
Adding Fractions

OverviewThis set of tutorials provides 11 examples of how to add fractions.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 1. In this example, two fractions with a common denominator are added. The sum is already in simplified form.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 2. In this example, two fractions with a common denominator are added. The sum needs to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 3. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. One denominator is a multiple of the other. The sum does not need simplification.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 4. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. One denominator is a multiple of the other. The sum needs to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 5. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. LCD is not one of the denominators. The sum does not need to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 6. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. LCD is not one of the denominators. The sum needs to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 7. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. The denominators are relatively prime. The sum does not need to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 8. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. The denominators are relatively prime. The sum needs to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 9. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. One of the denominators is a prime number. The sum does not need to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 10. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. One of the denominators is a prime number. The sum needs to be simplified.

Tutorial--Adding Fractions: Example 11. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are added. Both denominators are prime numbers. The sum does not need to be simplified.
