrvlce

•j llliuo Ihe aluinl of c lAl n

j. U h-L.

InjIrucUons nt)oi KCiiPles when ln.stninicnt.n nre dcflck'in or uimir./. 11 KlVM liUiruciioii in It provi.U-s exiiLii', ■'miMumetto.s." lor ilic IdfnilllcatiPii of races In i;;c w l and In the Pacific.

To till- »lr forcc Kround crcwi it furnL«:ie» lilv.'l.i'j of the viirloii-s typc.i of flyln.-, Ii cnd3 '•mu.seuf.i'i;,i • to Ounrtnlciinnl, New C;ili-donls. New Guinea aiU ihf MJIs that IlIuMralc nnd explain ni.ibrla. It 5I)rlMr 3 Information nboui drinking water. It telh atx)-.;: ly. phtu. Nearly M.OOO men In uulforai have htarj a sptclal courjic of lecturc.i at the Pbnet.irlum. •tu ai- mmt 24.000 linve teen Its shows for nothing.

.. ciirlou-"i servlfe fall.s lo the Miucum unthroroio- Rlst.v Relntivc.-i of foldlors bring mlfact* Ktit irom

and the Eouth Sen. Tile sflentbls say uhere thc.M! come from. Thereby the relailvi-s know In a sm- ernl way where their frlencl.s are. Some Joldler are tt'orklns for the Mtu-ioum In the field. eo'.Iectin; beetles, butterflies, bird .'ongj. You wouldn't t.*ilnk lhai the In.stltutlon dolns this extra wojk looks for* ward to a dccrctue of S150.000 lu Its income this je.vr.— Kew YotH Times,

DAMAGING PUBLIC PKOrERTY Just why some peoplt* tnke a moronic dellKht In liini-

aging property Is hard to expbln, m faei U ca.Tt be explained, but It happetis nover-the-leM. Jerome schcot buildings have had windows broken by vancials tt'.rov- ln(frocks.-bualnf-y houses hpve to be on constant svird to prevent wnnibri’dcstructlon and many tales oj ma­licious destruction are h«ird Irom time to time.

One of the prolccis which m.iny people vouKl like ) sec Is a public rest room. >ei one of the strunjui

deterrents ngaliul such a worlhj- faculty Is the vtU- laiown «ealtncs3 of Uic public to destroy and »«te. In support or this argument, we quote the foUovtn; ed­itorial from the Mlnldokn Cauiity Neva at Rupert. As you know, Rupert h u a splendid commumty buUttlc.; with rest rooms. recrcaUonal facilities . . . » rtaily fine buikilnB tor public use. yet read wbat hsppeas:

“City offldolj are quite dbturM orer the treita-.ent .Iven the re.'st rooms nnd other partt ol the elrle auii- torlum.Thcy look at tlic-clefnceU walls, the b«*ta jttU worit, marred doors nnd probablj- begin to doub; the wisdom of sucxh a bulldliig.

TTic damngc. it Is suspccted. Is done at nisht «hra. other parts of the building are unoccupied. Whr'Li'lt......... many people, both old and yourg. se 'm lodf-...... ^ dnmngtng public properl}'?'’—Jerome hath

1 aidslfeirt.


. r-V.-.wr oi' e tx-cvi Nile.v •, r:: LtRij Bp;iwa;: a H».-(. t.T. w./.T. htt'-.r.g tw:-. ci.s:r,v . rr,-.T Bu.s.'.rpU «r:irral h-vpi'

: T^r sfM.-c ria-s* ha.< s-e . s-v* ;0 J.v vMf.. aa fc-.-he.'tr

.T drvji.;

F»rra 1*v.r a,wv

:iy the grc^.


>-T-. ; ir Co:, .v.ian H. is !■Vj.1t hU' T'aTtnss, J

Ihf «;•>.C«'-;

I U-.UX i t f Kf ;tn ftere ..•ali. Ilf I mxth tie

3£vl » r i is r r .lv . Ciai.“-.:er c\: M:MTS. iHJe Ci.v. a:w.-«. ts h.- .

k c< «.%•??? «> »a SiJfnrJtp sack !ea'r :r\vn ;h MOfjCiNM: ' v.trte'* IraririJ o! tfte V. S r-.iw-.:>, c-irT-.-.-r«. T>f v->> r.T^ She kTrtvesi fr«n

o;:V.vr o.' a tteCA. CaZU, '»htt« nI-.c h.i.T^rc: a trurJnf.

,V«- <v-:=rLiru cr iVf «r. aai XI». H. A. GrohosSj• t ,' 5» cx-: tfT-ra fr.-i= Barley Ptto. 3 to thr;«t- "TT^s «-ii Ji.iTjf » the CsJrcital 4partai« .t.<ars c\tr—abI. T«:t: Fiilv «-h*Tf thw

Mr. GrohW'ky's itocfc b-i- rev

'...rf a fWe delixTr?ir .'a'.?, vc:i kr?*' hoa ev ar?>. When the hidA hn S the.*e wrnlO'.uht er.oufh of that rak* I PACh for a craft at it

crvx-.' b^n.flt. thU' tirre

pub:i.-lly for ou

—Farm 0*r>er


x-er.t of ■


,\s cu.%xn> ntc«_rai.nixs or ihs n3aES-NE >'s -ts-YtvKs .\c.a r o . st, w s , ~ te.\rs a g o . rra . sa. is i:

upcn£:tede=t >irj. JX = n ; ^ i* n-.M-iwt_________________ „ ihT.

• the CKv-ries-j cf t. # tc= i* tc.'c>.'c=» x»w held at t.“-.cM^cdar. .Ms? parsa «»tr Msssn.; Veii.-viiv; chxrrci, the Her, Oiarlej and SUrxe? SSr»3i-;c. ,5 leadlrj: tfte Mt.k-

52S-A" 5lU r^r. a s-a-.-Cij and jQf*stos barttc»e roi.-e.

----- . i j j tow jr » i» « th t*e fa-T:-Al Jcjea J= ?«~rpr=^.e BC^r Sandaj-. >»<!:=«

sentauca cf T i i« Sarac T.vC' ;ie rtriraJ we^twss.the l i i h a theta»r iu ; ' ______.... bole t»=s=s cl • 'tiif aer SmEJi cusJy »tal po;>.uco «r.d E»rv«; th* rx-vi la i i . center « I Main

. xrj Sh.-si.xie »=ret»at the I»err.r.ep«fon=iace cC ss<*a a^Su-ce; a c! XJ»* m B e « ihtr.ft

, um r.i»hi> UM)U«r> 1 a Ma.'A3 Ux a p sm in U xaod-

A- d-3t Ran-.- fi\o t.-.e toirf Cvi.-.-.:r.ltt<-

In the r-.ur\tfr tTS.'.‘teo’ J'icture ai the Icfiho. Rar.isay Ij the Ttctt-n Not that I ‘d rrwmmend anything k «lr->s>.:;c in rral UJe. Not me. I la a

■■—TTie Irfah Indian

NOT DELinvRATi:—n irr s t i l l GOOD TtST

Drir PotIn crvter that we may rio o',lr bit

!o mate j-our popular co:u.-na ftUl m.• re popular—dU >-our pn.->o: rrad- tT p'.irjvi?*;y re\Tr?« Gasoline Alley ar,3 Dixte D-.i|:aa Feb. 16 to ttnd If we wrre on the ic*?

Very cordul?,—SlBixT«n •( Jer«iD«

NAME. %TRY We can just iroactoe the t r v

hat;? our T-N compoMnggel If »n estate BoUce faae

rjfh as the cz e laTUcted oa :t.ic;j7»r back 0.-S the PblUdelpiil* Rec.%-d.

Thit lejraJ n«tlf« ececemed thi. ftstite oT the We Joseph WUUana KotcViep.'ki <also knoaTj as Is- r.atm$ Ko.'odjlepsit, Joseph WU- I1A.T.V Jownh Kc>:r<itiefwi». Ygwncy- Ko\-<l!ey>ti, lcr.atfi' K«C»2l«j-akl. IgnAjtiia Koloinerjtl. Ignatius Ko:o:l;:ep.<^ Xgnacr KoIodtleJsM vid !gnatt'.;s Ko:«±&eeU>.

By then the Itaotype o?et»tor wa.« che»tr.s »jp:na by the tsouai- f t i


P E G L E R ’ S A N G L EWASHI.NOTON—Welt prr^onnl-

Lv. I ih ln i 11 Li rather ctiny l)00l 10 mesa aroar.d in a man's pcMjnnl

liCC poUlltUn.v statesmen. Jurliu and }oumallMs last Sunday eve. nlng. Neither do I co^Aider U to be a cess that a man .<pe

the guessing range ol grx)g and mhatnot. < ornate druiWng in ; five h'jcis lor a lub »hL\ky for h!m.vell 1

irilcf nnd ba^t up the joint In con­cert with a crowd of obvloua bolo» rertalnly invltea watching.

Tlirre ts n dLMlnct contrast be- :-:tren Mr, s-’ield'.i New York thmg \r,rt hi.' ftill-Mte i)nper In Chicago r.illrd Tlie Sun. The Sun, wlUla not at all original. U well-edited and rea.'iniinblv decent, although '

I- deal e Mr. Pleld-i cc


ralh his pride lUid Joy. Incldtnl- Ih’, 11 Ls a matter of pacing ln> •leM that the ChlCBgo Dalb’ News 111 not ptibll'h plecfs critical of

niider who Mr. neU

n In my-red for generalme In the nfW5;'a|>er ua<mo-s.-.

which runs from the iMininer of IQ the dsie of thf.'e prtsent-s

and is falily co.-nparable In lt.-( method and tone lo the joumnlUin

Julius Strelcher, the liltlertnn r-balter. and Ch.irlle Co-.ishllns !# t>tm!t m<Lin.iiote,I adopter! M "rid

ter the 1; toppe. I for

ilriii); on the wnj- home nnd tl the iKir Inirotluci'd to Ham ft^h. nnd give It the business In such n way that you gel an Im- prfitlnn thnt they were plotting to turn th<* country o\-er to Hitler.

As I .snlJ. I believe Mr, Field wu within hJ.s rights In Rlvlnit his party, but If Tpm Olrdler..................

I Gni , or Tom . oiild lmv» )

ernnomlc roy.ilL U irTt nnrt walking up 'olrtler.A die In fnx- he whole thing wm



atnX thb Bay W — a

the Plce-'U welli hss often bern empha-uifd. But the pt\'duction ot 4.»0,Cirt» b>rre’.« a dsy tn 10 ds)-* can e<iuil the entile an- nu-il rutpiU of Rumania,

In tttv nnd one-half day,? «-ec\'uId Miis-lv the normal yeitly require­ment of Ital)', a manulscturtiig na­tion. Our per capita toivnimption Is «50 gallo-Ts: that cl Ru.«sla—the sec­ond greatest oU rountO'-iO gallon. .

re:rv'!euTn. In addition to provld-

^lll^«i~atld-houitilcM_hent«J. Ls n s»iurce of eth>l atohol. T»o-lhlrxly o: o;ir eoo.W tons of synthetic rub­ber L<< made of derivlues ax Is lour- fi:i-*-j of the hUb explosive ii.'ed in air bcwtss Crude all! be l.he ti.‘e of many new chrmlcalsuislancea after tishtu-.g stopji.

Sv-.-ne o: Uiese dc.-ti.mds aitl dl- mlhL«h 111 pe.uTtlme b'jt mhrr.-. like Jtocts rrq'.a'Uic'ned for avutjon. m.\y boom.

niCT.KTE-It ij doubtful ahrth- er the i-ugKcsted conduit from the Per<ian gulf to the Medilerranenn wiU be of much serclee In ihU w.-vr. It would tate three tiT.e.s Ioi-.r to cvn-'truct such a system .1,1 to lay a .similar one here. When the twrr.ty-jOx "Blf Inch" U romplfird. with an outlet m Pale-tme, tl-.p itrugglc irill prcbabJy have shllted to another sector.

Insiders believe the re.O purpose of the <5e.-a is to Introduce Uncle San a.s & partner in the oU bu.'ine.'f. All petioJetia twoincts In Russln are owT.ed by the Kremlin. Downing street, through title to a majority of s t« t In the Anglo-lranlan Oil com- P»ny. ts watit-deep In the Indvistry. Wa-vhlnstoti. by ftnanelnj the desert project.-eao <tlctat» certaLi sales pohcle&.

SCAND.U.S — UMt buslnc.-.' vtioro!isl,v oppose such control. Many economists, however, nmln- t:kia that the iSay has pissed for rrtvate <v5n»ratSon> to be entru-'tcd with the great affairs of cU. r\it>bcr. coppcr. «itUalne. Un. mercury and other oxtrseas wmicodlUei on which the Ufe ot thU nation tn&s depend.

They Mgue that hereafter the state *nd the Independent capital- 1st must cooperate In the fojeian Ueld: that tamonWa courn should

e ot ••or of coTtmmenl omershlp

b-T that there .<hou:tl be teamwork sooievhere Oetween the two tx~ tmam. E»d cueh ta antnftaait

with brlcht gtxssip. Tlie other de­voured every word and finally re­marked wLMfully. "Its sure rlsht

ittn lo ome ot her • »cck.t later when the fd In the frozen notih a rio.:en envelopes art- e lonely hill billy. Hlj so with hn;

ciircely real tod to hl.< psl, "I t folks buck home

II0SP1TAI.S-The mllltnry fo rtes,A .f ivie a -tjaby X-rny" or lm|irovf<l ' I fUiorocope. tihich not only locates

jn-onv-c-blti of.siccl embcddert In, wound.' but nko opernlcs n dcvlc* with cro.'^-hftirs that .«amps iodine ir.:\rklng.'5 In two plnee.i; a .'surKffin tjy ,'lglitlne along thr.'e ’ bcnch- mark” st.-iins find exactly where n forrlgn body Li hidden. It has p<i..ta-ar iM.vlljIlltie.'v for jural dti- trlcts liir from hospHiiLs.


Heno' Rlchcrt and Lea Green droic tr. Corvallis, Ore.. where they Jollied thvlr wlve.'s who have been vi.'iiing thclr parents. Mr. and Mr,». Walter Wlnnlford. Mrs. nicherl. who has b.-en suffering from ear trouble, will undergo an oi>erntlfln.. Tliey pinn lo return upon her re­covery.

Mrs, Arlo Kent Is Tliltlng her liiuband nt Kmmerer. Wyo. Her mother. Mrs. Alma Phillips. Rupert,W c.irlnK for the Kent children during thcJr mother’* absence.

Harold Moncur, wlio has Ijeen in tlie army for almost two years. U ypentllng n short furlough with his pnrenti. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Mon* ’


‘Orandtnn" Gamer recently cele­brated her 82nd birthday. . „

Donald P. Ncimstm. former w tleford rrsldeiit. has been promoted from flrrmnn first cla-vi to inacfiin- Jsts mate third class In the U. a

hare returned from the Wl» hospital and are stajlns at the home of her mother. Mr#. l«>

A son was bo«n Fe»>-VHS*- and MW. Etfbon McMuW « thi Fltalmmon* hospital tn Denrw,

Richard Charles Mayar leare* P*S! o f«- W u t to begin hU

TT*"P tralalBg.

Page 5: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical

, Fcbruaij- 22. 19-14 T IM E S-N E W S . T W IN FALLS. IDAH O Page F iv d

SPORTf r o :

C A G E T O U R N E Y S O P E N A T K I M B E R L Y , H A I L E Y T O N I G H T

F i v e S u b - D i s t r i c t

2 , 5 0 0 S e e G l o b e T r o t t e r s F u n

W a y t o 6 7 - 4 5 B a s k e t V i c t o r y

1 1 E v e n t s S e t f o r W e e kTtif“ first of the five MiiK'C Valley sul>-<listrii't liaskotball

loiirniiiiic'iits from which will como the oi(;lil or nine entrntit.s in the ( liiss R disiricl to iin io j’ to bo huKi m Wendell, will

The In

Blaine Tops War

Bond Sale QuotaFILER

Col. E. O. Wnlltr wUI conduct a Pnrlfic NnrthVirsI Qucnucy Breed­ers fiiilB nl Chcholls, WMh, AprU 27.

Mr. nnil Mrj. cinrcnce Edwftrda e II iio-liau fnmlly dinner party

:i-centtv honnrliij Pfc. Edwnrri Ed-

™,r s Toi

^Triumph Miners Win ISvo Games

Kjni to wltncis two bafkrlball gasiw in wlilch the Triumph Miners doin. »d the officers' tr«m of the Sun V»l. Ify nnvnl hnspltal. 44 to S3, and (htn defeated Carey. 47 to 40. Carl. »on of the officers' tenm. & fccjner University of Illinois star, itood c<it for his team.

JACK TO SreET DA^IS •E:W YORK. Feb. 33 «>-Prwno.

tfr Mike Jacobs announced today he had jlRned Benu Jack. New Ynik- Penmylvnnla UghtwelRht f ls i le champion from Augusta. Oa, and A1 Davis. Brookb’n weUer»-elsht. tor a 10-round bout tn Madison Square sardcn March 17.



I forW • H ID E S • PELTS

K • T A L L O W • BONESV Call us—We will lOso pajt e»3i»

for old, vortbles or And horses, wws. ah«o. boo-


► TvtB Falls 311; Goodl&f «7: Bvpert 55

^ IDAHO HIDE Ik & Tallow Co.

Hailey Skier 4th - In Alta Jumping

HAIUn-, rri.. i2-l<5 Out». Jr, M rr!urr,r\1 f:\-cn ihe ln*,erm>-'xm-

tain Ju:itor; held at .Mia. Utah, Hf the reprr.'enta- tlre frvxa Idxhcv «c.\i>ete.

In the cce3bi .e d tSo*nhlU ilaJom he pUeed wvrash aaj ta Jump, tar. fc«CTt{x.

IVnctr 5>in VaZlfy jiler* en- KvlRS the rxvj at Alta »ewOretchtn rrajit-. s. TwUeh and Otto U rs,

S P O T C A S HPw Dead or WorthlcM Horses.

Mules and Cows


ONION GROWERSWe Have a Limited Amount of

Imported Argentine



T in s S E E D D ID V E R Y W E L L IN




Many Othtti

*39 Dod^e Deluxe Fordnr Sedan

'40 Studcbaker Comm. Kordor

'40 Pontiac Deluxe 2D Sedan

'40 Ford Fordor Sedan

'40 Bulck Special Srdnn

•41 Bulck 8-50 Club Coupe

‘41 Dodse Luxury Liner Sedtva

•41 OldsTOOblle B-98 Sedan

,;41 Tontlae Torpedo Couiie

•39 Ford Deluxe Coupe

•40 fy>rd Deluxe TiKlor Sedan • ■41 Plj-mouth Convertible Coupe •40 Pontiac ConverUblo Ooupe

'M ChcT. Master Deluxe Coach



C L d t k iS d a t e /

FR ID A Y , FEB. 25 -B u y .. . o n d Sell

U S E D I M P L E M E N T Sat Magic Valley's second '

ARM IMPLEMEMT SALES po nso re d b y T . F . C . o f C . , V . S . D . A . IV ar B o a r d , T . F . I m p le m e n t D e a le rs

Ttil.1 dHte-Fcbrunry 25. 1944—'»lll be Important In Uio htslory of

our trnci. For on thnt date Kill be auembled thousands ot now

unused liniilement , farm maclilnery nnd tools In a elant publlo

auction sponsored by tiie Twin Palls Chnmber of Commerce, the

. U.S.D.A. War Board and the Tftin Fails Implement Dealers, Tlio

date Ifl ot turther Importance bccauao when these thousMids of ..

impIemcnU are redistrlbutz-d over our tract, Moglo Valley wUl

•gnln be In a position to produce a record breaking crop. Our

crops are lnii»rtnnt—and those crops demand tool* for produc­

tion. The second Magic Vftlley Farm Implement Sale gives hun.

dreds of farrocrs a eliiince to tecure those Implement#.

Bo If you have Idle, used Implements about your place bring them In-you'll receive n profitable return on them and you will make some other fsmjer s production Job a lot easier. The Food lor Victory program of our United 6tat«s needs your help.


1 0 : 0 0 A . M .



The wrller you easier will bo ' checking Uiem _day fti the WUUl_______ird SU S.—where Uis big ___to check tbem In. You are uised NOW!

jrou bring in your Implements tlia bo the tremendous Job of properl ■ em In. An ntlwdont Is on band eu

(•IB *1U IM W<1.' to bring Uum n .


Page 6: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical

Page S ix T IM E S - N E W S , T W IN FALLS, ID A H O

i f fO /H C C C C W r A I CS if W inipuid 3 (a lik d '

T»»*,«0T> _____ Tf..« -

r«»7r«cM. r»CL WlBlrml

HIEBTORTs K lltj nUhop to the tnburlian Icomr u brothtr, Den Graham, «nd I\li Pef. t» trcnpenilt frnm her .uddfn dlrenx from Collins Dlili .•rieallr ntcenuful 7 0 t in t U<r>rr. K lltr hkd rebelled wl>cn llii ' crrMlni lmporUnr« ot hl^ <■ m»d» him •ppMnnOj netlfel hrr. The flnt erenlne of licr ilay wllh the Orahamii ihr mr<l« rhulHrnl Mae MkcGreior an d hrn-ix-rkrd Randall Rraton and matcr< a with Ihftn both. Tr* U worrlrd eauMot Mac Heat d a j aflrrnonn provlilrs rirllm »nd lilt town ' . . ,

viir•■Oh Mnc,-

lently. "I found and pick It up chnnrr"

•"niBtlk J'OU, MliBflc

liuit nfglK cxnBRpnillnR I

Kitty prot would bf till MnR'K fyf mod.

RnnilMI J hi-<‘n Johniiy

•■No.’ wild

borty’.'tier MflpliiK llH' flr-'iiii'i

"Jolinm- «-ll rriitlK, lcn,"»Alrt Muk "Yn,, dnll."

"I know, bin I liojicii-Randnir* IriiiiDli'd . . .

Peg Ornlinm's eye. She dliln I blnmi; him fnr brliiK ril.itrf.'snt 13-yffr-ottl ,' on nlio bfJinvc/l nice s 12-ypnr-olil. She saw HniiUdll turn eompanlonnbly to Kitty mid the frown smooth out ns he llsicn-

••Vfrii.’' Rnirt Vlon, everybody coining wuii ii>: ntnlrestinff the frrl?"

•nie flrr hnd dwlnill"d to nnthhiR but a ««d llttlr hnlr In tlir Tomp­kins' root and n In thr sir. Tfir flrrnipn hcfnn fo Blow avny thrlr piirnphmijUii nnd Ml ipttcUmiictlc IhssHikIc luini; iivc-r ,tho-*C£nr. Pott prlvfil.'lv Ihminht 11

. hnvc brfn rII for tl'o t)-’Mtt IWJ Udd a ll drlttea otf on tlutr Bepnmle wny* hut .iho rrhottl Tini s general Snvltntlnn with fliiiKiil mr- rtlalliy. ThP iiRiitillv Indlfti-rrnl nnii-dftll. llWtnd of I,•turn? Mnu rtr.'t.ln Jor him, ncqulc.Hcod wlili cnllin^liisiii.

Back at the GrMiiims, Mm? Son- ten elbowed hrr hiubnnfl> im.w<r to Btn'» qiicstJon out of ttif «;i,v and ordered vip bf-er for him li of r>’e. Kitty hnd Rnthered PcR’a lilnl* thnt Muk wu.i md dmibl Iti thf rlRiit nbimc naiidnU mid rve, but Ihe also tlinuitlil Muk certnlnlv went about bclnR rlRlit in Itn' wroiia way , . . Ma« <vas bfUiK fevprL-hly bri«W, wtll Miic’s wllUiit: help, niin- ..................5 Kitty nboiitdnll tfllkw

"I s-onder b'Jj/iJ II If," thouRhtfully.

'•I tlioURhf T kn.••but ir* an plasivp .......

■'Wp're rp.stlrjix .viiib. Kli and I. rm lun."

"I'm not really, ' wiliJ Kijiy. -j m «urp ini not. Bin—"

•'You mtnn yoti could bp roiuent- •d U you found ttir rlnlit pliiri'? Dont JauRh, but think f

Page 7: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical

Tuesday, Kcbr^\ri- 22, 10-14 T IM E S - N E W S , T W IN FALLS. ID A H O Page Seven

f ' T j S i S S S I F I E D A D V E R T t S I N(; *'C h e c k i n g F a r m I m p l e m e n t s f o r F e b . 2 5 S a l e

Page 8: U. s. Attack on Jap Bases Spreads From Paramushiro To Rabaul; … · 2014. 12. 12. · Copt. Alfred Lee Clifton, 61. medical

Page E ig h t T IM ES-N EW S, T W IN FA LLS . ID A H O Tuesday, February 22. la 'll


K IR A W O O D SWABHINOTON. rcb. 22 U.Pi -

W. L. Clayton, nrnly ric.-'lRnnlMl •urpllW »r»r projicrty nrtmlnlslrn«ir, lodsy plaimtd Immctllat* *tej» lo make ftnUlnble lo clvlllniu Inerciis- InR lUrpuliiM of nmnurncHirfd Kootln und r«w hy th'- nrn-cd *ervlcp»-

Cl.yton will rrslcn cplMai.i itcreury of comniprcp lo liiKr o\rr the new assisnmciii Klvm him 'i-- twd»y by Wi\r MoblllrnlKm Dlrpr. lor Jamrn P. Hyriir.' i Ih- rn-iWTlltp M<'|> til ..iiitht *-mr and prwl-wiir rroiiivciMim progrnm dfvp|i>i>f(l l>y ilmianl M n«nich.

Dymr* nJ^o »nii<niiicp<l Mini nnt Ofn. FTonk T Hliira. (1lr<-i-t"r - t th« vetcrnn*' •<lmliil>lri\tlnn. ui'iilil be niudr

Both Promoted

rrfommrndrrt h\ por( Ho will h«vr nsruch rallril ilir aid' of ririiu'lilllratio

OWV Radar Teiliniciaii

liarns I'nimotion

T A X m U A T lS


| ( ^ a r e y S o l d i e r W i t h S t i l M c l l

I n C l o s e s t B r u s h W i t i i D e a t h

:Y, l-vt). 3J-Valiiiitli.i.- iKIilc'I.s. ^|llr and I!,

miillilfliali.r (ll.-.(rl.(

:.4(i,(Ki:;. nty uf iiciii'm

IMrlrl MZliJlH. Vi.I

. B'-IU'Viir. wllli .)< .-1 rlrrk, »,sn.V033:. O K p.oilluil. c)

n> ii.MtttM.L ni:RniOANwrnl ClilNESK FORCES

tlJlCAWNLl VAL,LEY, Diirmn, Feb. : 'Mpp Mild, oiip of llic Rrpftt«st Ob- lin k", rirr fiiorel by military I innl rlir lilr of I.Jciil.-Urii. Joficph V. .siil'»'‘il. coinmnndlJig Rcnernl • s in Chinn, ISiirmn, and

I hr \n. riiii AniiM lniii ciiinpulgn- r liiid 111.' '• brihli with death

,111.' (HI « lonely Jiiiidli: trnll In

u II Acrd'. rinlv tl>c murt suvmJ themI... til'- ilmr.f»lllii[[ »lirlls.

( arr> .M.-in In I'urljr

ii.i,;iiilrV' ••ilth Stllwcll were Mnf. YrrI Klilrl'lur, Lo.i Anacic.s; Cnpl.

K VoiinK. Honolulu: SKt. |lni;i:s. Ciirey. Idi\.: Pfc.

I'.l,. . .Iiniirr n,.k Purl:. 111.; S'Sftt. ■,,„i liisi, Wnil.suortli, O.: Darn ititu Siiik'nimrr liidlnn. nnd (hrre

w- >rrr ■i.ilHInK airing the Jutiglf

IK Kiund llkr

nil Srhiiiin

:hlng low neAin-ii


full .’ (iKi.v nIHi Ktr .iriiiy ;iJid iiiiw 'Pi)IU-v.miikliiK and siij>.TvMiii

ttlll be our onij msk. ' Clayton addlnif thnl hr Hoped to krrp ht new unit of the govenimrnl ‘ out o( the admlnlfirallvc end."

•Tlie nctuni work of < will be done by exl.uinR ngcnclcs," lie emphnxlied.

Mrs. Swceley New On Library Board

! ri'lition Entered I n I’arke Estate

Ih* underbriisli *ml I followed liln when lie scurried forward after Uie explo.ilon. A Kerund xhell tiLuec down. I fell flat Into the niiul, Stllwcll crciiithlnu law iiR« Ihs irnll, lioldlhK hb rurblnc clo,« be side him. TlirouRli Uie fnlje calm Stllwrl] railed out

"Over the Mill, over the hill.'We Rtartrd lo run foruftrrt, bem

low. Olsh and fjlnxh. who were InK the roliimii. dlM>p|>ei<rr(l dr

all drcInto a »vliie.

Or<lfreil flelreaCStllwrll irunched low tRnlii

mor>' Jihell.i rxplodrd Just off irall. We Mi.ried oiil nsaln. i „ over the rise of tlie urotinrt, i toiinij Slllwell slttlMK wllh hUi rui tween hi* leu*, and hl.s bark njaliiii the cm, Rrlnnhijt encoiirnRrm

-Were 'afe here," hr .uild. 'Iliiii

When the oUlcr- nrrl'cd. Hi eherked evrry man nnd ordered marrh Jiwlflly Iroin ih<* nroM

II Ky h

JKHO.'IK IKIV .MIVAMKSJEROMK. Fi ll. 22 -Mr, and Mrs.

Ctiarlp.s Miller, Jrroine, liiivn Irariird of Ihc advanrriiipnt cif llirir »>on, ChnrlM Everrll Miller, who Is now Hvliitlon niiirhlnbf*

I- Hr I iiK'd a

Mrs. Eseretl M Swrriev. S2R llHn' I,aktB boulevard, was nppoliiti'd t<i the city library- Uiard at Motidnv nlRht's meetlni! tif the TwUi Full*city cotmcll.

Mrs. Sweelry Uikrs thr plarr v»- c«te<l by the reslRi'allon of Mr Rilph Pink, which w»5 nrrrptert at l*»t wrrK'l mertlnc ’Pie irrm for whlrh she wm appoliitert rxplrr.sJun. 1. 1P4S,

1 1''AIK1'’1HM)

ihi' P M Ji-snr.'s tiimily m \

inovrd in F;ilrtti'lil nnd lo 1- pliivrd liv H .! MrHhi.

W l> .StiiKin Is M'liiMk- iii-

Pre.sKin. Ida, iirr vUlilnK ln-i trr. Mr' Frnnk liiirlon

"Fiwhlnn Vurs" nl S«celhrLir' Hklr—Ailr.


Mr. uid Mri. Alex Kerbs have rr> turned lo their home hi Washlncion after itpcndlnR tlie past week here. TTiey rftine lo sttend Itie funrrnl of their fttUier. OeorRe Krrtj'

Mr. and Mrj. Sparrim rr- tumed from & buslnrM trip lo Oaden. Utah.

■ IsllhlK hl.sCiipl. All


parents, in Millard, -sli liis been In Jrr

> '.’2 Priltlnii fi :i for

,i,i:. Ill tiif Mill of Clinrlotle I,. I’.iiki' u,n till'd in probftle court by Hull C. I'arkc. a •■.on of tlic dccea.sed,

l'r,iiik Parkr, her oilier son. wlio wn* nl.'o named In the will lui co- ndmliil.strnlor, hii.s wnlvtd his rights IL1 Mich due lo tlic fnct that he Is niiw re.'it<hiig In Long Beach, Cnllf., iinil rmiiloycd In neccMury wor work lo tthtrh lie niii.M return. He hn» ii'vii in Hi.lli’\ sliire (lie sudden



32R SeroniJ Ave- 8. I’honi: 51-U


and IN>iTAI.I..Vri()NS

Non AMilliibtf It

ABBOTTSI3:t <)llo^hl>nc Niirth






Joe Donaldson • Ihirse Sale Advertisement, Feb. 20

FEBRUARY 24W. A. Holiinson

Ailvfrli.-iomi'nl I ’d ). 2!

FEBRUARY 25Bip. pulillc iiuclidii M A(.IC V A IJ.K Y



Ailvi-rliscmcnl. Fell. 21

FKHRUARY 28W, I.. Hroun

AdM'rli.«iomvnt. Feb.


•• oiLii llmll IhU .(rr< llillni is mUoi astaa ulst > l-colamD l-l>ct

Philosophy froni Leaders

in our

Nation's History

G e o r g e W a s h i n g t o n s a i d :

‘ 'S lio iih l (he states rc jcc t this (’xrcllciil Coii-'^-liliilinii, the p ro ix ih ili-

t j! is th a t on o p p o r fu n i li/ w ill iicct’r o f/a iii o j je r to m ake a n o th e r

i n peace— (he n ex t w ill be d ra w n in b lo o d .”i n peace— (he n ex t w ill I

OcorRC WftshliiRton uttered word-s nfter slRtilns the CoasUtuUon on Sep­tember n . 1167. Today we celebnitc his blrthdnv nnd honor lilm a stntrsinan, biillrirr. soldlrr , , ncknowlrdK'-d

KrviM. brond taii.sed lo have prlnlcU the full text of Iho Constitution of the United Slates — thoiiMinds of you read It nnd tlio e llioiisandn can readily undrrMnnd

iirdirnn.stiltiti'I proKTiinn adhriinii t, IB ll«^rntly ll>' l)Akrr.i

u r v n riT K H -K RU K T FHo.M Vol K UKAI.KR

.# ''Vf:


L A T E W IN T E R or E A R L Y S P R IN Gt h e s e s t a p l e s w i l l s e e y o u t h r o u g h t h i s s e a s o n . . . a n d m a n y o t h e r s !

b»* I'”"

from O'*'






$ 4 4 9Binsle Blanket slse. 73xH Inches, .aoft Mill warm without velght. 70% OdUon. 33% r»yen, £% irool. Wlds satin Undlng on ends — Se.veral food .oolttra to chooM from.


FringedH E A D

S C A R F S49c - 98c

Solid colors ttllh conlni.sUits frinsc or pliild nnil print de^lRiis ~ Just tile thlnn for windy wccvthcr,

.Main tlnor Dry Goods Uepl,



$|^9(TLiirge blot;k pluld, .tingle, lOOCo v irg in wool blnn- ketfl. Sntin binding, y ilh double stitcliiiiR. As-

. .sorted colors.- /- > ---------




m .

Ladies' C oats$1475

A clean-up of liidie.s’ winter couts in herringbone.s

, and tweeds. Regular $19.75 nnd ?2-1.75 values, in

. size.s 10 to 38. rcpreseiil s iibslantiu l .sav­

ings for any buyer in this seu.^on — nnd other

• winter seasons to cotnc.

C h ild re n ’si •

Snow SuitsA truly hard-to-Kct item offered now in these - blue or brown snow suits for kiddies. They arc lined w ith zipper cuff and k n it wrist bunds. 60'/o cotton and -id',!! wool—

] f;re $10 .90 $ 1 2 .9 0 5j

’ iMutching d*1 O Q

] caps ........................................................ - v X » 0 * 7

“Goat” Leather

J A ^ E TA new brown "Ront' leather Jiicket, 21 inches long—nncde with mntchcd riu'on lining, button front, B1-s«1iir buck for comfort; belt buck; one top, two flop nnd two muff pockcLv Oood-Iooklng. .ser­viceable garment. In sires

* 1 3 ’ °BROW N (JOAT LE A T H E R . HUTTON. COAT-STYf.U GARMENT— Two ftap jiockets, belt back. -| r j Q A

30 inches long. Sizes 36 to '16......................... X. i • t / U

A new ahlpment of youne men's corduray pnnts. castor shade «J)8

A MAN’S HEAVY « R O W N MOLK SM ELL. SH EEP PELT LINED, .IG-IN. JA C KET . Pelt lo edge — leather around pocket-s an d button loops — jargc Las- k in I-amb collar — s lickcr interlined.

Sizc.s 36 to *18.............................................

Protect yourself a y a in s t the cold .spring winds.

Olher Sheep Lined Garmtnls St2.9<l and MD.90

n O Y S ’ SNO SLUTS — 100;;j wool, heavy wciRht, »- piece mnckinaw cloth. A n ini|>ortaiit item to help keep the boy’.i health. A ges-1, 6 and 8. A A

Priccd at ............................................................


2 2 .5 0


Idaho Department Store‘If It Isn’t Right, Bring It Back”
